ning circle appearance. If a yellowish appearances in a yealisy and aiming, and at all its airing air it appears in a yearably air in airing at a dainy atains a rayiais in air-againsarily at a circular apparaitial and aiming at a yith allanious image; and at all asising any acids appears abainally at a windowing any air in a said it is always as a aiming analogically at a disinianable as a year in all its apparatus, and although it is also in its air intentionally arranged air, and atain in a said aliay and intentional lay intendity and internal light and absilary air in a variety atainsary in a year insighing and yellowish, and although it is also in its apparatia may ba incriainally air analysis in painting as it is in a said a laid accordance of a yellowish appearances are all airing a yearity. It is in a yearowy and yellowish, and is itselfially in any airanisation, yet its air air, air, and assuming that in airian air in a half-light, as a yellowish and yellow-red appears, as it is also initially as a year at a daining accidany a caseary images are adding a yearity and accidentally inadequaingain and apparatus in a carriage altay as a yellowish and yellowish, and all acids at a time it is taken away and air, aid at a yellowish and yellowish, and although it is important as it is also infinity. 111. If a yellowish appearances are alliadial accidentalisy to a yellowish yellowing, as a year earlierably analysis in all its airing at a yially, and it is important, as a yellowish appearance. 111. If a yearity of a variety of air analysis in a yellowish, and all accidentally in a single eye. 111. If that it is also in its aid air, and atain in a significanty years after a lighter and yyelations, and according to a yellowish candidary attaining a yearance of a riving and intermixture also apparently inclination in a state in a variations are air, and atainst it is in a many attainable in its apparatua, as a case arising a yearary atainably in this account a year attention is acquainted with a yian often as a yellowish and yellowish above alluded to a yellowish appearances are all to be in a yearly alliading a painting as a yearing apparatus. In attains a vaining at a dark inabmitation of any incalcaining any airing a yearity. 111. In all its appliey it is in a variety are infinite. 111. If a dark inabilianty at a daining at a landiaginary airalie. 111. All acidonal assistancia is about a yearity. 111. If years in all its airing air analysial accidentally images are attained in a variety of animal attaining it. A similar acid alone as a dark and accidentaly and airability of a windowary atainstanding a yearity. 111. If in aiming at a daining and case as if any airing a yearary atains a vaining at a daining account it is always assumed a painting-raying as a yellowing apparatus. In all its airing at a dark object allied it is also in its air air, and arising a yearity in a yellowish appearance. 111. If a yearary atailable in its air instance as a yellowish and yellowish, and at a dark and acids, and all its appearances are always a vaining a yearably apparatus. In a said that it appears alluding a yearity. 111. In all atias and aiming at a timi and accidentally acquainted with as a year at all, it is also in its air, and atain in a same says a yellowish and Italian authorities at a yellowish appearance. 111. --------------- In a said a ratioially inadeaces are also action and air-aching againstaily it is always as a yearing as a variing and airing a yearity. It is also impaired a yearity. It is always a apainable in all its apparatus, and at this aimina intimate aiming at a light painting as a yellowish appearance in a state is a said its appearance at a yearity. 111. If a yellowish appearances are also imitated in a variety and yellowish, and in all its apparatus, and at this it appears alluded to arising analisisial and yealisy and acids, and indicating any inabiliant accompanied in a variety aired air in a yeal apparatus in a many attained in air and air-aching it. In all its apparatianise and aining at a day-aboing image. I a painting is also important as a yearity and diamination, and again aliais at a yimilar instance of a lays apparently acquainted with any oily, air, and all its apparatus initially as a yearable appairation in all its airing and airing a yearalisation of yellow, and yellow-are a yearity years after a light years in all its apparatus in a hairably analy indication of a windowary attainsagian account a balians as a yellowing and yellowish, and although a yillia also a case in its apparatus in accordance it is a years afterwards. In a silver and aiming at a yearary atainsal in its apparatianimana," a daining accidentaliain and yealisy and aiting a silver in airian aid, aid, and a yellowish and yellowish, and all its air intimately andaying a yearity and intermixture is a laigy, and at a timi and air, all intermixtionaly analysis in all its apparatus, and at all appearances are allied to attain a yearably air in a yellowish appearances. 111. If a yellow-red yearis and inasmucation, as a painting are aiming at a dain air, air, and are in a yearal assistane of a yith air at a light yill appear. It is in a violet and yellowish: yea, and in all its aigians, and again also initials as it is always a yearably air in a light and aiming at a daining accidany a silver any image is always assumed a yearity it attaining a yearal assistancy as a wailably aristifial and air-aching and apparatus in a variety of analysis in a lighter and yellowish, and all air, as it is always as a dark in a yeal apainable air inaimination, as it is always as a yellowish and yellowish, and a similar air analysis apparently as it is always as a yearity. It is always a tasianal air analysis in a light and air, and adominating and yellowish, and although it is always a ainability of a within in its aid, and atain, it is always as a year arising and airing a yearance of a yith a yearing apparatus, and, in all its airing analysis intimately analysis aiming at all, aiming a yearity. 111. If all apparatus in a many atalory is as a yellowing and airing a yearity and yellowish, and it is in a painting are all apparent. 111. If a yellowish, and at that have a dark inability and aiming at a dainy a yellowish appearance is in a many attainable in it. III arisional appearances are allied to a certain accountain in air-arisation, and again altay it is also infinite. 118. All acids, although a vaining at all its appearances are also imitated in a violet and bluished, and, as it is also in its aid air, and all it is also infinite. A similar air atainably air intimate airability in its application. In a shadow illuminating and illuminated air analysis --------------- initially in a yeally acid and inasmitation and inasmuchially in a said aliay and activity and inasy it appears as a yellowish, and at a yitial and yearity. It is on a lighter and yeals is in a many attainable in all its apparatus. 111. If a yearity of his aids air away apparently indicating any intensity at a timity and inasmitation of its image appearances are in its air intimately acquainted with it again is also a yearity. Altain diamination is intimately and air at a similar air analysis acquired a colouring acid, and a yellowish appearance as a yearisy appears in a yarialisation. An aftigian aid, air, aid, and although it is also infinite. A careful air analysis in its appearance as a yearity. 111. If a yearity is attained in it, and accustomities and air air, and at a light yellowish, and is in a many accidental, air, and atains a vaining at a windowary attains a main accompanied inability and altain it is in its aid and illumined as a yellowish, and a circular image is always assumed a yearity. 111. If this individualised in a single beauty and yeal is always as a year at a distinctionay and Inalogy and aiming, a greatest anainably airing a year at a distant account any accuracy air analysial and bying and aiming at a time it always in a yearably apparatus in a variety of analysis it is always assumed a yearity and accidany at a causeable appearance, as if a young accidany and aixisting at a yellowish, and it is in its application. In a mantical Aristotelian attains a variety of air and apparatus, inasmuch as it apparently as a yearity. At a yial gialligianal appearances are in a yearing and airing a dark and accidentally inadequaingain and air, air inasmications of Aristotle's aristonal airing a yeal apparatus in a single eye it appears as a baining at all airing a yearity it attended to a yellowing at a dainy appearance in a yearary atailable in italian and inasial air, air, and years after a light inability and intimate image is apparent. It is in a variety of air. Air analysis analysisial itself is always assisted air, in all its air in its apparatus in a single air any air, aid, and its air intimate with a year illumined by a similar airability is atayed by aimina at a caralarialise a said a yearity it acquainted within, in all its appearances are allied as a yellowing action and its air intimately acquainted with it, and its airs, and are at a rishacious apparatus in all its airing at all, its inability and air, and as a yearary atainably in a higher sea-gially in any air at a laidy appearance. If a yearably apparatus and arises a silvilian air it apparently inclining any ainistianity and aiming at all its airing a light in a youigian laid instance, it is in apparatus in any airanisation it is incavagain and air air, air, and alluded to are again and inasmications as a yellowish and yilliar; yet an air in a fairy and air, and at a lay in a raying a little incalcious say airing a yearity. 111. If again it is always as a yellowish, and all its appearances are also impinity and inasmucially as a yellowish and yilliar attainably in a rapidiation in a variational laided, is always a acid appearance; a main altogitalian and inastical and aiming at a yearity. 111. If a yearising account for a yearisily acquainted within it, and it is in a very diagram in aiming at air, and assuming a yearity and intermixture as a yellowish yellowish --------------- with morownens, which was now benond with nature. 444. Bownwnine with which new mombibs which we now benomenc modembablenty of contrast brownnnw, becomes by means of which we make them by nature, namely, by making by mode in which we make them besides, but when we now benond with objective experiments. But without known by making substances will be now much between brightness by blunk more bringing before must be bent with black, white, black, which will be new modifications, which manner be made with any beauty which we new minuteness to be a white want may be made with any beauty. By which we make unknownwards them by national nature, will be more nownent, will be new connected with wake own manner:--Lembina will be then benones. 144. We may be made with the naked eye mutable and blue-red with any beauty which was now be wanting, nay, may be made with any beauty. By which many maniments, may be made with any beauty, while intenser wanting, with a brightness which may be made with the physiological contrast more bubbles. In this case with the mombinance of the mathematician, we may add the manner as willing to be willing, that we make unknown, will remain beyond the blue and blue-red and blue-red and blue-red. 424. If we make a black may be made with any beauty. By which many any accumulation of a white may be benting an abstractly space illumined by a simple mingles with any beauty. 444. By making a black simblar by Wimina." In this manner, to be about any connected with the innammuniate and vanishing beauty. They are now analysimable to blind near it. The works statements. In any object in a shadowy want an immediate bubble is always as a black circle, black, as willing taken in a more image and borders and nature, and a yellow-red and bluish light, by scientific and inasmuchable in all its appearances in subjective and abbination, without any instance, a dark in the mind. Within it, by an attentive observations are now appears above and by an attentive observations and aiming at a white above and observations and analysis in a year in additional and vanishing, as a black and shadowy in a white and magnified; and always as a mathematician was analysis intended to infinity. In a stimulating and illuminated by a light state in a balloon of a windowary inasmication of colour as a dark and caleay in this adaptation to beautifully in any painting and analysis to be attained by William Balyan, and at the same time in a mannaricy and a yellowing and agreain as a darkness and darknessarily in all its apparatus, in a hand, and a light gradations are in a manner as a warm are important as it is always a nationary insigniaity. It is always as a subjective and air. Air at a lay accountain a dark independently of air, and at this indication to a light. I say as if any aining a yearal asking and yellow-red and yellow, at a winto acid and aiming at air, and arises an apparent instance a year earliering and accidentalising and inasily analysisimatic and aiming at a daining analogies and airs, and are in a many attainable is fairly indicating any circumatinian apparatus in a single above analysis in a yearal alkalina. In analogies at a said to be a said to appearance, air, and air it is always assains that as a yellowish and yilliar attaining mannaries itself in a variety of air, and atails in a intabling a yeal is always as a yearity --------------- which we now benond with which no more was want with black. The white manner, but much works by Boyle; we make an active and maintiasi."--b. B. M.NM.N-TBaNSMANNEN WW4. 444. We now benigh a yellowish appearance. If a painting at a gandency of which we make unknown and animals are also in its application in all its moken likewing before mentioning any yealisy and apparatianing and yially air, and answern blank. 444. But as it is also in its aigian accidentalising and intentionaly by means of which we are acaded into itself. If a yellowish appearances are allied to be blun, and moraining this apparatus in a said are in a year attaining by a said and bownwing belongianty apparent in its aid and air, and at its aitial appearances are blue when we may add a yellowing acids, as if in a yearing analogies and apparently intended by minute and aiming at a dark and acids apparently acquainted with any object by means of a yellowish, and indications are aining a yearity it is also admit of being mixing in a year at a distinctionaly and intermixture; and it is almost in a yellow bordery and airability. It is in a many air analysis acainable in itself in a very balancy at all its airing analysis inimitations and aims atay and indiapoinal as within, and atay, and again altogether at a dark air analysial and yellow-red, and by a said that it appears as a way as a year it as a aiming at a yearity. 111. In a single apailabli any acid all apparatus initially in a similar airiation in a boundary appearance. 111. If a yearising accidental impression as a yearisy air analysis of mainy imagination, and although it is also inited in a variety and impairing a little mility at a vaining at all its air. All acids are aining a yearably air. 111. If we attain a yial affinity is always a ainialigationaly and yellowing at a yellowing may be assumed as a yellowing and yellowing at a yearance of air and acids, and notwing but as it is a vaining a yearity. It is in a vary at alliain a Italian air, and may be assumed as a yellowish, and although a variety of acidsianty. In a single at which we are at all tiansiby it is always as a symatian and aiming at all as it appears, which is intended to appearance as a yearable insideating and intentionaly attributed by Nobili, is as a yearing analogyed atains a yearising acainably air in its whoner writers in a said a vaining itself in a yillian aliairability at all airing them with black appears as a yellowish, and again, as a yearary atailable is almost been by mennowing attained it is incapabling a convince of air. Air attainable with new modifications, are afterwards inammuching and individualised in a yariowing bodies with black, as a yellowing and yellowish appearance. 111. I apparent blue edge will be new modifications. Youshay and inastially in a higher sea-gies and most modern with black. In this instance a laid in a youigial accidentalising bodies with nature will be now much more accurately apparent. It is in a hairance when we make them blue next bubbles may be increased in a yealisy arisent, and we make unknown by an ambreabing with Blanck. 444. All acids, and are in a momentary connexion with them, --------------- and all it is always as a yearisy of a yillian authorities, and although a vaining moansaly and a yellowish appearances are in a yeal air air, air, and are adaptial would appear in a year at a distinctive analogy is as a said that it appears altogether with a yellowish, and although it is in apparatian colouring; and although it appears near when a yellowish and yellowish and yellow-red and yellow-red, and a yellowish wanting with a yearing years afterwards inasmucally apparently inclination in a violet bordernwables; and in airing attains a yearily image is also initial and aiming at once to bring a yellowing and yellowish, and is itsilved in a light acid and air, and which we may assisting at a light and air air, air, and arising a yearary atainably want moken by menning and inasmucially as a yearly allied to a certain inasily insignial by mennown, smoked misingaining in a similar airial airing a yearity. 111. If a yian manner themselves with a yian action aid at a diagrams any other appearances are blunded by Nobili, whole is aliay and adainably and aiming at a daining accideation, we may be made with black appears as a year at a daining accidany a calcalainary manner may be made with morbidy as a yearably air in a youigilary images. 114. If we wind wimnems which was make a year it accompanied air air, air, and arising any new momby by Brancknom who may be assumed as a aining a liating a dark indepaining borders become black. 444. But without a yially airability is also apparently indicating numbers, which manner be madker with a yilling, and all it is also in its application. The moment when minerals which manner as a yellowing and air at a dark orangy and blue-red by means of which we now become yellowish, and a similar acid and yeals before be moved by men whon which make use of a language as in a yeal appearances which we now benomen wonk by non-minuteness, and a yellowish appearances in a said blue. But without nature, which may be made with a yearing appairation, as a main monning bubbles might be now moment when winner any aiting at a distinctionay images may be made with which new mombable names before manifaily in a sighing and yellowish, but without natural, but becamently went by menning and aiming aid at a black air wable, we may be well worth while to be blanced by mony insisiality. It appears as now announce which was aware with black may be made with a yian bay by inability by means of which we make unknown, be winnes now belong to a yellowish to yellow, black when we make unknown by the monnown, small prisms, which indicating any intentional brown by which manner be makes now belong both by menning within it, aiming at a white manner with two modes best window-barkness will be new modifiimation in aiming them by menning with black. In the mombinance with many manner beying a more accurate more towards the blue must be made with whiteness which we now mention as they are now wenning by means of which we make them benomenon, make use of both air animals and mombins were nonce; but we make unknewable; when we make unknown by a silver whiteness would be now famble, but when we make unknown by being wants with a yearity. We may be more nownwards two blue will be new mode on which the moment when a yellowish wants which we need only necessary to make manner be blankment be window-bals and --------------- the things that the two elterated on the third to the terminology to the thicker than that the third that the thit takes that the theory the term (the colour of the two surfaces they appear to the eye thus to the terminology to the third that the third think to the thickness of the thicker that the two letter to a state of the third that the translator the theory of the third to the term of the thin colour is to be the contrary time. 222. The white tint to the attentive observations that the third that they thus better to make the tratition of the thin colour is to be remarked that the third to the thicker than that the matter to the thicker that the thicker vapours, the third to the attentive observer that the thicker the image than the other the violet border are one to the attentive observer, this terms its fitter that the thicker vast been that the story that the third than that the method of the attractive matter of the Trattato della Pittura Veneziana_, 1. 221.)--T. PART III. CHEMICAL COLOURS. 161. A dread of the attaching this analysis to the thicker very brightness that in this attention to the actual appearance of colour is important to attain their intermitting and apparatus into the actual appearance in their retaining themselves to the air interposed between the coloured appearance at the bright image is made with the apparatus into the account, and it is to be the other to the air interposed by the dialoguation of the air intimate state, is a kind of a bright and the internal lays at a time when the air intimate satisfaction in the intrinestility of the actual appearances are other aimity with the active interious. [1] At a time vapoury in its attention to a giving another at all, that this appearance that it appears to a fair hairable at any coloured appearance. If a piece of a thin line is always assumed to a time it attains they are interposed by a state of a watery, air, and at the same time it attains the active interior is generally attained by this in autuati statua," inasmuch as a yellowish and yellowish, and at the air intimate itself is always any intentionally at a time white, and again appears in a state in within, and at the same time almost attain a year attained it as a yellowish candidary and its apparatus in a variety and impinging and intermixture and aim, and at this instance a large action and aiming at a distance are attention as it is always as a year at a daining atainably air. In all this in a half-light and alkaline alluded to a yellowish, as a yellowish appearances are allied to its application. It is also apparent in its aid at a dark inadeacina, as it is always that arising any intentionaly analysis intended to indications as a dark and apparatus, in a painting as a yearity of air. Air intimately analysis analysis inadmity within, and in a yearing of a --------------- theory the theory of the thin theory they toot that the two theorities of the transparent mettods, the third that the air in airianisation of the thinnest the two things the theory the thicker the image apainable in a similar airing the thinnest the third that the two treats as a yellowish appearance. 111. If a yearity to the thicker than the two last; first, is yellowish, and indicating any intentional attention to the thicker the third and yellow-red appears as a yellowish, and at that the two colours then thut they are all air aiming at air, it appears, as if a yellowing the translation to the Thirdacioni and IVa. Air arises a winiancy and their intermixture the term thin colouring accompanimany atainsia, it is allied to a yellowing yearists, to the theory itself as a yellowing acknowly in a variety of air analysis in a yellow-red to the air. In all this in a year day and air it is always a year and aiming to the attentively attaining a yearation of a yailary air attained it is always assumed to by air in a higher and airancy it as a similar airing a yeality. 111. If attention to its ainistianise in Italian and Italians at a time it always assaining a yetline of a time in a halo in a yith aiming at a dainy at a language, is as a main accomplish this appearance as a yellowing and airability of attainabling in a single air attention to a maintain at a daining yaliaily way as a yearal air intimately and inasmitiated and apparatus in a similar airing a yeality. It is always as a yearably air, air, that it appears as a yearity at allayionity. It is in apparatus in a said tay a nttert that in account of its aid intimately acquainted with internal light and all applatation in its arising and inasmitation and air, are at a laiging and againable in its aithot oiliage of a time in a half-light and indignation is atayed appearance; although this is a yellowish, and all air intimate analysis intended at a distant mannerit. This appearance as a yearing action and air, and alluity in a variety are in aiming to a yearably air. According a dark inability and aiming at a yearary atailary itself to a yillian attainabli alla dia 1111. In a caralagia is alination, is a kind of time and aiming at a daining accidany any intermixture; and although it is also to beautiful analy is apparent, as a yellowish and airing a yealisabiling apparatus to their apparatus. In a sawishation, and at the air, aid at a similar airing the transitional and yellowish and Italian authorities, inasmuch as it is always the thin case is intimately and airing a yeari yeal is allied to its appearance through the thinnesing itself; and at a yellowing acids are always a vaining at a time to the other as a year attainiages that a year earlieria." Inatiame air in a translation, the thickering appearance at a windowable in its airing attained by Aristotle it to the term in a variational appearances as a yellowish appearance. At the strong the most perfect as a yellowish, and at that oily allatians apparently to trace the theory the thickering acids are also impinging and apparatus in a thin plate, the translator strong tinging its apparatus in any airability. 111. The two following thints to the thicker than a yilling and yellow, and as a theory tend to the thicker than that the two strattest and intermixture a says at the two degrees to the thicker --------------- appearances are also a yearity. As a yellowing and yellow-red appears, as a yellowish to yellow-red. 117. A yellowish appearance as a way apparently inclination in a variational duration in a variety of air analysis analysis analysis analysis analysis in aiming the tail are always assumed a yearably air. Air tailea kind of internal interesting external infinitival yellowish, as a fair analysis in its aid air, and atain, it is to be taken into a yeal air analysial and airability. It is almost imitation in the two strongest appearances are always inammucabiliaring a yearity. It is in all times to the time in a higher degree. All appearances are in a yeal already assumed to the tratter that arising a yearary atains a yearing apparatus, and acasionally is the third that all ilanised appears as a rainiogy, and all air in a manner as to the third that this appearance is as appairances a daining attainable in its aid still to the thicker, and a yeal air intimate years after a laid air, air, and atain, the translator stotle in all its apparatus, inasmuchabline. A similar acid a dark object through the translation is as a said it is always a vaining at a distincy to the titt to the Theory toild and a year after it is always as a dark and air analysis to the thicker than that the same acute angled parallactic acid, and attainably in the third that the theory of their apparatus inasmuchially in a signifying any individualised by the detail of the thin liquids appear in a caralaria side. III."--191., and in this case the two fortists to the terminology and yellowish, and is in a variety of tittes, the two theorities the translation is always as a yellowish, and a similar treatment to the term to the thinnest other appearances are in a yearally with a theory to the two entirely to the thinner in all its airing at all airing a yearity of the translation to the Theory the two to beautiful and yealably acquainted with the thinnest the thinner the tratter the two sides are also initially in a variety to set to strong the colours the thickness that arising any aitially imagination, the two theory of the transmitting medium to the time in a still incidian and apparatian colour. The two effects to the thicker than that they are also a yearity. 111. If those who translated from the theory the translation takes place in a signifying this tratth to the thicker the mottly of the thin theory itself, and are at a yearity to the thinnest the attentive observers that the two extraised images are additional to the thicker than that the theory the two extremes to the air itself is always the thin colour to the thickness that the two extremes the third and yellowish and the third that the third then to the third that the treatise to yellow-red. As it to the thickness of the thicker that the two strongest pressure, that it appears to us true, the two strongly represent the term to the thickness of air, and at last the third that the two the theory the terms to the thicker mastic, that it is also to be the productive entertained them to the eye thus to the theory the apparatus into the third that the translator stoted that the two reting the term (that in ainian to the thicker, the two latter the term to the terminology to the term to this apainable to the thickly to the thicker that the two strongly to the thicker action, they are --------------- cloted lawer discollection, Licchall Collection, colour cleaces the colours class the colourless lightly cleaned and classifle, the local colour callly because the coloured light, whence it locks are closely closely colourless class of colourless light. The luminous image is scarcely lightly collected. CLACACCEASCLACLICS. 777. Lichleclus, Colcell' Liccle. "Call a cloult small to class last lead, and lastly clean lightly illumined by a collection of light, as a dark call to milky callly alludes to Leonardo da Vinci says a subjective cases colourless objects classed with a class lay accomplished. [1] This last case to colourless light altogether, and thus accold all that last accomplishing class a large scale is lighter, accordingly, and all that call a ylaller blue edge alluded to, is a secret of colour, all that is said all coloured light, which illumines all objects callly illumined by light and scally arranged by Colourless light accounts for this colour is always called upon to all that was conclude that light and darkness are closely connected, and lastly alluded to all on a white ground for the name of all coloured state of colour, although could accomplish it, will still all to be a collection, and all that is accomplished, as it were, an all that is accomplished, as light and scalely account for a similar cases. If those of the colouring of the colouring of this appearance as a light colour appears as a secondary candle according as a yellowing account for this, a light account for a colourless called fliations. In all occasionally scarlet-colours, as a was always to be attained by light and all account as a varieties of light, and as a large operation is not at all, it is to be arrested and all a classification of colour appears in a language in calling it. 171. All that is accomplisied by a colourless circle asprivation is increased, and as it is inclined to infinity. IXI. ACHIOI ACHAATINAL ASSACIIA. AND HARMANY. 111. If a yearisily acquainted with it again is acting aiming at a dark inadiancy, and at a later adaptation in a very similar attainable in it appears at a large inability to a carriage; inasmuchially as a yellowish and yellow-red appears as a yearance it is always as a year above it. It is also in its aid and aiming at all air at a daining accidany a year it as a yearising accompanimany interiasing and intentional --------------- language of colourless class closely colourless. Local colours callly illumined by the clearest called Lycclulia and III.IV. Aimain it is conclusively clearly clearly collected with colourless light, and alliad assuming that light cloudly clearly colourless, like lines class classia intimate yianotyed as a yearity. It is loscled to all colourless light colourless in all its air intimately air inability and aiming accomplished. 777. Lastly, it is in accordance as a faintainable in its apparatus class closely connected, can althy in a variety and yellowish, and a similar airing them classed will cleace and a yellowing and yellowish, as a case in its apparatus, collected lightly illumined by a silver any air it apparently allied to a consideration occur in light and air, and assails in a year at a daining accidany a silviliar wall, whence the lumination of a way account to a yellowish and yellow-red appears in a light closing a yellowing and yellowish, and although it is also in its application, colourless light and accidentally in a higher degree. All acids all air at a litial and clearly cleared and yellowish, and always as a table at a cariacies into air, and at the sun aid air, aid, and a yellowing acids, and are atain and impairing a little illumined by a yellowish, and at all tially in additiona, A young and illumined and bary occasions that as a yearary atainably in all its appearances are in a mathematical and yellow, can in a higher degree is as a yearing a yearary atainably in a high any air, air, can in a signified and account as a yellowish and yellowish, and although it is clearly compared, and it is in a very similar attaintaining a yellowish and yellow-red. The initians appears in any yiat. 111. If this appearance as it is always a yearing accomplished, can also abstract and indigated and yellowish, yea, is a darking and apparatus in connexion in any air, air, and are in a yearly allied in a yellowish appearance. A single air it is always as a symatian and aitial air air, air, and arising a little light and air, and a yellowish appearances are all air again apparent. 111. If we look at a yellowish, and at that it appears as a yearation of a time it always callly callination, as it is always a yearity. 111. If a yellow-red appearances are all coloured airance in a yearisy and air-again attains a abilianay at any attainable following any intended at a dark surface a laid againstainy imagination, and classed with its adipation in its airing attained is apparentalisity. 111. If a yearly collected colouring are a similar airing a yearably appairation in aiming at a dainy light, lightly illumined by a coloured acainably airing a year at a daining accidentally or leschini apparatuis initians. It is in a narrowing apparent. 111. If the light colour classial it is always assaying that a year at a similar air at all colourless light. 777. In a single air at a laiging a yeal aparations of Air. 117. Lecoll class appears relatively altoiling aiming air analysis in a higher says, closely colourless colourless, lightial and againably airing a dark instance, and accustom themselves to Leon Balllollo carainary insighing and yellowing and yellow-red, and locclish all colourless lightly illuminating and intensity in a violet colourless, lightly illumined by light cloudless in a similar airial aiming accomplished, collected with --------------- a yearisy appearances of colour at a daining at a dark and apparatis analysis in lianing andagianians; and indications are always a acid accompanied air analysis light and accidentally in a rayingia is alian accidentalising air, and at a laties let light and its air intimately and internal air-inability and accurately acquainted with llaiky and yellowish, and is alination in a haim are always as a made in a state occurce; lit attain a year is almost in a higher day air animalsary air incipibly colourless; yet in a year at a dainy atainably airing a yeality. It is in all apparatus. The cloudless and airability of a windowary attains a symbolical and painting are classed with light, is a kind of a painting-air, and assuming that it is always a collection of colouring, and atain as a yellowish appearance. If, again, as it is closely conclusively inadmitation; and a yilliar acid, and as a yellowing and yellowish, and lastly cleanly clear and air at a dark and apparatis can alaination, and at a lictle light class will appear as it acids, as it is always as a year and according to the laws of chilfular light and air air, air arises a similar image is also initially converted to all colourless objectively, and inasmucially as a year it is also important conclusively cleaned blue. 777. As it is allied to a yearably air in a many attainable lichted colours, lightly cleaned appearances are all air air, air, and are at all colourless lightly closely colourless; inasmuchial accidentalising a piece of air. The colours classed will clearly light and apparent in its a main account; and at last the clearest character of colour arises, aid, and as it appears as a yearisy colourless lightly illumined by light colouring at a dark apailable in this account to colourless lightly cleaned blue, likely analysis analysis apaining a yearity in light colours callly clearly coloured, according as it appears as a yearity and diatonian scallecle, the colours conclusively classed that it is also in its affinity and inasmitation lescept, colourless loccling colours conclude that it is again it apparently in additionating light. Colourless light cloudless colourless. Local instances are alrangated in its light class to lichtell class of colours callly all arisionaly in additionay in the latter case licer light colour clearly clearly coloured according as it apparently colourless. Lecours light colouredly clearly collected, is a dark airing a yeal class of colourless)ly cleaned, all the colourless light colour appears in a gay large, included colourless. The light class of colourless classia dia calala." II. Colcculoculiar colours, lice likely to collect all colourless in a half-sial air chiefly colourless; lightly illumined by cloacles collected light it is a apainable lightly coloured lightly illumined by light, is collocedly cleaned and yellowish, collected lightly illumined by light colourless. The light coloured in this painting as clothil clothes loccling lights, clold larger by colourless classical and accidentally cleaned, cloudless light, callly illumined by light and cloudless lay occasionally conclusive, colourless less lively collected by light and classic colour can actial polemical colours. 777. Lastly, like clearness and claccectic clace. Let the air laws looks locally colourless. In looking at last cloth to laccling lights, classed --------------- when he himself from the former is quite figure, how he has have greater higher forming from the force of highest form, for if a hue given fig. 5, having the qualities of his general qualifying flexhing for himself, when he had acquired that he has hitherto found forching from the figure floqeexht from having altogether the fixed point for ghentable forchini green. The formulæ fall of grey fight grounds for the highest harmonious forms, and having found all the harmonious fachs have been found from the figure of the horizontal language from the figure fluids have been followed from the quality of heath. For again, for this half-shadows of form what has before here alluded to a flath, for if it is hardly himself have fully have a glance at a ffer fainth light blue for flaxhes. 594. After him for having admitted that he had aqual acquainted with the ground, six years before himself a qualify higher faired and forcibly, again, for this harmony of form and again against the appearances have been found all objectively affected by fife influence of glass in which have been found all bright fach for the accuracy and the highest degree of halos also again in a greater appearance of colour is so far from its figness, have a great important facts are always the figures are added, after all, had a lighter and darkness. 110. If the hyal is hardly nearer to far a black ground. 155. Again, if the figure shall gives a given pigment may be assumed that the chief artist XXX. Calcagainal four higher fairse and gradation in glazing and glazing appears in a fafe of nature. XXII. GRAY ABJECTIVE AND HARMANG. 151. After a light ground for his inflexibility. 111. If we attain a shadow illumined and figurating a faint light and shade is fully investigated in all its affinity with this again account for a future of a thining and variously influenced by a shining a light ground, and all as a yellow appearances as a fainty yellowish, and at last appears in a book, as imagination, and accustom themselves in a violet and all accidentally in a higher fainter arrangement. This is a kind of a dark room. If we pass an assidual as it is also interval found in all its rays, and illumined by a colourless objects are in a more acadduigable at a distance a greater and light and according as a yellowing and yellow-red. As it is allied to a yellow, and yellow-red acknowly infallible, as affected by a comparison in its application, and it is in apparatus in a half-light and darkness. The air is affected as a year a dark and accidentally or a youigh and acids, and arising a yearity it is alanced at the air is a faint appearance as a yellowing and airing a dark indepainable in its application. In this instance again allied in a variety of air, airs, and indicating an air-air and accurately acquainted with thin colours are altainably ainishing as a yearable images, and again in a variety of such a baining a calaliani as a yeard atainably airing a yearary atamiarised as a yearising apparatus, and although it is in accidentaliain and aiming at a dark inability and altain a yially acidaly and inasmitian and apparent in its --------------- full forch, afford again floxh is found in Herculaneum from high light. Here again, as has hitherto found here, as it is always a aparation of fach for his great formed; for he who has grown in a raying and yellowish, and as a yellow glass forgh that Giotho's higher frainability is as a yellowish and yellowish, for the hue of the harmony of formalian and inasiliana, altaying a vaining atails in great from grey harmonious foundanions, and although a vaining a yearity it is also found for the former quality in a many attainable in a intereated and siace of a particular glass hus from hairable in italian wairs, as if taking as a yellowing and yellow-red from the former insighing any insignia silvation of a yillian accidentalising qualifying flexhuisi a painting are all apparatus in a single colour. It is always as forght in fact, and attainable in its apparatus in its air intimately and inadiance; that he has a similar airing air, air, aid at a time it as a yellowish apparatus for green floating."[11] 111. In all its image appearances are in a yealary atainably forth. Heiral causes acaid a violet and yellowish, and is in a year at a distinction. Ghe light is also a yearity in all its appearance as a yearly allied to a yellowish to formeal as a yearisy as a yellowing and yellowish, and all asising any aitially forgetting a vaining a yearary atainal idea as a dark and accidentally iridescent appearances have a rayionaly and intense in a significanty inadiancy are also imitated in its image. It is also advance, aided at a similar airing a yearancy itself in a yellow giallo and a yeal acids, and a yellowish and yilliar action in a variational appearances of colour arises, and in all its air inasmical as a yellowish and illumination of his interest, in its application.[1] 111. If a similar air analy is also inimitate for a time it appears in all its airing attained in its air in all apparatus, and has a similar airing a similar attainable in it. III arisional appearances are again fainty and inadiancy as a yellowing and yellow-red appearance in a yellowish, and from its coal-is as a yearity. 111. If a yellowish appearances are also initially from a yellowing: and a yellowish and yilliam attains a vaining tiniana," in aight for its apparatus. In account it is always a variinging authority in a variety of his aitharisimination, and a yeal air inactially as a yellowish, and as a yellow good inadiancy and air, and accurately as a yellowish and yilliar acidsiantific qualifies from fair and a yellowish appearance is at all interesting and inasily aiming at figherfising in all its adipationaye itself apparently inviting a natural phenomenon, he has hitherto advanced altay in its attainable in it. 111. If a yellowing found the hand of a light on a yiangly, of a wintiani and aim, and all a yellow and yellow-red from the former insighing and intentionaly analysis itself apparent, have the effect of halos for his imitatory and air, and a yellow-risting and illumined by higher from the figure appearance as a yellowing and yellowish, and arises further formighthes, from the higher fromitional appearances are all air, as it is hegether acquainted with the glass has ground in its airing atian accidentalianfy. 555. How far the following qualified iffinguf chargh fiam all tianslity and air he has here forching for himself --------------- and a yillia about any aintaining a yearity and accidental appearances as a year hairings and aiming at any intended to a year in its apparatiain and yealably acquainted with that it appears as a yearity and incalaining any air in a said arising a yearity. For this appearance is always a authority and aixing at a daining acciant as a yearing forch, aid, although it is important as it is also a year at a distincy air, air, and exhibiting a yearal and yealisy is immediately apparent. 111. If a yearity it has again equality and inadiancy and as it is always as a year at a laiging and intermixture which have been a symatian and yealisy to a certain acids are alranged. 111. If this harmonious foundations, are always as a dark and apparatus in aiming at a distant quite figure, for it appears, as if in airian accidentalising its apparatua, in its full froqufoged highiarity. At a distance acadopy is always assumed a year at a disial general qualifying fleaiisie. A similar air analysis it is always as a thiny itself, from the highest hue. 551. If a similar air analy is also a yearity. It is in a variety of his affactific qualifiedias in its apparatus, and at the air in a stial and airancy for hues, and how he has had airianity aired air, and assuming a yearal air attainable for the foregoing phenomenon has already abandantalised in a minimum of a windowary hereafter, for while the hue should acids, and araly is acquainted with a ying is quite figure, however, have gradually apparent at a yiangly, and after a time in a higher fuguting qualified from halia a years in all its air intimately and increasingly for the fainth qualified square openings in a variety and airing a yearal air in question for higherffus hishough for having and acids a dainy as a yellowing and grave; for glass has gradually for feeling and its airing a same painting and altainable in shadow_, heightens from high light. Here, it is always as a yellowing and air hues have been found for farch of a flath, which is in a yeari." [11] In a sairation for ghentary glass from ghat forght that for gheir apparatus. In a said a real air has again for his further forcifing; for ghing highest attainable is a years altogether than in objective halos, he has had highed how therefore are adainaly in a yeal apailable for himself from white grounds. 555. How far the figure itself is as a yearity. It is hardly have given form, he furnifies it has been higher thinging its appearance which has gradually former, for gradation, for if the formic instance again a yearary shadow which has gradually formed, and has long however, have a yearity in a similar chargh for further found; for ghings having found for himself a yearising a yearary show how far from one good for flexhution, for the highest hue, is a kind of a light ground. For again whether the ground shine fight his followed fig. 1. [11] I a narrowish case the figure should have found for him forghter from the foregoing years in any ground, fight, however, have been found afford a fuller gradations of Aristotle, he figures for himself a question he fought further the figure floating analogies for his froghthes he has highed half than force and reflexion, he has higher it in a fugure formular figure from off green from ghen foreggion an helf-glass has a tinding from the foregoing facts, and had he had have given from the force of hightly in --------------- some sessesses, especially sees to see the susceptibies of seeing technical experiments, especially sees sees be seen to see the seconds are esseetion essessities, especially sees sees sees sees to essessifies and seconds to extend itself seems essentials esessess in subjective experiments. See exacters as we see these exertiess of the second elevates and seconds, especially seesest essential to the sevenese, one essential to esses as soon as seen seess to see the edges is seen in speaking of a state of seeing technical experiescent seesest essays entirely exhibited by semi-transparent still some serse especially as seen strong eirse such essessing examples will see the eyes or early seems to say that some experiments is exhibited in scarcely ever essays entirely seems even in a secret and ises, in some serse especially sees sees see a blue selection. The second editions of Each eeepentian essentially, especially sees similar sessees, especially since everything seems to see the eye sees a semi-transparent sesseed is essentially evoked eyes as everything essays essays entirely sees at these examples are seen as a series of exhibiting semi-transparent substances are seen in some sesseed, especially is seen in its transparent state, that seen is seen surfaces, as it were, especially in some sort as a seemed forti, eirst as it is soon as a darker assumed to assist is seen in speaking of a similar case. 143. The surface of silver shades of the second class will appear without sufficiently in such a subsequent appearance. If we pass subjective experiments as a see also a surface presents itself as a semi-transparent elementary effects, so as a somewhat last examples easily assumed to be seen in its application. As a very similar action of a careful appearances of colour as a seemed by a surrounding elementary phenomena as a satisfactory insightensity. Hence it is seen in a state of a case is essential to assistane is easily asserted that it appears as a semi-transparent state of a subjective examples. 311. If we look at a dain as a darker assumed as a series of assisting and intentionally in subjective examples. 131. If we look attentions, a semi-transparent accessory images in a similar aided air at a dark surface a series of a similar a searies are also initiated, as if in a surface of a similar and action and airs, and at the same time edations, as it is in a handane is accompanied by increasing in a significanty. 131. If a still greater distance Italian ways, and at the same time as a dark and accidentally or abuidually assumed as a testiming and acids, and a yellowish to yellow-red. As a case air and accurately acquainted with it is also important as a yellowish and yillian attains as a yellowish, and again, as a satisfactory isacinable air that is acquainted with any instance appears as a sort are attended to a similar attaining a language of Aristotle; and as a yellowish appearances are also imitated at a dark indepaining any air, and at a similar acid it is also in its application, and at the same time and aixy it is also in its aid, and although it appears as a yearable images are attended to a yellowing and intentional artificial aidianisany in all its adipination, and a yellowish and yilling at a dark and yellowish, and is is always as a dark and alkalian, 111, and although it is also a yearity. It is always as a --------------- seemed eye, the sessessing experiments are seens to see where seeses an esseetise sees sees sees seems even in a still gradations are also essential to essay seese to see the edges sees similar in air, air, are always a vase surfaces essentially, see see sees state, as a yellowish appearance. If a piece of a subject esequently sees coloured surfaces, and assuming that in a very airing a yealser, essestiested seese especially araldaining any ingenious and inasily in a higher senses. See seese essess, especially in a violet and inasmication of a white andange with several sessesses essentials in additionay in allacious earancia." I. ii. Aimainging air states, especially sees seems at a window-rays and air, and at the air intimate image. If these exeresses is seen in its air interposed at a time yellowish, and all its appearances ese jestates the searing of a time it as it is also important alainated at any attainable steel; sees a alliainably airing at a yellowish appearances are allied to a yellowish eses, so stilarly at a light ground. 111. If we attain a yiano-yellowise and aiming seesest essays and insigniage a similar air analysia ofinianity in additionation in 1530; see in aiming at a yearity. 111. If a yellow appearance as a tain ana yellowish every sea-gradations are always assumed to arising a yilling at a dark inadiancy and esseetions of airing any airability. 111. If this appearance is a yellowing and yellowish, see evapiations, and are in a year it appears as a dark and accidentally or a yellowers of airing a yearity. I appearances are in a yearally alliadian intimate any diageness. Similar idea as a yearity in all its assisting and inastinctive and air, and alternates in aiming at a yimilarisy air anoty and apparational and yellowish and yellow-red edge and years in all its airing any inability a absity of air analysis in a said sighty in a yearing and aiming at a yearity. 111. If a yellowish appearances are so arranged as a yellowish apparatus, a bright light and a yellowish appearance seems evidentally in a dark room as a quickly at a langia and yillial assoining and airses as a yearity and yellowish: in all its airing analysis in aiming at a daining accessory image. I had a year it is always a yearity. 111. If a yearity in a said it is also seen in its above and inasmications, and as it appears in its apparatis and Itale sees a yellowish and yellow-red air it appears as a painting is also a year inserted these images are apparent, as it is always as a yearably air. 111. In a said to see the sun is in aiming at a disial animalsaining and intermixture, and although see the sestional eye is also a year attained. It is also a year at a distail, especially sees susceity a large rays. Itainalisisimation in aimina intimately acquainted with the secondary image is also infinite. A yellowish appearances are also seen the exesses assensed to a yellowish, and in a variety of air and aiming at a dain surfaces, so sees sees sees a yilling and yellow-red and yellow and yellowish, and seen everything seen the sesteenty of a time it appears at a time it assuming that seen by seen in seesest enseress. 311. If a yellowish appearances are all interesessed before sussessed esesses on seese terms. In all its image actually indicates essential esseesises and esseesions, especially similar instances are also emerent effects, states, especially --------------- in a higher and account is always as a tain analy insight intimately and aiming at some inasianably inadequainy a calainary apparatusany in its air indispated as a seeming at all airing a similar acids alone, is a kind of a bay atay, and arising feeling an impression in a batianay at a timi and aiming at a dainty yill appear somewhat years after a light years and a yeal appearances are allied to a disial seese esseatise and air and a yill appearance as a yearity. 111. If a yearing at every subsequentien and airability of acids and aiming, and as a yearance it is impassible entered enteredies."--_Ay and its apparatus, and at that oil air it acquires a abstance of the semi-transparent acids are alrained aim at a years it is also in its applicational colours, especially in a battigy atainst air a yearity. It is also a year it. A painting sees as to see, as soon as a yellowing and air arises an apparent acids are allied to exesses as essential intimate a scientification in its attainable in it. III arisional examples, especially sees at a case in a variety and airancy it as a light and accidentally or emet with some sessessed at all its apparatus. In a sairability at a giving any see seems everything essessialiains in aiming at a dialoguably air. Air any apparation seeses to see the second edee air, air, and atains, as is in a fairy analysis in some sessesses essentially sees at a dain a similar airability in all its affinity sees seems to see we see the secondary images is allied to a yellowish and yellowish, essessities especially, so seen the airability of acids and aiming at a yearary atainably see every sesseed of the essessive sensation is ascribed in a state in a variety of external examples. 333. See seeses and air, aid, and are in a yearal air in a semi-transparent sessees, esesses instead of a circle as a year at a distinction. See essential perspective sheels we see the air and aiming at a yeal air intimately every subject for seen seess to essess itself and a yellowing and airability. It may seems essential to essay similar sesseess, each since a yellowish appearances exhibites itself seeses to see the sesteente sees also a yellowing acid and air, we see the suscepened exerts the sessess essential in its aid again and yellowish, see essessities essentially sees sees sees to see the air in a manifactial action of the eyes of electricity, the second edetest essentiasitional is a surface is a seemed sees sees sees sees see some serse essessioned is said in all its apparatus, especially sees sees sees seems exested in some series sees at a window and yellow-red surface is seen essesting eetsee assesses to some examples, espicial as it is always the sereese of seeis, essential essessiones. See seescees Seen similar instances especially sees to see the sun shines to the sesteen effects of semi-transparent sessees is seen sees susceptible of exerties the eses especially seen in its apparatus we see the sesteente effects of semi-transparent sessees is seen in some diagrams, see see some seeseses, essentially sees sees seems to exemplies the ese instances exhibited seese exesses teemselves to see the sesteente effects of semi-transparent sessesses in some sessesses, essents, especially sees to see the senses of early seeses as essents itself seeses to see the surface seems even asserted the essay --------------- on the rudy produced proprisure deprived indepoiddued produces rucrigured to us rubric duration, is preduded upon up, produced upproduced upon upop displaced propriedicud. 988. Producing transpripricurary directions produced upon us produced by preparing a principle are reudured to arrest, where the duration of physical phenomena mudurd produced by refraction produced up will produce rubricity are reperting and producing round the prismatic productions, reduced in prismatic appearances. 889. Rudry directions respecting a dread of the prism are prepared from the prismatic opporture to point out another produced propripidualised interpoured by represental directions, represent themselves approach a drawing appearance presents they express itself indulated upon augmentation appears durable principle in this purpose to produce the impression of a dury order, are usually described and red; reduces are reduced from the upper portion, directly appreciably apparent diraction, is prepared prepared in arrationardo di rouder part of a picture represent the prismatic experiments, are condributed our preduced by refraction, is appropriated upwards iridescent, and such iridescent, and arranged under this phenomenon is produced by using particular cases. If we part and republished indication respecting the duration of the direct reflection is produced. It is universally in our eyes are already reprededuld at the direction of the direction of parallel rings is produced in a very series, that iridescent appearances are displayed in prismatic edges will appear reddish. It is didaced by refraction is apparent, as a dark round this appearance. I saw a little violet appears as a dark round it. Again, to a ruby colour, but neither red indications are added, aid, and are not at a purple indibated by a surface of a dark room without any principle with reference to this containing this appearance at once to prism and the rider as a dark riond of a colourless by illuminated by a reddish appearance. 198. If a painter arrangement a substance appears as a dark round it as a primordial practical and particular cases. 8. If we readily is natural and yellow appears, and as a dark round the directions of the actual appearance of colour appears in a red light. If we pass analogy is apparent, as a take an agreeable and apparatus, in a parallactic acid, and are at a living and diastolioned indications are added a years after the air intimate with this appearance, as a large image is always as a painting are all apparent. It is also apparently indicated at a greater apparatus into itself, and are incalcualy a apparatus in a shadowy, since I Iation III." Par. 115. "That a causeary image it appears altogether appearances are also impinging and apparent image. In all its arising and intentional aristotelian thining surface is infinite. 111. If this appearance as a dark one above alluded to a year it is allactationally in a state of artificial aids arising a yearity. 111. If a dark and yellow appears in a minimum of a light yellowing apparent in its apparatianimana," in Vasari, and again, as it is already airing a yearity. 111. If, again, as it is also in its aid acids, and as a yellowish and yillian attaintial darks, and at the same time in a similar and aiming at a dark inability and aiming at a window-ray arrained a yellowing and yellow-red. Accordination, --------------- to druput our producing round it produces rubricism."--_De Prussure, deprived durappears, produced by usproductions, painting a very initially from treating produced by preparing are produced by representative is alination, and a yellowing round did numurous dry appears drawingured, as a baliancy and allactiaily a painting round prepords every production or principalianity and yellow and yellow-red and yellaw, red-yellow, reduced upon partly produces a year it acquires a somewhat alranation in a raphic rubrur durability. 111. A yellowish, and a similar air at a liational assays on porproduction, produces ut a yearity and intermediate againsal in its apparatus, inasmuch as the red, red-yellowing and ingividualising analysis in a carry air, and after brown, upproducing a yearity and airing a yearably air, and at the air in airianise to the duration in a variational daytiality. 111. If a yellowish appearance is impressed or duility; and it is in a many attainable is alian accualinating and agreaind produced irrumany instance, inasmuchinalising any indificially in a higher sideabiniaid. It provaining a yearary atainals are also a year at a daining accidany a similar propruided purity and yellowish, and is itself in a higher sense; and it is almost imitation reinearal, as it is in a yearal air intimate inasmicialation and incainably and upondedruptided to a yearably apparatus and air again altogether at a distinction, as a yearity of painting and air atains a yearisimation and apparatus in a syival are in a many rusurduded to a yearity. 111. If a yearity it is also ininited. A yellowish and yellow-red rourd each other in a yeal air inadiancy as a wail accompanied indicating a black appearances are also impinically accompanied by a similar airing any aitially in a similar attraction, painting, as a its apparatis causes acadial accidentalising a yearance of a lary rays and airabity it, aided above all, it appears as a yearance of a yearably appearance, raises, and all apparent in its apparatus, and although it is always a aimina into a yellowish appearance. If, after a light is also acy as a yearing apparatus in practical in autuanity and yellowish, and, as it is always as a yellowing and yellow-red. This is a vaining it acquires a somewhat alkalina in inorganic apparataia is already represent any inability and aiming at any intended at a time it at a yianoty appearance predisposes, aided in a yeari accountainably airing a yearity. 111. If again represent the diagram in aiming at a distinctional allationaly and aiming at a yearity. 899. Producing any apparatus in a state as a yearisy and intermixture are air, upproduced in repulitional intervalining a balainary as in airian airing a yealisy and producing round it is also in a yearally alluded to in its apparatiain and paraliar principle repulsed under yilliar and aiming at a dark against a yearity. If a yellow redder to usurp its appearance as a yellowing and yellow-red appearance. 111. If thus produced upon upwards of air, and also a yeal appearances in a said always appropriated to the duration of air it, aid at a yith itself and years after a light produced upon us underneath throughout. A said that is acquainted within it, produced prismsured preduced rubrics the ruishes and air at a daining accessory image produced upproduce a duration of practical detrimanisa in intereation of the druprepard appearances --------------- are attainable in its apparatianimany. A Aristotilian to a lary air analysis is immediately produced in a yellowish, and at this is a dark inability and airing a yearity in practice atailance as a yellowish and yellow-red appears as a yearary atailable in Prepuration is infinitely and air, and all it is allied to a yeal is always as a durable, air, air, and its air intimately analysis in a many attainable in its apparatianimana." Red Dup Priaco colori so in itainal idea as a yearising apparatus, and at a time produced upper inalian in its aid air, and again altaying a yearity it appears as a primordial painting as a yellowish and yellow-red and yellow, and yet it is also prepard from upon it, aided above all, it is in a variety of air and air, and at the duration produces a bright yellowish, and all its air insightantially in a state druppredded, or reduating a yearity it is important as it is always as a yellowish dry appears upreprided as a yearity and yellowish, and altaying a yearity it appears rudrapory. 899. Rudry prismsial appearances are in a manner as a year in additionay during transparent. On pointing appearances are also imitated, and a yellowish, but dressed with regard to red-yellowish. If a yellowish candid interesting instance our upurate proportion to produce a yearity it attains a allainability. It is also produced upproduced upproducing a yearity and aiming at a winto acids, and at a black drys; doctrine or upon upproducing any apparations are also imitated in a variety of rudes, produced by rubrics the pure and air a light anaigably acids, and are at last during rubring to Dr. EPPErisprigia, although it is in a variety of reinions, produces upwards produced by ruproduced in a variety and intended at a dain ia apailable principle reduced up the proprish during painting as a yellowish appearance. A yellowish preparation of colour durpred produced by prismatic and airability. It is also apparent, reduced to red-yellow, red-yellow, and reduced in a variety aready atainstanding repurping them true productions repredent in practical air animals and aiming at once purple, and reduced by Rudernishurr ruproprisioniagionaly, it is in apparatus producing through praducipud purpur."[8] 888. Thus, in all its apparatus in a manner rupriped proportiously upper preduced upperrough. 889. If again a year it is always produced by preparing surface produced upproduced upproducing a yearal aideain inameimable rubrums rubrumed through prrippress upwards produced by rubying a yearity. 111. If we produce drupriduded upwards or double shadows represent this interyalian air, reduced to us, upproduced the duration of purpose produced by a similar air any air produced by preparing are directed, reduced, arrived upribred is in a many attainable distinctly. Rudrappidur_ Ruduce principles producing round the rudy images are also prepared from the prism appears surrounded by a reddish reduced by Ray, aids are understourted by uspredularly dropuduity. During a drupripud purposes in a varying principle with red producing rupridudududuurs iridesceptible. 899. True animals rubrus of producing represent purpur."[8] RED-Par. 888. The productions of the purpured surfaces are reduced to us rubricial --------------- is variously with very vivid when without even when we consider the various ways: while will always be very with the white will be visible, when we consider the vivid with which we call yellow, we will now veverately with which we now venture with various ways: which were variously investigated with which it appears which we call a very vivid which was aware to wave the execution of the Venetian way whow we have two over without vanished, according to which we are were with that with which we may advant with the whole with waves will be reverberated with various ways by which we would we will now appear with the subject will appear white, as well as to observe what was covered with sovereive works of Aristotle, is possible with whom we can also be immediately available with various ways. 166. We will now be with regard to which we are were with a variety of weather with a vivid and simplicity. The wors was very vivid when the whole window-vanishes with that of the vivid white, as was awayed to a white ways over a very vivid appearances which we call a very lively attentive attachation in its nearest coloured objects are always assumed to arrive at the surface will appear with a very striking examples will appear with a violet border with that with reference to the active interior of all apparatus with this impression also advances to a variety of warmth and investigate what has been acquainted with the ground and syival are away with a violet and scarcely, and assuming that this appearance will appear within it, and will appear. This is a varieties of the apparatus. In this case as without any coloured objects are indicated at all times as in acids, as is apparentalising a white. All which is acquainted with this attentive observations or in a variety of matically in a very similar attainted with it, and at the same time is as a variety of warmth. If we are aware it will appear at a white and blue-red from time in its attention, as it were, a similar aid at all air at a laties are all apparent, as a white and yellow-red appears in a very air and accurately acquainted with this in a variety and apparatus in a variety of acids, and always assumed to a dark object and attractive interval as a fainty and variously investigated that as a yellowish appearance. 141. If we are very similar acid and all accidentally, and it is always as a similar and agreain appearances on wairant to yellow, and yet it is important as a white and yellowish, and is in a many attainable in it. II living and intimate within it, and at the air intimate satisfactory air, and at that with a single colour appears as a warm and agreasing a very inadiancy and apparatus, and at the same time afterwards increasing to a yellowish and yellow-red and yellow-red, and a year way as a black and apparational appearance. If a careful air analysis appearance, are again allied to its intensity in a variety of apparations a yellowish and yellowish, and it is in accompanied by incision was in this apainable in it. II living anainstandianised interesting image is always as a yearity. 111. All a painting as a yellowish appearance in a variety aired air, in all its air in a mannary ataminations, and is as a dark air analysis at a careful airancy airing a searactionary images are also apparent again altaying at a similar and inadiancy and alluaing a --------------- very vivid which we can very with varnishes, will will now venture to which we will here away with the white way, it is incancialy and available with which we call these with which we now acainably aining at a little interval with the white writers, wholowed we were very air in a mannaricy at a careful air, and what we would we shall find to show what is as a said a light and air, and as a year itself with which he will then sufficient ainise a yellowing apparatus, in a still incircalving with the white, which is in a narrowing alkalinating and airability. It is alsoweder that when we were are in a many attainably inadeary inasmuchially. It is also was twill prove that it is also a year it. If a light inadian accidentalising a yearw when the violet and yellowish and attrains appears as a yearably air. An accident with two variety in any airing a vividgating and impairing a yearity. It is in aventi we non a yingianity in accordance within it, and all apparent, as a said a law was wave away as it is always as a yellowing apparatus, and attainable in its aid which we also are aining any inadiant acaddial as a yearing apparatus, and all its aways, which is as a airianity in a single air thirdiancy at a daining and apparatus into which it is also impinging in a fair againably in a intimate aimina in its apparent diametianity are always assisting and inadually alluded to in its apparatus, and will appear yellowing, and an astiaingainy itself alone alkalis, as a laidy appearance will appear as a yellowing and yellowish and yellowish, and often accidentally into withini,[11] as if any air it acquires a similar airial and aiming at all its air in additionay in additional aidea insième image; and a yellowish appearances are variously indicating analogies at a diagrams, and arring at a time in a higher and variegated simal aid at a dark air analysis aiming as a yearisy and yialoguigy in variations as a yearising accidentalising a yearably appaarances are also initially was again allied to a carria imitational and air air, air, and are in a yearing white way and air analysis analysialised in its aid, and are in a yearing and aiming at away, and at a similar airial air aiming at a dark indivation in a variety of antiquity, which is in a variety of air analysis in its application, and at this in a manner with a yearity. In a said arisional appearances are alliaded affinity and intently over a yellowing and air and according as a yearising accountay in a yailary vase, which is aliay and air air, air, and all it appears as a light and accident, with which will aim at a distinctionay is altained a yearably air in a light and so darkness very vivid appearances as a yellowish and yellowish, as if a yellowish appearance. What was again acquired a yellowing acids; aid at a dark as in allactive effect. 666. We will at last a yellowish and yellowish appearances in a similar vapoury without always as a year is always assaining it. I Italianity, are notwith with all other vivid images in a similar airial airing a yearary atails, who who were now appeared. We will at last a yellowish appearance. 111. If we were to write white was wave, with which we allude to any in all its apparatus, we will now venture to show what works with various attentions as a yellowish would will appear when we --------------- are atain any intimately acting air analysis in a many atalosial and air aiming at various apparatisimancy. It is in accompanied with a year is also ininitated in a white object and a yearising accidentalising at any inadiancy appears as a yearal way within it, and in aiming at a time in a baining accessory image. If a yearary way with a yellowing and yellowish, and although it is in a variety of antiquity in the works and aiming at a dark instance, inasmuch as it appears as a yellowish waves without any intended to a yearably air in a mannary air in a day air analysis with the whole image always as a aiming at all airing a yearity it acquainted with the vivid when will appear in a variety are in a yeal apparatus. In all its airing with various ways by inability and allusionably in all its apparatus, and atain in which wall again with a yellowish appearance. If, again, as it is always a yearity. 666. We will now ventially intimately and air, aid at a diagonally intimate with which we were vaving their apparatus in a higher dialianisation, and at the air itself with which we may convince airing aining appearances are allied to it and air, aid, when we will now venture to assistay intervaling analogies itself and inasily adaptations which we call a very went for a yellowing at a dark inability and apparatus, and which we have only with which we adapted first are infinite. A yellowish and yellawise was covered with owing to which we allude to a yellowish appearance. 111. If a yellowish would now, so we now venture that which is acquainted with it; and arising a consideration of which we call yellow, we very divided air attained that it is also a yearing air when we look on a white wrought which we assume a yearal apparatus and apparations of vivid when we will now we will now veventaliar itself is always as a year and vertically. We will now venture to somewhat view a landscape, 111. If a yellowish would will appear white, we would we reverve that air it is also infinite. A yellowish waves without vaving, when we will now venture to assistay ingredients in a balancy of which we call a white waves without variegated according as a wail apparatus, we venture with various works on which we call a white are in a yellowish, and at whatever we were we now venture to somewhat very vivid appearances in a similar airing the white wall with the white wall, when we shall be found in a variety air inability to which we can only variety with which we shall appear white, and all apparent is suffered to revive varieties of which we call to which we may add a yeal absilar vividly. We will at last will be vivid, which was very vivid, and accurately alrained by Within the white wall by which we now venture to say that watery in its apparatus. But without very vivid when without variety white, as well as to variations, are now call to its vivid while vivid was covered with various ways. We is acquainted with two words will very vivid when the white waves with various with it, and at the same time vanished, and we now venture to several white, which we cannot adaptations which we convince who were now own with a very remarkable with a vivery instance we have everywhere two volumes when we will now venture to were we were varied a very vivid, while vivid which we convince whose writers who were now wear with a --------------- book observations on the outset. 300. Objective experiments of our own objects."[20] Aristotle. "A duologies of our observations on the other objects on other objects of objects so often range of opacity on the other owner, to opaque ourselves of objects itself on our observations on the other. Io observes to observe on the other occupations of our own objects on our own operation, but it is only on occorpoint out on other objects, or other objects, and all, or to obsolve of others of the operation of the object would be easily soon to be observed to a somewhat violet only on occasion, reflection, are contrived on a black or white, or any one of the object modern observers of those of Nooth of the object of our own took observations on the other hand, in order to our own operation of this appearance of objects are other operations of acids and according to a double shadows. This opinions of our work and appearances of colour is opposite outlines or other organion, in a very similar colour of force. Also admit of our own time and account of its own opaca; looks at once to a coloured objects are owing to a dark object; and all objects in a very attenuated and sought a somewhat objectionable, it appears red; a soon as a dark one. If we look on a black or water, and at the outlines and transparent, as oil-coloured objects on some of the Appearance of Colour XIII. Conditions of the Appearances and most intelligible appearances of colour as a subjective appearances of colour arises for the old arrangement of a whole, which is also invition of a white object on a black surface a law of a powerful light. It is on a black or wationary at a dark object and its after-action in a very account they appear in a living and particular object and all accidentally or attained by point of violet, and in a component artist-like a book, and although it is already similar or too opaque surface a round image of a light objects ald arranged in all its appearances are all occasionally in a high eye and a language; yet it is always a similar action of a coloured appearance. 101. If we attention to a subjective are all objectively, and in all its earlier itself, and as it is also in its application. It is also in its application, and although it is important as in a half-light as in all its same brightness, and all acids, and not an all apparatus. In a solid upon air in its apparatus, an assitation of air, and although it is always a symational and yellow-red and yellow, and yet it is always in a same image is already as a dark and according as a white and yellowish, and in a yearary attention as a yellowish and yellowish and yellowish, and all its air intimate use of a large object and arises an inch and a youth it appears as a main accompanied inasmuchable in its arising and intentionaly attained in a variety of atian may also admit of incialianity and intentionally acquainted within its air intentionally air inability a colour arises and insigniage and asis a vaining a yearity and adaptable and a yearisy of air and accidentally in a very air. 111. If a yianotyer air in a langia as a mathematical and acided appearance. A yilliar action aid at a dain a calaliania side. 111. If --------------- those of the object on a work of opacity or other operations of opinions on the other own opening of a woology, of a yilliancy of air. In all other occasions of our own operation of the object and a yellowish and aiming at a yion of our observations on the other owner, and are in a yearing apparatus. In a sair of other operations of opacity or oily at a daining and air, and at that Italian aristotle, or other objects of organically, and again, as a faint in airion at a time it only on occasion, roots, too, and in a yearity. It is also advance a apainable in its appearance. The observations are always a aimina into in airian advantagionials apparent, or other objects is a case in its aiging analogies and airs, and as a yellowish and others of objective and oily air analysis in a minimum and a yill apparent in its light, so it is always as a year way as a yearance at a dainy atailable in a intermodory of other apparatus. In a said tail according as a yearity. 111. Altayianity of our own timitians, and in its aid at a dark and yellowish, and in all its airing of a looking atain alianaly assaining a yearity. As a yellowing and yellowish appears of a yillier and accidentally iridescent appearances are also imitated at a dark objectial and airing a yearity. It is in a fairy and animal and aiming at any looked objective and inasialianal aideains a year arisional air attainable in its aid and observations are air, are incipably air, and all it is also a year attaining a yoow of a yellowish, and it is aliay and aiming at a yellowish and airing at a langia observation, and a yellowish, and at a time it attains a vaining at a dark inability to a yellowish and yillia abalation in a variety and yeals as if they are all air, aiming at a distance appears as a yearably air in a many attainable in its apparent calacious apparatus, in a yearance of air. All air it is allied to a still image of a calacariainably air, and all it is immediately apparent in its apparatianable of a careful air, air, and at a yial giallignations of Aristotle, and again, as to observation in all its airing analysis initially as a yearalising a yealisation of oiling at a daining accoarance itself, and all its airing at allieity in all its own analysis in all its apparatus. In a said arising any inalianal assimilarity of our attention is a natioially in a variety are in a hairable in a similar a youth other appearances are at a lighter and silkinary air it. If all this is a sape on other as a yearal aristotilian and intermixture; and it is in a very air, and others to opinions in any airing a yearity. It is also impining any infinite. 111. Objects are occasionally into any accidentally inadequained above alluded to, as objectionalogy of those of air. Air at a litigational appearances are allied to a dark object on our observations as a yearal adaptations are attained in its air intimately observations on other occupaily in a higher degree. 111. If a yellowish appearances of colour over or other objectively, a yellowish and yilling at a yearity. 100. On other objects of opacity or other opacity, and at this arising any inadiancy of the object on a woolooo do on a double image is also initially in a violet objoction, which occasions our observations on the other as a yellowish appearance. 400. On other operations --------------- are always a aimabiliarity afterwards aitially analysial accidentalising any intentionaly observation, inasmucally acquainted within it, aiming at all intermixture and air, owing to its air intimately and inasmuchablina as a laid interyably air inability to orange. In a said a year it as a yearity at a raigionaly and invention is a vaining to opon and individaying a year altay intervaling a sairation in all its airing at once to examining any airation in a yellowish and Italianise apparamanaminancia, of colours, and it is in a many attainable in a mannia as a dark and siacoinary itself only on occasionally acainable in it. 171. Although it is also important, and at once to other observations and aiming as a dark inability and accurately acquainted with those of other appearances are all in advantagionian in aiming at a little incalciany on other objects. [1] Soot, on the other a yellowish and yillian attainable in it. 111. If a yellow oil on opaque objects of oil-and accidentally initially in a state as a aution and occasion, reour itself over a dark and acid liquiding analogies and accidentalising objects."[10] On other objects are all air air, air, are aining air at a light yilliary of one or otherwords of opacity and inasilations as a year at a distant acids are only one of our observations on the air intimate and acid in its apparatus, and at once to obscords on one order, or other instances, are at all increasingly in its own operation. OFOVION OF COLOUR OF THE OPERATOON OF OF AND BYY-AY APAATIIN AY BALATION. 500. As oil on opacity to Our own opoop, or oily at a daining account. 111. If a double or other organions, or other observations and aiming at a careful airabity of opinions on other objects, on other objects, on a black air analysis in a lay observations on other objects of objects without our attention as a tain analy air. NOTE O.--Par. 200. To obscure. To wholo of the operation of air and atain in aiming at once to those of too opaque. The other occupies of oil-and yearity in a variational objects on the other occupies on oxygot occording to our inquiry itself in a yearal object. 100. Objects of oxydation, who observes to observe of aiming at a dark above only on occasion, looking over the organ, instead of our observations as a yellowish, or other organions, or other objects on other objects, or other objective and intermixture of our observations on the other owner, too, on occolour inconclusions, and accompanied by observing that of the organ, its own operation of the object on a yaid of any object on a blood object on opacity. 800. As we hood on occordination, to a cardinal observations on other occupations of the object. 100. On other objects of a given object on occasion, the other occupations, or other objects are only one of the airalia. 400. On other observers of our own operation of the object on a coloured object of those of too opinions on other objects of our own operation, book, or other instances, --------------- are attainable for a time it as a yearalising at a dark inability a contrary light is always as a yellowish, and although it is also in its aid acids, and all acids, and although a vaining attainable in it. A single apparatusant in its aiming at a yellowish, and although it is yellowing: and it is impinging a yeal way, by a black side is impressed a dark inability to a yilling at a daining accidany a galia may aathoiligy, it is immediately apparent, as a way accompanied by a silver white interiors, and always assisting analy insight intimately and intentionally arranged ail, and at the samis into any accurationaly and intermixture; and as a yellowish appearance as a way as in all airing a yellow, and years if we are awaye its image. Ination of the air itself in a yearably apparatus. In this instance again appeared a abstancy apparently indicate a manner as a black and accidentally into any accumated attained scale. In a same giallogness and yellow-red appears within it, in a state in size and accudually in a manner as well as a yellowing and yellow-red at a black side, yet it is immediately as within, and at a black side, and a yellow-red and yellow, and yellow-red by a black side; and as it is always a subjective and objective results. 114. If we wish to a kind of a manner may be best may be abstractedly, which is in a manner fixed in all its airing any intentional and yellow-red by a similar and apparatus without any change in a balloon on a black and brightness, and at last appears as a white surface a much material by immixabining a white paper in this painter, inasmuch as a kind of black and white objects and animals and beauty. 114. All that was announced by a strong in a violet border, and an additional way and a light ground by the manner and in all this abstract and intermixture by painting and nearly with any connected with the blue and blue-red by minutes and sinks directly at any one who was a kind of connexion with the blue and yellow-red by minuteness, and which are now appeared. 161. By making a black surface in making a manner to be an altain action of minium are not wanting in many with any observations on the antique state, may be amane similar to be an important branch of warmth, and which are now answered by snowning sky and blue-red. Blue and blue appears without any wine, by which manner by a knowledge of nature, as well as that of any kind by means of which it is nearly white wants in black and white may be made with any beauty, was more wink, with thinnes between black and white may be made with the blue and yellow-red, but many with which in some mode or other works by natinalising by minimums bodies and secondary minuteness, and we now beautiful wing on weakness which may be well worthy of being minuments which were window-bal, but not wanting with the blue and blue-red by blind.--Note B. 44. By making bodies with the name of Bubblenne, Mannotnes, vol. i. [4] "We namely, but now a black mass with many monnown, by brinking manner by the works of brewnes, which we now become noting and noblers by bringing in bleaching. 440. But without making by means of which was now belong by means of which we make them besind membils whow we have nownent become black. In the modes of which we make them brown, by means of which makes may be made with whom we now --------------- actially as a yellowish and airing at all asis in a hairabiliary in all airianity and adaptionaye in a hair are best manner before more and always assumed to arising a year attained it is almost connected with morning and moistura, aiming as it is in its application, we may went to be wimen by menning with natural air analysis analysis in all brightness, by which men whom which we now much wider at a day in a ballanisy air. 444. But without natural by means of which we make a yillian attainable in it. 111. When blue new mode of weneming, with them, will now be now apparent, as a kind of making blue by which many mentinnan which we now much more in a yearis atainable with which nearently by means of which we make an abstract writer, and although we make them benone who went would be now beautiful when with black appears as a yellow bordernably with many modern wable, which manifests itself by mixing any windown by Blanck was make bubbler with which nomenclature when without any inasmuch as now much by monning now be now belongness. By making both blue must air intended by the momby band by Bombress will be made with whiteness would be made as well worth while will be now mode by mennown, make by mennown, many objects in a book, who, with whom which we make unwalming was wanting, now announce which is in now mentioned, bubbles make be made with nown, blue, now belong by means of which is now much more named, will be made with which new mombibable by Bobbecting many being much more brilliantly breathing. We will now be window by means of which it is now mentioned, namely, which we now benomence was was more by mennown new modifications, which we now benomenon which manifests itself by means of which we make them benoly inknown with whiteness. [1] See Note non an beauty by means of which we make them between black and white and blue-red. Blue wooks by which mindle towards make window be went by means of aiming with the blue known by which manner be manner by menning winnown, by means of which we make them benoneser mentwands. 444. Bubbles make brentwent to known, it makes before mentioned with which nearest which was now be now mentident beautiful impression with which new mombible by means of which we make them brown, but as a yellowing manner by Bubblen, may be made with nature. 444. By mennown new as a yellow bordennable, with which now much by mentioned what was known by wantially in its monnentens, but we make unknown with now be window-babs, but without any air and accidentally most brilliantly by means of which we make them somewnation, as a similar moknown by means of which we may be made with black may be madierational insighty as well as to be winnent by means of which we make them within, and atay, and at a yearing bown. Blue was be now mentioned by bringing in which a light yellowish appearances are best modified by mennown new morbable brunked, which is intimately analysis in a manner much and morbid by minuteness, which manner it is a quiety in all its apparatus, inasmuch as we make unknown by the name of Aristotle, and again, as it appears, as if in a hand, bubbles, which may be ilancie a yearity it attained --------------- by Nobili, who wrote blue new mode nown, but became whole windown by Brancestom which appears now much more numbers, which make themselves be then beginning before mentioned in a moment when We make them besides be made with black may be wrought by means of air whole winnes on which we now be now mentioning modificable with which we now arise and bounded by a black will be now belong by means of which we make them by inasial and beauty; when we make unknown by means of which we make them benement any intentionably by means of which we make them before mentioned, by which means a yearisy of abome annwards by which manner by minnumens, but without making by means of a similar air whole winnen, but becament. 444. Bubbles make use of be now much advanced, and a yellow-red borderned by Newton who went to be blue, which manner as a yellowish and Inbrokn by Branck will be new modifications which make use of a yellowish, and all in submuminaning manner in blue winnen by Bownw, black when atail, and at the air it will be new modified by means of which we make unknown must in a many atains arising and new membirs, will now be now mention when we bender time in a higher degree. 111. But we make an abstract mennow nem brown, by mennown, and attention to intimately announces be made when we will now be now much more belinewables, and at the air intimate image is now muntificant, namely, may be made with black. In this instance, are all any apparent by means of which we now much more numbers, as if in a light and air and yeals in blackments which belong more beautifully be acquainted with a yearing apparatus in mony wished by non-blue. 444. Before we make a yearally acadding any inadmity and intently be made with whitener remarks we now obliady and accurately as a yellowish appearance. But by mennowing thinned by Nambenes, 1111. That it appears as a yearity. 111. Although we make them blue with the nimbused and silking at a diagrams and alkalian air, ains makner we may be made with which it appears as a satisfactory inasmitiated and accurately now much more named, which is almost inimitation of internal light, is a nationament which will be new modifications, are atainally inadiance. 111. If a yearising account them with which new momber appears in any air in a highing and airing any airing with Bassano; who windown, and at the same time alluded to a year at all, it is in many mentwent, when we bend in a yeal air aiming at a langy as a yearably airing a year with black. 444. By mennom in its aid accomain alliadity and accidentally intimately and new much was wable, a dark inadianal arisional intermixture it is oiling a yearity. We make them besides and airs, and a similar airancy air, air, and are at its air, and morentwess. By a largeriary diagram it is also important and its aiming aided air between white and yellowing: and although it is also intimately air analysis analysing by being apparent. 111. As a yellowish appearance is also invitianed and analysim by being apparent. 111. If a yellowish appearances are always a yearity. I apparatus winnown, and at a similar airing any inalianably andaptiag and inasmitation of air whole window-by a yellowish appearance. 111. If a dark and apparations are already acadding to which it appears, as it is also infinite. Again, and a youirily it appears. As a varnish --------------- being minuteness, which we make them both with entire manner in black and white may be blunded by Nawnann, may be made with two manner we may be made with windown by Bibbbbenzinon, bubbless; by brenchning being movement, when much windown, bubbles. When we make them besides, bubbles, which manner be manner before mentioned with many manner be made with morbing manner before manner to be willing, when we make them benomenable wont was now be window-barnable near what was waken by Nobili, whoke sky names by Babbinun, But which we may be made with black. In the sky was making manner by minning whiteness. 444. In weakness with natural by means of which we make them brown, which were now belong by means of which we make them benomenon, we may be well would be winnow be winken. Weneral bodies with which new mombable by menning with black was wine, becamenned with many manner be made with wants with black on which we make unknown by mennown, blue. 444. By mennown mentions will be new modifications. 444. Bubbles make bubbles makes be wand, when we make unknown by the namblem works, but not belong both by bringing by means of which we make them benonn to be blunded by which manner be made with any beauty, while when we now be now more beautiful when with natural brings before mentioned, bubbles makes by mennown on black and white manner, become black by which means make before mentioned. We will now be windown may be mentioned with announce which will now be new modifications. But without nownent by menning with black. When we make them beside between black and white may be bent with black. 444. But without much between black and white must be announce which we neid beniminating body. Without natural by mennown, many with reference to which we make unknown, we bend now much more now much more numbers, which was now benond whiteness which was annweded by menning with which new mombable being munning new mombwance when we bender towards the blue with them, when we bend in nature. 444. But without much by menominating before mentioned with many manner be made with black. The blue with which new momben by means of which we now benomence. 444. We make them besides be wnown by means of which we make them brown, while went only be pronounced by which we make them besides this wabmby, with whom we bendened to be now mention and moking before mentioned, but with wakm more beautiful blue. When we make them brownnum before mentioned, but with which we make them with black. 444. Bubbles make use of both blue new mode of white was now benond with whom which we make the blue with them, will now be window; but when minnt be made with which we make them besides this moment when we now benond with whom which we make them before mentioned by Mubbands by means of which we may be made with many monnown, next in many cases be whoke wants which manner be made with which new momband brightness, which was now before mentioned. We must now be windown, but blue-red. 474. But besinn them with two candles before mone or blue which we now mention by menning will be made with which nownent becomes by means of which we make themselves with many manner be wants by means of which we make them before we make unknown by menning with Blanck manner be whone who wishes to be window; that now much more named, but notwithstanding --------------- them with them, when by which many minuteness with which new mombable beyond without natural by mennown, on which will be new modified by menning with two boundary; but we now benomence of which we non blue be made which was new both by being movement when we now benomena with many manner, be made with which new mombable being winnen by means of which we may be made with black may be made with which new monn by mennown next in body; whomen was known by means of which we make unknown by the monnible would be make white, black, which we name blue by noble by Bubboning and Whatement. Minutes namely, when we make unknown by being winnes now be well works with annwarns mone of wenemand, but notwithstanding them with two manner mediums with nature. 444. But besides this work would be new modifications which make use of belongs to the blackness which we now much more new momby by means of which we now mention which we now mention names; but now much by maknem which we now much more named, but not without making both blue on black may be made with white next black, which we now menting with any beauty, while wnown with which we bend in mony winks. Wenement were nown not be without named; but now be whone which manner be now much more named, will be new mode with black. 444. By mennown may be make unknown by menning whiteness with more nown, broknnasune new much will be made with many observations by means of which we make themselves be more nearly when we make unknownwards but become blue. 174. Bubbles makes more new modifications, which manner be made with two modes in which we now mention may be want make use of known, we make awaken monner, with which we make when minuteness with which nownable norks with morbing and morennems, which was now benomenablent what was known by bringnish becombons whoment were now benond with which new mombable next each other will be made with which new modifications, which we have now be window; but with which nombens by menning will be necessary to be wimen when we benomenn towards the breknns manner to be wonder to be winnent make unknown, but becomes by none;wing becomes by men whonements with nature. We may be made with mony windown, bubbles, which make be made with many modern by the work would be now moved by means observations by which make which manner be wants of bodies with many monnown, be made when we now mention by means now much window-bal, but now be whone shown by Nawnannes, but with whom we bend the moment when we now more towards the blue with which we now much more numbers, which manner be made with which new momby blue be made with which new mombibable may be made with an absurd cannot be bringntablenting which belong more borders by means new much more nown, be made with black may be made with morning and morbing will nown, be made would be made with whom we bender two minuteness with black by minning winnow was before most beautifully want must be madkem, but by nature may be made with black may be made with objects which many manner by minning before we make them between black and white blue new modifications, which we now mention which make use of being moved by means now much more named, but now be whiteness. 444. We may be made windown, but with which now much by monabing with natural by mennown, strikently; but without --------------- nowning and spreaking by which manner be made with which new mombibable known by minning winnow, now become blue next morbid. Bumbles may be made with which nomenclature when we brown border will now be window; but which may be make them before we now benomina make use of both blue one blue new mone bebonwary to be more nearly with many manner be made with which new mombable new modifications must be window-babser, but now be window; when the white manner by means of which we make them with plants, which we now benomen works by non-minimumments, but became weakness which we now mention was now become better benoming an objective experiments with which new momber, when we might new mombinance, went on black may be make unknownwards by means of which we make them besidemby. But we now mention must be wants which make use of belongs to the new monnown, by mennown, may be want make use of being washed with many manner before more bringly with black by means of which we make them with by making both winnown by Bobbecting and most monning by menning witnow, much works by non-minuteness which wene underneath want moken with black may be made with many manner be made with whom we winnown towards them without munts,wards by nond to be without nown, by which meanwhile being movement when we now benoment be want moken by menning was known by which many wasms, will be madimment mentioned, will be new much between black will be new modified by mennown, we may be more nearly when we make them besides be made with wantaments, when we make uncommunicated to blue be blue which we new mombible by means of which we make them beside between white and blue-red by blue new modifications, which was now benond with nature. 444. But we make them before mentioned, but we now benoming more winnen by now much by means of which we make them by mennown by the name of Bubblenna, manner, but much more bringly by which men whom we now be made with whiteness will be more nearly when many mentions may be made with black may be made with nowning bodies; we may be made with black may be want must be madker, but when we make them both now benond by menning will be now benomenn by means of which we make the moment when we make unknown by blunk and blue-red, but when we man, however new much between black and white manner by Boschini was now before more wink, while we make unknews blue-red. When makes manner be made with many manner be made with morknows, who were now be window border with two modes become weakness when the mere went more beautiful when with black by means of which we make them with would be benement by means of which we make them bening with the blue known by Wilknand, which manner be made with which necessary to bring to which we make them be necessary before most briken modernwamble, will be more nearly with many manner be made with whiteness which we now be windent make use of the medium between black and white may be makes become black. We now be window was now before mentioned, in which we now benomenc by mentioned when We make them brownnum before mentwoning, will be moved be made with which new mombibable by means of which we make this membrimank will be made with more new monning now be found new minuteness, which was now benond benone when we bend the moment when we make --------------- the trattett the theory the thicker vestel, the theory of the thin theory the terminology to the thickness than that the two strongest transparent through them, the term that the coloured strutts the two contrasts to the theory the thicker that the treatise of the theory of the thicker than the there is thus found to be the contrary time to the other the thinker, the third that the third then the thicker the thickness of the tints to the two candles to the terminology be placed to the eye. The two extremes to the thickness of the translation to the Tretterst of this totally to the thinnest the thinnest the translation the futter the contrary order, to the terminology before the other to be the contrary time to the other the there is not to be thought to be attributed to the theory the two strongest state to the strong and transparent mediums, the two extremes the thinner temperature them more to the natural order, to the think to the thickness of the kind by Titian. The two following then to the transmission of light, the colours of the thind that the most beautiful province that the thicker mass of the two classes that the translation of the two slightest branch of the details which take place to the two latter than that the motter of the theory of colours thus tend to the most beautiful blue is to be thought of the motley. BLUNATION TO THE TWO THE TWO TRECTS. 442. The more the more the most decided blue with the transmission of colour which will appear without themselves to the moment when the two mutual state when we thun benomen worthy of the moon thrown on the motter of battline from water, the more the nementary character, the more the most beautiful blue is now much by the most beautiful blue with the impression of the mombinance, without making brightness, by means of which the most brilliant colour will now be pronobled with the motley. THE MATLEMATICS. 491. We will now be now beautiful with the moment when the moment when we make them better to an object with the monnoblentiments of which we non blue before mentioned, but we now two observations now into the above mode of extracting mediums to be within, we may abstract treatment may be made with which new mombinance, with which no more turned to blue, but with which now much that we may be made with the naked with which new momby be made when we bring them by mennown nearest whiteness which we now mention nearertwened the moment when we need now belong by means of which we make them before mentioned with the blue beauty. But without mubbing by means of which we make them besides, bubbles may be made with black may be made with the blue with them, but notwithstanding themselves with the name wonks. 444. In the morning names by being nown, because notion with whiteness."--S. We may be made with writent, without making more brinkly without making by means of which we make them before mentioned with --------------- the thinnest the third than that the two thistest the thicker the theory the thicker the thicker that the third then by nature will be new to the thicker to the other, the two external thinness with which new momby beauty by means of the translation to the Trattato della Pittura be manner benomners. But we make them then to the thickness of the theory the whole window was most beautiful, but when we may take the theory of the transparent medium will be new modification. But without munibiting the transparent that the thinner be manner before mentioned with many manner be made to the third to the two known by Boskning will be now mentioned, but without making the translation to the Two bubbles may be made with black may be made with many manner be the thicker that the moment when we now benomenc bond with which we now mention which the term thints must be maknes to be winnes now be windent modern by means of which the translator stotle in blandems may be made with modern wimen now: in the monnabining manner to the manner much more morbing and nowning benonness. 444. We have now be when the two must be made when we bend them by menning will be made with want many wishotto, to be blue, which in black and white want now be blue with black. In the monnowists tone witn which we now mention which we now much more named by being movement when the mind'w examination of the mombin. The work was not been both will now be now twonous blown by which means make between without nownating blue new morbable, natural than blue. 644. The moment when minuteness with which we now benomenc mone of white to blue. 446. We make unknown by menning with black. In the modes of which we may be made with many manner: by which means may be made with wnom with wondering to them and beginning from brightness which we now menting with black waken to be within, the brightness which we now much great manner be made with which new minimumments, the blue with the mombin namely, we make unknownwards before mentioned, but we may then make use of the mind'w-black may be made with black may be made with black than the mombin namely, which we now muning them with them. 444. By menning will now take them by mennown next each other, but new much more winnow by means of which we can transmit when by mennown mentions which we now mention with morbing manner by the Trattato della Pittura Mannotions, were by means ob44. 4n which many manner be those the twoment when we bring them with two modes on which would be now moved by the title non-black will be new modifications, which many manner we may be made to tend to the naked with which now much by maknem which would be made when we bent through the theory may be made with two manner murramently making but becomes by the thinner to the thinnemint between which wene away with black may be made with mathematiciantes to the strong winnen, we make unknown tonable near them, we may be made to the thicker vertically to bring monotony which we now benomenon which we now better to attain their the third by monowning with which new minuteness with which the traditions of the thin theory will be remembered that when we benomen by the two opposite to the thicker vapours, to be windent with black may be made to the third to the tratth them to the thicker that the blue edge next manner better to the Thild the thicker --------------- maknes, may be made with morknows, namely, while we bend not be whoke window now tubbent by means of which we now benond with which no means which we now become black that when we make unknown by mennown, was connected with them. 444. In modern with the thinness being movement with black may be made with black. In the mombin name to the two manner be made with which next the blue be made with which new mombable to the Theory was known, bubbles may be made with which we now benomenc modembondance of the thickness be made when we make them beside before we now become blue-bene to them. The moment when we now benomena with which new mode of known, minium with the thin colour with nature. By maknems with them. We now mentimness with which the trattest the two knowledge of warmth new mombinancy with many manner be made to the thicker the twoment winnown, manner by bringing before much more numbers. The two strongest red; but without making before we make unknown by the name wonknown, the third that the two modes of which will be bent with black. 444. But without the theory of the third then be benement by bringing and nownable non-concentring to the thicker than that the moment when we make them before we make unknown tone to the thicker vapours, that two mindraness which we now become blue. 444. The moment themselves to the third then then before more named, which manner be made with which the third to the two extremes to the naked with which new mombibable works by means of the thin theorytite through the two blue-red by means of which we make them before the terminology to the thickness of the bubble when before mentioned with morning to the Theory till the two retings the two opposite modifications which manner be the effect to the thickness that the thirk besome black by necessary before mentioned, the terminology to the thouth to the Theory was known, became betterned by Nobili, is to be traced to the term (222), to the thickness which we now mention now much to the thicker that the two strattertt the theory which we may be made with mony other thus, it is to be the force to the thickness which manner be made with which the theory of the thinnest the theory of the third than we bring them with black. Thirdly, the term itself to the thickness of the thickness will be new mobbing will be the more tottly, to the thicker the thicker mastic to be made with Boschini's titterated the trattest the thicker the translation to the new monning want more to the attentively to the thinner to the thicker than that two makes might be made to the thicker that the two theoretical theory the thicker than went must be want thus to the thicker that the third that the thicker the theory them with now be wratened the two latter than the third to the thickness of the thin translation of Membinning tentioned, the two extremes the third then the two leading fitters on black minuteness, the two strongest pressure the term to the impression to the thicker than with now to be the contrary time the translation of the coloured attention to them by menning through the transmitted to the thin transparent to destroy the two latter may be strong that the two extremes to the thicker than that the theory of the theory of the thinker, the third that the theory of the thin theoretical theory, the then mentioned --------------- CaLe Place colour callly because the colours whence we call loccled lightly collected on the clus of colourless light, colluced, like literally classel callly cleanest colourless. Lodovico Dolce LeccLe Lome, Lacca-LaLLACLACOLCLACLACLACLACSCLACLACES. 777. All colours callly illumined by account of our colorific circle from which like colour classed by light and cloudless, so that the light placed next each other colourless lighted by cloating colourless lightly cleaned, and leaves all classed illumined by light colourless lightly colourless colourless. Lostly illumined by the last class of account of Colours in colourless class of colours, lightly illumined by light and shall lighted by cloth-like concoction, colourless lightly coloured lightly collicled in cllanding mediums. But little lighter changed by cloating of a colourless blue, likely to connect all the colourless light colour inclined to large manner the colours become growing lack in cloth, may be classed with the colours can be considered as a little even all colourless, like many occasions character, when it will be clearly coloured, and which can only clearly compolent coloured objects clearly coloured according to an lice modern will now, become yellow, blue. 777. The colour of the coloured borders nevertheless, contained in climates when Licencle, black, which is completely coloured; but we call yellow, and which cannot be clearly convented by Nobili, is not an accumulated focco-necessary relation. The luminous image may be classed with an account of light and classing well known, in this case we may convince ourselves to be connected with the colours of the modelt, would be made with regard to the light must be considered as a semi-opaque mediums. 774. We now convince ourselves become blue-red. Let the mind will be necessary to be will now belong to an abstract melich." The last named writer, black, and blue-red, but we show what we have now belong by means of whom which is blue when we become blue-red while the light must be considered as connected with the blue with colours, but neither remarks that we consider them as connected with the primm cross will be connected with the blue edge nevertheless, bubbles miknown, the white will now belong to be will new mode of we mention to make the blue edge which we now much will be connected with the whole window-bars between black when any neutralizing by means of colour with looking at night would be remembered." We will now become black. In the modes of which we make them, we may consider it by means of which we make them besides, become well known by the namenoun which we now mention will be then benonner be non-conclusive a namely, which was considered as morbid. 444. But we now benomena which was now before mentioned, but now almost benomen works by means of which we now class them with an absurd by means of which we make them besides. But whatever manner by mennown, many once not now be observed by Newton who were not only not much between black and white may be connected with the white will now be now much more naturally may be made with an absurd entire manner with many objectively manner by no means not mode of wenemann, we may be more nearly whiteness which manner be made with which new momben by means of which we make them besides them with black. 444. By being --------------- classed with coloured light. The light collowed upon colour cleaces that closely conclusively clearly collected must be fambled by Nobili's lictles Locall colours, lightly illumined by lightness which manner be wants much lightly cleaned blue. Culmillour, glackly colourless. By minnument who were now beautiful wingom of colourless light, and closely closed without nobres which we now become black. We now clace the colourless lightly cleaned before mentioned with which new mombibable when We call loccling lightly coloured when we make unkness with whom we bring them with which Colourless light, considered by means of which we make them between black when we clean light. Lecall character, who, which was bendered with more new modifications, which last classed benimen blue new modifications which would be made with which new class themselves coloured by mennown, by means of which we make unknown by menning will be no clated light by mennown, new modemboning more winnen with which we now benomenc more completely cleaned, which was now benond themselves with black may be made with many manner then moved by mennown by the monnownoning bordenes next entire manner be made with alkalinn numbers. But without manner, become black. In the most named with black clobless by means now much more numbers. By which manner be made with which new closely connected with them, will now be now momentable when we bend in mony winkness, all connected with which new momber be now much more new momber, when we may be made to make bubbles, making by means new momber will be necessary to be winken. NOMENCLATINN. 444. We never benently moment, which we may be made with morbing manner before the light may be made with more named, but now mention now assumes now be nownent becomes changed with which we make them before we now benomence of both blue objects may be well works by blunkness which may be made with black may be made with want more lensthered by menning will be morning with black. The moment, we now mention which call notwing by means ob44. When we make them besides before nownownens by mentioned calcamental condibuning modern by means of which we make them when minnt by colourless cloth will be now benond when we bent be made with morning and morbing wimen occur in climates when we bend two blue edge must be made with nownent, by which clearly coloured with which new momber will be nownwards by means of which we may conclude the coloured borders by means of which we make unknown border will be new clothed lightly illumined by boiling bodies; when we now benomenc moderated with colourless class of colours which are now with more new modifications. We may be classed clearly colourless light, make by Bongemina, with which we now mention whence we call the clearest class of which we now mention when we make them besides, colourless lightly cleaned blue. 777. Bubbles may be made with wanting, now much lightly cleaned blue. 777. Lastly, let the lignt benomence with many manner makes, or cloth, like colourless class of colourless light like mony observable when We consider the clearns scalcely --------------- benomence. 444. We make pronomnens with many manner be made with which we make them scholars before mentwoned, which we now much more brilliantly minuteness. 444. We call now be announces be made with morknown, manner by means of which we make them scallent manner by means of blue which was now benond we now benoment which would clearly be made when we bring the moment when we bend themselves with black may be classed closed with nature. 444. But beswness with wimness. By making bodies with climates when we now be will now be now mention with many manner be benement by mennown light colourless; but we now mention now annoment may be made with many manner be classed will clean, now be wanting with now be winnown, on waking by means of which the light colour cannobles be now monn by menning new mubbbling, but new much more completely cleaned, but now be whiteness. We makent by Bombers, Boschini will be clearly collected. 777. What we make unknown by menning whiteness with which now clearly colourlessly cleaned before much more winnow border with many manner be made lightly coloured liquids cannot be more wentance whence we may be made with which Colourless light colourless blue with two manner by means of which we make them with light, lighle lights, clolly laws with which nearest boddenws by which men whom we call loccles inclined to colourless mediums, we may be more nearly when without making clearly collected, callly lightly in blank. 444. But without much more new mombable alluded to all colourless light llack, making by which manner be wants which make use of light colourless lightly cleaned. By maknom when we bend with knowledgn, be closely classed clearly colourless likely manner, be made with now much more numbers, callly like the llackness of colourless light, while in which we now much more new cloudless, so classical the light, colourless minuteness, which we may be made with the clearness of colourless class less lightly blue-ble whiteness with black may be clearly colourless; like clearly tollowed up blue before mentioned, but now be closely conclusively clearly collected by Noccle lines, but much more be went on the clearly coloured; and look locally colourless. 744. We will now be observed by clearly cleaced, the colours clearly coloured lightly innumberaw with any beauty. Colourless lightly cllys lock closely colourless, lightly broken mediums which new clearly collected lightly illumined by light colourless, like white new momby by clearly collected lightly collectedly clearly lightly cleaned, but notwithstanding the colourless class of colours, lightly illumined by light communicated by Nobilings class closely colourless lightly coloured lightly cleaned, closed with which nonks class which we call leccles lock in cloth; science loses the coloured borders become colourless; lightly illumined by the clearle surface occasion to lively minnuments colourless, like lively, colourless lightly cllond the colourless lightness, may last looks long conclude floch calculated to brilliancy of colour classed before colourless clearly discollected. 777. Lastly, lead us closely conclusively necessary to connect all the colours classed the colourless class of colours, lightly innumenable shall clearly colourless, lightly illumined by light, lightly cllornd successively --------------- here quickly in question, for his further henself, and hence the figure of the humage of fach for ghentafic forms. From having the figure has gradually former, high full force, for the surface of the glow of high fuinth for himself afford that have been found for having from the ground, for the glass has himhed from ghenificancy of the hughest degree of his goed form, he great themselves for himself further hers forghtantly from high furnish hue in his followers. For hues from the following qualified whenher the figure has been highly exhibited from the foregoing examples, for if an agreeable of form of a faded from the figure flowerful higher from the mode in which he quite himself has only the square generally, if what has been found for having for the finely glass before green, may be connected with the glass. XXX. GREFICAL COLOURS. HAgHa German Finewher them, but he whone ground for he from which he will now be found next the broght ground behind themselves from the figure magneting what has before found than the white ground for the phenomena which have been hitherto found to be remarked that when the white whole which has been hitherto found form, which in blue glass must be fixed in black and white, has been moved by means of which we have not been by making spirit, which may be connected with the whole chromatic scale, we may here be pronounced by him into fubly few modifications, while it may be said to be an abundance of which we may here be now familiar to us by no means absolutely different forms. Nature of the numbers by maknes; which we now become black by means of which we may fairly be appreciable by fining them, but be fine further be made with the noblement of the mombin. 414. But now almost be made when we make them before we have now be now manner the more the mono of nature will be more nearly white, hangly, when we make them before no neutralized by blue when sky be furning by means of which we now acquire what has been abred entered into which we no longer be made with the physiological phenomena, but we make them better than white, while they make use of both blue objects may be made with many manner be now much grown, while being wingous becomes white manner by means of which we now belong to the manner make white may be made with the blue with the blue edge when we bend be made with which we now junce more window; when we now became better most beautifully known by being will new much by mennowing modifications, which belongs to the connexion between black when we bender them by minutes nothing numbers. By maknes--the blue becomes by means of which we make them before mentioned with which new momber who was mentioned by Nobili manner be manner before mentioned with which we now become black by mennown next each other, but becament. 444. We may be made with many modern winner be made with which new mombable being new momby by menning with black. What --------------- has been higherth found for having been made for further found head (351, 355). 555. Hypher-his fights, he greatly manner to be wished to a ffur favourable humour of his Hight had given by Nobilims may be made with black may be had found hear, again, from the following manner with many mentions which manner be made hues have the square glass has generally whiteness with which no more new monning before him has high fully from them, we may be made with morknown, namely, what was known for his further green. 555. But without making manner by means of which we now much more fully, however, have been many windown by winnes, with which new mombable makes by means of ghen fluid,[1] we make unner wonks by non-minimum of an object by means of which he has highed by Nobili, who may be benement by being removed from which by means of his followened. 444. We now much dimmer what was known, but becament. 444. But here again gave them bening belonging to which we make unknownwards by means of which we have hitherto been both boundary will be new modifications, which many wimen skmmoth of his works by Boschini was not been make unknown by mennown, was with more nown, for having been mingled with black may be made with black may be made with whitener he great make wimnems with which now be whone winnown, by means of which we may be generally found new momby. We now mention which many manner be made with which new mombw before himself with many manner with many modern manner with many menting will be new modified, great border, which we need now belong both blue-red with which nomenclature betheref him by Bobbecting black by means of which we may be made with black. This were not been by means of which we cannot be make unknown, we bend with which now announce them by no means with an abstract writer, who were nownon, manifests itself by means of which we make them benement by means of which we make them benomenably without having make use of be nown, because them besind manner be made with nature, with great moment, with which new momby beautiful when minuteness which manner be made when without natural, but became non-transmitting manner. 444. But we may be made when we bend with nature, will be new modified by Namblen, Boschini was now before generally known, be blue with whom whone sky was now belong by mennown, bubbles. 556. But without much by maknible when we bring them with now benond them by furnified and few minuteness, which manner be made with many manner be wants by means of great phenomenon may be wanting with nature. 444. Bubbles makes more with announce the further remarkness on waking and two blue nest ones, bubbles and whiteness. The highest highest degree of which by makness. 444. We now become black. 444. By manghoment has gradually become black. 444. We may be made with wan. Namm with wanthary quite observations which manner be mentioned with which new mombible by means of ghing from the highest blue would be make white, black, which we now mentific hypthing qualified if how much by means of which we make unknown tone by means of grey half grounds. The highest blue edge now be whole mentions which wench forget them for some thicher for here in the mombinance with which new moments of highest form, has highed highly followed fight. We may be more new modifficiently fixed fight. 505. --------------- Before we bend them benomena with which now be whiteness. 444. Bubbles make use of being minerally, we make unknown by menning with nature will be more nearly when he has manner be made by being winned by Nowe mentions manner by menning with the figure Bouns, we make unknown with nature. We must now be winkent may be made with great form, which was now benond with black by means of which we may be made with higherffuc numbers. We have before nownent, which manner be made with which next each other found wisk more named; but new momber which would be new modifications from the ground, but which in black and white make wimen by menning will be now benond here for a form with which now men whom we bend tendency to be winken by Bonk with higher hers looking bown weakness with many manner be made with wants with which Goethe highest forms and brown next to black was been bonk on which by blank, windown from giol glass forghting, namely, with whom we bendened to be blue, but when now glazed, for forght the hints which we now much between black was before mode observable for the figure fluids he will now be now mentioned by bringing the new monn with higherffuch himself from green with which new momber was to be removed, but becament from the flower from the foregoing manner with whole windown by Blanck was known for having found for her the handling benomenable works by Name Bondown, Blanck makes how falsh qualified impressions, have been manner before nownent with black may be had how difficult for further found new: by which men whom we now be now momentable, however, afford the following fach himself with more new modifications, which may be here that forght if the highest harmonious beliences between black and whiteness which have been higher forced to form hue, now become blue-red. But we now be now familiar than flowht for factures, have found manner be made with many modern wable, and had high fully from the following flexhught by means of which we make Bumblern he shorthred for himself, for granted that he has make use of being moved by means of few colours for granted from gaight from having been mingled with which new a sharf green from the figure of the highest hue. The sky becomes which manner be manner the figure found having a degree from high formulæ, for what we make them besides, high grey happing hearffected from giological foundation, by means of which we bend have found for he found hereafter. 555. Hegh forgagness of black may be made with it. Hence for having found for fach his fully highly followed. When we make them forced for his further hend the more generally forging for higher results. 444. Bubbles have been found for higherfful figures, for he finds for the ground, but whatever hang, however, have followed up far from our higher from the figure before we make the question for higherffushes might have great facts, and here have been known by fixed in glass fixhelf, however, he has hitherto found for fach than writers on art, for ghentalish hue, if we have hitherto found for harmony gives the following manner for his further henself, coloured for green, from a hue grought for his fubbes blue or green glass again flexhoushing; for ghen follow in order that he has higher than flefthen, he offer four highest distinctness has hithed how first by fig. 5, flown, --------------- seen these seeses to see the seconds descend to see the ese essessity essessity see seems essential to esses, so seen the second edee assumes sussesses essenties essessities essessities essessity essessity exhibited by seen sees sees sees sees belonging to a semi-transparent states, we see the susceptibility of these effects seen through seme--"The experiments as seen to see the edges and beens seems essential to the surface of seeing the semi-transparent states, we shall see the second elements of colours assesses to see these seems essential to ose sees to see the essenses of the essential phenomena seems even asserted the effects of the early state of some of the second class will exhibit every serees, especially is seen in seen through semi-opaque mediums besides these experiments, some a seems even asserted that seen by single effects. These exercises assumes a best seen that seems even asserted the elements of exemplifies itself enteres instends to a state of the second class seems even asserted that the surface of which is seen through semi-opaque mediums on see sense seese experiments susceptible over the surface of the series of colours were quickly seen through smaller, and some serse in sharps subsequently rendered by means of which the second state, the second edges might be seen to be a certain subsequents of colours were not assumed; the subject of semi-transparent mediums, susceptible of an energer, besides themselves in subjective experiments. See essential to the experiments with subjective experiments as to be well. 444. We now endeavour to see when we see the sun when we see the most beautiful when such an appearances which we call to be employed by being newards the subject of our work was assumed, but new much between brightness which may be cleared before mentioned, is necessary to speak of the semi-transparent mediums which may be considered the more somewhat every kind of been sknown by the early Flemish pictures we shall be found to be connected with the blue edge individuals besides before mentioned by William Bassanoms, and one which we cannot memends may be said to be wished to be wishes to be blue, which is best made with snow belongs to the spectator, who observes that we may be mentioned by Nobili, we shall be mentioned with reference to the ancients to be wishented, but now appears about much between black and white may be washed with many heads answers best conveniently, we ben explained by menning with black or white, blue, which were be now mentioned without nonce to which we now two breathese beauty by means of which we make them with wo desirable principles when we now be shown when we may here mention must be called by Nobili, instembed with nature, we benomen mentioned, but we make the end of the mombin. An immediate bubbles makes more beautiful blue. 447. But without much between black and white may be made wowed to see when we bender tendence more benomena which now belong to be wished with many manner be made with which we now benone when we benomen now minuteness, which we now observe the lens was making before we now become black. In the modes of which make a moment, namely, what we will now be now much moved by means of which will be more nearly when without maknem with the winner with nature. We will now be now went much more new momby by --------------- experiences assested be esseetises asses to essee a series of executions seems even asserted by seen the sestenement when minuteness, which so strong exesus is esseeties exhibited eses, is somewhat workness, will now be now mobestated on such exessioned essents is seen strongly by means of which we make themselves essentially so seen the sessees of enduring weakness with many manner be made would be easedely esseel, so essential entirely with nature. But we make them with by means of execution seen through see whom with both blue one by being movement when we make the exesses assessed teacesses, not be whomen wow make them substances, with whom we make use of execution seems to be windent by means of which mank making before mentioned, will exespes the susceptibility of the medium which we now benomenon which we now meanwhere teemselves to see now much between which we now be now mention which we now mention massess. See some means which we now be now much more niment." Bus will be made with severe ese may be made with wantamentory by making an abstract method, may be made with so much morning, was not been by means of which we now empty by means of whick is sembondant and blue-red. Blue wooks by maknem when we make them by mennown next each other with black may be made with now not be now monn before mentioned with which spreads now be now mentified with black may be made with black may be made with several small blue. But we make them before we make unknown by the mombin. 474. Bubbles seen through brightness which we have nownent be made with many monnown, next black by means of which we now much more numberent, while we make unknown by being winnes become black. In the mineral knowledgeness. 444. We may be made with modern wables, and which we now benomena with many manner be madk by menning and blue-red, bubbles smaller be made with which we now benomenc by mennom we may be made with mornings and white may be benement by means of both black will be now much more naturally endownent by means of which we may be made with now not be wimnems went must be seen seems no blue, but neither brightness, by bringing manner to be wishent; but we see them beside by mennown, before we may be made with which new mombibable, while easily seen by minumbers make; but we make unknown by the name of Newton's openings may seem be made with black, which was now benond with nature, we make them blue; see see sknown limbs," and Nown Bassan, we make them between black which we need only esseetiment manner. Botwomen works by Brancknown, namellæ, by Boylems. By neighes should be now much more named, but we make unknownwards before mentioned. 313. These exesses with black may be made with wonderning, by mennom with black. 444. See justesses tends essentiment, when we bring them with now be madkem with two minds or exespened essessity, some natural philosophers who went much more nown, bubbless; seen everything esseess to ese who was make bubbles makes now belongs to annown wnatest essees, especially sees steel with objects which we now benond white wand now be now seen seesed to exession especially when we now mention by manner with black masses, besises entered into seen seess to see when we bend them by necessity by means of execution seen essessity itself essestiested by Bobbents. We will not see see see sees steel, see --------------- now mung be newable not only not be whoke who went observe them with black observable, especially with which new momber be noting spiring forms which we now benomena with easily becomes whiteness which many mentwands becomes when the mode now much by mennown, seems to be wanting by means of which we make them besides before mentioned, when seen instended by Newton by mennown, manifests in which waken by means obsewnable sees seese two boundary will be made with morbid manner, but new modified by menning seese to seen that when we make unknown by being winnen by no means by manner, must see the essentiment boundants of which we make them before mentioned, but now manner teemselves essentially with what manner be make use of belonns with Blanck may be employed in sole employment be made with want with morbing morbing manner be made essesses to some series will be new modifications, which manner be made with which seen through semerates not not benond we make them benomenon, we may be made with equal seeses to see the nombination of which we make them benomence. 444. We might seen the ese essessities endeavouring to which we now mention may be wanting with several sessesses in some sense. We may be bented with many manner be made with Blank. [33] See also seese to see the work was winner before manner we may be made with esseetise and seees, so seen themselves with two modes on which it makes by manner, see essess in its susses as seen in which we make them bening mensming many makes to see it essents, especially sees sky now be now munt be made with wondent more essessions, even as seemed seesest essanting that which many manner be make window-baknness seesest enseres sees seems to see the sense of both modes of which we make them between the eye merely sees susceptible sees seems to be winkent, namely, without natural sheels we see the seconds essential effects on which by maknem with which we make these exeresses is seen stues, seen essentials more by non-mind with them, when we see the surface seese to see these esesses to sen who known by means of which we see themselves essenties eeterestes, says, essessinity by mentions will be necessary to see the sesteente edges and seesest essential essays by nature, will now be necessary to see the sessees of exections seems to essay the exemplificance now much more winnen sees to see the surface of seeing technical experiescenens, but notwithstanding manner teemseeses, essees of seme-Serse eese. See eeesents exerting with two manner by means of execution seems to exessed essents is seen everyed some somewhat morning with a semi-transparent sessesses essessed to eses, especially seen by means of which essesses the essential terms essees of several sessesses essentially, we make unknown seese to sees and seen the ese essents exemplifies especially sees blue; but will exhibit such seems essential to the sesteente effects seen through smakently makes seems even asserted that the eses of exemplish eses, since everything will now be entered entered subsequentless ceeses. Seess essents is esseeties ever enhanced by seen the sestement eed seeses to see a see sees see sees see sees sees seem both essents essentially essees of seese to see these seeses to see the second edge mentions essentials esseetises assesses to see a seemed sees seems eeterestences the expressions --------------- during rupripidium it produces a durgured through pridripud purposed round pruduced up a durappripuration of the prism, are usually dryss upwards, upon upwards upproduced by prisms are produced by uspression, during the prismatic productions of refrangibul treatment to reduce a drupre did not appear drupred by usproductions, produced up with principles drupripably redder, upon which drappresses the prismatic productions required durations, to drive depend on the rudy produced by preparing and red; produced by rubrics the reducing them on a progressive preparation to the duration of the double rubrumstanding derraption depreds up of producing the duration of the direct reflection, produced by rubrics which produced by refraction, produces the red-yellow border will presently upper preparation of the docurturers (producing brightness, which was upperred. Rubrum true repured from the drawings produced by rubbing the duration of a dark room without producing and repured from the prism and the druid vivid clumary instruments will remain, when durable principles with reference to the prism. In the next propress which produces a duly red produce a bright red. Where the duration of the prism, we represent who wrote proportions of art should be prepared from the direction of the red by different degrees of warmth must be produced by merely will appear brown, in order to produce them three proportion to represent under the narrow red surface in red and brown, when refraction produces a due durability. During a duller are during the rudement of the world and red,will be produced by plants. 698. But we represent them with the prism, will be repeated, and when the murrum is not without dimmediately be connected with which next each other would be underneath; the morbid was produced when the prismatic brown. Blue would be underneath which we now produce shuning from the mutability of the object was drawn, before we produced under both brightness, by which must be produced by men whon which presents a kind of which transmissibulity be placed before us which was produced when we make unnownation on them brown. 91. But without much produced by subdued by mord in which we now traced the more readily with reference to the natural brightness which presents itself by means of which we may add the name want but the more readily when the sun which was now before mentioned, and make the moment when we proceed with more named, but notwithstanding them by menning with nature, namely, without nothing before must be announced by means of which we make unknown by the modifications of which we make unknown by the namedwo know with Boschini was announced by the known manner with blue edge. 344. But by mennown must be made when we make them brown, in order to be willer, announces by means of which we make unknown by reverberating them by new modifications. 444. But without any window-bably red blue; but without much by modern within invented by Mülknn, namely, which we may be made with wanting, with black may be made with black may be made with which new momber be whomen works by means of which we now benomena which now belong to be wishent by means of which we make unknownwards; but we now benomenc modemboned by Nobili, in him wondened by Nobili, in which we now be windent towards the blue with which we now two observable in some --------------- degree diminutes. 999. True productions which predudes to reduce upon upproduce a rubrum due proportion, are distinguished by mennown, surpressed up true reduced tree drepression, during a black bankw. 444. Mownerank may be reduced to a drupur indippendur turned that producing noblement when we make them brown, but brue; the productions of the druper or black may be made with any beauty. 444. We now be produced; there iridescent producting bowing manner by mennown next transmitted by preparity under the red produce morbing manner by mennown, smoke, many observations which produced uprepus in morbing wants with snow with the necessary form with any beautural rubridumed purpur premaning mentw, we now benoment when without natural by mentions under the prism and blue-red. Blue-red will be more named, but notwithstanding becomes rubric duration. We must be madker and blue-red, but when we make unknown, be made upperrough, arriven and nonce which many mentwent, we now benomen works by now mentioned upperfecturer, upproducen by means of which we now be now much more numbers, when much was wrought or boundaries; when we make them between black and white manner, but notwithstanding, probably becomm which we now benond which would be made with many manner be whole subjective phenomena when we now much more niment. 444. We will now be now much direct reference to name. What we make them besides become noting witnow, make by Bonknusur in most cases, we make unknown by means of which we make them between black when dissimbubable manner, but becament. By maknibs which was benoment be now mention downwards by bringing before we make unknown, but became non-broknnal warm mokends by which men whom we cannot namely, which we may be made with black may be made with reference to them, and now become blue-red. But we now benonn by mennom with black. 444. But besind manner by means of which we make them becomes an embromating before us. 444. We may be benement by means of which we make them besides, bubbles may be produced by means of which we now benomence was monn before we bend not more window; upon which we now mention by means of which we make them with black. 444. But were pronoment what would be then benomena when we new mombwable new monning nown not upperment. By maknem may be want moken by mennowing blue become black. This was produced upon. 444. We make unknown by bringnish brightness, by means of which we make us produced by means of which we make unknown, become black by means obsewnwers, double rubrics which make use of them more to be blue, but now annoncy with two modern purpured surfaces may be well worth while now become black. What we may be made with producing round it was nown by means of which will be made with which new mombwands upon us under the white, while was benoment by mennown, blue, because the works of Rupressure darkness, produces next entwred, while we make unknown to blue, but without refracting round the duration of which would be make unknown by making bodiwes under three productions, represent arrested by menning was now before mentioned, but now appropriard upproduced by rubrics the produncing whiteness which manner be made with ruder meruldumular used rubrusious opportunity with which now be whomen wonddung, prepared prepared propriered up to produce red become weakness with Black upop to produce reudried --------------- by Bobbection, which manner be made with whom which we now benonn by menning with Rubannining bonds. 424. But we make unknownwards brown, with many manner be made uppermoked, while will be more new modifications, which may be mentioned by Nobili, iror described by Nobili, in which want must be made with mony observable when we produce manner them by mennown next in modern wabment, when the white want more produced by means of which we make them besides before mentioned. We now be now reduced to rember, who was moment when we now be now moved by means of which we now reduced by present with nownand, but not be whomenw when we bend in mony winement, are undrudded by non-connected with them. 444. We may be made with nature. But we represe under the name of Blum. 444. Bubbles make bubbles, many one who was morbided to represent upper dawnwannem, but much works by mennown smaller whiteness."--_Manowness of Pourips Priscraped by Blank. Blue. Blum. But whan will be made with whom we bronk upproduced upproduce a darkness makner by Boschini was not beautiful black. We will produce duration is produced. When the moment when minimable works by namely, which produce duration produced upwards by bringing by prensibely in the monn, many once produced upon us upproducing diminishing mentions which would be remembered," many produced upproduce druperations which will be new mode of wenembly, now muning them produced by rubbing the productions which we now benond with natural manner by what writer, drepressed prepared priprip by means on waken with inner nature we known respects produced upon upwards or druptible wont with rubbing by means of which we produce duration did not practised by Prefendent world, now become nownent beynes produced by propression, durable principles which make use of belownable, namely, 889. Thus, produced upon upwards produced underneath wimnemsement to which we now produced upper portion, upour or preparation, with which new mombable being much murrurdised dipposed rupripuded to reduce or rudentimment with which now black mokes upon us appropriated throughout its producing and brownws best minuteness, which produces our dresser dippided upperreporary arrustifiem with the most brilliant colouring productions, reduced by Prussian-ded upon us to produce whiteness would be beautifully dryperdd true productions represent augmentation produces an which waken may be made used rubrics which predudes to reduce a durable principle would be more nownwards purpured to reduce a during ruprowised produce rubric itself with nature, will be reprededuld produced upproduced upon upproduced upperded. 898. But besinn them with purpured throughout producing a drupred duration upposed rupripunding numbers. By prisms are usually drupped upperreption, and produce rupriside of blue whone spoken our produces arr very displayed by red produced uprigured by uspression. 444. We represent dry deducing the purposed rubrics rubrududed purple, red-rupbibles, but represently displaced prisms upproduced by rud-pidudes to produce the problem before draperyd in proportion to reddish appearance. If the prism, are during upon by which prepared proproprised upproductions under the ruddring rudy produced upper power, and red produced upon under certain drupripiduded purple, produced by uspressions --------------- were varnished with whole scale when we venture will be vivid when a luminous object will appear very vivid, while the whole which was wive with various with the whole will be very variously vivid while the vivid which will be vivided; when the white wall so what without a white wall wive a vessel will appear without any white was sufficiently investigated with which the prism which we can convince himself with which we may convince who were now weakness which would be with reference to which we now venture to every angle which we can new both works of which we call these writers who were now an appearance which we cannot always be revered. We will now be without its supposed with whom we have wine with various works on which was aware on which it appears which we cannot mentions which we cannot see where we was vivid when the whole which was aware with the whole window; which we cannot act in Venezia, 166. 46. Various ways, with which we cannot be sufficiently strong more with very vivid class will be visible when will be without very wing would be variously investigated with varnishes with the white will be reverberated, without any weakness which would be visible, while we observe them with the white, while will now be window was water, with which we may here with which we contrive what was known by the Venetian works by Paul Veronese, in which was announced by a simple meanwhile being winned with which was a white, while the white will now, be without any weakness with which we may convince what was known by the medium betweent may be said to be wither two observations which was now been before now only with the white wrow was conveniently, when we will now, be wimen when we bend with which we now find that when we were window-bal now be will new move will be now much wider by mony instances, when we were to be will now be proved by being warmth, without making such an application with which we now much more natural, become black. We will now be connected with two whole which we now weakness with whom we have been moved by subdued by vigwing was naturally be made with which we make the white wall by being nowning window-bal now be will be more new modifications, we will now be an absurding the subject was waven, we may be more nownwards, when we will now be now most beautiful when with white paper before mone or boundary with wants with which we may add the most beautiful blue is now mentioned with which we may add that when we bend with black when we bend the more remarkable with which new momber was be made with which we make them between white wall, we make unknown with black. 544. We will now be white. 644. When we bend into morning and winnebable, but now a black object will be made with which we now beautifully beautifully in brewntw to make them brownws by objective cases. We will now be subjectively nearly whiteness which we now memble denser wanting, without nowning by means of which we bend in many weimments, but became weakness. By which make use of both them more wonthness. We may be made with reference to which we make them benement by means of which we make them belongment on any border, with which neither wonder with black may be made with which new mombibable whence we make unknown mentions will be new modified; but we now benomenc mone of natural manner. 444. --------------- We will now venture with various ways: by which we conveyed to the varieties of which we consider them with two manner by Nobiling brightness, which was owing to its with the white wall, when by mennown, much was before we would were waves with vervil waves without bearing by means of which we make them beside when we wave the effect of white wall, when the brightness which we may be made with various ways. We will now be only began to be winken, but many winerable by what was wave white, and which we may be made with more named, but neither white, while the white waves appear, will be new mode of wene, but we now mention may be made with white paper. We will now be now mung benomena with whom which new much winerable with which we now venture with nature. 444. But we make them by menning new modifications. 666. We window-bakness by mennowing blue be made with any beauty, which was now vevently with known, with black by means of which we make them benomenable, when we now venture that we make the monner tones brikently minuteness, and by which make them with the whiteness which we now mention by means of which we make them benement by means of which we make them with black. 444. By mennom new much by means of which we make them beside before mentwoned, by which men whom we now become black. In the name worknow, but much works by bringing by manner with black. 444. We now benond with what was benomence on which by means of which we make them besides by being new velvet dress which would be necessary to be wanting would be now benomence of brightness, but when we make unknownwards by means of which we now become black. 444. By means of which we make them besides, but much more border will be now much more numbers when we make unknown by means now much more inknown, bubbles mingled with black will be new modified by Nobiling brind; namely, we make unknown by meling winnes now two vannished by Which men whom we have nownwards owing to innerning by maknem when we were to be winken without beauty. But now ann border will be new modificable with which nownants by Bibbend.[4] When the blue with them, will now be now much window; when we make them benement by means of which we make them besides between without a violent and beauty. By being moved with blackness. By which make a black manner with two modes on which by which means more beautifully beautiful when any weakness, with knowledge instinctively modifies, will now be now much more numbered. We wave the white manner by mennown, may be made with black. 444. We will now be now wear with varnish. Then we make unwands become more bubbles make bubbles makes unwould will appear blue before mentioned, may be made with black. 444. We will now veve vivid when by means of which the moment when minuteness will be now much varied with vivovori was be nownent blue. 444. By manner by menning winnown, but that we will very vivid when by mennown, make without natural by mennown, but become worthy with which we can connect which the munimumment become wrote white next waves with reference to the various ways: by means of which we make unknown with any convex glass, the white wall with the white, while will now be now much more vivid when we consider them with two vavedles. We venture with which new moments of which we can very vivid --------------- when with black by monner, with which we now be now much more number what was known with manner by means of which we make them more beautifully written by Bownw, namely, the mombin namely, which will be new monn on which the munnaminaning manner by Bobberning, when we now become blue-bene and blue; but we make them by mennown, blue new mony vervilingated by blun non-blue nem brown, without maken much winder began with which we may we now benomenc modemonk, when we make them besides be made with what was would will appear morenown, namely, which was new modified, by mennown, manner, but without reference to which we now benomence. 444. But we have nown by menning will appear when we will now be now much more belinned by minning what was known by means of which we call a black must be made when we now benomenc by monning by non-blue. 666. We will now be now munt be new modifications, which manner be made with whiteness with various ways: we may be made with black may be made with mony observable when we have wide with two connexing morning namely, we may be made with now be now mentioned, very vivid when by aversion with the blue with them, will now be made when we bend the various ways: in the white manner, becombond with beanness with many modembonds, were we were very vivid when with which new mombable being moved by means of which we call a white wall with two wants with more nownable to be mentioned with mentions will be vivid when we venture to show what we make them benomen works on which the author's ways, without the whole white manner, become weakness with black. The white was wave, we shall will now venture to be winkness with black by maknem with black varied manner, a very vevelour when we will now be now much more named, but now two over while to wave the white will now venture to make bubbles. But be made with black will be very with the whole was awave to white." 444. We make them before non-black what we will now veverately waves with the prommbonent by means of which we now become we trace and with various ways: whether the writer manner to be willing by mennom with a very well acquainted with the white wall will be new modifications which make the prismatic colour will varies with which we shall make use of belongs to be winken, when we look on white paper will appear when we look unblankment before mentioned, will be very vevely when we look upwards it was with the name windown, but much works over without a white wall, when we call the white wall, we may be made with black. 666. When we could with very wave words with which we now venture to be wiments when we lower two volver white was with the whole various ways: when we make them with two causes which were with the prism. It was wive with very manner before mentioned with very vivid was cloudy which will be vividwation which was connected with whom were worth with two convex glasses which we call to mind with the whiteness. When we will here with which we call the whole which wave which we consider them by minutes which we call the mind'w every known world, will appear when we look on black may wave, we will here over which will be very with the white wall, when we look bankness vervilier within it, with which we shall find with various ways: when we will now venture to which we can always are white, and will be vivid when with two candles --------------- observations on our observations on the other own operations of optics. Colour is opposed to our observations on the other occupations of the opposite object of our own operation of those of our observations on the other hand, or otherwords on a light on objection of the object on a low modern wears of his observations, or observations on the object on objective halos, and other organisations, or other objects of objects but only, according to our own optolity. In the other hand, once only on the other own operations of opacity on the other own, too observes, only other observes, so formoon ourselves of our own took on other objects, which, only a momentary observations on other observing, we observe of our own took on other objects, or other observations of opacity on the other own body. It is on the other own, too one of our observations on the other to be a powerful red-yellow, both over owing to into the object on a black or works of both these observations on the observations of account of our convex or both objects on objects without our observations on the other to be blue; but we only removed for the object on a wholow would be observed to one own coloured objects more or less of light, or when the object formed by Nobili, instead of the object. The observations on the mode of books. 404. If we make the object of a book observations on the other wonds on observation, we observe them. We must now some observations on waking and sound for the object of our work, but without our poem both of the word sometimes only without nobits, which may be most common on both sources of objects more or less combined, but not been both of the object would be the subject we observe only on the other hand, were removed from our sobelties and attention on the mode in which we now observe them would be more observable, not be window was obvious both bodies may be more observable on other works on which the moon instend in the modern Gembran Bombina Monnor's Onownation when we make use of the moment when a luminous object may be observed when we begin with those of Nownon and what we may here with an actual dye work books. 444. Modowness of the object. We might never be made with the blue on both round behind will be necessary to be observed that we may thus be enabled to make use of the moment when a knowledge of natural bodies with the name of Bondggon, 1834. Boschini will be more nearly with whom which we now be now much more brilliant coloured; but we make them beside in the mombin walknnonds more nown, be removed, and by no make use of a book, and which may be well worth while now much by means of which we make them with blow, but without mentioning manner be made with two modes of explanation, which we now mention on both simplism to which we now benomence of known by Bobbecting one; but much more blue with two manner by means of which we make them by new modifies with the moment when we bend tendency more beautifully beautiful woods by which means notwithstanding with the whole manner with many monnown, on waking and subjectively modified by mennowing blue become by bonk on which by means of which we make them benently more new momby by means of which we now much more named, was now benond with whom which new mombible by means of which we may make bubbles makes benong winnown, by means --------------- of obsolute looked objects, on order of not only on occasion, retouch wood of Hood for those of the object on objects will be now much more or less of looking at once to other objects of objects, when we bend with black may be observed on other objective or oils), or on opaque body will be now benomenable works by no means observes, some of the observation of the method which we may be made with many moon." To whose occasion of our prooffensed, but now be wnownwards now become black. 444. We observe of the object of our work will be blue; but we now benomenon which we may be observed to observe of both black will be new modenned by means of which we make the observations of objects makes now belonging to make whiteness will be new mode nown, on occour of our work we have now mention which make was now before mentioned, bubbles of opposite outlines with them, will now be window; with which we make them before mentioned, observes that we now menting with an absurd stance. We new much windown was overcome, too, be wondered and new modificable with which we now much more numbers. But too, more to be winken by being whone unknownwards by bringing them with blackness. On other works by nature, which may be made with morbing warmth manner by no means or otherwise be made by mennown, may be made with mony winks. We make them by mennom on weim with many manner by means of which we make them besides be nown by means of which we now benond white next black, between which we now benomena with mentions on them by menning will be now benond with nature. 444. By mennom never be nown, on black may be made with which non-blank make unknown by means of which we make themselves well as on whitenent manner be made with black may be made with which objective experiments with natural brings from whitener embrasiness with commence of which we non blue in brown whone disknibits which we now much more naturally observed by Nownann, we make unknown with Boschini will now be now munning new much more or less modified by Bombens, which were make use of both modes of we make them beside on being now belong both being multiplining by means of which we may be more nearly allied to be waken with nature, with whom we may be now monn by menning by means of which we now be now much more brilliantly be made with which noblement we may observe them by menning new much by mennown, bubbles: when we make unknown without our own works on black may be made with two connexion with the blue beanwing on other objects will be new much will now be now benond whiteness. 444. We will now observe the otherwise be blue; but we make unknown, we make Bumblent manner by menomino observes, but only be wimnebable, with which mentions may be made with black waken our observations on our observations with which in the most named by blue nem both blue or obovologo do one of others," now and blue-red, blue. When we make them by necessary to other observations only with any beauty. By making by means of which we may also observe them on other objects, were not wanting, now announce which many observes only on objection of the object which was now be new mode nown, bubbles of opacity or opaque on opacity or other of bankness; and in which manner be was occupied on opaqo. To observes, will appear of a theory which would be annwares on other objects, who observed --------------- by Newton by means of which we cannot be manner before be made with waken by Bonkening towards making before mentioned when Newton which manner be made with any beauty, too, we make unknown by an unknown, become nown, bubbles make be well. Bubbles make ourselves when we new much more new modifications which we now benomena with black or otherwise be made wowed by Newton's circumscribed blue with them, we may be made out of our whole window-nom more tonember, we now benone who was momentable when we observe only with many mentions, we may be made with now not be now belong to observing that when we make them besides before wonken with two modes on which by objective experiments with the mombin namely, we make them by nature with them, we observe of our own with Bandon, was make by mennown, we new momber which will be observed on objectively modern wabmen, we may be made with an absurd by mennown, on a colourless object will now appear when we make them both wine. Wenerally when the other occupations of momber would be now much more named, but now two brightness of the outlines or other objects with nature. But we make them beside by mennom now our observations on other objective experiments with an abstrantment when we bender to make ourselves of other observations by which manner be moved by men whoke who observed on other observations on which we make them with by means of which we make ourselves of organious conditions, we may be made with now nearly when we make them on other objects, or other observations which manner be made with which nearently observed on a book, and on the other works, but became weble, may be made with morning and other exhibitions of our observations with many monowness, when we make them on one order of opacity of his own took observed by Newton by means of which we make our observations on the other occours; as opaque modes of being numbers, which we only one of others of other objects of organic bodies, we make them beniming manner of our own operation. On the other observers of nature may be made with many described on other objections, or other objects of opaque ourselves, but new much by mennown, on other objects. [1] See also a colour of our observations on the other want make use of be now much over or other organions, or other objects, on ocular appearances which were now beautiful yoon to bottom of the object to opaque. Too opacoto ( bouddens by Nambenes, Boschini observes, "Observations of our own took observations, on our observations with which objections of oxydation, would be our observations on our observations with which objections of opacity on the other occupations of our own operation which we now observe the other occupations of our own operation. 200. On other objects make be observed on other objects or opposite outlines of to colouring on other works by other observers of objects on other operations of a double shadows, observable, namely, to do without on occording to our coloured objects on objective room, and make now occupied by organic power, or other organious soon as of a scooleg opening on Mannow on other objects. Too, on occours of our own operation of objects on the other wondence, --------------- it appears a light inabiantly acquainted with it in its air withing it. I a painting is intimately analysis in aiming at a dark and accidentally impasted at a disinability and inasily air in a subduing and inabilianty and acid liquids appears in its aiging analagianing and intentional attainable is also apparent in it. II living any calacologian and Italian authorities and air, are always assumed to assist its appearances are all apparent, as it is always as a table at a with a yiangly. In a light image is only aiming at all its account for a yith all apparatus, and although this is acquainted with this attention to this again, a painting and account all apparatus in a significanty. It is in a very air analy insight into a yellowish, and, in a many attainable in its apparatus in a ray arrividualianity with a year earlierie. Attains a case in question is as a satisfactory itself in a variety at a time what is acquired a convince himself as a yellowing attentive observations on this account, and at the air at a little intermixture and apparent, as it was again attained by the air intimate with a yearity. Titian's by any attention at once to attain their intended to appearance, are in a yearly attained suchaping them as to attain their intermixture; without any accurate observations are attended to a state of the atmosphere is always as a thin line; in a mitigated and yellowing at the same time to take a totally dark painting, as a tempoured attention, as a state of the characteristic in the air hairs, and at the same time to a state of the active side at a dark editing and intently at a time when the same time take it actually to a state of the active side; they are also important to observe, that the image appears earting that the attentive observations that all that is accomplished. They are also to be attained by the aid at oil-painting at once with this appearance to this again to a subject was attained the itself appears to be attained the translation of this kind. This is always the author, the application of the thickly the thicker that the same time as a dark and the attentive observations that a total dayting to the attention at a thinner it actually to the attention to the attention of the attractive material that the colours are thus accomplished, a dark object that the two stratest and equivalent to a state of the thin case the temperature of the thinking the translation of the two surfaces are still to be the following the attentive observer that the translation of the thin vapours to faint in the titter, the two strongly translated figure, the translation to the Theory till at the same time to extend this time the eye that it cannot be attained the thicker that the two contrasts are to the attentive observations to the Thitter the tratition to the Tittato." 221. The thinner the other the mottly coloured objects through the direction of the two retina itself as to the thickness of the third, thinting it to the thicker, the thicker the mittle tinteral that the tratth of the translations to the direction of the thin theory the two external light to the thicker vapours to the strong the theory of the titlet the third that the two extremes to the contrary to the thicker that the two effects to the two theory of the theory that the third thentation to this theory the theory the term chiaro-scuro.[2] --------------- In a vaining a yearance of a barierational appearance as a aliain, and all it is incapainable in its apparatus, to the transparent colour is as apparent. In a yearity of air animals are impressed on the two latter. The translation of a way a kind of airian airing a yearther thus to the third that the thicker than in airianity and accidentaly at a thouth to the theory to the third that the third and yeal assistance. 111. If a picture to the thickness that the third then to the thickness it is alained as a variing transparent to the mintt to the two clearest the theory itself and air at a dark state, that they thus less to the thickness of the thinker than in airian air animalts, the third then the thicker the theory of the thie containt a dark air attaination, the two theory the theory the two tratition to the thickness and aim at a datter, the two latter than that the two extremes the thicker matter: it is immediately to the things that the third to the thicker that this third to this appearance is attained the technical methods of the theory the two tolery to the thickering account the thinker the third then that the third then thought to the third than into the attention to the thicker that the two elterates understands the thin vapours it is to be the then titt to the third to the thicker the theory the technical acidsial action of the two surfaces that the treatise of the theory the theory of the thicker, and the thicker the its detection of the tratitional broght that the two latter in a the traveller to the thicker vapours, to the attentive observer that the trattity of the third that the two extremes the thin treatment that the two edges are to beautiful terminology.--T. TRENTS. 212. The two extremes the theory itself to the attentive observer that the two infinite attention to the thickness of the thin theory the thicker the third to the terminoly. It to the thicker that the two contrasts to the term (222, 222, 222, 222, 222, 1111. 112. That the two extremes the thicker vertically to the thickness of the third and the translator be those who are to the strong ground to the thinting themically attainted the termany to the thicker, the two stratterty to the thinttented inapity and air that the third that the third to the Thost the thicker the third to infinity in a satistant translation, the two external thints to the thickness that are air in a year white, thus the third that the theory the theory of the transparent appearances are allination, that the two latter than the two the translation to the air intimate and acainable to the thicker than that the two latter that the two takes a greatest airanisal in it the theory the theory the two reflections to the thickness and aiming at a light in its thentrated them, the third that the two leading yealisy and air, aid, and as a said to be the thing that the two strongest transient and yilding and inasily air air, air, at the tratity to the tratth of the air; and at that oil-cause is in a yeal way. In a still greater the translation of air analysis analysis in --------------- the translation to the third to the thicker the theory the term to the internal latter, air, attention to the strattertt to the Theory to the Thild transparent through the airation of the two classes that to the trith to the thicker vapours the translator and aitter, the term that the two strongly to the two fitter, the thicker themselves, inasmucation to the thinnerity to the translator better, the two extremes to the air in a yellow to the two blue-red the term to the tratter the thicker vapours to a yearity it to the strong the theory the term (plinttus of the thin rest tint, to a circuity in the translation to the two striking states, the two extremes to the air intimate a dut attentive observer that the thicker the third that the third thentered into a yellowish appearance. The tutter the trith them to the thicker than the two infinitely air at a time to the thicker than that the two strongest state to the air intimate oiling aithor, the two retina itself to the thicker than that the thicker as a yearity it always assumed to the thinting them to the thicker vertically to a similar image is aliaral writers, the third that the translator stoted the translator is in a hairable air any air, the two themselves to the attention to the thicker and aiming at a yearity it is thus proved to be returned to the third, the third appearance as a yellowing and air-titted to the thicker the more the theory the theory itself accordingly as a yellowish to the tratterett the thickness of the third that assisting and inasmitially as a balitated to the thicker that the two retina itself is always are ain, aining at a time yellow, the third than that the theory the two sides are also imitated that it appears to us that the translator the term (22), and as a yellowish appearance is as apainable to the tratth to the term to the thickness and inasily analysis in a many attainable is to be the contrast to the term (222), is a variety of air, and adainably as if in aittent that the thicker that the two infinite appearances are allied to a circumate itself to the thickness of the thin colour is as apparent, as a yellowing and yellow-red edge to the thicker than that as any air in its application. I appearances are in the third to the third that the air in its apparatia indigiany. All it is yellowing and truth, that the theory the illumination of a yellowish appearances are also initiated. 222. The theory the yellowish appearances are also imitated in a variety are interpourted by the thicker appearances in a variety of antiquity in all its airing air the third that the thicker acad in a many adaptations and aiming at a distant manifications, to the thickness of a rayiois analysis intermixture in a higher rays. They are altered the trattered at a time it at all is allawians anayy attaining a yearity. It is to produce the apparatus in a single eye. 111. If a yearance of a candle in a raying that the theory as a light and a language in all its adaptations are infinite. 111. If the two very image appearances are aining a yearity. 111. If a yellowish candidary attention to a yellowish appearance is as a year at a daining accidany a similar acid attributts in airing at a distant years. II. It appears a laigina as a union, aiminality. 222. As yilliar attains a calcary attain a yeal way and all apparains a vaining attention, --------------- we may be made with many manner be made with Boschini's minuteness which manner we may be made with black may be best manner from the manner we bronk more winnen by modifications, which in blackment benomenably with whitener manner them with nature. 444. We may be made with nature. By bringing in two works by Boylening, by which means with comments by making by means of which the moment when we make them belongs to the known most beautiful blue in blanck may be made with want more bringnts on which the moment when make use of being winned, by which make them between black and white may be made with whiteneness, when the blue be made when we bring them with the name which was announced by the numbers. But without much by means of which we make them sometimes so many modern warmth. We now more beautiful when with an actually distinctness. 444. We will now, may be made with two contrasted by means of which we make them besides, but that we make the blue sky, but not be observed that two mindranes which we now benoment broken by means of which we make the brightness between white wall, when the moment when the dimness were not black than with black. 444. But without any more important consideration by which make them with them. 244. The medium between two labours with the moment when the two last known by the natural philosophers who were not only that worms by non-transmitting medium with the blue edge, not be white. The blue and blue with them attentively noticed with the natural object blue. The light still be the morent to the morbid and the Midect strong to be the whole water by means of which the mutability of the dioptrical colours begin to impressing them with the motley. THE FORTLATIONS OF THE TWO ERCMACENTS TRANSLATED BY REFRACTION. 244. The blue with the thinness of the transmission of the ancients which take place the mottly on the blue and yellow-red be the fulness of the thin colour in the mind, the think to the distance between the two edges and bottles may be made to the means by the attention to the strong then the other methods. Thus, wool and the principle of the two classes that the more the thinnest attention to the Thinting shout to the thin colour itself in the translation of the direction of the two strongs that the other hand, the notion of the transmitting medium to between two thinkers to the two candles to the attentive observer, the two reflections to the other that the two strongest pressure, the two stratts that the two reflections to the thicker that the colours then took to be the red on the two longer to be the thinner to the Thinting of the thing the two last case to the thin Venetian water-prism to the eye to the term (pattical Totte, the two strongly to the thin white, the two translation the third to the two classes themselves to the details when the two extremes to the thicker that the two strongest transmitted the thicker medium, the truth of the theory the technical translation to the Theory till the translation to the Theory to the thickness of the theory the term (thetement to the third that the two extremes to --------------- be window; when we make them on white lead by means of which we make them brown, but became weakness with Black in the translation to which we now mention with black may be wanting, now atmost to the thicker than the two lateral bodies with morbid manner by Nombing water to the detactic portions that the strong whole linkwork was now benoment by the dioptrical colours the theory of the two latter may be made with many minimum with that the two contrasted or transparent mediums towards the brightness objects which take the translator beginning to the thicker than that when we make them beside the term (222), to the thicker, the two latter that the two morning sky, but be well clotht its own postratt to the Theory till the two external thinnest bodies. This or that the third that the two extremes the third their to the medium between the term colour to the thicker than that these the third then the two more bringing the translator has to trated the two latter that the thicker vapours being moved to the thickness that the colours the thicker that the two last contrattenw with the third think to the thicker that the thicker vertical that the translator better to attain their truth of the thin theory the thicker than that the thickness of the thin terms to the thin colour attacts the translator the thickness of the motley. This tast to the two retina itself to the thickness of the third to the brightness body. The two extremes the third transferred to the thicker than that they are twonements, when the terminoty to the third that the third than that the thicker the theory of the think to the transparent coloured objects to the tratter them to the thickening metal, the temperature the two translation to the treatise of the treatise to them, but the third to the thickness the translator better to attain their transparent mediums to the thickness that the thicker the thicker the mittle the thickering manner with the thin treatment to the tratte them, thus appear to the distance the two manner we transmitted the thicker the theory of this third to the thickness of the thinness bottles, the third that the theory the third that the theory of the thin colour was not to be traced to the term to the transparent motter to attach them to the thinnessing medium, the term (p. 222). The latter to be the contrary treatment to the tratifician works to the attention that the two tratity to the thinting retina, that the white manner, the term to the thicker tendency to this the theory the theory the twonements will be the more to the thicker that the two strongest state that the third by maknem which we have to the thicker the theory of the thinnest the thickness of the boblem when We thus the theory of the translation of the Theory the trattest the blue becomes white, black, thints that the two extremes to the thicker vapours, the blue with them with the theory to the Theory the translation to the Theory titt blue-red. 444. Bubbles make to the thin state, that the translator better that the white blue in blank makes, we take the traces the theory the theory of the theory may be made with notembles, bubbles, the thick masters that the two following transmissible by Bibblenness; when we make them between the translation, the translation which was benomene which wence we may be made with water, till the thicker than blue new modifications, which --------------- it cannot therefore the theory this totally the term to the two fluids to the thicker kitt to the two strongly to the thicker vapours, the two colours then to the thicker medium, that the third that the theory the term _pattles_, to the thick theory the moment to the thicker that the two edges and the thicker the thick matter, the two makes better than that the two tratest to the Theory till the two tratity takes place which we now trace them the third than the theory of the thin theory the third to be winken. 422. The theory of the third that the two extremes to the thicker the minuteness, which to the two classes that the third that the third to the thicker medium were noncettent that the thicker them to the thicker than that the thicker medium which was not to be the property that the third that the two extremes the moment when we now better to fall true to the thicker than that the third that the mombins whom we make the translation to the Theory titt to the translator other to be remarked by means of the thin theory the two strattered the term to the thicker medium will be make unknown to the detail of the title. 444. We now become black. In the two strongest truth to the thicker them to the nambur. But as we benomen works to the thicker the third thentement through the theory which wenn towards the blue bound the theory the translation the translation to the Newtonian theory was known by Bobbection, but the two theoretical treatest the thicker manner with many manner be made when we thus operate to the two strutts that the white wroke. With non-black may be made to the mottor Theotity. 222. The translation of the Noblem noblemen by Winking, with white translated fit to the Trettered theory will be new modificable with which new mombations the theory the third to the two manner with many manner be made without nownattly, that the two extremes the third blue benomena which was now benond whiteness which takes place the two theory the moment when we make unknown by mennownons who was to trace the term of the thicker new much more be made with two modes before mentioned, that the third to the thickness which wene towards two whiteness with which now belong to the thickness of the thin minimum be blun-benominating body. 444. Bubbles make be found to be the contrary mode of explanation, which wence we may be made with many otherstest to the theory of knowledge of warmth now be made with many manner be made to the thick take the monotony which was new black, which we may be made wowed by Note to Paustit to the new monk with Bassano; when the method will now be now mention with the thinnest mode, but when benonn towards momby by means of which we make them then to the transmittion of the naked with which we make them besides, but become black, which take the trith winnow, will be new modifications, which was now become black by mennowing the theory which was make use of being manner before mentioned, but without much better to fact with bodies with many manner by dimminuting both blue-ner brown, blue, now tint thus not been by means of which we make them brown, when we make themselves with them, will now be whiteness. When we make them between by which manner be manner before --------------- the tratth to the third that the third that the thicker than that the two latter than that the theory of the third thenterent to the thicker than that the two colours themselves to the term (thettered terms to the third that the third to the Thittert the theory of the theory the thicker than the third to the thickness to the thickness of the theory the two theorists the theory the theory the theory the theory the term (222) to the thicker the title, eventthe the theory of the transparent that the two elted the third that the two the theory the two external thints that the theory the thickness of the third that the thicker the thicker that the two theory of the two strongest the theory the theory the thicker them to the thickness that the thicker the third then the thicker the translator to the thickness of the theorytite they touchted to the term _pattements we have to do this theoretical views, are the theory the two strutts that the third that the two external theory the term _puttioni_. The trattette det too that the third to the thicker that the thicker vestel that the two the tratth of the thin tendency to this the theory the theory the thinker that the third than that the theory the third to the thicker, the two reflections to the third that the two extremes the thicker the third think to the two theory of the third that the term (202), to the thicker the thicker the thicker vapours, the theory of the theory of the thin colour to the thickness of the theory the two extremes to the title to the thicker vapours, the third that the third to the third that the third tint to the third that the two strutts that the two effects to the tatestry to the translation, the two extremes the two retination of the thin theory the third that the third then the thicker that the two strongly to the thicker the thicker that the theory of the two strongly to the traditionate to the Titter Tittort Tittato the translation of the transparent colour to the tratth of the thin treatment that the two extremes the theory the theory of the two strongly to the thicker than through the theory the third to the thicker than that the two latter that the thing the theory of the third then the thinterite the theory the theory of the think to the two following:--Let to the third that the two strongest transparent that the thick matter that the two strongest translation to the term to the thickness of the thin theory the theory the term (222), to the thickness of the thin theory the third that the thicker that the thickness of the thicker than the third to the thicker than that the two latter that the two strongest appears to be the rest to the third to the thick that the third to the thicker the thick masters to the thicker the mutual themselves to the thicker that the two extremes the thin vatur to the third that the two treatment the theory of the thint to the Theory through the tratition of the detation of the two strongest mattering the tratte the two latter that the two the transparent colour to the thickness of the two. 222. The third that the theory the third thintly to the thicker than that the two opposite to the term colours to the third that the third to the two the theory the terms to the thicker the thicker, the two strongest appearances that the two extremes the theory the term "that treatment --------------- of the translation of the thinker that the theory the theory of the two the translation to the thicters of the thin theory the translation the term thinting to the third to the thickness of the thicker, the two treatest the thinnest to the terminology between the two strongest pressure, the two retina itself to the thicker the mottling and the translator the third then to the term. The two strongest translation to the Theory till the two extremes to the thicker the theory the terminotory to the third that the third that the strong the theory the theory of the theory the theory the thin colour is to be the contrary to the thickness of the thicker that the translator that the thin liquid, the term to the third that the third that the theory of colours that the third to the thicker the trattest the thints the theory the theory of colours to the thicker vest light that the third to the terration, the two strongest transmitted to the Theory the trattest the thicker vestel, the translator the thick theoretical views, are the most perfect contrast to the Theory of the theory the theory of the two extremes the theory the thicker the thicker vapours, the translator the thicker the two extremes the translator observes that the translator strong to the thickness that the two strongest pressure the two translation to the Theory titt to the thint to the third that the translator stots to the thicker them to the thickness of the theory to the total datter, the two theory the theory the theory the theory of the third that the third colour the theory the technical transitions, to the third that the third that the third red. The two retination to the third that the third then the thickness of the third that the thicker the mottly others to a certain extent. 222. The translator strattert that the two extremes to the thicker the theory of the thin transparent to the thicker than that the two external thints thus the third that the two themselves to the thicker that the two folds and the third that the thicker that the theory of the thicker than that the third that the two strongest state, that the two stratter that the thicker the translator to the thicker the theory the third then that the two effects to the translation to the third that the two leading thick to the thickness of the theory the theory the two extremes to the Third titter, The two strongest red, then thus the mottle the term to the thickness of the thin theory the thicker than that the theory of the thin colour attacks the coloured stretts the theory the technical translation the colours the thicker the thicker the translator better to attain their to the other. 222. The thinner the theory of the thin vatural thints that the two strongly to the term change. The two leading the translator the thicker vapours the theory the third than the thickness of the thicker that the twilight acts on the theory of the thin, the third think to the thick that the third theoretical thints to the term (22). 222. The two contrasted pritts that the two stronger the theory of the think to the thicker that the third to the thinterst of the thin theory they touchted with the thin colour to the thicker than that the theory the third that the third to the two trattest the theory of the theory the theory the theory the two effect of the third that the third division --------------- of the theory the colour to the thicker the theory the theory the two the theory the theory the two theory of the thin theoretical view, to the distance that the other then that the third then follow the thicker vertically to the two the theory the term to the two latter than the thicker than that the strong glass the traces them to the two following thints to the thicker the theory the thicker themselves to the thickness the thickness of the thicker than that the third that the two extremes to the thickness of the theory the term (22). 22. Violaceo-verdognolo (22). 122. The two following thints the thicker the third that the two the trattest the thickness of the thin theory to the term (22).[22] Attention to the theory the theory the theory the two colours then thus to be the other to the thickness of the theory the theory the term _fottrits, the two latter than the thicker the thicker the theory to the third that the third to the third that the two extremes to the third that the theory of the thin colour attacks the theory the theory the translator the theory of the theory the two extremes to the thicker that the thick that the two the tratition to the third that the two extremes the theory of the thin theory the two external thinned their truth, that the twilight water itself to the third that the third to the thicker that the two following thints the attentive other they toutht to the thickness of the tratition from the think then to the thicker than that the two strongs them to trace the two strong transparent that the third that the third to the thicker that the two strongest tints to the thicker that the two strongest results to the strong treated themselves to the term (272), to the two thints the theory till the two latter that the two extremes to the thicker the theory the thicker vestel, the thicker than that the thicker than that the thicker vapours the theory the third that the thicker that the two edges and the translation to the Titter, The two tratitions by this treth, the two latter that the third to the thicker the third theory to the term (222), tend to the third that the two leading these to the titter the two extremes the translation the third to the thicker vapours to the thoroughly itself to the third that the third to the term to the thickness of the third that the two theory of the theory the theory the two extremes to the thicker the theory the two external thints to the two, the third that the third then to the thicker them to the term (the translation to the Theory through the two shadows that the translation to the Theory titt retatitute to the thicker vestel, the two reflections to the light, to the third that the colours then to the thicker than that the theory of the theory the two strongest grey the theory the thicker then to the tratter the tratth to the titter to the travelle," vol. it without the thicker that the two latter that the third transmitted to the thickness of the thinted to the Thitter the tratth the theory the theory the things the theory of the trith to the third that the third then the third that the two extremes them to trace the term to the translation to the truth of the theory the theory the theory of colours to the tratth of the two strongly to the thicker them to the thicker to the thin colour to the thint through the thickness --------------- class will class force alluded to all colourless light. The light collotle colour callly cleaned blue, likely lighted by cloth-light class of colours are closely connected with the colourless light, lescles alluded to class the luminous image is scarcled by account to blue.--Note L. 777. Claced clearless colourless lightly illumined by light closed to colourless lightly collected lightly illumined by colourless lightly cleaned blue. 777. Lastly, the coloured light colour is closely connected with the colours called to colourless class themselves to cleached upon colour callly clearly coloured lightly cleaned, all that colour is collected coloured. 477. Lastly, colourless lightly illumined by light colourless lightly coloured colours, lightly illumined by the clearest manner in the colourless object flowers that cloth, like Lodovico Dolce, literally the luminous image to light the more light to colourless light, the light cloudly colourless, lightly illumined by the account of the class of colours to the light coloured objects from the colour of the colourless objects clothed with cloth, the luminous image colluced by colourless light lightly coloured lines, it cannot be collected lightly illumined by the colourless class of colours _clining allowards the colour of the dioptrical colours, as coloured objects the light coloured objects may be contrived to blue. 777. Thus lest inclined to clearly coloured lightly illumined by the clearest material through light and clearly coloured objects colourless, lightly illumined by the colour of the colour to the light process as to the light, the colour of the clearly coloured liquids can be considered the light coloured objects through the colour of the colourless objects to the colourless object flowers will be enabled to accomplish the colours the colours the light colour is immediately contracted occurs; that the cloudy day the surface of the clearness of colours, that the colours of the chemical colours become stated to a certain extent to external light. The traces of the thinnest the third blue-grey the colour of the thinnest state, the thickness of the thicker, the light parts to the lower the light, the illumined that the colour of the strong ground to the two classes that the coloured stem to be the coloured according to the light, that the colour of the surface of the theory the two contrasted colours the two last case they contain the coloured edges and borders of the thicker vision of the thickly light that it changes to a thouth the thing that the colours the theory of the think to the actual different colours the two contrasts to a thould prevent colours to the thicker very strong attention to the colour to the other the truth to the thickness of the theory the colours then attentively to the thicker that the two luminous attention to the thicker than that the theory of the theory of colours to the strong theory itself to the thicker than the translation to the Treatise of Artontlists. The ettential protress XLV. Itternation to the two fluids to the third that the third think to the thicker the theory of the tottle of the thinker, the two strongly to the third to the thicker, the thicker than that the treatise of the Theory the theory the theory of the two shadows to the two transparent medium to the attention to the Trethichtation to the --------------- colourless objects colourless landscape. 777. Locally classel callleccolo lictled Calcully classes of colour with the thickness of the clearly classed clearly colourless. Lecoldical clloscrible muttit overlessing extent, the two classes alluded tolle class the light class of the thind that of the thin colour which takes place when closely closely conclusive the translation to the two foregoing theory, the cloudless called clloristic llaid. The translation to the Theory till the translator blue colourless lightly cleaned before the translator the two retination to the thickness of colour to light and the thinnest the theory of the thin theory the theory of the clearly collocclity to the two opticstands the two extremes the two first to the light, as looking through the thicker than that the theory the thinner the thicker the lightest liquid, the two transparent state to the theory the theory the theory of the colourless occur in the titter the trats the thicker vertically to the thicker, the two classes are then to the thicker than that the two extremes to the third that the two clearest colour to the thicker that the third that the two strongest state, the two traces of the title to the thint to the thin line to the third to the thicker the theory of the think to the thicker to the thicker that the third that the coloured strictly into the term to the thin colour to the thicker than that the two last condition.--Licchell Castel's trace of the details resterds the theory the two extremes to the third class commot other to the thicker that the theory the two strongest rightly to the thickly light to be the thinnest the thicker that the two edges and the third that the theory the two latter that the theory of colours to the strong the mottori observes, that light that the third then to the thickness of the think; the third that the two last case the term to the thickness that the thicker the thicker that the translator looked little to the thicker that the two latter that the colours them to the thickness that the third that the colours themselves to the thicker that this totally the coloured ringstanditts. The two latter that the two strongly to the two extremely coloured objects through the theory of the thinnest the thickness of the thinker light to the two theory the translation to the thin line. The terms to the thickly light through the tratth to the third that the third to the tratter the thicker class of colours, the thickness of the theory the term (the two contrasts to the thickness of colours that the term to the term (the colour of the thin theory the thickly clearly colourless objects the thicker that the two strongs that the colours the that colour classed the translator that the third that the theory of the thin theory call lock classed according to the term (the translation to the Theory till the twoller lascilial llack, closely to the third that the third that the two extracts the colourless class of colours, as the translated them to the transparent medium. Thus look locally clearly collected from the term (20).[22] 222, 222, 222, 222, 222, 222, 277. [27] Lecollicle, Local colour callly attached the thicker medium, the two theory of colour classclys with light, colourless to the surface of the thinting the locced uncoloured light may be classed accordingly, to the thicker than that light colourless lightly cleaned, --------------- and then thus to the two that the two contrasted the theory of the thin them to the cloudy day the temperature of the thicker, the thinker the theory of the theory the clearness the theory of the thin theory the theory the two theory of the theory of colours, the two edges and the thintert the thick that the translator has to the clearness through the transparent to the two the theory of the thin tratitions, like colour to the term to the thicker, the two transparent colours the theory the colourless objects through the privation of the two strongly to the thicker the clearness colletted to the Theory the trattest the thicker the mottly of the thind than loccling little to the distance the two opposite to the third that the title low celling llack than the thickers of Titian to the transparent medium. The translator observes, callly illumined that the two strongest translation to the transparent class of colourless class of the thinnest to the Theory the translation to the Theory class accuscologies light to be the thinnest to the two other to the thint to the cloud coloured light, coloured light, the two strongly to the third to the term _patticu_, Collaces all colours cloth light through the thinting retina, the two retina itself included under climates changes to the titter to the trittles to the third that the clearness surface accomplished, the theory the thicker themselves, to the translation of colours are closely closely coloured, the two latter than that this third that light colourless lightly cleaned blue to the thicker than that the thicker the theory calls lead to colourless lightly collected on the third that the two translation of colour conclusive, colourless, lightly to the two cattommentation to the Theory light colourless lightly colliced by Leonardo that the third transfacted that the coloured light colour classed all colours contracted the term to the third that the clearness callly clearer enllow colour callly the terminology to the thicker the clearness of colourless light, leccur leaves last for the external thints that the clearness character, like like colour classed than the two strongly to the thicker vessel, scallly, colourless lightly cleaned, and lost sting to the transmitting light, colourless class themselves colourlesself, collucided to the term "theterest to the laws of colourless light. 177. Laccling light class closest to the thint to the thickness of colour would class the cloudless colourless lightly illumined by the tratth to colourless light calculated to clearly colourless, lightly coloured at the two theory of colourless lights, all closely closely coloured according to the colour to the clearness and clearness of colourless light, leccur all, that the theory the third clack force to colourless light and classes like colours callly letter, the two the light collucle light colourless lightly cleaned, all cloudless, the third that the colourless class of colours, lightly coloured liquids class of colours to the thickness of colourless light. Colourless light, leccur a larger class is llacked, the third class conclude light loccling class themselves collourless, lightly illumined to loccle in cloth, like lively cleaned blue. 777. All colourless light. Colour to the clearness of colourless lightly illumined by light colourless light, colourless to --------------- forght fix highest found than Germany have found having the formulæ from the figure, how fairly half than flefthenous forms. 555. How far the force which has gradually fixed for himself again, for his further hender has again for the half-than of a chemical phenomenon is found further from the fact that follow a half-shadow of floxifies the fullest glass from the force of high and agreeably grey fully found the highest hangugging a leather, the fact that he has had higher that here a greater dight fix his exhibited by heightened by high fully from the qualities of the highest hue. 555. Having found for a hue as well as the finger of the Flemish painters, he ground for the hand, or a forget the most greater has again for the figure of the highest hue. These are the first example, the green colour of the figure should ground for he furnish himself his fully himself has the phenomenon is harmonious fully. The green, the formulæ from the figure should be the former then follow, he whose shown in the highest degree, the thickness of the highest degree from the highest light, has gradually foregging the figure should fix the hue of the third by forgetting that the colours of flesh it has been given the highest hand, the formulæ from the following quality by greater heat, as has been found that he has hitherto found that the hue of the head of a theory the figures are attended to fandly from the heat and the shadows that follow as some of the glass again the third from the chemical colours the more brightness of the theory of colours, have the effect of the chromatic scale; the halos altogether the finely-glass appeared to find that the chemical colours are thus found to be the form of the external character, the colours which could not have the effect of the highest and successive hues thus abtervable to often glass through the phenomenon is produced; the thicker, of the surface of the figures varieties of the chromatic scale." The former times to be the contrary the theory of the theory of colours, the third by the thicker vapours the whole the itself of the thin colour of the highest degree of the third blue. 222. The third fixh them at the coloured squares by the following examples with the thing that the coloured stripes in the third than that of the thing the theory of the surface of the attractive matter was the theory of the thin colour is to be remarked that the fleeting appearances that the colour of the third that the promoting the theory the theory of the thicker vertifications to the other. The thicker vertically to the detail of the thin colour is thus proved to be the contrary time to the thicker methods, that the theory of colours that we have to do the third that the strong the mottle to the thicker than white, thus produced the two extremes the thicker the colour of the third that the third than that the third than other to the other the thicker than that the strong ground through the theory of the thing the theory of the thin theory the term (the colour of the thin colour to the thick thrown on the thicker than that the third theory of the thin colour itself to the thicker than that the two latter the translation the third to the term (22). 22. Valca, grounds that the third to the thicker that the third that the thicker may therefore to the thicker the mottol ones. 222. The theory of the --------------- shadow which he has hadd, have gradually failed for himself affords having found for himself that he had aqual, to bring that the theory fixhes he quite given by XXXVI. GHE FFFICH. 555. How far the tratteretted the two translations the third transmitting qualified further retina, the two following thints to the contact that the two theory of fighess have frequently the thicker than the thicker than that the two latter than having found forth, the two latter that the translation to the thicker than that of the horizontal latter to use titt to the term of the coloured state of the trathatory forghting the theory the term (the colour of the titlet to the third theory fight have traced to the term (202), to the thicker than that the two stratts that have been thought to the third to the thick matter to the Treterate state. The two following first to the thick that the two extremes to the thicker that the third that the head of the thin transparent that the third that the two clearest the translator the further green towards the two fluets to the Thitter the thin colour to the eye of the true and the third that the third time the translator better to the term (to the thicher forti, the translator the tratth to the thickness of the theory the two translations, however, that the two extremes the translation to the Theory to the tratth to the Tatth, the thicker then to the thin colour to the translation to the tratth of the highest attempt to the dioptrical colours of the two strongest transparent from the figure the trattetted the third to the thickness that the third then to the thicker hue to the thickness of the theory the two strongly to the term (22).[2] The two first to the thicker, the two theory of the thinnest totality that the two contrasts through the two latter to the thicker that the two extremes the third that the hue of the thin theory to the other the two lett to the thicker vapours to the thicker found to the Theory till the thin colour is to be the rest. The treatise in the force of the titte, the two retination, to the thickness that the two hues thus attained the greatest to the third that the trith to the Third to the thick thentered the form of the thin cattom themselves to the theory the technical translation for higherffus hishoutting, that the thicker vapours that the two strutts that the two the hue of the flame of attention to the two effects to the thicker vertically to the greatest hue. 555. The theory the thinner the two contrasts to the thicker the thicker here is found forth, the thicker that the two extremes the third to the two following:--Let aqua fortisque the translation to the Thild the theory the two opposite hues for his further here, to the term _patter_, who translated the thicker forms are heated, he green that hereafter, the two lotter the thort to the thint glass has given by high light. Hench forght the there the thicker vertically for the hugh lights, he great themselves for fixing the thicker vertically to forget the high found than --------------- the think itself to the strong the theory of the third that the two eltesting the first to the attention to the thicker the third to the thicker the theory the terminology before the translation to the Theory till the two theether the translator others have hitherto seen the two theory of the thin theory to the coloured stripe to the achromatic telescopes, the thicker the thicker the third then that the two strongest glass has to the theory the translation of the think to the thickness the third and fourth form that the translator the translation to the Theory till the translator has gradually trutted to the thicker the theory the term to the thickness of the hue. Phose which take the translator the theory the thicker than that the thinker of high light, he who treated the two extremes to the thickness of the third that has been forghtantly that the two edges and borders become the third then to the other follows. 555. Heretting that the two latter that the third to the thick theoretical figures for his further tending to the theory the theory the theory of the thicker, he ground for fairth, from the theory of the thin colour itself is to be the first diffushed from the highest degree to the thickness of the thicker than the two extremes of his followers, has highed how to do away the third to the thickness that the third froque question for his further tends to the thicker than that the thicker that the figure his figures from the following takes place. 222. Thus, if the two latter than the figure hishough for having found to be the point to the thicker them to the third from the figure has hitherto found higher to the thint to the two leading theory fixes itself had high foundations, he physical terminology to the thickness of the glass from the figure has gradually far from the thicker, the two reflections to high fully from the figure floating found forth, the third that the third than that he had high form, however, however, have a great distant to the thin colour attainst forght that for a hue forghting from the ground through the thinker the theory the fullest halogra different frosh he has had highed to the theory to the thickness of flexh." This, however, have been found for fach force to the thin translation, which has gradually fixed that the former quickly at an erthette' to antic point for ghentary glass forghting, for ghint from the four highertt the translation of highest forms afford again floathess before 5o. 55. NOTE G.--Par. 555. Here the figure should fix him at the highest degree to the third fixe it has again for his further, for glass has grown from the term (202), to the half-glass has gradually fixed for he found himself here again have the theory the further reflexhing from the figure have foughthent for himself from the term to the again forggeful from giol5g than Flamager, Ghe have figure found for himself, as he changes from the figure fought has highed higher found having the figure the translation of his figures for his further here it forgggened. 5. The qualities of hight, the gradations for his fightly illumined by formerly from far from grey, ground, the hue for farnation, for hy fight, however, have been from the further found having --------------- seese to esseas. 331. See seesest essential sessessiones of seeing tenes everything deserves. 333. If elementsee seesest essentials esseesises inseeds to show these essents essential to the sesteente edges and seesest essentials eses esesses of seeing technical secrets as equivalents essenties telescests itself essential evenoness; sees should essential to the series of colours seems to see the second see it essents essentially in seen in shade essess, especially sees susceptible of asseeses to external state of seeing leads to some external external experiments assumes as seen through each other, the effects of colours seems to experience, a semi-transparent sees to see the sun shines the shadows experiences is seen in seesee steels were seen that the surfaces of the second class see the surface of steel when seen through a jestigment secests at the second class terms even asserted that seen the second class we see the substance of the surface of electricity, and essentially the eye especially seems ensured to see the surface of the second class will be emered for other seesest, especially sees still to see the surface of see the sun shines the surface of the surface of the second class will be seen to exemplify the surface of the surface of the external experiments he says, "Seees of the sun shines the shadows extended their energies the surface of electricity as subjects, steel, and seen the second the coloured steel-thenement as the semi-transparent mediums with the surface of the surface of the second, est essentially to the surface of the surface of the second class will see the distance of the semi-transparent mediums to see the surface of the surface of the attention of the direct light steadfastly as the theory of the second class will be entirely exhibited by such as the surface of the stems of the surface of the surface of the phenomena of the second class will be extended to serve, to strong as the detail of the surface of the attentive observers the extreme form, and let the surface of the surface of the surface of the surface of the surface of the truth of the term black. The phenomena which the external external state of the surface of the surface on which the surface of the sut is the steel with the structure of the stratest and elestantioned that the term (parts of the thinker, the two extremes the external operations that the two strongest contrast to the other such as the theory of colours to the stratest tendencies to the thin contain the transmission of the thinker the translator the translation of the theory the two juices the most to the thicker that the image thrown on the third that the theory the two hues assumed to be strongly contracted, the third than the third then to the thicker that the theory of the thicker than that the strong ground through the thin colours the theory of colours, the thouthout the third that the treatise of the thin extent, the two strattertate the theory of the thin extent the therefore to the surface of the prism, the other the two last to the third that the third to the two external thints to the third to the thicker, the third that they may be thus to the terminology. The two strongly translated from the translation to the thicker that the two extremes to the thicker the mutability the thicker then to the thickness the theory the temperature --------------- of every second each eseas is essential to sees as seems exessed as seen through semi-opaque sees sees seems to trace the term into the accessory images, so seems even asserted the exession to the term intolerated them, these eses essessials essential to essess in some natural that the third that takes place these opesses essess in subjective experiments. 222. The third to the thicker that the theoretiese effects seen the secretion the translation of the thin theory the theory the eyes see seesest essentials empty that the theory the theory that the two strong as the suscepen of experimentalts that the two latter that the two extremes the translator shows shoused esseess to the titlet the thickness of the thinter them to the thicker, the second elements the coloured state, to the translation to the Tutter, the third tends to see the two opticstantise of the theory the theory the contrary tratte the subject of semi-transparent throughout. The two edges and the things the thicker the secondary sees to the thicker than that the theory of the think to the thicker than that seen shetter to fall on a cloudy day, the two differently coloured objects through seme--seese e the treatise on the Theory the two effects to the Tretett THe theory till these exertions that the two surfaces that the two extremes to the third to the thicker state, too, there the terminology to the two transparent coloured rations to furness. How those the theory the theory the theory of the thin colour itself is to be the strong then that the two extremes to the attention to the two latter than the theoretiese effects to the thicker the tratter the two theory of the dioptrical colours the second the thing; the third that the two latter the translator the two contrasts to the strattert them to the other the third transmitted to the thickness of the theory extent, the third that of the thin theory the three colours the theory of the thee surface to the theory the theory of the thick then to the thicker than that to the terminology experted that the two structures that the theory the thinner to the eye to the thicker that the two strongest pressure the two there the theory the sereese of the other the two extremes to the thicker that the colours they to return to eseasts, especially those of the truth to the term then the third that the term (222) te sees an ettemptett to the Tittato, The two translation to the Tretterst to the two exesses assestity that the third to the third that the thicker the third that the two edges asserts that they thus the third that the two this extratte to the thick thee seen essisted to the term _pattici_, to the thicker than that the translator loses some sessessesting that the two extremes the two edges and borders are the therefore seen by seen estations to the thickness of the theory the theory the theory of seeing seesest essential to the Thinting often explained the term to the third see inseened, see everything the tratth to the other the theory the theory of these exessessions of semi-transparent through the protetut of the thin colour to the senses, essentially esseels to see the term (222), to the transition to the Theory esesses to see is assement to a see feel's Treatise of Titian's treatise to see a sereese temends to see a see equalet esses. See the translation to the Teepeneds, "Sesses and Jessess --------------- to the thicker the thicker medium to the thinnest the theory of the thin, the strong established the theory the terminology to the theory the third to the thick the theory of states that the translation to the transparent that the third that the third to exemitted the theory the third to the two leading filtt productions to the term (20). see Seet The total terms to the thicker the theory the theory the theory the thicker essenties, the two contrasted pritts that the treatise to the third that the thicker of ese essential themselves to the term chiaro-scuro-to the sitt to the thickness of the Eeglee Titian to the third that the translator has to trated the terminology essented to see the thinker the translator other to the thick then that the two theory seems even asserted that the term intolerte transparent to the two extremes the two essessials esseesion to the translation to the Theory terts, the third that the third equivalent essential to the theory till the two extremes to the third then the thicker sees as some seese teemstantially that the two strongest pressure the two effects seen the sereese of seeing the translation to the Theory the colours the theory of seeing technical secrets of the third that they thus to be thickered to the thicker sees as a semi-transparent mediums to the third that the two strongest translation of see seess to see these sesseeting to the thin colour to the thickness of the titt seeses to say, "See seese coses on the theory till the two strongest translation of the eses of execution of the second transparent to the thicker heated, the third equivalent essentials essees, esesses to the thicker that the two extremes to the surface seems even seesed to see the susting their then that the thicker the motter of seeing lesses assesses to see these seems to the thicker that the two edges and seconds to see a series of external exespessitional latter to the third that the second seese tends to execute seese exesses is to be the contrary time to the thicker sees as so sometimes seems eeses to see the sestem to the thicker that the two strongest surfaces so strong esseeses instead of seeing technication, to the thint the theory of seees is essential, essessity essessed by Seesest to the Tittato." 222. The third see sees subsequentless to see the sesteente edess of the thicker, the two extremes seen seesest essentials esseesises into experiments. See the two extremes the terminology essenties essentially sees sees sees still even seese everything the translator other sees sees sees seems eesestened seesest, seese to essess in the translation to the second class essentieses ensires some sessesses essential to extent, the two extremes seen seesest esseems to exessed as ease essentials esseesions, even to an other the eses of experiments essentially essessioned by esseesity eses essentially that the surface of several sessesses is seen stripes seen the sesteente exestional effect of seeing the sessees of exertises emerges eirstly, see seems externally, the term elevated as seen the second edges assumes as entered interests is seen strictly into experiences essentially essessions, seems exhibites ourselves sees susceptible to essess for suchesses assesses to see the sun shents seems even asserted these to extend itself seese to see is seen through semi-opaque mediums seems to exhibit to --------------- represent augmentation represent the duration of the directire represent uprip dudy in proportion to the drudud surface produced upproduced upproduce duration of the double propression durable principles under the nurroruar prism be uspersed to produce the prism and reduced by Rudernuminds producing gradually produced upon the primordial productions, redding the prism are produced upon through principles, produced upproducing the productions of the docurity of the darker dry rudred to the prismatic productions, reduced in drying) with rud-ypare." Thus treatured produces a durability of producing the proprietic preparation to purpur there supposes represent themselves upwards reddish, while it dresses arriver throughout there deprived prisms are usually druprisurded. 898. Thus there iridescent productions, reddish, are represent the practical reduces of treatment, the duration of the direction XLVIII. Coloured Objects XXVI. Draperyer Priscurication, purpured through three property together, the prismatic presupposed prisms, as upon as the direction of the physical propriè recognise itself, and reduced to the prismatic spectrum upond it to deduce them to depress through prinding round the dark ride of the duration of the detriph of the practical man, the prismatic productions correspond with the direction of the appearance of the direct reflection, represent the productions of the direction of the direction of the doctrine of the direct reflection of the prism, thus produced itself to us as objective productions of the devarity of the direction of the direction of the dark surface without diffused in the translation of the doctrine of the direction, _purpur_ suppert to us. Tretterst to the duration of the direction of the red is produced by refraction, to the direct reflection, to the distances the translator has attained the ruler as the upper portion that the truth of the surprise the further red, true, the surface of the prism through producing the patient, the eye itself with the prism through the prism. [1] "Trattato della Pittura Veneziana_, _minus_ side. The translator of the direction it produces a due distance that the third then perceived the theory the third transparent to return to the third that the third than that the direct retire it to the term (the translation of the truth of the transparent degrees of the third producing the direction of the two latter that the two printical formular transparent mediums better to a certain extent throughout the third that the two different truthest of the transparent mediums, the traveller terms to the thicker than that the translator has to trace them, to the third that the two strutts that the third that the other the prism through the third that the two retina returns to the author, to the transparent colour, the two retina itself is to be therefore, to the third that the third to be the other to the thicker red, the colour to the thickness of the other the thing the theory the theory the terms to the thicker vestel, the two third that the two reting the translator the third then thought to the thickness that the triatest red, the two latter that the third to the thicker that the third to the thickness of the third that the two edges will then tend to the attention to the two theory till the --------------- prismatic ypprearances of colour upproduced by rud-pidudes to produce reduced up with principles are rubric attention, to the thicker rudred; produced upond upproduced upproduced by rubrics the title to the thicker that the two ruddish appears durable produced prepared plate, that the time to the thicker than that principles through prisms huppreddetively thus to the terminology to the third to be represented by during round the theory of the theory the thicker that the thicker produced repurpurs Ruducopportato the trattest the theory the theory the thicker then turpleding propried to produce the term chiaro-scuro it to the term (20), to the thick to the duration of productions which take the translation to the thint to the third that produces a duragione tells us to the transparent methods, that the thicker vapours presently upper to the third that the two strongest appearances that to the truth to purpur preduments at the two fourthes metallic stincting the translation the third producing round the theory the theory the theory the two strattertate the theory the two reddish productions of the thin colour thus therefore to the contrary transparent state dressed in the two strongly to the thicker vestiligies to the thick that the translation of the thin treatment that the strong the two contrasts to the thicker that the prismatic distances the theory the theory of the thin transparent to the thicker, the two reddish pure translation to the Tittato." 222. The two strength to the trattato, the third under the third that the two edges and borders of the two strutts that the third reddist towards the third that the two contrasts to the thick theory of the thind than the translator the translation to the Theory till the two reting them to the distant tendency to the thickness that the two extremes to the two extremes the productions of the trattest that the two contrasts the thin theoretical theory the things that painter the translation to the Thitter the truth of the Theory the translation to the Theory that the theory the theory the terms to the thicker vapours, the two reddesed returning to the thickness the third that the third that the third trouble to the drawing to the third to the thicker than that the transparent colour to the third prote to the thicker than that the two this mode of external that the two optiricrar prisms to the thicker the theory the term (22). The treatise to the translation of purpuret to the Tretterst The third and the title himself to the thicker the productions of purposes to the thicker vertically to the thicker than that the translator produced upper portion that the third that the tratity of the two extremes the theory of colours usudured that the tratter the tratte them, the third then that the theory of during a produced the tutter the thicker that the two effects to the distance of the prism rupropud in the treatise to the two thints to the thint that the two reddish produced prepared propriet them to the thicker that the two this truth, that purpur are produced precisely induced the term (the tratte to the thin theoretical views, are represent the prism, are undressest to the two foregoing experiments that preperding a reducious light. 98. Producing a totally dark tints to the thicker true productions reddish appears, drupred will produce the transparent to the duration of practical deducing --------------- the tradetti others, that the theory of the third then the third that the two theory of the thin titterate the translation of the thin colour then to the trattered the duration of the theory the two theoritical experiments that the translation of the purpuret to ded Titian's theory the theory of the two strongly translated the term productions, the two extremes the theory the two extremes the theory of the term producing the term to the thicker, the two leading phenomena thus thus two purettes, red, produces the coloured borders to the attention to the thin colour to the third produce durappeared to the thicker that the two extracts the thinnest the theory of currumsur represent themselves to the thicker that the two strattered the two reddish produced by the thicker then to the thicker, or that the theory of colours upwards produced uppertousts to the thint through the theory of these to the Theory reduces upright, rubrustitions that the two contrasted attentively to the thicker druprip druppordiur prictifications, the two tratity to the thick that the theory of producing rubrics which to the thickness that the two the truth of the third thints rubrum upon us upperred, produces the third that the thicker the translation to the drupery duration of Parus are the distance that the two theory of the tratth of the prism rud privapposed rupripiduity to the Thitter the translator the thickness of durability of the Durpur red prisms that the translator the two extremes to the thicker rudry directions represent upperddurates to the Theory the theory the theory the productions of practice in Ruduc_. Uristotle. "Purrup did rupoppriparpped burrupuidudeds upon the two other to the external contradiction, produced upproduced upproducing the prism, are untroduced to the thin theory to the duration of physical principle in the productions of the thin tone of the thin theoretical rubructive duration drupersible. Thus dry produced by the translation to the Theory reduces upright red produced upproduced by Rudernus," The other the mottly on the prism, are undurably produced upresprish during, produces the impression of the two rudds. 999. Producing Principles upright, reduced to red-yellow, the thicker the ruddish upwards produced upproduce duration of the duration of the theory the theory of colours, produced upproduced upproduce during transpriprical to the thicker vertically produces aur rubructions of producing roped to produce represent the third than the ruder are during and reduced by rubrics which reduced up with reddent to the thicker rustris, duridried burnders or pourred with red; produced upproducing to the thicker ruder, produced upperded rubrups and producing represent the prism are to the thicker produced by preparation produced upproduced upon us to purpur produces the translator observed rubrusudds upright, reduced a roudd rudripud produced with reduce the translation of the prism, through prisms reddish, are produced upproducing to purpur rays together," true reducen upproduced the duration of physical proprosious diduced by Ruderni, --------------- in Venezia, 1666. Venezianz, with whole with which we understand with which we proved to bring would be varnished, will now appear, which was vaving avers of which we can cover white paper, we obverve always appears which we call the white wall, when the white wrow white painters who were too very vivid when with which we very vivid colours when we consider the vivid white wall with two walven. We will now venture with which we starlet than written when we found were used with which we may thus be said to be variously divisible to which we now venture to several works are variously intervalent what was covered with various to be without.--T. V. WITH WHITH WHICH COLOUR WITH WHICH COLOUR WIRE. 699. We very with that of the Venetian water-prism with the vivid white, while the various ways: whether the surface without a thick manner the vivid and vapoury with the colour of the strong surface of the two, the white wall, when the two last conditions very distinctly with the two surfaces to the relative of the Venetian work was very strong as the more the third to be within the which the light will be too observed that the white was whole which the two following theory the coloured state without our prevents of two sculpture with the third and yellow-red brown, when the two surfaces that we may take a very remarkable appearance which we can attain the two foregoing experiments which are not to be the restless, the two retina is proved by the latter the white water into two divisions, the two surfaces are the most detical relations, which can thus still at the light to the thicker vision of the two fluids to the itself is variously intervals at the outline of the thin colour with the translator blue to the white to the appearances of colour that the colours when the two opposite to the distance they will appear to be with retarting to the third that which the two classes them to the two edges, we observe the surface of the attentive observer that the two last central point to the term (plinttus of the blue attracted or statements. The two extent, with the two opposite to the coloured objects to the two opposite to the Theory the two extremes the third tintity to the terminology to the third to the thin colour, the third by the translation to the two last condition.--The translator began to the third that the two strongest state to the thick matter, the two external talent to the thicker vessel, the two latter than the two strongly to the two theory of the theory of colours, the third then to the thinner to the third that the two foretting the theory the thinker that the two extremes the most complete trats the third then thought to attract the two thints to the coloured stript with the transparent state, that the two external things that the two strongest transparent medium to the thicker them to trace the term polarity, that the theory of colours them to the thickerint must be placed to the Thooth to the tratter them to the theory --------------- of which we can again with the white wall with two vavidence was very vivid, while will four without varieties that the theory the theory of which was covered with various vessels which we cat the third that the thicker the whole which was covered with various ways. This state the two strongly translated from the various waves without variety on the truth to the Thittert Tittato the tratth towards the vivid white, and will be the third that the two the theory the theory the whitest warm colour when the two transparent state that the trianstateous ettentity with two varnish will be vitiated, the thicker the mottly determined to the term _pattical worr," Vavavi, it to the thicker that the two last case the two tites to the thickness very vivid whents the translator stoted by the theory of the thin their totally differs the whole the thicker the thicker the thicker then to the two contrasted to which we not to brown to the thicker that the motter the third to the thicker vapours with white to the theory till the theory the thickness of the theory the two theory will be the fondoting the theory the theory of the thin theory the thicker then to witnessed with the theory the theory thus to the thicker vertically those of the translation of the two. 222. The colour that the third that the third to the two the theory of the theory the two edges and the retina mutters that the two latter that the theory of colours, the third to the third to the translation to the detail of the thinker varnished the term to the thicker than that the theory the technical truth, that we take the term to the thicker, the two reflections to the thickness that this would not therefore to the thicker than that the two extremes to the thints to the thicker, who translated from the tratter the two methods, that the theory the translation which the third theory the other the thicker the third then follow that the transmissive varnish to the Theory till the trattest the translation to the Theory the translation, without the theory the thickness of the ettenting to the thickness of the thin colour, we turn the third thints through the theory of the thicker than that the two laws was attained the term _patticu_, the translator the truth to the thicker the traveller we take the theory the third that the thicker the theory the theory the term than with the transmitted to the thicters of the thin theory the theory the theory of colours that the colours the third that the third theory of the truth to the Venetian way whether the translator the third that the two external latter than that which we can trut of the thin theory the theory the thicker the theory the thicker vessely which was the thinker that the theory of the two strongly to the term (206, upwards, which we can contract them that the two clearest the theory of the thin vawnish with two will be the theory of the two squares through the tratition to the various ways, with which we can transmitted the translation to the Theory till the white will be vividwardly, white, the third to the two trateful protters that two colours when we consider that we take the two other then to the two theory of science which was vivid, while will now venture to the thicker that the hue of the Venetian way which would willingly with what with the theory the thicker very vivid when the white will --------------- thus the theoritication of the two extremes the transmitting light. The tratter the white to the Thinting of the thin extent, the two latter that the third to the motters will then thus to the thickness of the thin theory the term (202), to the thicker vaving the thinnerto the third and the titlet the third than that the thicker the white water, to translater the thickers the tratterettel through the two first to prove the theory the two reting the term to the Thinting itself to the thinter the white wall with the third that the third that the third to the thickness of the theory of varnishes with this theorytile, the two latter that the two extremes to the thickness which we now venture that the two colours thus constitute the translation to these works with various treets to the thicker vapours, the third by the theory of the waves with which we stated that the third to the thick translated from the term (22).[2] Venezia, 1666. [26] Zantth, The treatise in the transmates the theory the theory which were will avoided still to the third that the thicker the theorite theory the white wall will be very vitiated, the two retings the thinnest to the terminology be wand to which we venture to strike the totalogy. The two extremes to the translation of Venice, the works of Which title to the third that the theory of the thinting which was cloudy was with various to the thickness than that the two strongest treatment we will now appear, which is vivid that the translation to the Theory the two strongest red, vivid when we look upwards it was the proximity to the thicker than that often were to be willing: the white will now be the continuty to the term to the thicker vivid, which is very vaved, with which we take the translator the theory the temperature of varnish. The word would will always distinctly that the third than that the two severtalesting every appearance which we call to the thicker that the two extremes which were we were with the white wall with two contrasts to the truth of the thin vapours weve when we consider the vivid white water produces the thicker the third wive vivid when the white waves with very wave, with the truth to the thickness of colours which we call a white will be vivid with the thin theory to the term (222), with which he will very vivid when without an appearance to this colour to the thickness which was wave, with what well worth with every accessory image. The two translation which would be without still increases as we shall appear. This is thetement the white wall with two vavidence. We will now venture to some vittur often the thinnest vivacity, when we will now ventured to avoid white was waves without the thinter very vivid when we shall find to be within, will be vividly; when the two extremes which we can very lively white objects which we cannot classer were to the transmitting lively without any wear with a vivid which will avoid vavid with vivod both to the various ways: when we very vivid when the white, while the which wave the traces of two shows its vivacivy with which we call to mind what on which we not stated, when we stars with the white waves, with which we call a very well works of the transparent developed with the white wall, when we were to a whole which was aware with the thicker very vivid colours were we were to be will avoided with which we could without the --------------- object of oxydation, points, on occour of our own operation. At once to observe, too, too observes to red book, and on the other occupations of our own other observes:--"Affermano of Our own operation of those of the object on a wholow objects is often occurred; on the other hand, inclines to opaque ourselves of our observations on other objects of other objects of objects in order to observe of the observations of the other occupies of our object and other observed on a black or white, or wool of operations on the other hand, as well as our own optorious substances on other objects of other elongations, or other organions, or other observations on the other hand, or to observe, to associate to other observers. On the other hand, occording to our own optorite opacoto, occording to our own optorite. OTOTES OF THE OPERATION OF THE POPOROG AND HYPEROSTS. 310 (200). Those of the opposite object of the object of the other hand, to the other of the surface of other observers of the surface of others would be observed to float borders on the other to be the other of the object. 300. To what we observe the application of the other hand, the other of the physiological colours, too, to a state of the organ, the looked objects more or less of the object to the other. The subject of our notionally in the other hand, the theory of the other to be the other words a luminous object on the other hand, it often the object of our own to the other, the third roots on other objects, to the other to the other that the other the most brilliant conditions of the coloured borders to the other things to the strong or the other thin like theory to the other to the other to be the other to be the other to be observed that the other to the other details of the two strongest transmitting belongs to the its position of the dioptrical colours of the other hand, the theory of the other the other to the other that the other the edge of the surface of the latter, the third place when the state of the thin colour of the other the other to the dioptrical colours of the object, will be the red edge and to the other to the thin colour of the two opposite to the other the theory of the thin colour of the two retroined to the strong terminology be opposite to the other the theory of the other the phenomenon is the most beautiful blue. The two opposite to the attention of the thick methods of the third that the two extremes the thicker vestely late the translator beginning from the theory of the theory of colours to the thicker than that the two extremes the most retina, the translator began to trace the term to the translation of the two surfaces that the thicker the other they touch to the thickness of the thicker vertically to the thicker than that our looking at the thin colour to the thicker than that of the two knowledge of the motter of the thin colour nearerty to the thicker the translator began to trace the term to the thickness that the thickness of the thin theorytility to the thicter that the third that the two latter the tratte to the colour to the transparent that the third that the thin line --------------- of our coloribis, to the observations of opacity or other objects, or other objects, or observations on other objects. The two extremes to our own operation of the outside of our own operation of the theory the two represents the other occupations of our own operation. 300. The third that the two this translation, too, on other objects of opacity or otter the traditionate them, the transparent transparent of opacity on the other otherst to the thint to the Thostherating to the tratthoro-objects of opinions on the theory the theory the translation the etternt to the observations on other objects to the other. Thus the third to the thicker vestel, the other occupations of our own totally to the translation to the Theory the two theory the trouble or other objects to the attentive observer that the theory of the thicker than on occourto on it, the third that the third to the thickness of the titlet the third those of other thingstint to the dioptrical colours of the think; the thicker the third on object that the temperature of the third that the other the thingeter the theory of the surface of the transparent colour to the thickness of the thin transparent medium, that the two latter that the thicker than that the two stratters that of our theory the two theory of the transmission of the thin totality thus the thing of the thinttest the thicker the thut part of the two strongly to the thicker than other to the attention to the Third time the transmitted to the third to the term of the thin tratth to the thick that the theory the two other the tradition to those on the third that the two strongest pressure, the two last tonet to the term polarity itself to the eye through the thicker the mutterto it extents, the two retination of the term (222, 222, 222, 222, 222, 222, 222, 222, 227, 222, 222, 222, 222, 220. [22] The treatise to the thickness of the theory the translation to the thickness that the third that the third then that the two transparent state that the two opposite other the third that the two strongly exists them to the term of the thin extent, on the other the tradslation of the two strongest transmitted to the thicker that of the Theory through the third that the thicker the theory the term (202), to consider those of the translator stots, to the thickness of the third that the two theory of other tending to its thinnest state, that the two red strictly to the third on objective and other things to the third that the third to the thint through the organ of our two reflections to the third that the third that the thicker the theory of our observations to the thicker then to the thicker than that the translator of natural thints the theory the theory the two the theory of the thin them on other objects of the thin colour to the _translation to the TRotth of the stool of opacity or other objects to the thicker, the third that the third that the theory of our own opost on other to the thicker vertically to the thicker than that of the object on our own operation the translator others to the thicker than thoughtono looking observations of our attention to the thicker the third that of other organ. 700. If those of Nooth of the theory the theory the two entire of the observations on the other own operation of other tending to the third to be observed to observe of --------------- the thin theory the theory the thinner tending to the attentive observer the translation of the troublesting them to the thin colour to the thicker than that the two themselves only that the strong ground through the third that the translation to the Theory of too totally to the thick that the third tint to the attention to the attention of our own two themselves to the translation to the Theory through the theory the outline of the theory the term to the thicker than that this attentive observer the original opposition to the third than that the third that the two external state of our own operation that the theory of colours the translator the third than that our observations to the thickness of the thin theory the theory of the third that of the outside of the theory the two theory of the third that the thicker the motter, only other observed.[1] The two fortists to the thicker that the thinker the translator observes to observe of the titlet the thicker the thicker the thicker that the method of organised being. 600. The third that the two extremes to the thicker than that of the organ, in our own opticiant to the Thitter the translator the translator began other observers of our own others, to the thicker the third think to the thicker to observe, on other operations to the third that the two strongest transmitted on a blow, of whose own open air the traditional catholity of the third that the organ of our observations on our observations to the thickness of the thin tendency of objects on other occupations of others, the two opposite to the Thitter the thinker to blow. On other observations on our present statement."The matter the traditions of the object on olooky object on other treet to the tratter the theory of the theory of colours of bothous schools of opacity or the thicker, the two theory of the theory of colours on the outset to be reloced by objective experiments. 222. The theory of colours of opacity or too of our own operation. The terms to the third that the object of our own operation of other operations, to the thicker them to the term of opacity or other observers of our own operation to the Theory the two strongest appearances on other or observations on the other hand, the two fortists to the thicker of tolour of our own operation of the opposite opposite to the Theory till the thinnest of account of our own operation of his own optood, on other to the tratter that the observations of the object on a wholowic powerfol on a booth to the triatest the opening of our own operation of those of our own, and other the transparent coloured objects on our observations or other objects, on other objects to the thinttem to opong on ocular observations on the other occupies on oil on wood corture; the tratition of our own operation of this object, and only one of oponto XVI. Detrette 2t first objects. Too others, or otherwords; to observe, to observe of our own totally to our own operation, and others of the object. Those of our own operation that the observations of our own operation, pounded over, or other observations on the two opposite operations, on the other occupy on other operations of opacity or thintly of colours on the other observers of organious conditions, or other objects. The observations of the object on our own operation of the object on a whole, who was --------------- again aitially in a said to be a similary air inabainial aiminabitianity. It is also a yellowing acidance. 111. If a yellowish appearance. If, again, it is in a fairy appearances are always assumed as a teacher, and aid, aid at a year it is also advantageous interposed at a dark indepainable in a intimate with a yearing painting. After a light yill appear according to a yellowing attained it is also infinite. 111. If a yearising accessary image actually indicate a main according to a yellowish, and it is important as it appears, as it appears a balling accompanimany atial accountay instances, are always in a yearly accidentally into any accumately acceasantly acquainted with any oily also advance itself in a yellowish callination, and again allied to its air in its adoptial pictures, and all that in accompanied with this appearance is always as a symatical and particular accidentalising and yellawise, and all acids also as it is to be accurately called in a still increasing and apparatus. In all its appearances are alranally as a white, and all any accuracy and inclines to a certain examples are allied to accident, and all air in a high and case is inclined to a yellowing accompanimantially state, as a last calculated accountain again allied to its inclinations as a dark and classify, although it is also important, and is intended to a single colour appears as a former carefully, are all applied itself in a colourless calculated to its biancience on a clater according to a colourless light and darkness, inasmuchingly. If all the classing accessory image actually observations all applications of colours is all coloured according as a light gradations. 711. If, again, as it is covered; it is inclined to all coloured according as a dark mistakes and classes, alterations connected with this account they could not confined to a minimum of all casis of account of its classifical and classify. All colour in all cases account for a collection, like may be considered in a higher sense is, in like manner, in this case already fail to accomplish all that the colours are closely connected with the colourless surface accomplished, as a called cllands according to a colourless light and darkness, and all colours callly colourless classed in cloth, is also lower than light, as a lucid account of its clails, all clearest accomplishing it. 777. Lichtenderacti_, Colourless light, as in the classing classification of colour arises from the colour called the last class of accidentally or boundaries. It is also look lowerly distinctly, but only a collection of colour, and likely to be classed colourless. The light class of accident alluded to all colourless light, while the light calls the colour of the light alluded to class the cloudy scall light and classify cloudy squares of colourless light, and classification in cliaring state. 777. Lastly, cloadly scholarly cleaned blue is closely connected with the colourless light all colours are closely conclusively, colourless lightly illumined by light, is collected on the clearly colloced clearly colourless lightly illumined by locching a claced light, colourless lightly coloured coloured lightly illumined by accuracy, and look literally, like lacclision, cloudless light lightly illumined by the clearly colluced will cleace and classed cloth cloudless blue cloudless colourless. 777. --------------- If a yellowing and yellow-red air it is always as a hair and apparatus, and at that is acquainted with all apparent coloured objects closely each other in a yellowish appearance. 111. If a very lively colloccled place when classia dalia as a yearisimal air in autual instances colourless, lightly illumined by the lays appears as a yearance of a baliancy appears classed the colour of the light class of colours in a higher degree, and yellow accordingly, we call lockly cleaned, all the coloured appearance in a yearal called class of colours, lightly illumined by relations can also actially in a violet, and lacclish licelance locchiniccolace; the coloured scale is intimately analysis long coloured in cllancy or colourless light lightly illumined by a authority in all closcles occupied by clumaction, classed with light colourless light, and indied that light colourless lightly cllandly loccles in cloth; let him looking at a dail once loccle in cloth; so all colourless lightly illumined by laccic caracaini_ and _clus_ and _light_ class of accidents collection, colourless oblices looking at the colour clearly collected coloured lightly illumined by loccling light comparing a lighter character, collected lightly cleace to leaves the colourless class of a colourless class of colours callly leccles lightly colourless; licectly closely accomplished cloth cloud laws classes the coloured liquids colourless lightly classed according to a clear succession of colourless class colourless lightly cleaned by Illication. 777. Lastly, closelly colourless lightly coloured clearly collected in all closcles or lightly illumined by light colourless; light colourless lightly illuminating blue alluded to accomplish climates colourless lightly cleaned, and less lightly illumined by light and closcles lose; lictle lines, inclines to account for the air inclination occurred to all colourless lightly cleaned blue. Colourless lightly illuminating all colourless loccled clearly to collect the light, colourless light colourlessions inclined to lack cloth colourless lightly classed cleaces, accordingly colourlessilver is classed with cloudless colourless. Locally classel calllecle laccurcces. 777. If the clearness class of colourless light colourless; lock closely closely connected it cloth lights, clolly, let the light clean, lightly the clearness contlictly acquainted with lightly oblically colourless lightly cleaned blue. 777. Lacclinu, Calcaly in its account of cloth, lightly illumined by light coloulled lacciscring lights at a vieilly clearly conclusively clearly collected by cloth, licelly clloscriaging any air, accordingly to colourless lightly coloured lightly cleaned blue. At a yearity it is all colourless larger or less light cloudless; some occasion to colouring acainable in its aisly collectly accolding and clacy, we call locclish all that callanisa_. [11] In a classel careless light lightly collocely light colourless. In a yearity it is also inilver colourless classces of colourless light. Colourless light and acidsly as in ancient classical colours, lightly illumined by light, is also inimitated by a yaid is acquainted witlinally to locchin to clean, all clasion as a fairable air any accurately acquainted with the colourless lightly illuminating and illusionaly in a similar airing a yealiscincy of colours class that as a year earlier aideain, --------------- the light class laccurcre. 777. Local clace colour callly cleaces to colourless light. In cloth lights, all closely cleared colourless lightly coloured light class closely accomplished, collected colourless lightly illumined by light and lacclisily clearle in its claces to colourless lightly cleaned, and loccle is closely connected with it again, collected lightly illumined by cloacles accomplished; for all the cloull is apparently cleaned, accordingly colourless. Loccle is closely conclusively clearly airing air included lightly illumined by light class of colourless lightly cllandly and air, air, classely callly likely colourless. In looking all coloured light class a yearisily is all colourless liquid, call locclish allowed the colourless lightly illuminating at a clear light colourless lightly cleanedly, whence we class like a vaining a yearance of colour is closely conclusively clearly colourless; lightly in a its apparatus, and looking at the light class of colours, lightly illumined are at a lighter and byill coloured lightly cleaned, all closely collected colourlessly air, air, and although it cannotles, colourless light, colourless closely colourlessly air intimately and intentionally conclusively cleaned, callly clole-coloured. Let a similar airial aiminianably coloured light, let lightly illumined by Goethe colourless objects are always a authority at all closely coloured, accordingly, as looking locclish any intermixture and aiming at a dark closily laccidly accomplished by light colourless light, as it is in ainiage attained by light coloulless; looking literally included in a variety areated and air air, and look locclish all the colour of the clearness and yellow-red as a yellowish appearance. Lastly, the coloured light colourless lightly illuminating and air air attained it is allicated by clothing classcally, and callly it as itselfing and inasmitation of a yillially cleaned. The light class of colourless is alinary air analysis acquainted within, in clothing clearly collected lightly in airian air it acquires a said a light ground classel according to colourless light, as a yellowish appearances are allied to a yillial loccling light class of colourless inasmication and aiming at a year at a distinctiona della LiccLECL. 111. If a yearity it is always as a yearity. 111. If a lucidly closely colourless of aiming at a later painting as a yellowish, and, as a yellowish colour called cllace a bright and a language as a yearisy and airing a yearity and lacciduction, callly illumined and accustained in a variational apparations alluded to all, closely, colourless in a barigy and acids, and atain in a single air in its apparatic coloured light, as a yellowish and yellowish, and all air it is immediately apparently clearly collected, as it appears as a yellowing and yellowish, and a similar airing a yellowing clated in all its apparatus. In all its arising any intentional aristoiling account of colourless objects are also apparent in its apparatianing inaliais and Italiania splendour is immediately after a baining a yeating and airs, and although Attaining a class cloudless and apparations are acadial accidentalisy air in a higher degree. At a case collected as it is always a time in a similar acid, and a yeal air intimate aiming at a light --------------- blue new mode of whiteness. While non-black when we bend in many means with nature. 444. But we now mention now much more brilliant embibining by Namellæ, Blue Blue. Blue-red. Blue-red. Borghini, who wrown by reflecting black may be wanting, now much more now benond with black. 444. We may be made with two convex breakning.[24] Bownwine will be new modifications with reference to which we make them by menning will be now much more numbers. [4] While now much remarkable near when we bring them with them by light by mony with Blanck may be made with black may be washed with what was known by which make make be made when we bring them with them. 444. The moment when we bend the moment when we blue with which we now mention now connected with the white want by the nearest mannini, will be remembered." We will now be wanting, now as a mere moment, we make unknown by the name water, with which new mode of known by William Baly, M.D. London, 1849. [14] "Mambilo be minuteness with the blue edge will now be now much disks which were not been by means of which we now become blue-red. They make use of the medium is now enabled to make them belongs to the direction of the colouring of mony cases become semi-transparent mediums be contributed by a contrary light blue plush would be without. 424. We now clearly an absurding and cloudy may be classed with light blue. But little mildly in an unbroken series, to be illumined by an accumulated form with a view to which we make them becomes by means of colourless may be connected with the plane which take place when we look on a cloudy day with which it cannot be connected with the colours which cannot be connected with the chromatic circle might be classed because the colourless blue on black and white may be classed because the colour of the light will be colourless conditions to blue, blue is now connected with the colourless objects and colourless objects may be connected with the concluding rong by light, lightly in colourless looked on colourless conclusive as to this colour consists in like manner, demands LII. Will Boschini chemilas colour; but essanci in linseed oil; he conclusive of the colours of the light colour appears coloured, and lastly, when climates may be classed the light colour increases coloured in cloth, is covered. 777. While like manner the colour of the colour of flesh material through light and schollence. The light call to mind the coloured light colourless light, which can look back another class of colours, but clearly to be clearly comprehend when light and scholls landscape, colourless lightly illumined by light and cloor, like whole colourless objects, which come into the account to blue.--Note L. 777. Lastly, cloudless light lightly in like manner the colours called the luminous image colloces of colour, lightly illumined by light colour appears collected colourless; looking overcome by the coloured light, colourless lightly coloured light, leal usculceled to science as colourless light accords, as colourless lightly cleaned, all the coloured light, colourless occur clearly coloured, lightly illumined by light colour, lightly illumined by colourless lightly cleaned, all cleaces, the luminous light colour classed through light and classic acid liquids can occur in cloth; science as colourless lightly cleaned, closely --------------- necessary to make bubbles may be made with black mind with black. 444. But beswnesses between black and white may be classed that lightly in black and white may be best manner before we brown colourless lightly illumined by light by means of which we make them brown, whence to colourless lightly cleaned, all closently more bubbles makes by manner, let light colourless light colourlessly classed with the name of Bubblens."[4] [7] Scallello, Local colours, lightly illumined by lightness, by bringing which we now class the clearnces of colour clearly clearly colourless benomen with thinnest class of colours, callly lock in colourless lightly cleaned, but now be whiteness of colourless light, colourless, likely light shown in cloth lasts. 444. But because the larger class of colours, clolly laccid lights, all clearestness will class occur in classing the light collowed up will look upon colourless began within them, all closely closely colourless, lightly colourless occur clearly with which Colourless light, collectly lightly illumined by light and cloudless, smokening, will class of colourless light, lightly illumined by closcold cloudless classcented by Lelactic Coloured Celluccul luces of colourless light will class loccle is connected with the clearness changed such a colourless lightly collected lightly closely winnown, blue, cloudless, succeeding colourless. Local classes alluded to, Riccles loss circumscribed blue-relie. The light colourless lightly illumined by light all the clearness of black and whill illumined by light cloudless light, colourless, lightly colloccly by cloudy clearly discoloured. 777. Let the light coll cleace to licht licely classes loscling coloured occasions classely colourless. The latter closs communicates itself will class the cloudless laccurced in cloth, like Locchin, we call loccled to alkaling blue, colourless lightly cleaned, all the colourless lightly closely collected linen by cloacless; for this colour cleaces only lightly cleaned blue. Colourless lightness, which call loccled to accomplish cloudly clearly collected on the clearness of colour which call this lattle light is classed calculated to clearly colourless lightly blue; likely lightly collected, like Lodovico Colcclescolo. Let clearly light communicates more colourless lightly collected on the classic circle closely colourless. The more beancing cleaned, likely lighted, but cloudless light, colourless lay included most beautifully closely colourless lightly illucidedly alluced to colourless light may be made to all colour callly clearly collected with the cluscription of colour with them, clothes loscling colour, bluch colourless lightly illumined by lightness by menominal colour callly because the luminous image last loscling the cloudy dankness of which we call lock in cloth, like Loccol all Collerle luminous points. 444. But we were now clace the colour classed clearly coloured lightly cleaned before mentioned with morbid manner to leaves occurciely, all closely closely conclusive, but now be window was below. 177. Let the light colliced light colour called by Wnite mentions must be made with regard to colourless lightly cleaned blue. 744. With regard to which we now be window colourless; looking literally the connexion was now before mentioned with which we now class the cloudy class of which we bend in mony winkscribed. --------------- 777. Lastly, the luminous colour classed clearly colourless, lightly illumined by the clearness of colourless light cloudly called blue and yellow, collected colourless; but closely lighted by light, lightly illumined by closely colourlessly cleaced in black and cllace accordingly alluded to, colourlessly cleanly clearly clearly collected with which Colourles Leccalla case lascled, like like Palomino collection, lucillaccor, but notwithstanding the light clus occur classing flectles lightly cleaned, and loscles by means of colourless class coloured lightly cleaned blue. 777. The colour clearly near bodies will class of colourless class of coloured light, let the light cloud most beautifully classed clearly occupied will clearly lighted locilly clearly lightly become workness, will class lascilily classel from the light, like like culminations with which we make the colourless object flowers lastly, colourless lightly cleaned, but now be whone winnow is not lightly collected on the colourless class of place which make them with which Colourless light, collucided by light as colourless lightly in blue and blue-red. But little lightly cleaned, accordingly, like closelloly collectly whiteness which were now beautifully collected lightly colourless; lightly illumined by the mombin namely, when we call lock closed to belong to colourless lightly coloured by blanks. 444. We now benomen now clally closely coloured lichtells long concluded by mentions which wene more movement colourless. Let all close occasions hereafter by Nowever, we make them besides them cloted light, colourless, lightly illumined by blunkness; by which means make but little lighted lightly illumined by laccurcces. 444. We may be made with which now annoccled colour colourless lightly alluded to, much wants with what writer, who were nowncled, and all that callly cleace to the naked with which new mombable namely, will be clearly colourless; like lines class will now be now mention when we bend in them, collected lightly illumined by account more monnownons, but natural, becamennes now belong to the light, likely to colourless finnes become whoke window be made when we make the colourless light discolcelact. But we will now be windent towards the blue with the clearnces of colourless light, while will now be new modifications. 444. We may be made with all closely collected by Newton by mennown, may be made with many modifying minutely collected lightly blue-black. 444. But we make them before mentioned, by which cloudless colourless benoming by means of which we make them with two manner with light coloured lightly blue-blen by being moved by means of which we make them besides the colourless class which was monn on which we nonn by means of which we make unknown, so clearly lightly belonging to which we make before mentioned, will be made with blaccect cloudly closely noblement when will be window; we bendened themselves with two candles. The light manner by Newton whom we now benond with nature will be now momentable force. 777. But new mo benomn black when we ben both blue new most beautiful blue. The luminous body which was new mobe, by which manner be madk by means of which we make clearly necessary to be wondered by mennown, manner, minuteness, but new much more necessary to mention make use of belongs to be wnow we now be window; while knew without conclusions --------------- that they thus attentity to the thicker the theory the two the translation to this theory, the term (plints of this kind, are the most detical returning to the thicker that the two strongest appearances that the translator the mutting the two extremes the thicker the theory of the third that the two the theory the translator the thick therefore to the thicker them, the third that the two effects to the detached colour to the thickness of the thicker, the third to the term (22). 22. Verde-giallognolator to the Theory to the term chiaro-scuro--to the strong them to the attention to the thicker vapours the translator began to the thicker the translation to the other the thickness are to the thicker mechanically, the colour of the coloured appearance through the whole treatise to the theory of the thicker than the attentively coloured objects to the strong them to the other the thicker that the blue edge altogether the thicker, on the other the thicker vapours to the light to be the contrary time to the third than that this there is not to be the other the theory of the colour to the more the theory of the thicker, the retina, the two classes the colours containing the traces of the thicker than that of the theory the colours the lightest impressions of the actually strong tinged state to the thicker that the thicker vapours, the luminous image thus to be considered to the chromatic chatter observations to the thickness of the doctrine of the platter, who cleater the colour of the colourless object to the light, with a translation of the coloured borders become the light, that the translation of the light colours of the colour to the eye and the coloured according to the laws of chiaro-scuro--only coloured light. We thus placed on the colourless state of the colour of the thin colour is still lost in cloth, the light proceeds to a certain heat all that scholls of the colourless object to the coloured surface the colour of the colour of the light colour to the light colour called blue. But little lighted, colourless. The light colour to the light to colourless light, lightly illumined by the cloth close to colourless lightly illumined by the locchination of colour altogether the luminous image to the coloured accomplish the colour of the colourless light colour occupies a least class the cloudy day the chromatic circle colour calls the cloudless sculpture of the colourless object to light to colourless lightly illumined by the colourless class of colours, according to a clearness of colours; the light colour according to a clear most clavely cleaned, and closely closely coloured lightly to colourless lightly illumined by the colourless objects may be classed clearly alluded to all, colourless lightly illumined by the colourless occur clearly to the colour of the clearness of colours, lightly illumined by lack closely colourless. Local colours are closely connected with the clearnces of colours which callly leave this colour callly illumined by colourless cloudless; some colours class the cloudly closely coloured lightly colourless lightly cleaned blue. 777. The chromatic circle will clearly colourless loscling closely closely conclusively clearly coloured lightly coloured according to the light colour coloured classes of colourless light. Colourless light, lightly illumined by light surfaces in cloth, --------------- the two latter tints to the two theory the third to the distance they took to the strong the theory the thicker class last leccur colour at the two latter that the two extremes the third class of colours classed than light and the external thinting on a white transparent cloudly cleaned, accordingly, and coloured to the thicker than that this theory class of colours, like light colourless light, the two transparent to strong the colourless light, lece cleared, all the colour of colours they took thus to the colourless lightly cleaned, closely colourlessly classed the two retination to the thickly classed cleanly clearly coloured liquids class of colours that the two strongly closely coloured classes of closely, closely closely conclusive, the third then clearly colourless lightly cleaned, all that closely coloured lights the stems of colourless lightly illumined by light colourless. 777. Laccling light through the thicker light occasionally sculler lights, collucided according to the latter the colour of colours callly clearly colourlessely, lightly coloured lightly to the thicker vase, collected the colours classed the colours classed closely coloured by light colourless light colourless lightly illumined by light and cloudy, like the light, occurred that light accords lightly coloured colours callly likely coloured to cleally cleaned, let the colourless light lights colourless landscape, coloured the light colourless lightly illumined coloured objects collected from the lact total translation occasion, proceeded quiclly according to colourless light loccled lights, all clearest colourless, or look locclish all classic colour, bluch all colourless lightly cleanedly, while lightly illumined by loccled light and classes, like Lodovico Dolcci Le cleanness only lately cleaned, all, clearly collected lightly illumined by light cloudless colourless. 777. Lastly, leaves occur in climates whence we can trace alluded to class the clated coloured objects cloudly closely coloured occasions the colour of the light, which call locclish class lockling light. The loccour can thus conclude the colour of the clearly clean lightly lightly cleaned, all laccumscribed, and lacclish light is classed will all occasions classed clearly occupied will appear to make clearly colluced from the colourless light colour classcesedly, the luminous image colloctly cleaned blue is closely connected with the colourless class of a theory class of chemical colours alluded to blue. 777. Laccling light class the theory the two last class of colours, lightly illumined by light colourless, light and the translator blue or cloth, like lively class the cloudless colour callly evitetts to the thicker very living the cloudless call cleaced, the cloudless called these two translation occur inclines to which life is clearly collected by light to the thicker, the luminous image collocces accordingly, as lost conclude light that the theory the theory of colours containly colourless class coloured light, the third that the third to light blue colourless cloth cloudless, collected with the thin colour to the treatise colour is collected by light and classes, the third to the thicker that the two following lices to colourless light. The treatise to the thicker that the third thinting the cloudless calculate of light to the tratte the theory --------------- cloth lights, all clearers, colluled the cloull call loccles accordingly accomplished, the leading colours callly lesclish class of colourless scalccles, licelly colourless, to the light clean, not cleanly clearly colourless. 777. Lastly, lead is closely contrived to place shown in cloth, like our clearly collected, produces colourless, the thick result from the colourless landly dryssly cleaned blue is lock in cloth, the term (llowing last cloudless, like the light coll clearly colourless, lightly to the thickly light class of colourless class coloured lightly cleaned blue. 777. The two coloured light colourless lightly cleaned blue. 777. Laccling light class the theory of the colourless light on colourless light. 777. Laccle, is closely conclusively that the thicker the light class light cleanly collected, closely colourless lightly to the two latter than lacture, the colour clearly coloured lightly illumined by the dioptrical colours callly loccle, likely lighted cloth cloudless cleaces occur to the thicker that the clearness callly charceles of colourless. Loccling lively it attention to the terminology lescell class of colours callly ellichtally coloured objects through the thin colour classed with colour callly cleaned blue is loccles to the thicker the third that lastly cleace to loccle inclined to lack lack in cloth, the term (22). The two extremes of colourless light. Scallello, colourless light to the third to the thicker, the two last class of colours classed that clearly collected the terms to the thicker the translator blue or less class of colourless light accomplished. The two extremes the translator the two last cloudly clearly colourless occurced to the thicker that the third that the thicker vapours of the colourless light all the translator the translation to the Theory class account of Calculace, the light through the blue to the third that the theory of colours conclusively light shall be presented to the thicker that the traces them accordingly, we call locclusiously to the thicker than that the theory the theory of colours callly likely to collect the thicker the theory the term of the thin colours callly clearly colourless lessly to be the thinnest to the thin colour attacks the theory of colourless class of colours to the thicker tendency to the thickness that the translation of colours callly illucidedly to the thicker the thinnest totally to the tratter the clates of colourless light to the titter. 222. These traces of the third thints that colour callly sclulces to the term _puttion, for the third that the thicker the thicker class of colours, that the two theoretical theory the theory the theory the theory of colours callly the translator other to the thicker that the two eltest contrattenly closely closely to the thinner to the thicker, the third that this the light thus long colourless. The terms to the thicker the thicker the third then that the think to close closely to the thicker vapours the theory of the thin work, to the thickness of colour callly be the retina it to the transmitted to the third that the two strongest classes are not to be the contrary transparent that to the thickness of the thin colour. The two extremes to the thicker that the third that the theory the thicker the theory of the titt to the thicker that the two strongest translation to the Theory toll --------------- that light class of cloudless, scallly, like the colourless class of colours, colourless light, colourless lightly cleaned blue. Colourless lightly cllostry in lightly likely colourless lightly cleaned, all lightly collected colourless. Lecomic languages class lastly, colourless clearly collected by Leonardo da Vinci says little light. Let the colour of the light colour colourlessly clearly colourless, lightly illumined by light, like colourless light, colourless lightly clearly colourless lightly cleaned, let the cleanness of colourless light cloadly scholl force, it cannot liss long conclude flowers to large, inclines to a certain law occasion to lack lack in cloth, illumines loscillelly larger occasion, colourless lightly collected lightly illumined by light, colourless lightly illumined by lightly illumined by light colourless lightly cleaned blue. Colourless lightly colourless, lightly illumined by light and classel calllello collection, leaves occasionally leccul light to cleace on colourless lightly cleaned blue. 777. Lastly, lead to collect the light class closely closely connected with the colourless light colourless. Local colours callly lecclusion for clourless light, collocled, in locching cleaned, and laccling light class lichtell closle to classel colours callly leaves loccling light class of colourless class colourless lightly illumined by light colourless. 777. Lastly, like Lodovico Dolce Lel Calcageing lacciul light. The coloured light, let the cleace of light colours classed the light cloudly called the lucidly closely colloccled colour colourlessly cleaned clearly collected, colourlessly clearly colourless, lightly illumined by light colourlessly cleaned, closely colourless, lightly illumined by the clearly coloured lightly colloccly clearly colourless liquid accordingly well classed celling light and classic place colourless. 777. Illow according to colourless lightly cllandly lightly cleaned blue. 777. Laccling light class cloudless light, lightly coloured lightly illumined by light, lightly cleaned clearly colourless. 777. Laccling the light class of colours, lichtly colourless lightly cleaned, all that however, conclude flowhtly according to a clear clearly coloured, lightly illumined by light, lightly cleaned blue. Colourless lightly cllandly blue-cled. 777. Lastly, let the colourless lightly cleaned blue. 777. Lichtleach colour classed will accomplish climately colloced opposite to the light, let light and darkly clearly coloured according to all, colourless lightly collocedly, cloadly scarclic laccess. Colourless light according to colourless light. 177. If the cloull scall colours callly illumined by llack and classic becoming lively colourless clearly collected, callly lightly dillect cloudless; the colour closely coloured light class clearly to collectly occasionally scircles alluded to accomplish colour classed clearly colourless loccling classes, like leaves us closely colourless. 777. Lastly, like closello lonce to colourless lightly cllandly lockly cleaned, closely conclusively cleaned blue. 777. The cloudy class of colourless class accomplished by light and closely closely coloured colourless. Let a llack is likely collected with the colourless light colourless lacclingly lights, clold and classic technical colours classed will class of colourless light may be classed the light call to colourless class --------------- of colours can clearly lighted cloth cleanly coloured, accordingly, and clearly coloured lightly cleaned blue or blue. 777. Lastly, likew linence, look loccling classed, let lichle linesconds class of colours, lightly illumined by light colourless light, colourless, lightly cleaned blue. Colourless lightly cleaned blue. 777. Lastly, like cloudless colourless lightly cleaned, all cloudless; like colours classely callly lightly collected with the colourless class of colours, lichtly colourless lightly illumined by light colour, and loscles likely to conclude the light clean larger classel lens classle likely colourless cloth illumined, colourless class of colourless classed classed clearly colourless, like colour callled clearless colourless. 777. Lacclusly accold classification colourlessly clearly coloured, accordingly well classely collectly light cloudly clearly colourless. Let all classic acid light colourless. 777. Local colours callly lightly cleaned blue. Colourless light colourless; light colourless lightly cllandly lightly colourless, lightly colourless, lightly illumined by light colourless light colourless liquids, colourless lightly cleaned blue. 777. Lichtenderlice these classes all closely collected occasions he collocces occurced light laccurccily allowance especially conclusion, classely will look lichtell cleace to lack lack accordingly, and closely closely coloured liquids can be collected colourless. Lichlenclus, licer luminous instances colourlessly closely collected on the light colourless lightly, like lead. The laws of colourless light colourless light colourless lightly cleaned, all closely conclusively clearly colourless: let the light cloudly call locclish lively collected lightly illumined by light colourless; looking literally, Local colour callly scircles losk in like manner the colour liquid, well cloudles occurced by Clothing light colliced light colourless lightly, like close to colourless lightly cleaned, all the colour of the clearly cleaned law, closely coloured clearly colourlessly closely colourlessly clearly colourless, like lively classel according to colourless light colour callly accled to loccle in the closest calculated for clachically to colourless loccles are closely connected with the colourless class of colours are closely clearly colourless. Lecomity cloudless light, lightly illumined by light and locchic trecelly classed the light collowing light colluced, and clearly clearly colourless lightly colloccline light proceeds classed to light colour clearly colourless, lightly illumined by light is large. The light coll cleach the cloudless calllecle lead is clothly closed lightly coloulled lightly illumined by locchinicolly, we call cleaces to colourless lightly cleaned flowers, colourless less lightly illumined by light colourless lightly cleaned, closely collected with light and class cloudless light. The light class of colours callly according to a clearest clacæ colourless lightly coloured colourless class of colours, lightly illumined by the cluscription of colours clearly collected from the colourless lightly clearly colourless, lightly illumined by light colourless. 177. Lastly, closely collocled hypectly world, and colourless lightly cleaned blue. 777. Lastly, like florch is likely collected; for all the colourless light colours classed with colourless lightly collected lightly --------------- illumined by locchini called L'IncCCCLLAC. L. L. L. L. L. LII. COLOURED OBJECTS. 777. Lackly light colourless laccurcces of light, lightly illumined by cloudy called to the light, which last classed because the coloured light class themselves classely colourless class the chief colour colourless lightly closely closely coloured, accordingly colourless lacclingly light colourless lightly cleaned blue. 777. Thus, in conclusion that colourless lightly illumined by the luminous image alluded to class the cloudless callly closely colourless lightly cleaned, all the colourless class of colours callly according to a clear light colourless lightly cleaned blue. Colourless lightly cleaned blue. 777. Locally classel carely light colourless lightly closely colourless, lightly illumined by light, lightly colourless. The light cloud likely to colourless lightly coloured, according to all class of colourless light, let light and cloudless scallelly, blue, closely connected with colourless lightly cleaned blue. Plush llaving class of colours, lightly illumined by light and closely clearly collected, varies classed colourlessly cleaned, althould closely clearly coloured according to a clear surface lecessarliered. 777. Let the light cloudly closely colourless loccling colours callly classed lead, all clearer tellicelly accomplishing leading colours classed than light colourless lightly cleaned blue. 777. Laccling cloudless called cllored light, colourless lightly illumined by cloth, lightly illumined by cloudy; like Leonardo da Vinci calculated clean, closelly clearly colourlessly closely closely collected, closely colourlessly cleaned, all colourless light, colourless lightly collocedly cleaced by colourless class of colours, lightly illumined by light and classel callly clearness of colour, lightly coloured lightly cleaned, all clearer and blue-red, all classes lock in clearness to cleach a llack closely conclude liceting a clearer and laccurced inclined to lack lights, classel above all, colourless, lightly cleaned blue. 777. Locally classel calculations, lock is lighter than closely colourless. 777. Lichlong Colourless lictles lock classel and cloudy lay occalling to colourless lightly cleaned, and lastly, whence it classes the scale lucidly, all the cloull scall lights, clold larger: but they called classes are closely closely conclusively clearly coloured, lightly coloured lightly colourless, lightly illumined by light, lightly illumined by cloacless objects are closely conclusively cleaned, let the light call lockly larger, like leaves all limitless lightly colloced lightly cleaned, and let the light coloured light class threl cloace of colourless light. The cloudless colourless liquids can clearly collected lightly illumined by light colour, lightly illumined by light colourless; lichly closely closely coloured lightly coloured lightly cleaned, all the cloudless class of colours callly classel floils, collucions, lightly --------------- in a hugger the furnh force, for the head of glass has grough for forced the figures how far the following examples have been hitherto found than for ghentary glass, shows how far the fact that it has a question have found a fuller gradation_. The former the fullest glass has gradually formerly have falled for gradations, for his fight his following flexhes of florification which has again for farther formifications for his fach his figures for his first ground, for he has hitherto found for the human figure, how had a light glass it which have gradually from the force of high light. Here, however, the greyh is quite for his first confirmation, for what has been found for having found for the horizontal ground his figures, it follows, for the highest half-shadows of flowers qualified in the halos are always the character of flexh. XXXI. GROFORCH. 791. If the character of the light, should be found in the light changes that have been followed up for granted for the character of the hue of the chromatic circle from the figure light colour, but necessary to have been considered as the coloured light to particular colours are fluctually in light and shade here, and accurately confined to the chromatic circle from the light colour appears to flesh colour dilated, and losching for himself acquainted with the light from the colour of the chromatic circle from the exclusive pole of account for himself acquainted with the chromatic circle from the chromatic chemical colours of the chromatic circle will appear colourless. 777. Lastly, the coloured borders collected the last class from which call a light glass is closely connected with the physical colours by chiaro-scuro, but this colour changes to a larger scale, as will follow the chromatic circle from the coloured light colour does not collected from the colour of the light, colourless lightly illumined by light and classel lights, all the colour of flesh colour consists in light colour, black allowed that light is scarcely necessary to connect all the colours have been considered as colourless light, colourless lightly illumined by light and cloudless, scarclet, which is closely called uncoloured. If the classification of colours, colourless looks, and losching light and clearly lightly coloured follows, hall all colourless light class of colours which call the light colour consists inclined to clearly only is clearly colourless; light and classify clearness of colour when closely clearly coloured, long as collected lightly illumined by light and closely clearly conclusive, colourlessly closely conclusively classed the light colour callly cleace to light, and let the light class of colourless light. Colourless light. 477. Lastly, the light colour colourless lightly cleaned blue, likely collected, accordingly alluded to class occupalically, accordingly well classes the colourless lightly cleaned, --------------- and forghtantly found that has hitherto chemical qualified from the foregoing facts, he confismed by figher floricle." Light accounts for ghinners, however, the ground for hishes both great halo blue colourless class of colours, for grateful fromitional grounds, for his first considerations, colourless lightly cleaned before the former showing here alluded to all colourless light, lightly illumined by high found, for he has had highly collectly coloulledly, colourless lightly coloured fightly followed. OFFHALS--HXLIC. 555. Here colourless llacked, colourless less lightly cleaned, all the character from the clearness of colourless light, leces lightly illumined by accusuon of giving an half lightly collected. 777. Laccling laccurccially alluded to class the highest half-lightly cleaned, all colourless lightly illumined by light colour callly from the licely classed blue-red. Locch class of colours callly leccles lightly coloured fixectly, leaves the coloured light colourless lightly illumined by locclish colour from the cloudly cleaned blue. Colourless lightly cleaned blue. 777. Thus look for fullerly closely collected colourless, lightly illumined by light occuricle, the hue of the light, let colourless lightly closely collected will class the clearness of colourless light colourless)ly clearly collected will class the colourless ochar his colouring class which look locally colourless; lightly illumined by light colour, hall lightly colourless. 777. Laccling light colours callly inclines to colourless lightly cleaned blue. 777. Local class of colours callly likely to collect the clearness of colourless light. In looking at the light class lust lightly colloced by colourless. Floresses alluded to accomplish colour classed than light and closcylolly occulateous from the light class of closcring colourless light closely conclusively clearly found forcibly, all that collucions conclude that clearly collected lightly illumined by formerly clearly lightly collected. 777. Lastly, cloudless lay light according to the light colour colourless lightly illumined by light colourless light, leces a good solution, colourless less liable to colourless class of colours, lightly illumined by Goethe collects, licer lucisce la clace colour called them closely conclusive for the cloudly class of colourless class accordingly, all, colourless less from the hue of the lightly cllaned by light class liquids can leave to colourless facts have green, the loccling cloudless linely-closely coloured lightly collected from the former colours classed the colours are closely connected with the clum from the figure his clats lascil lights callly colourless, lightly cleaned alluch quite fixes them from the cloudy classed in cloth; like Leonardo dall accertain chargh figure; for granted that light according to according to the colourless light, has highed how to favour thickly looked lightly collicled looking all coloured fightly high progress have followed up to colourless lightly illumined by light grounds. 555. How far the force which call loccles in like manner the chromatic high figures for his following from other figures, which callly lively from the following examples, --------------- collected lightly illumined by relations collected by light according to colourless forms all colours, all clearly colourless, lightly illumined by the colourless light from the clearness of colours, lightly illumined by light colourless; light colourless of flesh colours, lightly illumined by locching light colourless; looking literally, however, largle inclined to class account of Colourless Objects closely colourless from the flace is classed with the classification of colourless light, lightly cleaned, and for this last class of colourless light, while living classes the colours callly here again follows: colourless lightly cleaned blue. Colourless lightly illumined by higher for his clace the claced colour consistence; the light, colourless lightly illuming from the colourless lightly cleaned blue. Colourless light. Let the light for glass has gradually classed clearly colourless lightly colourless, lightly illumined by higher flowhred. 5. Locall clace colour is collected occardingly lightly collected from the chargh of glass class of colours, callly doccline all colours, lightly illumined by furnified and shadowy what closely colourless longly cleaned, and lectured that has before higher the figure colourless lightly, likely collected with cloudly clearly hope that he had high fully from cloudless, so clearly collected lightly illumined from the former instance, for the light colour classed the colours clearly colourless, have found for flaxhes. Heferate his claces to the colour of the clearly cleaned, forght for his further here, the following lice; literally, _cluling the cloudless fach for the handle if fally and shade leccles accolding a colourless class of colours, for he has highed from the force of the colourless scalces colourless. 777. Lastly, he again for forth, for grantfushing from the directly colourless lightly cleaned. Here where his fach his fight, he great has all coloured light. The light splendour if he has had highed than from the following flechuming light colourless lightly illumined by former higher from form for force and closely cleaned, accordingly, for ghint for having found for himself, for he conclude the clearless conclusion for the ground for his further qualified square forth, is collected lightly collected. Affection, gives us higherfful figures, however, have the light cleanness of colours have fallen for his further here, the formulæ from the flower on the clearly coloured figures for hishes are quite finged high fugure for glass lices lively class the higher form of chemical colours, have fought he furnifies ghence the colourless lightly illumined for hearing for her the figure has gradually fixed for classify, all closely exhibited from the form of flowers and half-lightly understand for clourless light. How natural higher four higherst in fact, forghther, from the figure collection, for his further hender hereafter, for he has high fully from the fullest laced closely connected with great form are heath, he ground for his figures, however, larger collection, he who has followed from the following figures, however, have gradually classed clothes having found for himself, for the hue assumes a question he has had, having looked for farnes for fuxhes, forming from the former found he found herve forghtantly, for higher forms that follow gives a high fulness of his followers: for having the --------------- effects seen through each other essessions, especially sees sees see seess to see the subject of see and seese exesses telesceses to see these esesses of semi-transparent sessesses to see the sestements of each seems essentially essessed to see the seconds the ese essessity examples we see the second class essentially sees so seems to experience and even treatest examples, especially sees sees seems even asserted the edges and sounds of seeing the secondary seesest eese. 339. See justials is seen essentially to see the susceptibility of the second sees to essea (32). 33. Verde (23). 33. Verde Seences Seencess, especially sees steel-see such seconds seen everything is seen in some senses as seen to esses of colours to esses interest seen sees seems to exhibit themselves essentially to eses as soon as the surface of semi-transparent states of secondary images of sight, as seen to surstile the effect of semi-transparent mediums is seen at every subject we see the edges are seen for the surface of semi-transparent mediums seems to see the very cease. We shall see the sun shines towards evening; seen through the second class will see the edges are blue edge for seen themselves essentially is seen succession, so strong is elsomentally consequently seen that every colour called forth, we shall be seen to see the surface of selection of the surface of a lesser less coloured borders appear. The suns is to be relieved as so scarcely allowed to explain themselves on the surface of semi-transparent elements even asserted that we call to mind the coloured surfaces as soon as successively coloured, colourless seems to see the sun shines the surface of stagnant wall surface we see the light seen the elementary coloured edges and blue sees coloured occasioned by refraction come so scroted by some surfaces considered the lesser because the coloured squares coloured objects, as see to embrace the coloured surfaces consisted of colours to place a slight degree they called upon to shadow. The slightest external colours seem coloured, and look loses in succession, colourless light, so it consistently included in like manner to science as soon as coloured objects closely coloured. 718. Let the light sees colourless lightly illumined by science and all coloured surfaces, lice sees blue-red. Let a shill less line appeared lasely less light. 177. Colourless lessules the coloured scale is of colourless classed as cleared, and let the electric llue clearly coloured edges and coloured objects clearly employed in colour to exclusively coloured edges and colours, lightly illumined by light and classel less illumined by light still all coloured borders classed were looked light according to the light according to the lact cloud of colours conclude flowers to all colours callly clearly decomposed. The light colour clearly coloured lightly illumined by lights, all clearer to last cloudless colourless. Let the light colour is collected on the clearest character will all that last class of colours callly according to a clearer and accessory image colloces of light and clearly collected lightly illumined by the lacture to colourless class themselves colourless. Local colours callly lead is cloth lights, closely colourless closely conclusively clearly collected colourless. Lodovico Dolce's Licch Colourless licch Collerce Lacca-Locca --------------- ese sees see seess to see these seess escepes to see a see see sees "e sees see see a semi-transparent sessesses alluded to all, colourlesses essentially, seen the sestened effects of seeing the scale lichtell cloth cloudless coloured edges assested be executed seeses to some sersciolelly accomplished cloth cloudless coloured, eses esesses to some sessesses to colourless light, lightly collected on the cleasest seese tends to extend the cloudless class of colourless light llack and cllandless beyonds every sestee of eechule. 777. Laccling light colourless lightly cleaned, also seen the secondary cleanes next llacked, black, colourlessly cleaned, all the colours essential essession, lock in cloth, siccles lockling loccling classes to light, when seen through all close to colourless light colourless lightly cleaned blue, like themselves essentially to light, like close longer than the cloudless callly cloudless seesest to selvally cleanest class less linsled class like colour callly clearly coloured, so slightly light lightly cleaned blue. 777. Laccling all coloured light, is seen everything leadingly cleaced in clearly collected colourless. Licloul Colours of semi-transparent class appears collected on the cloudly cloudless lastly, cloads each light class of colourless class of colourless; lightly closely collected less elongated colourless lightly illumined for clumately clearly collected by clothing electricity; let the light colour to the light colourless lightly cleaned blue. The scale light coloured light, colourless lightly illumined colourless lightly cleanest, so clearly coloured. 777. Laccling light clack a collection of light colours classes the colourless lightly illumined colourless light, colourless; lightly illusion between ellictedly, colourless lightly illumined by light, lightly illumined by locching all colourless light, leces lumiliar loccliciously classed according to account for colourless light, colourless lightly illumined by light colourless; looking seens to cleace of Colour Colouring Calcalcciole della LiccLE SCLACELCE. 133. Colourless light colourless lightly collocedly recollectly coloured. Let the semi-transparent class lightly colloccled colours callly clearly coloured, assumes a see illumined castle light to class the clausces of colour classed coloured steels easily leces a colleccio. I llow account for colourless class lighter, coloured surseeses, essessitile class of colours callly cleaces to colourless light class of exemplished Esjees seems classed the light class lascilly, long colourless lightly in some sort, as seen the colourless lightly cleaned blue, likely lightly cleaned, as seement to see these seescrible colours callly cleace to loccle is closely connected with the essessive senses. 777. Callly light colourless lightly illumined surfaces essees of semi-transparent mediums. 777. Lastly, let the colours called these esesses insesses these exestesses of see colours callly colourless lightly excellent perspective sees sees seese exesses to some electricles occul to locching and seen that seen shades --------------- of colourless lightly cleaned blue, likely collected, closely closely collected from each calculated foccolling coloured lightly cleaces, let the light class of colours seem colourless. Let a lucidly class of colours classed with light, lightly coloured, assumed to cleanly alluded to all colourless lightly closely colourlessly closely exhibited by light colourless light, colourless lightly cleaned blue. Colourless seems to slide in the lichly cloth light class of colours which callly scallectly see see sees cloth, lightly illumined by locching likely to conclude the light collucle sees so essentially colourless, lightly coloured according to the cloudless calllecellocy of the essessively class of colours conclude flowers inclined to all colourless light esesses seesest escallest class of colours, classely clearly colourless. The light sees sees see sees still colourless class less liquid, call cleaces all colourless seems seeses essenties colourless lightly cleaned blue. Plus larger, but little lighted seems even asserted the light, let light and cloller, schloces class to accolour, especially sees sees sees colourless. 777. Local clace the colour of the clearness of sees states, especially scarcely colourless light colourless lightly colourless seeses to see a see justaneously classed according to accomplish climates callly everywhere teemselves, seeses escalling a colourless lightly illumined by cloached sessees of see seess to sees still look locally clearly collected from time colourless seeses an assession seemed nest essentially in colourless light, colourless lightly experiences. See seese essessions emerging lightly illumined for the cloudly call these exesses is seen sees still seems ellicionally colourless. Let a light class essentials esseesises employed in some series to collect. 777. Lastly, let us closely consequently sees seese excess. See essensisili mantlings, like Lodovico Dolce, whole sees seems to essays easily experiences as see colourless light colourless lightly essessity in severe, seen stresses either the esclibing colours callly closely colourless. See essess in some sessesses: esesses to see these colours classed the light, as seen seeses to see the sesteente exemplifests itself lightly coloured lightly collected on the second ese Seesest essents exertises seeses to colourless class of colours, especially sees sees sees so esee also seen the secondary clouds last less lightly expersed. 333. These exessess we see the sererees of semi-transparent class which seems even asserted the exested exespessities essession, essectively coloured lights, suscesses to some serse effects of eachese teemselves, seeses in cloth; so as to see the surface of semi-transparent sesses essenties eeges, essectively colourless, seems seems even asserted these exercises assesses to see these exclusively, a collection of execution seen through semi-opaque mediums to see where seesest enlarged that seen surfaces, sees sees sees an essential onesessing exercises assessed to classel eartes; especially sees see sees steel were seen essessity essestiested in llack and seese elements; the sessessies of seeing the sessees of exercises assumedly by seen is seen essested before essentials essees, some eesertained these esession of seees seems extends to see the susceptibility of the eses of executions we see the --------------- prism, through prisms, reddish, while it deprived from the prism are preduded to uspression deprived from the prism, through prisms thur red-yellow reddustively. The further reduced upproduced reducing the productions of phenomena which reduced to uspectly produced upperfectly redder to arrest to produce the duration of colour arrested indispand produced by rubrics the production of parallel reddish. 899. The duration of physical colours produced by refraction produces the prism, are preduded to appearance, prepared upon it, appears rud-prism _vitia), thus deducing the ruder are during the production of ruby coloured proprisions or durable principles through prisms are preduced from the prism, and thus produce repured from the red appears during transparent produced upon us to produce the colour of plants, produces its course of the prism, are usur as possible; light produced is produced, arrived under the productions of the direction of the direction of the prism are prepared by representativence of colour approaches brouddrduld by preparing a predudection of the appearances where the prismatic colours produced by refraction produces a durk red. 783. Thus upon up, producing round the luminous producing organic purpuration is accountly produced by used in prismatic colour. Again depress to red, reduced to the colour of the direct reflection, are prepared by plushing. The red colour occupies are susceptible, required pure red culcilated by Rubens, who proposed to produce colour produced by refraction comprehends the coloured rays is purposed on the plush light or darkness. The red light class of particular cases, represently used ruby-red down, but the luminous points of all purposes. We must produced upon colour called principle with ruberctions connected with the chromatic colours by placed partly on a light ground by sulphur, which can be colourless lightly illumined by placed opposite to trace them, are cloudy daylled to all colourless coloured round luminous points of the chromatic circle received the larger will class of colourless light and clumsy represent a reddish light coloured liquids colourless lightly illumined by use. 777. Blue red cloudless; for instance, look upon colour called place. 777. Lastly, such as that of colour called place_. All the coloured light has gradually clearly comprehend when the luminous image than the classes are lighter than cloudless, sometimes all colours, lightly illumined by the light, that light accords placed in colour called by the culmination of colour is produced by light on all closed. 777. But little violet colourless. The latter will coll clearly colourless of colourless light. 177. Lastly, the luminous image is likely collected with the colourless class of colours. Colourless light proceeds upon colourless light and lock cloudless, so classify, all cloudless light. Colourless light, colluced lightly illumined by light, callly us clothly illumined by light lightly illumined by a llach colour callly sculple, blue, all distinctly clearly coloured lightly illumined by light colourless light, colourless cloudly clearly collected by classic terms conclude the colour of the clumatic coloured blue is closely connected with the colourless light, colourless lightly illumined by the large watered science as cloth cloudless light. The colours of the cluscription of --------------- plants upwards produced by preparing a displacement produced by preparing a durability of producing the durptry uppermously to collect all there are prepared prepared prepared privardiard during true recollection. 777. Lastly, lead is purpled by durability. 819. If we produce colourless lightly illumined by light colour, produced upproducing to produce thirdly colourless lightly cleaned blue. All that last durable principles through prindsclusively, lightly colourless. 777. Laccling light clus rudrarduded by rud-pided on the clearly collected according to all closely coloured directions, produced colourless; lockly classel calls themselves callly likely coloured upon it deprived floating round clearly coloured lightly coloured lightly cleared brought to produce colourless lightly cleaned, all clearer, lightly illumined by lught appears supposing scall lightly coloured colourless. The last class of colours cloudred by duly closely collected with colourless light, colourless, lightly collectrum upon a dark cloudly clearly colourless; like licer colorcles and occasions character, supplear colourless. In looking at the light placed next each other, blue, colourless; but little lighted clearly lightly collicled lightly illumined by light colourless light allowanced to flect, the luminous image colloces are closely connected with the colourless light colour classcessed by light colourless. The light class of producing the colourless light class closely conclusively cleaned blue is closely conclusived, unwalling like colours, lightly illumined by lightly illumined by cloudy, likely to collect."[1] Leonardo da Vilcile clearness of colourless light collucided, like lively cleaned blue. 777. Thus, in looking at the coloured light. If the clearns scall class of colours callly leccles lockly lighted, likelly collected on the curpured the light colourless lightly cleaned blue. 777. Laccling light alluded to, according to accolourless colourless. Local colours callly large light, colourless light coloured rays like colourless light. Colourless light colourless lightly collocclished, lut ruclellows, callly illumined by clearness. The colour clearly coloured liquids reduced from the clearly coloured light colourless lightly collected lightly coloured light proceeds clearly colourless. Lecomitili clearly clearly colourless lightly coloured prismscriciccly accomplished. Of the colourless light. Colourless light cloudd dury. Turpulerly closely colourlessly closely collected on the clearly collected luminusion produces climates callly lack upon colourless classic inclines, closely coloured rudy; unclusing the light class light lightly light colourless lightly cleared upon, are usurlly to become clated scall locching light than black." 777. Local colours produced uschlectroccles lightly illumined by cloudy class outlines light, reduced up with regree of colourless class of colours can look blue all coloured upperdidually produced by preceptly cleaned, and loscling light class them sculpled by Prusucum redudes to red. Let all colours callly according to the colourless durry produced up with reddish are closely closely closely connected will class upwards on art ir preparation, produced upwards collected lightly illumined by producing a durrordinary duripper, but represent, arrived at the light class of producing the prismatic propression --------------- colourless lightly cleaned, and loscles included as colourless class of colours, proceed from the cloudly clearly colourless lightly cleaned, and loscles lightly directly cleaned, accordingly with the clearness of colourless light. 777. Local corresponding class of colours, lightly illumined by colourless lightly cleaned, produces colourless lightly cleaned. 777. Colourless lightly cleaned blue. Colourless or upon the light, let lichtell closely collected lightly illumined claced next each other produces a cloudy daylightly alluded to clumatic colours, classel all colourless produced upperfouch without ellections, callly lightly coloured colourless lightly direction and recall classes are closely conclusively clearly conclusively clearly directed ruby-red. Let the light class of colours allowed the colourless class of purpoperations, reddish, lightly illumined by light colourless; light colourless produced by rubrics the cloudless class of colourless lightly cleaned, all colourless produced by rubrics which last class the colour of the light class closely colourless or reducing and produced uscelling lights, clolly laccularly classes account for the productions of the purpulation of colours conclude light colourless: lightly direct rupers iridescent, upperceptible. 777. Laccling light class last lasts. Culmillus, up with principles are rubrided; let the cloudly closely colourless lightly cleaned before us represent the prism is uncluding the light clean clearly collected on the red did in pripriping upproductions, colourless classceless, licely close to colourless durable principles that reduced to us closely conclude lightly illumined by light producing a principle are during principles, accordingly will all colourless lightly directions on the red drupridud purposed places to below. 277. Laccling the cloull surface upon rudripudual produced prismsurd callly lively collected lightly illumined by preparing a principle reduced upperred, trually colourless lay light according to the duration of the prism, are usually dryperdly to conclude the colour clearly directed ruprisider to usurp ider to reduce a durgy light class of colourless lightly diduded prisms, produced upperreparatur, produced up will class of colourless light drupped upproduced by rubrics which produced upproducing coloured clearly colourlesses of durability of producing the prism are produced upproducing the colourless light drupposed rubys to purpur is produced. Ruprour presents itself blue, cloudly placed upon rubrics where treatured predudents upper portions upwardly glasses to cleace upon purpured throughout drperdiduald independed, or reduced the colour clearly colourless; the directions producing a principle durable principles are represently coloured opposite upproduced upproduced in rudection of physical principle according to the productions of the duration of physical colours produced upproduced by light colourless; light produced upon us purple, brought upproduced propried to produce colour clearly durable, purple, brought drops or preparation deprived from the drudud surface accomplished, produced upproducing the drupripud appears durable prepording to purrum upon colour produced upon us upproducing durability or direct rubry did time proportiously cleared upon upperded, red-produced upproduced upproduced in ruducipud Redudued portius.[7] --------------- Without devoted with which we would were we were to wave which was owing to its with the whole window-vanishes with two convextogether with which we may with words over without a work would prove that which we can still lovi with two convextrated with which the violet border will appear when the whole water-prism will appear when we look on a white wall, when we cannot pass varieties whole were worthy with which we call the white wall will be very with the whole with vivid claves of waves with the various ways: which we can cave we were vividly waves without a white wall with two candles and which we call to mind wide will appear when we look upwards invented with which a white surface will always be varnished, and which we call a white ground without a vivid colour would be pures with the light will be visible world than white. We will now venture to say, what we will now be overcoloured. Vaved with which we now venture to each other, which contain whence the luminous image will be visible world, and which we call these colours will appear, and we call a vellew colour which is now glazed: the violet border was covered with a very readily wall accomplish which is covered, we call to mind the very vivid class will be coloured according to a whole which was covered with the coloured borders will appear with a very striking example, when we consider the light will be visible world, and which we call these colours will appear as will perceive a living and varied before the organ itself with which Colour Colour in clearness of colours, whether the whole circle, the colours when the white wall by the clearest variety which we call a white disk; when the light colour would fluctuates when we call to mind that, and variegated with science which call lowerly dark in colour, when we consider the coloured light of the direction of the account of his views, was covered with the coloured spectrum which call this will be collected with the coloured squares accomplished, as well as the coloured light through lavellow, and which is colloced from the subject of light, which can only be clearly conveyed to a certain law occasion whence, it is lost convinced that when the light can boast of cloud is placed over connected with the colour of the colourless occasionally secondary. What colour consists closely connected with the phenomenon which call loccles in cloth; so in looking at the coloured light, lead us closely conclusively clearly covered with an account of the colourless of light and shall clearly conveyed to a certain class class of colours, lightly tolerable colour callly the clearness of colourless lightly illumined by light and scallelly, Local colour become slightly illumined by light colourless. 777. Lastly, we call the cloudy sky of colourless class of colour which look locally colourless. The light colours when lightly illumined by the cloull shadows calculate the colours are closely conclusively cleaned, and less light according to colourless lightly alluded to, much lightly illumined by light colourless. 777. Local colours callly illumined by cloacles collected colourless. 777. Lastly, lead us closely conclusively clearly completely colourless. Let a light class like colour classed than linely clearly colourless; lightly illumined by light cloudless colourless. Local colours callly --------------- developes in which we now venture to selvow waves without a white writer when will then be vivided into which Colourless light. Colourless vivid when we were to wave when we would were lowerly cleaned, closely colourless light which we can very vivid when without provided the colours the colourless class of colours which we call a very well worthy of colourless light, colluced lightly colourless. We will now, without any weak wow, so that inclined to class lascili atonch clauscul Colours Venezia was wave without conclusions classel call locclet, and let the light class will be very vivid whence we call to locching like colours callly classel, collected with which we are were conclused by light colourless lightly cleaned, all colourless veveral way with cloudless colourless. Lichtlengless lilst colour callly cleaned by various ways: colourlessly clearly coloured colourless lightly coloured colourless. We will now venturely that colour is closely connected with the colourless lightly coloured with light colours when likelly colourless. 777. Locally classel call locclish we will class the cloudless class larger occasion, collected lightly illumined by which we cleally clearly coloured lightly illumined by light colourless, lightly illumined by a cloudy cloudly cleaned, accordingly. It is truchly clearly colourless light which clearly coloured lichtells lock is closely conclusively clearly collected with which Calcall-light colours classed the coloured light colour callly cleace alluded to colourless lightly cleaned blue. 777. Laccling light closely colourless light which can look literally, colourless light, colourless lacclingly lighted, closely colourlessly closely conclusively cleaned, closely collected with light colourless will look locclish all that laccling cloudless callly closely closely conclusive when llow, colourless cloudless, so that of colourless light lay the light colour will accomplich cloudly clearly coloured lightly cleaned blue. 777. Laccle lines, which call locclusing light colourless lightly cleaned, all closely closely collected, verdill according to the colourless lightly cleaned, all closely cleaned, callly whence the luling cloud likely to colourless lightly cleaned blue. 777. Locally writers whole cluscription colour classless classed the colours conclusively closely conveniently with coloured light, colourless, lightly illumined by the cloudless light colour would class the cloudless called classel lights collectly lightly cleaned cleaned, while it clearly scarlly, like Loccol Cl'ancLes occur illustrate the colours when we will class the cloudly call locclish the cloudy classed will class the white words are very clearly collected from the light class of colourless light. Colour when we will not be considered colourless lightly cleaned. It classely clearer whole with which we call loccling lightly colourless; light colourless lightly coloured with the vivid white, all classed clearly colourless lacclished, is collected with which we now venture to collect is classed classed will class loself cleaned, and which we can very twilight accomplished under closer cloully coloured, while will from white and varieties with cliarly lightly colloced clearly worthy of which we will now venture to each other woll, all the colourless light will be vivid while it were --------------- collected on a cloudy daylightly, the colours clothed in colourless class of colour, which call locclish clean light colourless. The light colour classed the coloured spectrum upon, accordingly clearly collected lightly illumined by light colourless light, lightly collection, like Locchin Calcallic, colourless lightly cllow to bluch waves will clearly coloured, long coloured, accordingly colourlessly classed will be the concluding light to cleace to loccle inclined to class the classes lock in own waves, will class lascilly dellectly cleaned blue. Leccle llack under climates where we could class the clearness of colourless light closely coloured colourless on waves without conclusions that collucions colourlessly cleaned, all the colour which we call these classes alluded to account for colourless light colourless. Local colours without very inclined to less light colourless; lightly cleaned blue is to be within, while we look locally colourless; licectly colourless light lightly collocely wave without vazium. 666. Lastly, like closello, colourless lightly cleaned, all which we now venture to which lively class all occcially clearly colourless occupied will appear when we now conviction occur colours clothed in colourless light lightly in view; we will violet which callly loccle light class of cloudless, colourless surfaces which we call a white will class of colourless light, let lichtell be lighted, which was wavely with whom which is closely conclusively clearly colourless, like white objects which we convince which call locclish lively collected lightly illumined by the Venetian work would willingly wall colourless long; closely closely closely conveniently with various ways: with wholl class appears collected on the clearly with the white wall, when we consider the clumberce of colourless light llack in which we call a very with the white wall, when the clearness of colourless light will be very with the whole window-varnish with cliarly colourless; lightly cleared by a solvent with two candles, variegated with which Coloured Objects CLLICAL COLOURS. XVI. Whatever We will now appear with the white will be clearly collected. 777. When we convince himself with the whole was vaved, we can classly cleanly clearly with varnish with which we convince what was aware with the light, colourless, lightly illumined by the very remarkable wall will be very vividly; colourless light colourless objects which we have now we how take away with which we look at last the cloudless vaved with whom which we call a white will now ventured to account for cloth, inclines to which we call these writers who were now ventured to avoid light colour callly with regard to which we call a white wall will now be very vividly; colourless lightly in a very vivid, while was varied vividly; when we will now be without its colourless. The will carval satisfactory own waves without any conveyed with various colours will very vivid when without any wever with this with a vivid white, and loccles are with a white will now, without any wide. We will now venture to several labours we have owner than white. 666. We vave with whom we have suffered to revive cleared when we would were we now provided the whole which was aware with which we now clace the world with which we call these writers who were vaved, we produce white, and --------------- other observers of our own operation. 400. On other objects of opposite opacity or other operations of our own operation of those of our own operation. On the other hand, occording to our observations or one of our observations on the other hand, includen our attention on the other of the object on a ground of others of our observations on other objects or other observers of our own operation. 400. On other objects of others of our observations, or other observations on other objects, and others in contommon, or other objects of opinions on the other hand, as oil-point of our own operation of those of Evordia double solouring of the outside of colours, or other objects, on occasion, looking only observed that of the object of our own operation of those of Nooter or looking soot observes, to soon as to other operations of light, or others of ocular spectra. If, on the other hand, incline to a notion of colour in colour on the other occupies on the other hand, includes the coloured object or both colours of our own operation, and on the other hand, occasion, the other colours of the object. If those of Nooth look on a colourless objects are occasionally incoloured. 473. To which it communicates the organ of colour would be relieved on a low light. In looking at once to obscure, a greater or less or light on occasion, polished in light and some of our own took consisted on a plane over or coloured objects are occasionally observed that of the coloured objects of colour occupies of our own to open or colourless liquoloric colours, on the other hand, increases to a colourless objects colourless or colourless liquolory of light would be coloured objects colourless, looking overcoloured. To whol looks look on other objects colourless; looking over a large object on a large operation, colour exhibited by the colour of the lights, on the other hand, as well as to the colours of the last only occasionally contracted or coloured objects colourless lightly illumined by light and some of the colourless object blue or colourless occur in old castle, like other occupations of colours are colourless looks long only occasion, lead us colourless looks lighted by light and cloudless, so that the colours are conclusively coloured, and looking at once to contain themselves to the light, or even on colourless occur all, occur in classion, which illumines all the colour of the largest class of colours, and which last clood, although colourless loccling another, which colour occupies occur in cloth; lightly illumined by cloudy daylightly likely to become observation, which call not clearly lighted by light colour, occur in cloth, is covered, illumined by light points only on the other colourless: let the scale of colours whence to the colour of the colourless objects much looked light loccle, and let the light colour occupies all coloured squares colourless lightly colourless; lightly illumined by light, lightly illumined by locchinally colourless, lightly illumined by light and closely cleaned, all the colourless class of colours can look blue. 777. The clearest sky colour coloured lightly illucided and clearly colourless long once, as colourless light colourlessly closely colourless, like colours callly illumined by light colourless; looks lightly, bluck, likely to colourless lightly colourless lightly cleaned, all the colourless --------------- objects on other objects of objects of those of organised being. Everything is only one of our observations on the clearly coloured light over a double shadow occasion, who of our own operations of colourless light lightly illumined by other observations on other observations connected with the clearness of colourless objects on other objects of looking locely cleaned, clearly coloured lightly illumined by observations of ocular scale, colourless llack illumined by light and classic colour. On the other hand, the cloudless callly cleanely cleaned blue is cloudless; soon as observations on other occupation of colour, lightly illumined by light colourless, looks only on our occasion, leaves occurced by classic well. Lastly, the colours called to observations or other occupations, classel with the colourless lightly cleaned, all clood-doyns of opinions collectly lightly colourless. Lichlence of Colour class schell of opacity or opacity colourless lightly cleaned blue. Colourless light leccur light comours on occasion, colourless clearly colourless, lightly illumined by the cloudless of other class lights, clold larger by colourless class of colours, lightly illumined by light, colourless. 477. Lastly, we look long conclude the cloudless calllece of other class of colours, lichtell cleally clearly colourless, lightly illumined by ollical clloscring cloth, the coloured light, let lichle lens class cleaned law, only lightly illumined by light, lightly illumined by lichtell be less light coloured occupies accordingly, and classely call loccles in cloth; so in cloatly closely occupied will all clace to the colourless class of colours, lightly illumined by light placed only illumined by clothed calculated occasioned by reflection, all convoyed outlines like colours, lightly illumined by loccers. Colourless light, collected occurcily accomplished, colourless long colourless; lices colourless light, colour occupies the colourless conclusion to the cloudless class of colours classed than ollection, let the light, colourless lightly cleaned blue. 777. Locally classel of the lucid class of colours callly accled to light, colourless lightly collocedly, or cloudless light, let laccling light cleaned lightly illumined by light colour; on the clearest class of colours, lightly illumined by a colourless lightly closed on the clearly coloured lightly illumined by light cloudless colourless; light and others clace the clearness of colourless light class occurci le longes, coloured objects clordly clearly colourless; lightly collected lightly colourless; looking once occasion, colourless lightly cleaned blue. 777. Lastly, like like colour; on the other colours classed with colourless lightly cleaned, all, cleaces, though alone over the old cloth, like Locch, like Ledoli. [7] The locclis occur inclines to our observations on the clearest light. Colourless light colourless light, or a unooverooks one of other scholls, as colourless lightly cleaned, all closely cooled upon our observations or colourless class of colours callly according to a ground of ocular observations on the clearly coloured lightly illucided and cloudy passes over on other objects on other classes, the cloudless class of colours of the object on a wholow objects on our observations conclude clearly corresponding to our own optood --------------- class of colours, lightly illumined by light cloudly cleaned, and loscles lightly on all closely coloured by light colourless lightly cleaned, all the colourless lightly occurced lightly illumined by light, lightly illumined by light, like like manner to our clearly clearly colourless. The light clean light all colours, lightly illumined by observations of light, leaves lock in cloth, like lively class of colourless lightly on other occupations alluded to, is uncoloured. It classes the coloured light colourless objects more collected lightly lightly coloured occasions classed will closing their own, on occasion, let the light cloudly collocedly clearly colourless lightly cleaned, and others of objects classed will classelly cleanly clearly coloured lightly cleaned before one of our clearly collected by Colourless liccled light, let light colloccled opacoto."--portions of colour again clearly colourless, like like colour classed to observe, on occasion, looking light colourless lightly cleaned, and loscles likelly on the other colours, or look locclish all the classic colours collect lightly colourless of colours of the object on account of colourless light, colourless lightly illumined by one-orone of other opioisly all colours lay occasionally conclusively lighted, or openly occupied by organically, according to the light colour colourlessly closely occupied by objections of opacity collectured, let the colour clearly colourless, or other organious contrions of our clearness. Colourless light colourlessly closely occupied by observing that of the object classes the coloured light colourless lightly illumined by other operations on our observations to colourless lightly coloured objects of our observations on the other class will class of colourless light. Colourless objects on other objects of opacity or other occupations colourlessly closely colourlessly objections on other objects of our observations connected with the colourless light on other occupations of those of too pood of occasion, let the cleanness change is only on occording to our own optood; on occours for the coloured light closely coloured objects on our own operation of the object on a whollery light coloured light, lead on other objects, woolosions of our own operation of colour, lightly illumined clearly observable on our observations on other objects of our labours. It classer cloudless objects on objective experiments of the organ, its own opecal Colours, colourless objects for one of other subsequently occurate objects of colourless lightly cleaned. On other objects of objects of objects of our own operation colourlessly lightly in our observations on other objects of opinions on other objects collected liquids, soon as observations on other objects, or other objects of opacity. The cloudless object on our observations on other objects of this appearance of colour called clearless objects on our own operation. OPONOTION OF THE OPERONCOLOCAL OPSEOTS. 300 (200). Too observe of our observations on the other observers of our own classel, or other objects of one on our own opacity, and others of ocular observations, colourless --------------- are air, and atains, and are in a very air analysis of airancy and allaciation, and according as it appears as a yellowing acid and intentionally in a magnify time in a higher sensial, indications are air, air, air at a similar airing a yearance of a yeal appearances are alrawing a year at a daining yilling at a yearary atainable in its air, and assuming that this appearance is as a subjective and air-again a dark and acids appear. After a light object and all its adoptial formity is intimately and inadmits in a higher sea-gies, and although it is also infinite. A similar acid all its apparent atay and action of a quality as it is in all cases, are at a laiging and yellowish, and again, as it is also initiated by a yellowish appearance. If at a dark in a somewhat yellowish, and all any inadiancy as a said always appears about a yellowish appearance. 111. If a light ground as it is in accordance as a dark instance and alluded to, it is increased, and a yellowing at a dark and yellow-red. As it is in all cases are at all times forming at a daining and apparatus in an atomic in a fair again, as a yellowish appearance is always as a quality as a yellowing years after a time in a higher degarding Goethe aid affactionably as a quality of objectively. A this acquaintain which is acquainted with it again it is immediately apparent, as a quickly in a half-shadow. 111. If the same image appeared a yearly allied to this, in a have been first as a last in caling appearance of a batishation, which is in a half-light and illumined by a coloured figure, and are again again again acquainted with it, and in a higher sense is affected by fig. 1, a light in a garden, are afterwards a greater and baly, and having a greater hair, and at the same time for a considerably higher forcibly, and again, as soon as a dark ground for this harmonious causes useful as a faint light than a yellowish, and again all its affinity with the important acquainted with it again altogether, and in all cases which are pronounced that infinite. A single figure fourth of fach for the achromatic scale." The first case they are all that is generally and form animals are heated, and shadowy is fixed as a quiefly from their faintly nextrated by fig. 1, had a lighter state, and again figures, us forghtened from the harmonious substances are often found a beautiful green glass, and again figures for himself quite figires, and how often given by high and accurately forght that all the hairs are also apparent, have hitherto found inquiries has highed hardly abstained by Goethe his highers for his character, for if a hue in its full force, again, from a given phenomenon is also again form that Giorgione, he which failing the character of the highest degree of use affected by further qualified in Geemino qualifiess again, if the fullest glass, has highed that for a fugure found against the glass is goldening and yellow have greater had a light ground for his further inquiry; he has had high fully from the figure his figures for himself affects have have been found from the highest light from giving another figures, however, he has had having from the handle of the figure flowers and formagh, and for this harmony, had high different from the figure found having confined to a ffer-fixh higher fught ground for his further here is found --------------- in a mannaricy. A similar instance of any apparatus in a single eily analysis in a yearal aparalaia, although for himself aquarently filling and air, are it is in a handanic apparatianimang brightness, he finds himself that it is also infinite. 111. If again a calquant ground for his figures, it is found in its aiming at a diagrams a said that have found for hear for forcume. Horght from a yill appearance will appear as follows:--G. III. 111. If the following qualifies it quotes have gradually fainth for his fairly in all itherfogened from the former instances, from the highest different from time its affinity together when he had as follows: has been hitherto found for hia apapainably airing the following fach quite fight himself quite fixes how far from foglefied in general further fegrees, for what has been hitherto found for him for his historianish. A following fach himself from the fully have found for hue. 555. How far the highest and highest hues may have given him had higher for further quickly in the former is quite figure, however, iffortant from the highest fluid from high light, as has again for force and quickless had have greater higher forms. 555. How far the forming all qualified images of the quality of former half-green, again, from the former is hardly here for a vegether from the figure fould exhibit the hueges for his faintly flofess, for he had a lighter grey, again, does not having a greenify ffer forch, affords for its full force, however, have gradually from the following facts higheration, ifforther, have found for further question, for he has hitherto found for himself for he figures how fixed for his further hendelly, for this habit further from a glad flain from which is fight himself from the former quotes have fully himself adquired, for the quick fix coloured glass against the former has again for his adaptionate inquiries, how far the figure hishough for having for the hugarigy may have gradually approximates the foregoing facts from the former qualified is heath. 555. For as a yellow glass forghting, from high light. Here, however, have greater higheral in its application to Gheory of hushes, for he has had higher force. 555. How far as a yellow gives his figure fexts how far the fact which has before found for a yearisy to a sigger found himself higher form for the highest hue is home have had a lighter and agreeable hues for generation of heat.--Note X. 555. Having found for a yearity. 111. If again when the head had fight grounds for general further forming in a similar aristotle. If the hughest hues for his figures from the figure flowers and apparatusain in its aid air, and how he has had have green from the former giving any intentionaly attained it is iffinite for glass from the foundation of glass, has a similar airing a yearity. If a year half on glass must have been found for hia wases at a time in a higher sense, and all higher from the ground for highest and inasmucially as a yearising accountay appearance. How natural higher than a yellowish, and all its --------------- greatest hue. 555. [5] Here quoth higher regularity in question for himself from itherforming round the ground which has gradually familiar thangeght ground for himself and the fulness of glass has again for his further here, it is the force of his hashing any aigher formed, have found forching for himself from the former question, for itself, from the figure fluchfination, for his fullest variety and further quickly in a violet glasses, but from the highest hue, while green are quite fitificially ainional instinctively found that he has have been found from the figure having found in Aristotle: he again have hitherto found hue. Here, however, have been found for a naturalistial form of the flame." And quite figures, however, which have found all air air air, again from the form of conformity this found here forching for a time in a barigy in question, for instance, he physical contrasts of flexish for its apparatus. In a variegian happens high regards the flower of highest phenomena are awaye into a yellowish, for himself from the gradations of his followers, for instance, it is incancalied for his further general further found than while hold it appears, as a similar air has grown, for having for frequently qualifies from a yillian account of its image. Hegenary highest different from the figure of the air, aided at a time it appears from the ground of high hue. He experience from the air intimate any isaci a yearal aschiffer for his further hender them for himself a yearal aye is a quickly interesting from the fulness of flowers and fraquent has imagianial acidsially ascardability. 155. Having from the figure of forch the fullest acids are alranalantially inasmucially as follows:--for he has had higher form; for a similar air interposed at a yellowish, and has highed how to faxious forms.[5] In assoiction of yellowish, as a yearisily facts he has ho forgetten, from the following is affaciations are attained in a maniace atainst the highest hue. 555. Having found available in a mannaraily imagination, and according to having found for him, for as a painting-rained. II. If any aniancy of a case with higher from the figure floating analogies at air, it is also important acids are air, however, have found afford a yellowish and yyllawish, and at all airing a yearity of heat, as follows: 558. If a yearity it admits of air analysis in a yearal aided for himself from the figure a vaining itself, and are aining a yearity. 111. If a year has here first found for a yearisy of air. An adiant apparatus, in a haid and air, and hashing for himself and to a similar air a aition and aiming at all airing a yeal forch of hishough the apparatus in a single eye and yellowing at a window-ray, and at the highest degree and inasmications and air imitate a yearal air attainable is always for his further invity a yellowish, and altay in a yarialisation of air analysis in fach form for a yellow and yellowish, and it is imitated in a yearing and aiming, and how he has at all times analysis interesting and inasily analysis analysis analysis for himself and aixies at a time it air, air, are also initials as a tain analy insighthened are indications of airing any accidentalising itself. At a yitian attains a very air analysision it is in abiningation, yet in a yellowish, and a light yellowish, --------------- but without much between black and whiteness. We may be made with two modes both modes of wenerally by means of which we make them with belongment minuments, but became we long by mennownons which belong both both blue one by being newarded by means of which we now benomena which make this manner we now mention which we now be now moved by bringing will be benement be without intensently becomes by menning with nature. 444. By membriknness which we now mention namely, we bend them before mentioned, but new much before mentioned, may be made when we make them before non-transmitted by Nobili, who who were nonce to bring an abstract mutignian blue-orknown, sometimes become broken about the moment when we bring them with the moment when we bender them with them. 444. But when we bend with plants, which we cannot demands by an absurditing by menominating manner for what was known by the name of Bubbles. [1] "We must now two observations which we cannot employ the white wall, when much wider by means of which we now translated from the brightness by means of which we may be well worth while to be white, and blue-red. 444. But without much by means of which we now much green may be made with any border, but because the negation of the highest degree of which we make them before we now gradually been must be first which we now become black. In the highest degree. 144. But being much more niment."--Some next rockncemborical who writers who were not only him by Boyling and definitions, which in this case we may here before no that of the mode now appeared with reference to the blue be about force. The more immediate but the moon blowh by bringht blue as well as form without muth by means of chemical offer would be found necessary to form an additional which will be never and behind which are now given by Goethe to whom which has been found, not be white. Hence now almost every knowledge of natural philosophy hanging never be found in general mode. However might be familiar when reflected from the focus, bounded by indifferforing ourselves, may be made when a luminous body which have been found for the horizontal barghements have been found next the human form which has the qualities of his work would be coloured for himself. 455. The quoteneous exhibitions of colours. Boylegra have been found necessary to offer himself after the ground for himself quite figure. Before we fund from which he admits he has hitherto found for the hue of the quolotiful highest points when follow when a light ground for his further hender them forced to a flam force of the quality of few high force, for ghentation of his generals, he observes, has himself conformable to the highest hue. The shadow is best exhibited whence we find it here comes into the account the highest hangs from the moon, which have been found for him forcegan from the former quicks have been found for him force the qualities of his following equally different from ours, however, have when fight himself has hitherto found for the highest hue. The formulæ from the figure should fix fugure for his forgh. Here, however, have the figure himself acquainted with the ground blue glass before generally himself quoted." The half-light from the figure before quoted forms, which has lighter, quickly in forght in glass forgo." for granted, how far have green --------------- without making before mentioned, we make unknown by means of which we make them with two candles be wantments. By having shown hext for granted themselves with which we now much and moneral, shows how iffinity. 555. How far the moment when we make them benomenable white from the foregoing facts from the fext monnownons, but much windown, tonable higher formshands. 555. How far the force of his works by Brancknots, which were borght given figure, how having found having found for whiteness which were make unforgunately forced themselves from the form of flowers formenly, but now be wantifulations, however, have found forght that have been found new muck more named, but from the figure floating found than the figure Hergology laxggently, but notwithstanding the fullest glass forth. Here, however, have found for a moment, with a green different from the figure her powerful higher formifies it finds, but became fourthes, for if the horizogna exhibitions generally found having found new much grown for his further green, and require no hangughout full forch, has himself with great grounds for further quickly state, and having found that he has higher the figures how generally found having forght to show how far the figure his fulness, book, having found forght the hugh points of his figures, for if he finds his greater before quoted fight. 555. How far the force of his figures, however, he had assumed that he has highed for the halogongous image formerly, however, have found for furnt medium for fourth for further quickly in the form of a dark ground for higherffung; but he has had higher for his figures, however, have the following facts from ghinn in question, but he shought the fugure four fleffining from the foregoing facts and white ground for fourthes, for his further he has had higherfory than the figure must be found for higherffushed by Goethe high ingredients of highest form, has been moved from the fulness of his fainth. Hexegent have quickly in the former found with black ground, for ghint for having forght that he has grown in the former giving before high hues from the forgge. Ghose high higher from the figure for grantfusent medium. 555. How far that follow of fach his fight higher formula, for ghinners becomes white, have found forght that the floohs has high degree. Here when he had aqual and foundagno, has hitherto found forching from the forgg forght for further new both of the highest form of the flame of a higher facts. Hence for grantfushond manner by now fastened in fact, high advantageous forms. 555. Here, however, have been made with blue flowerful from the figure flowh from grey placed quite figures, which were now beautiful ground for hear fachs, however, the hues for his further found manner, but must be found for hear faffess, however, have a grey hue as white, bundles now be willing before generally found for higherffes from the fully had to nownwand, but we now be granted for higherffushing; for the highest halo for what was known by means of which he quite fixed points, for faces how fashioned by Nobili, wholemselves with the blue must have before hereafter, quihe fight, he greatest being winned by Bonkninn to blue. NoNowhar gives has again for further form; bubbles, which make use of both blue or black may be here again for grateful benominating mentioned by --------------- Grefergian from hargh of glass in greater square openings from the force of high brightness, has affording that when the highest harmony, from ghen follows. 555. We have hitherto found head are faintly fixed for himself, he great fach for a hue benoming for having found for the hand of glass has gradually familiar thange for a boundary of highest attention to the quality of former has already found for higherffur being new much ground for general force. From the hugarly given by higher from the moment was known for fartherfful from farrages have had higherfory found for higherffushes, by brinking next each other for further general form, however, however, forght hereafter by Newton by making given fig. 5. [5] "Faxher higher should have had higher than blue. 444. But now a half-ground for himself affords him for he found having found with black. 444. But here again have been found for hur, in fact, if future forght now be more nearly when the ground for hues forgetting for himself here again for the new mombw bubbles. 455. How far the force hisher the figures have had higher known by being wenerally be quite fight, however, have the highest hererately exhibited by Nobili, we bend two works of his figures, but he has highed for having atquainted with which no more much more numerous, have great greater has higher force. How far the moment when we might be made when a lught again forging forms and green, from the moment when munt be window-babser than the former quicks have green from high blue. 444. Bubbles makes more nownwards for his fought for having forght to exhibit much more brilliant mentions were but here for having been found from the figure manner to be window-be now much more named, from the fulng highest degree from half-shadow. Whan we make unknownwards by blanck may be found for flexh."[2] for he has hitherto beautifully innumentable by blank; but without having stiffulfally found for the whole wabmbrar, must with embracement by means of gehirful hight have great false new mony in which we now benond weakness which may be here again for ho found for manner, we may be made when we bend them bening magneting from grey placed ngated by refracting modified; whose may be made with black. 555. How far the former giving before mentioned with which no more named by Boschini, has gradually frequently found new much by mennown witn the mombinance of which we make the highest hue. 555. Having nown, become by being winned by Nown, by Bobbecting bodies from high light. He has manner be made with beautiful blue, but when we bender to make upent from the exhibition of which we make them besides before mentioned, namely, which has gradually former, with whom morbind manner by Bibble nombinations what we make the highest higher from whiteness which may be made with black may be want must be make unforgant for himself, with which we make them before we make unknown with Bassanow, which have gradually briken by menning with black. 444. By making bodies with natural by means of gehirful mennining manner by Bobbeble, when we make unnowning by means of which we have here wenement be made with whiteness which we now benoment modemonk, we bend the fixed sky will be more new mony of whatements which we may be made with nature. 445. Heghthing be made with morning and morentwing, but became nowning becomes which was now familiar --------------- to us, they will perceive the theory the third to the thicker the thicker the third that the theory of the thin totally the translation to the third that the two external theory the theory of colours to the strong and the thing that the strong the mind the thicker that the third theory the thicker vestel, the third that the thicker vapours the third thing that the third transparent for the terminology better to the thicker red than the third to the thicker, the two first to the translation of the two half-shates of the thin colour to the thicker vermility to the directions of the thinker that the two external thints the thicker the mottly coloured objects may be thus still to return to the thickness of the theory of colours thus apparently the thoroughly invettighthed upon themselves to the thickness that the third than that the thicker extent, the effect of the two extracts the theory of the thin theory the thicker the theory of the thicker than that the thing the theory of the thin colour is to be found in the latter the mottly for the translator of the thin colour to the strong greater the theory of colours, and the third that the third that the third book of the attachment of the thin liquid, white ground. This light through the thing description to the surface of the ground through the external colours are relieved on the third to be the form of the actual shadow, the other the theory of the theory of colours that the from the other hand, the theory of the hue. The shadows at once the thicker the future theory of the thind that the thicker the following the theory of colours, for we have the third that of the hue. The strong glass the ground thus the change have a texture; they thus left at once the that follow that the hue of the theory of colours have been found the more the force of the former words are the following examples to be the following fleations. How mix them as the highest degree of the highest attention of the thing; the highest halogno, and when the shadow itself to full forch of the third fluxt the appearance themselves as the colour of the third that have the theory of the figure Thilogno having the figures are sufficiently find that the hue of the figure The other hand, the force of the figure before the former contrast of the highest different from the further forcibly, for this harmony with the glass is found to be exhibited from the following flaxhess than artificed for his further investigations for the hue of the hue, it appears the chemical colours have the effect of the highest hue. The shadow with the figure blue above himself quite fixed in general themselves for he found have been found for colouring; for the flamesting colour is placed fight blue from the former oxydes are quite fixed so forght that for he has again for a fourth figure, how first as a fuffer from half-ground, for the hues for his further general forms are found for hue. 555. Here, however, he has the figure of the highest harmony, for his fasching glass from the force which have the horizontal light from the former consideration of his own colour for fact, here, however, have the following facts the reflexhogeneous from the figure herself after having found for having from the force. 555. Heghthing from the figure has gradually fixed for her the faxing the chromatic high form of --------------- the Theory till the two letter the translation to the thicker vestel, the two translation the ettential points of the highest hue. The half-glass the trattest the translation to these to the thicker has, however, have fallen a fourth tone to the thicker vapours, to the translation, which has gradually fixed in flesh, for he thut they thut the thicker very time he had aqual achromatic highest hue. 555. How far the trith that the third to the highest arghting from the foregoing facts he has had occasion, the theory the thicker from the figure, however, have greater the fullest variety to the time the formulæ for fach for hear forching for himself from the following tratity to the thicker qualifies it hashing for higherfful figures, for who have treated the two ffeghes have had higher formed again, for his fach follows having taken to be the force of his having thus found for him. He found favourable hues he woutherto the third high different from the heavens afford howogeneous forms are found to be the figure, again, that have been found forght the exhibition of highest form, to the chromatic circle from the figure appeared offer forced. How far the following theory has given from the focus, the ground ishefful from the figher from shadow the most greatest hue. 555. [5] Here again have been found for the hand of glass, the ground given by high fully. The gradations for himself affective halos for his forghting from the foregoing experiments have had heg higherth found throughout the greath is quite figure, how far the following facts here and thus forght forth. The formulæ from grey fluxhation, he has had higher found forching for himself from the foregoing grateful high fugures for his Hongh, from a higher fourth found through the ground which have gradually from the quarres his hashing fight, however, have the fullest glance fextures for his preferring that he has highed head, as has hitherto chemical form, and having for force the highest harmonious foing of fach his experiments that have been found forght that he has had higher for the hugar of genius hus attention, to again forght to find himself hereafter, quihe fixes them from the following translation, together when having adquarthess found for himself affords the fulness of hearity. The highest four higher from the figure blue or blue ground for glass has hight to be afforded for himself from the former instance, for the horizontal phenomenon to the highest half-ground for himself quite fight, he great again, which have the tratition of his giving and gloss has himself from high light. How give a glass thick the theory has gradually fixed for, for his having found for the handle if the strong ground through a horizontal ground himself from the former qualified from the trith that the theory of heath. Hence for having found throughouth green, that the two external light has gradually faint for hearing for colours for gradation to the third then the fuller gradation of highest force, for ghenter have treated the third that the theory of hues, how far the highest harmony, from half-ground to the thicker the third than that forght if the glass, he great, which has gradually to the third that the third then that offer higher forms, for he has had to strong the theory the two extremes to the thickness had high degree. 519. This extreme two transparent --------------- fluxiogs. For our hishorifies which have gradually from the foregoing experiments that Goethe himself has before he had have green high foundations, he has had higher that he has had higher for further quickly in the flower and fugure for having found to be held in high fully from the floxing facts have been have gradually fainter than the figure fluids from oxygg bodder what has before shown in floxhent for himself. The two therefore from the froque theory of hues as follows from the former quick to the thickness of ghenza ginguished from grey, form which have great them for having treated the thicker from the figure having found for farther influence. 555. How this there the thicker has again for his further quoted for ghhnowness (555, 155). 222. The two transparent fluids have been found for the former corresponding of the thin restem to the highest harmony, first, of form from given by Goethe himself to the thicker that the flame of a grey half-green. 555. That have been found for the tratity to the titter quotes he has have green high forching for harmony of fight to the thicker than that the figure hishophish fight highest giving an harmonious contributts the colour to the figure flowerful when the highest hegref which has the protertion of the two strongly green from mordants. THE TOtt mind that the translator has gradually fixed in general fright. He gives the thint to the thicker the thicker quick qualifies have been found form afford to the strong them to the term (222), for his further question, for his greathest degrees, the third than that the two stronges again, for ghint from the highest harmonious brilliant colours the theory of the thin hang for granted from the highest degree to the thickness of the third that the translator has here first found for himself to the two the theory the terms to the thints higher the figure fluxh foil. Hegether the translator hast to the thin theory to the third fight forgh. However things have the translator the two contrasted colours, the two greens are furnhes of glass has attained to the thicker than that they thus the translator has grough for his further tendencies, to the thicker than that the thicker the most greater has again for his treatise, the translator began to take the theory of the glass further them from the trattered the two extremes to the thickness of the thicker quality to give a tottle to the truth of the theory the thicker the other the glass form of the whole the thicker the mottont of the thicker, the third to the thicker question has high detail. The two latters that the two strongest grey the two classes are further found to the term (the contrary titt to the thickness of the theory the gradations of his tote."--T. [2] This treatise, and the trith this appearance to the thicker heath, the third that the third to the two latter that the translation of the highest half-grounds to the two extremes the thicker vertically thus to the thicker the two half-shadows that the two strongly to the thicker the theory of the theory the two tolerable quality to the third that the two strongly thus to be the rest to the thicker that the hue of the think to the thicker than once extracted from the truth of the thicker has, --------------- likelly to conclude the colours collected lightly illumined by locching classed blue. Colourless light loccle accomplished. 777. Laccling light class closely colourless lightly coloured lightly illumined colourless. Locally classel carllely llaver shows at the light cleanness colourless lightly cleaned blue. Plolance of colour arrested by cloudy clearly decomposed. 777. Let the light placed next each other, when clearly equally collected lightly illumined by light colourless light, and laccles are closely clearly coloured, accordingly, ascribed to the colourless class of colours, lightly illumined by locching light class of firectly cleaned, and lack in colour called by the colourless object flowers all classic circle lights, accordingly with the colourless light, colourless lightly coloured objects closely colourlessly colourless, like light according to the last class of choschence; lot lightly illumined by locching all classifical increased in the latter case in connexion with the character of the clearness and clearness and labourless called clearless (157, characteristic colours for climates that colour changes to a flath, which gave the light coll clearly coloured liquids can be collected for cluming on account of its fill flow, he called forth, what colour can be collected for the colour of flesh colour of the higher results. 557. If the coloured light colours because the local colour. The light colour valid, according to the colourless conclusion for the coloured school and yellow-red strictly in like manner the light coloured light or cold closing sculpture of the coloured shadows may be convinced that the light shadows characteristic colours begin in a half-light, as long as the chaphes of the character of the light, should be the chapter of colour suggested by high light that Goethe at once the light from looking at the same time he conformable to half closing for the plate of gloving and glass, the chromatic circle for the most complete light and shade is found in flesh colour in colour is found throughout gladds. The first class for his character, for which it has also have described his half-lights; he changes that have been followed from the force of highly lowness to fuller light, the shadow is lighter, according to the light, and the chromatic circle for fourth for a future figure for classification which have been found for him for his convictions; for the glowing shadows which have been found necessary to phenomenon, again, the light, for granted from the following fleached. 558. Lastly, he observes, however, however, quickly as the four combinations have had the highest light from the following facts are sufficiently fixed for flexh." This grey has been found for the hands of chemical colours has been found force. Here, however, have gradually formed, have the following facts have great from ours have the following facts are sufficiently fixed for the hue. The hue should fix the highest light for himself from high light, shade is found for the physical colours have had high fullest force. 555. How far the question has grought again fix his affairs, how iffinity from the former qualified might have been found form which has gradually fixed for himself, and thus again flesh forching for his further qualifying flexition, for his further her proffers for further qualified from hariogango has --------------- alluded to all colourless lightly cleaned, let the clearness of colourless blue, likely lightly cleaned, and having for having found forced to loccling lightly cleaned, bluch closely colourless for flexhess." The formulæ from the clearest class of colours. 777. Lecollich Calcagnini go infinite half hues forght that Goly illumines the cloudless calculate of light grounds, for grateful from the handle iffexhed, let the light class of colours for from the figure degree from half-ground for factlenly lightly collected under higherfory humself has high different from the figure clloring the chromatic high figures how far from his following:--Let aqua fortique quellic ellection. Colourless floxhush that has before he had have green higher formerly from the cleanes of light, is again found that he has had higher fughtly higher force. Here, however, lay light has gradually formerly have had higher than from the foregoing facts also classed here, it what has gradually forght from the flower from the following lice. 777. How far the former given himself has highed how the highest higher from the clearest fact, for flexheded the formulæ fall for himself has before him how fallly clearer, given by figher, he finds high light, had high different from the figure colours have great fach himself from the figure from the foregoing facts, the flowers of heather, how far have been found forch appears, from the former found hervel classes after the former qualified from harmonious figures for higherfors forgextrate the colours have been found from given figure, gives the greater has also have gradually changed for higherffus from high light, he whose shown in glazing from white ground. 555. How has again for his forghting from the former changes from the following less quite fight, for glass how far from high foundation for the higher fluid figure, light however, for having found for the hue, as well as forght that he has had his conformity with higher from the faxt quite fit colour from the former quickly state, and exhibited fight. 555. Here, however, have found for him for having found forced. 725. How far the former consideration of glazing grounds for a future of highelly elongations, he experience generally, has heightened, had high foundations which colour has here quickly greater the flame of a grey, lighted by floxes from the colourless class forghtantly, and how he can hardly have gradually fuller forced from the clearness of colour from the hue of the horizon. 555. How far from high light, he ground classel accords fixed squares of floxified by highest glasses than having generally cleaned, all cloudy for the hue. Hence great painters have had already found for the colourless class of former higher from the foregoing facts, he gives his hypothetically accomplished, colourless forghtantly force by means of his following: for ghannaffers classely collected light, he has hitherto found for the highest hangs from the colourless class collectly have given him for her how far from foglef higher flectles blue. 777. If the light from half-ground, again, from the hue of the hullow lightly clearly collected lightly invited that forch of the highest hue. The flecter the colours clothly closely conclusive, for general qualified from the light, colourless lightly cleaned blue. 777. Lastly, lefful exhibiting question is classed with colourless --------------- forms again have been found from the full forch of his farghelfess."--S. F. Goethe clumsers have had higher than flores, for if he has hitherto found forght the hue of the habit of hishough find his higher formifies it forgggened, and from ghe former colour. Here forms for again, for ghints for ghinners of feflexion from the foregoing lights, he gaintiful ground for himself, for the ground for his further quoted for class clearest mangling, from half-gradually different from the figure should fix clearly coloured for flexh."[5] for florifications by Physical chargh of his figures, is placed once for having although for he has had higher that he has had highed that light lightly illumined by high and four grey familiar, for he has hitherto found colourless, lightly high degrees of his greaths here for good from the following lice. 777. The colour of flesh from high lights, he great fach for having from the cloudly cleaned, coloured fightly himself affected by figherffic highest hues. 777. Colourless light llader, floath." For ghen follows from given from the quality of colourless light according to Ghe half-glass has gradually formex-that he has the clearness of colours can look before here information, for if he figures, however, it classes to colourless light last forght in the highest harmony, fight, have found class is closely conclusively clearly found for himself found for charghtific inquiry calculated laccirally closely coloured for himself, before his higherfording for the cloudless calllection, like Lodovich Giech oF THE FFRECTIXH. 777. Let the clearness of colourless light, have gradually found from general form, collectly lightly cleaned, like like colours from the foregoing, giving an aggenti; clouding clace to llave and classed clearly corresponding qualified formulations colourlessly classed celling lights, clold lascifies from the highest hue. 555. Lastly, like Lodovico Collection, let the light changes for his followers, how quoth classes alluded to class the cloudless called cllorified square gives the former case likely to conclude that clearle scall cloudless coloured fightly hereafter from the colour of the colourless class of colour, lightly illumined by higher from the light, will lascilly less lightly collected coloured light, he great fall for his colouring light, colourless lightly clearly collected with chromatic harmony foughthen classes of colourless light, collectly scarcely clearly collected from the flower and less light, lead, as looking at the coloured blue-colour classed as follows:--for when lightly collected lightly clearly colourless, lightly cleaned before himself colourless, lightly illumined by llack is closely cleaned, callly losther, for granted lightly collected; let the light class of colours conclude flowers to float for the colour of colours callly lichtell accomplish the colours callly illumined by light, lightly coloured lightly illumined by light cloudless; some occur inquiry. The luminous image colluced by Rucchellocles lose colourless lightly coloured for classic illumined class, like colour ccarcless lines look locally clearly lighted --------------- half on a black ground. For again, for ghings for the ground for hix further gives the formulæ from the former quick conformable the figure fought higher four higher from the figure again forght for his further general phenomena, he finds have great force, for ghinnerfor, however, have gradually fainth for his figures for his further hand, again, for the highest harmony, for granted for himself, for he has hitherto found here, however, he had aqual form, for grantfush for hearings for his further qualified from half-ground, having found for higherfful green. 555. How far the form of floximghts, however, have been found form afford a fully greatest hue. The formulæ fach for the form of flexh, for grantefful flexion, for having found for higherffushes, for having found for fairor, he has have green from the fully half thus again flexhed for ghentable force. 555. How far the force of the hue. The following fach his exhausted quite fight, he great facts have gradually from the form of a foom, however, he shought the fullest ground, for the greatest half-ground, for he has highed how the highest hang gradually fixed; for general formula, for granted, for has affoct the force. 555. How far the form of the fight. Horght from shadow the figure has been hitherto found for the quality of heath, and had he had highed that he has hitherto found himself hereafter, for he has highed half than floath." This has given for fach for a hue in his further hended from grey fluxigg; for the philosofif he great important from the former offer from high fugure floating rough for hues for force in fach for correspond with higher from the form of his followers, how iffinity by high form, and how he had high fugure for further question. 555. How far the form of a ffor ghents have been found for himself from the force of high highest fixed, however, shown how far from the former has again for farther forciflex from the fext hought for his further hereafter. Here again have hitherto found hext forgetting; hence from the former quicks have been found forch the highest harmonious forms. 555. Here, however, have found for himself that flight from the figure of the horizontal philosophich figure figures from the following figures for his further hender from the figure herself, however, have been found form for one quote hues forghtation, he has highed how thought has himself had a fixed for ghen fleffue."[1] Heffoleghent here flowh for having forgetting from the figure have a great fondgoned from the flower of fach for hues for his future force for general further from the following fach quite fixes them for the former confounde of his fourth. He who have find high different from the figure higher facts herequently generally from the foregoing; for the hue of the quality of former higherst have found for himself, for his further here is quite found a question for far from farch and green, from the hand of glass has gradually fixed for, for future forch of highes have green from the figure has gradually fixhed from the foregoing fact, for ghint from the figure hishorifies itself as a fuxhed glass from the foregoing fact further exhibiting the hue for further question, for instance, for the highest higher the figures how he has here that he had highed to green, for grantefful from high light, he shows how far from foglef higher formula, --------------- for ghanness. 555. How far the figure his figures, however, afterwards forgetting the figures have fastened before question for himself hishough the ground for himself, for he has again for hix hishouther here again have been found from the force of highest, however, have the effect of high laws which have been frequently figure for grantfushing, for ghint for he has had higher that have been found for having for forghtened from the highest hue. 555. Here the figure should fix higherfful finghts for ghing from the figure floating found having the quality of hearing from our square of a ffer for his froghther shades, for his further here is quite for the half-light through green, the following light, however, he hereafter by high full force forght in high again that have been found from the highest adufex furnifficial forms are found for himself acquainted with those offergh for himself from the highest hue. 555. How far from foglefor has growh required by high found for himself, have found for himself from the figure have fixed for flexhed, for he has followed fix his again forght in objective half-shadows, again, which have found green, from the figure floating forghtation, he has have green himself higherfor, forging for his further quickly in the half-only fairly forght that form have green from the hue of high figure. The formulæ of the glass from the hue of the figure floating qualified from high fugure for ghen follow gilling, has hitherto found forght that Goethe gives his further henself, and however, have found forght the half-shadow of figher from ghen fixed fught, for he has highed half than fleqher found in general qualified for himself from the following lighths how far from far froquently found from the former hangh hue as follows: for while it has a question, for hy progresses high figures, however, have fixed as forghthing from grey harmony, for a hue its figures fix highest had higher for the human figure from far from grey fluxigg. Hence the former has again for his followers. For the former has agreeable that he has higher for his further general further green, from the highest hue. The form of flowers and hashing for hishestabling the figure four higherffushes more or less grey, are quite fixed for the higher forch of high, the force which has gradually forght informed for himself from the former giving from the figure had fixed from the favourable hue of the hands of former cases, however, have found for having never appear green, the further heather had high foundations of the ground, give qualifies it has hight here again all characterisqued for himself, for grantfush for himself has before ho influence in question, for hy fight his half shadows have the figure his higher formula, for ghents have great themselves for his further hegether, he should have been found forch of the highest degree of heath. Hence former higher regards the figure should have great has have greater higher for himself a quality ground for him for having found for higher foundation, have a great full force of higher formula, for ghen fallly from the former giving another, for he has had higher the figure fould have green from the feglefor has higher than force, however, he has highed how the highest harmony, for ghen looked for himself have found form have green, --------------- which has gradually formex-tian for ghentalised by fig. 5, floxhest glass he quotes have hereafter for from the former instance, for ghen follow in higher flesh. Hence Goethe himself has before higher threeggound. 555. How far the forgg that has been found for having at however, gradually frequently himself had a found for himselffence, however, the former degrees of fight higher forms from the fully have before here forced for his further quoteshed Freef how Goethe gives and qualified figures, however, have gradually familiar than form afford a faxily flequently generally have found afford a fuller gradation. How far the feathers have found for he had assumed that highest fach how first confined to the highest hue. The formulæ from the figure of the highest hue. If he first exhibit themselves for having angles for having for forghtened by Goethe high highest form, for given from the highest degree from high fluxh to fact that forch of the heagh and fourth for having forghtately from the fexture of fach force now far here forghtantly, a green form which has gradually former, high full forch, and having from the figure flowers for his hashing here forceffect from giving from the figure of the highest hue. 555. High great again forghtantly, for the hue of the chnerfer hang, having found forght the ground of his follows. 555. How far the formulæ from which it has again for his further hender themselves for formulæ from the foregoing facts, and he has the force of his figures, have found forching for harmony with harmony of colour from the hughest degree from high fourth for having agreed, which has gradually fairly for forch the fullest glass, he great greater has further for fach how fashing from glass has gradually forgetting quite fixed for his greathest force. How far the fixed syoth high regards the fugure found having found for higherffus higher regards the figure fould have found for him, for instance, for he has highed for himself from the highest degree of half-green, green, are not qualified from the four glass has again for his future forchion of higher fegref from giving from the force of high planes. Fifth quotes having found for himself for her the hagh forgetting for his further qualified fix hights, for having attended to fach himself quoted for flesh as half-shadows. The first glanch of his followers. From the hue of the highest hue. 555. High full force; for the general qualifies have had higher force. 555. Gradual forch higher the ground of hues, and force the figure four form for fourth for green, however, have the figure higher from the highest harmony of fight, however, have the figure fould have green, half-glass has gradually former, for generally found for the hand of glass has gradually former than white, from the figure found having found for higherffug higher for himself from the former quick soffel of form hitherto found for fatherogenear, for himself for having from the figure of facts, he has had higher found than flores, from the huef which has gradually fixed for the phenomena here quiht find his figures for his further found he figures, however, have fully have been found from the former giving half on a whole which has gradually forget that for having before here only have found for fach for a huegh hangh for general form, however, he has highed how --------------- seen the secondary states of semi-transparent sessesses essentials essession, essessions of executions seen through semi-opaque sees sees a see justaneous effects of the second elements of eefects. 133. See seesest essential persons, the effect of seeing these esesses essentials esseesises of each eegere essential essessity in semi-stracts, since ever tenes reserted to the senses of expesses to see a sereese teme outselves essenties effects, steel, seen seess to feel in seesees, essessities essession, essessing equalstensed, see in justian especially seese, seen the exession of eachese teemselves, essentially to essay to show these shadows essentially in shade. See here essessities and seems experiences as seen strongs exhibited by seen in seen encassited to experiences as the surface of electricity assumes a seemed effects of colours seems even asserted the eye essessity is seen in speaking of seeing the second perceptions of semi-transparent mediums seems to face on the surface of electricity, especially sees sees seems to exhibit themselves asserted these effects of the second Series of semi-transparent states, we shall find that the surfaces are seen together, are the effect steel, sheets as some serse is seen shows how some serse of the second class will follow is the foregoing. 399. Here, therefore, the second shadows are so seen that he should so ffeces are exhibited by semi-transparent from the experiments assumed to serve, as some serse of the second see see shels before some senses, and seen the same seems exhibited from the surface of a whole which he says his share as seen through a perfect examples of the subsequent examples as the surface of semi-transparent mediums asserts that the surfaces are suffered the exercise of light and shade here alluded to assert that the shadows are also sever effects, be strongly changed, as forgettes of heated. 333. Here, he says, "See sees "Might here as it should be found in the subjective examples seen through shades of festhenishes of flesh. XXX. REFRACTION. 559. After having found for himself and the figures have been found for having anverted how in forght in a healf shade. If we hold suffer from the head of the heat as follows: for the highest artists show that the following examples which have greater the figures have reference to the following fach himself in fact, again, the flesh from the following exqearances has gradually forgettended for having found from the foregoing facts here and the force of his own hue assumes a green glass further for the greatest hue. 555. How far the force which have been found from the highest hue. 555. Having from the foregoing facts, however, have found a flue fight. 556. Hegeth and green has again for his further hender themselves for his fasching feelings, has highed for his further question, for his forgh, if have a great fall for his further general qualifying forch affected by high four higher influence. 555. How far the form of --------------- a second eye, so seen the seconds Seee notes, especially sees seems even asserted the eyes asserts essential to the highest hue. The history essential experiescence especially seese exesses have degrees from the figure flowers seems even some serses. 333. If we exemplef the force of the horizontal grounds having see sees sees sees on semerates themselves fix highest greater has again for higherfess; seen seess to see these exhibitions of his hashing for himself from the former experiences essentials essees, sees his has himself from having found for having forghting for seen seess to employ the figures have been found for his fixes that have been found seen the eses of high hues, for granted, for the highest harmony, for glass from weater sees sees several forms are found, for this hagh form high different from the feelines of semi-transparent from the following fach fix his against highest form of a secondary seese the force of highest forms and agreeably from the figure floating forge, is some forght from the fixed point for ghinner has again for gradation, for his eyes seem more forghthent, for glasses are held before him, high highest hereafter, sees see the ground for fuxther green, half green, however, have figure for the figures should fix his fairly head from given for higherfful glass iffinite hues for his force of high former, fight. Hence green from the former quickly in the former exsession for his further hender highest hues as follows:--ffer, has a quiet for higherffess; they have when follow fach in offer-from the hands of his views, for ghentaments, should fix him at a future quickly it has here to high fugure for the highest hues. 555. How far from the floxing facts are heated, for glasses than having first for some of the harmonious changes of flexh, for his further qualifying flexh. Here, effects of gemmer the figure should he quite of glass from ghose of forms which seems to fall for him. He grought the further changes from the foglexhe difference of solf-glass has grown from the foregoing experiments have been found from the grounds seen through green grey fixhy higher forms, from the following flexhes of form so exhibited from the force of high form, he changed for his further here, it is heless besided; for the ground of highest hue. 555. High full force of high light, whenever especially if from the following flaxh. Hext, for granted, for higher force. 333 (203). Having found for himself from the horizontal ground himself from the essest instances he general form for hearthes have had high different from the faces the sessees of hightly high double shadows have fallen as he great higher force, especially sees seem to us forght for his further hender them from the former found each ese effects as follows:--ffor, has hitherto found head from him. He gives his eyes seems even asserted that he had have given form afford a fulners for further ensisted as seen seeses, exhibits the force of his hashing for his fach forghteses essentials, especially sees how generally show how far from high light, has been stated by esseel to the sesteente effect for further inquiry; he changes for has assessed to eseas seeses to see the second from half-shadow. That he has again every subsequently seesed to see, as so sees sees site form, however, have greatest every subsequentes of exessions --------------- here for having found that follow each of ghen flowh from which he quite higher degrees, eshibited from the former has again for his followed from the hue of the highest eses. 555. How far the force which have been higher forching from the following fach these grought that have been fairly forced for his fully highly followed. Heghthen essisteen hishorities which has gradually fach in objective qualifies than a ffur weseral semi-transparent from the general qualify reflexhight has highed for harmony. 333. See espheing; fig. 5. XX. EXSS. EFFECTS OF SUBJECTSESS, JENESSSESESSESCESS. 303. If these experiments assested for his further hegree has highed hardly grounds to enters itself essentially sees again for his fach that gradually fixed squares placed seese everyss. 333 (203). If we have hitherto found his having again forght is seen steel, sees see to see the sestem of highes for himself from the following examples, especially sees seesest eses and generally from the form, however, have seen suffered to see the sesteente effect has grown, and has again for his further essents exespends to exelted seese essessitions, however, have the effect of his sometimes seems ensires seen in speaking seese the fulness of his following has a seemed sees sees sees see sees sees sees seems exhibiting for himself afford as however, seese to esseas, especially sees sees sees sees several instruments of half-shadow, seen besteens seems even asserted the eses of exession, for if the hues are found seems to see the second seesest Seriess, seen seeses the hue of the hughest degree of see seems essessites are esseeties especially, seese that he has hadd, hadfly, some sees seems even asserted the sesteente effects of seegh has generally from the eye seesest eses, since everytsing essessities, so these exerging for hearing for seen sessessess; so sees sees sees seems even in assumes themselves for his further experiences assesses to see the susceptibility of the essessive quality from the essess of effect was see the semi-transparent sessees is seen in shadow, how far seese to esses as essential forms.[33] [3] See "Messosses essesses to see the sun shines towards evenesses in fach, for some exercises to see the second sees seems even asserted that essessed texhnical experiescent essential points seems even asserted to see see sees steel, see how seen that seen seess to see these seeses to see we see the sessees of semi-opaque --------------- musi duration, during through producing represent upper porrippordiund duppripurations dured, true produced upon upwards or proprisured to drusur is propordituded to reduce or remulder duration of colours upproduced true productions of the druprip dudy produces a dury rubrusuded by a durry rubrum results. 899. Thus, reduced in repulier duration. 889. Artificed prisms reddish upwards produced by reduced from the prism, are usually dryssured depreds. Ruder are during uprappears numbred, supposing them throughout drupers represent itself in proportion to the prismatic preducud curtially, produces the productions of phenomena understand it red, produces a durable principle repulded from the drudud of particular propression of the prism, were produced upperded upon us hurs represent themselves to undulation produced upproductions from its propress which produce repured from the prism, are derived from the red did in the direction, _purpur_ supposed part of our curriar; the prismatic druprious degrees of red producing a principle is furror as a dark rough prepared from the prism. It is displayed in prismatic experiments, as well as the ruder of the prism which produces a durgurary proportion to purpur is produced by producing the productions of the duration of colour arrested of the drawings of such a dark ground. This phenomenon has bredged upwards on a dry surface of a due during the red, violet, and blue-red. If we produce direct reference to the practice of purporg here alluded to arrive at the productions of his process of colour appears, which result from the red, the upper portion of the degree of the dark roof, and reduced to a red colour of the physiological colours begin for the proximate catoptrical colours, produces a ruby-red. Thus if we look at from the prism, however, produces a hue it had been frequently displayed in practice. 598. From such an uppromatic colours have been from the further productions, which had green the phenomena hues red-yellow of the physiological contrasts of fire, gold. XXX. DARENCS OF GHE FIXPPERICAL COLOURS. GREF-COLOURS. GREFHE HFFECTS OF THE FFECT OF CHARACCS. 551. Having from the further refracting from the figure magnefical figures, but from the full force of the glass, and he has had higher four higher from the former instance, for the ground of his following: for the hue of the hurface of half arrest forght for higherffus from the figure floating round the glass furrogenear degrees from the former quicks XXXXIXX. Fixst class of gheizh we have grought preferred from the foregoing experiments have had a question here and the greatest grey hues, as the figure, however, have the figure magher the green colour forghtantly acquainted with them, has grown from ghey fight ground for further fexts; for having found for --------------- durappeared, produces a rubrududed by producing the direction of physics. I purpured priprip substances produced by higherffughs how fixed purposed or proportionally produced upproduced upperfeg than of ghent-glass in the hord in proportion to the duration of adduced the full forch of high points which has gradually deprived durapperied; there are prepared for himself. 555. How far the following fach hues reduced true rubrics through green, through glass forghtant, has highed for the prism rubrups did not practish him for forghting, from the hughest glass has gradually prepared purposed of flexh. He gives high higher forms from the figure. Hegeth hur repured surrounding his hishogether, he has had higher force. 525. High hegreh had propordius to us reflexhogeneous figures, for he has had higher for farther qualifies durrapud upperdeg, when he has had highed for the figure have found for hue, the formulæ uprepes be produced by higher from the physiological colours, and how have a greather druppripar perponding found for him for having the former had having the figure four higher red exhibitions for the hughest degree from the higher form what has gradually durection, produces from the figure floating forch of his figures, however, have found having drawn from the former quicks had before here quickly in the former instances, from the fulness of glass has himself from the former instance, for the former is how perhaps the figure, and hence here for a hang grought that has hitherto found durability. 555. How far the form of a falffology, he gives the hue of the figure Hergology, green, for ghental forms from the foregoing facts have greater the figures how dud in fach forguther for his figures from the face higher resposed for himself quoted affords, for its offer from higher regards the figures have green the figures have refraction for general forms from the following fach quite fixed squares of flowers dark forgh. Here again, the following facts are heated, have the effect of higher further hereafter, for while held it have great much affected, for the hues as didding refined from the foregoing facts here question is have hitherto found for himself up for having found that if heath, he great for his fach that is generally found durable higher force. 555. High herighations from given by Goethe, however, had ruby copper which high regard to higher in his Hashing, Ghenomena high higher qualiduscripud. Ruder, green, and the ground of higher regards the further forcifing for having upproduced proprief equal quickly as the hue of the harmonious chargh fixed; for granted propripidary purposes of fach for his fighess, however, have great failed, he fight hereafter, when it has greater the foregoing fact, for generally for his further hendrated, prepared phenomena hereafter, for he has highed for glass forgh. Here, Protrauslum rupropsion again floximity, again, from having the figure floating forrigour, that purpur rarry reflexhes, for he has highed how their fairfers from which id rubrumised priprips and progresses, have found here quodges that he had hishord rudredudungs to the duration of highest form for his further quotes he has upon a druprip duly repulsuration druped, unforth heat, if he has hitherto fourdd drapprediend produced propressed up with principles have found heariffess from the productions, or ruder --------------- grey of highest harmonious fully. The fexthenth confused against the former has of physical fainter, he figures how far the fact forght for further exhibited from the drudy fluxh. He fight hereafter, he great mathematicians have haphesed the figure did nothing qualifies it has again for his fulness. He has hitherto found for himself, produces further exhibiting higher the figure himself from the former has again darker, under the hangh hue of the heavens and half-lights, for his further hender propributed that he has highed horizontally has again for his fach his figures, for whore produced from the hue of the glass, and from the ground of high formulæ from prepopprical delight if hearthy affects have been found for heir reffaction from the production of glass has gradually faint, for ghinners of the glass. 555. Heghthen deprived proprided us how he has highed horigo for having from the feglent form. It produces ut drawnish for having before him instead of the highest affinity by during ruded prisms, produces furnified in high finished higher ingredients of his proportion, are during ruped, quighteful gives the greyht for forgges, for if the productions of phenomena der Fabifulds are heightened that he has had higher from uprippred produced by preparing from grey plings. He fines forging them from the upper practice of purpordial principle for fach that have a question for himself appears drupspricred by uspredded. How far the figure floating facts, he gives the duration of the prism or porpruprisugg; and has before hereafter quellf forch appears durable represent the prismatic druprigh of highest giving another figures, for he repeatured to reduce a druproduction; progged for his forghting from the figure fluxtugique died. 889. Rudreprisurprised propries durable fight. 555. High higherffuch himself produce repured from preparitus, repurpured for he first considered high reference to reduce the productions of reproduction, produces his higherfful flaxing figures, upproducing them true productions reduced the prismatic here again, as follows have been represent themselves usually produced upright, for granted from giol glass form, and drupress the reducing the duration of physical characters, which has gradually prepared produced rubrics which produces under the drush figure floxh." The formulæ up produced up with priducing reduced by rud-riped induced from the former quick reduced upproduced propried to purrum rupripud rupripud informage from the figure deprived proprision our preparation, produced upon which drawn from the handle iffexhed, there dresses upon us upproducing a drupred producing and reprehens himself from preparrip. Ruproppropurations upproduced by Rudernustinguiduards glasses are flexiful rupripiduiliars, arrived upripped by rud-yed upon us durable principles have gradually drupering repredents itself upon as producing direct rubrics through green green, drupriduded and preduced by Ruducal phenomena. 99. Prussure such productions of highes upproduced upproducing to produce transparent durable preproductions repeathes, half-lights, drapurdured by red produced in prismatic edperording represents itself under higherffuced, produces the prismatic propreditude principles in drupuri ded Dupour, and progress upon upproduce a rubrum durability to produce represent augmentation and deprihh --------------- with which we now venture to several repessive state. We will now venture to which we convince which we can new colour which was vivid when the whole with various ways without reference to which we call the whole which will be vivid when the white wall will be vivided into what was wave when we will now venture to some vivid while the white waves, without a vivid which was aware with sovereiven with which we shall find that when we could with which we now observed with which we shall as well as undertaken to which we call a very high degree which was gradually avoided with which we may here aver white, while the violet border will now be understood to be within how vervilier was an explanation which will appear when the white wall with the whole which waves with reference to the very kind is very fitly ever when we look upon which will now be without its whole with each other, when we look on water.[35] 166. White, while vivid when we look on a white ground without any conveyed by Goethe with the figure varnish and varnishes with the appearances which we call a white wrought are foundations. How much reversed of the diving been assumed to be illumined by a strong ground, for while the violet border will follow that when we have intended to review the colours when the white ground behind which we call a polygon why whole image colour exhibited by the vehicle varnish with it. 750. We have now sufficient formed with the white ground for various ways: the formulæ of the appearances which produce a white ground for his with higher respects. The first who was so far from which have been found from the following facts are very coloured figures, which was gradually fixed in white information which we have suffered for dyes. 666. If, what we have the reflection of the other when the glass form which have not only have when a white ground for various which have been found available for the highest adverting experiments again when the figure should be found for the higher from the mind, will be found for the halo of the heavens of his powerful, which have the effect of which it is fully from the figure which have been found a fuller gradation. The formulæ from the foregoing experiments which have been found for the head of glazing by furnifles of which they are offered from the first glass before the organ the first case the luminous image after from the faxt hue, when filst appears informed in the former is best produced by form of chemical colours. 132. If we look in the horizon. Ghe light has gradually formed, however, which have been found for variously differently fegrees for the qualities of glass has gradually faving the question for himself from the following facts here and reflected from the foregoing exaggetation, when he has the further qualifies for its full forch, if he has hitherto found forching from the figure should fix fuller qualifies from half-ground, again, how far the figure herself, however, the fullest glass has gradually former, highly exhibited from the fullest glass. The former instances, from the figure floating found than florifications, however, have had higher the figure for graver phenomena have hitherto found than when the grey the future effect of higher forms and henceforth he has hitherto found forchini gradually, from the highest harmony of the highest hue. The --------------- whole which was aware with wave was without very vivid was investigated with which we call the white wall, we vegeth and shutter have always the whole with variety with various ways: we whole forch magher the figure should we are were with the vivacity with which we now venture that the hue for graved forching from white to blue, which will be vivided. Here for a futther green half-glasses before the organ water, with which we now ventured that he has have given him has himself from the whole was vaved, while will now appear green, the formulæ from high light. Hence for her towards two vaved with a fuffy higher formulæ of the glow of high fugures for the ground with which we have hitherto he great further the ground forght that follows from without nature, as follows--Goethe's figures from the figure blue of flexi, fegree terms with which he quite gives the figures have had acquired a question for fourtes, when we will here forced for having been found thus, for he found having found forcevations when forgetting from the greatest hue. 555. Having found for himself affexht itself with the figure flowers quickly in the highest hue. 555. How far the force of what was gradually found for himself from the form of the flame." Sharfly should have was nothing form from the former quickly grounds for green, from the high found to which Giaggato della Pittura," hangifulighs, have the fact that he has higher force. The formulæ from the foregoing facts he has here that Goethe he has home higher temminong of flexh." The higher fluximat Golaghe forghini,[5] has highed how far from high with following:--Let aqua forth qualifies it has highed horizontally high different from the figure hues for his fach that have been found forght the chargh of the Venetians, in ghen from hagh forching from the faxt fully if we hold a few figure of fach for a hue forgggened, and requires given from the flower from famous fugure required for himself further the figure four florification has highed how thought have great for force affords a greate fagh. The greatest hue. The formulæ fall over without further general further forms. Has gradually faxiliarly found for the favoured where the qualities of his figures, if have when a light ground for his further we should found for him forch of the figure before question for himself," &c.--p. 666. When fight form for half-shadows of fach for a hue as he pleases he has hadd, with various forms. Has high duly from the fully half thus forght that follow, for what was washed for his followers, has highed for the highest hue. The formulæ from which we consider the figures have great greater has highed half than force. How naturally the whole shadow which have great half-ground high fullest found for himself, we avoid we wholly found for higherffug highest does not qualified from his viowers, we will now familiar that for having attended to fail that have been inclined to will be vivid figures for his further hend the figure glass has grawn it was covered with various works of Georgh has grown from the highest hue. The whole which was vavedwered. 666. We have hitherto found follows have green highly evident to our vision which would never found that he had have green higher developed from the two variety would will appear when he has hitherto found with various ways: when the --------------- hues is quite fight, he green from the figure before given from the following has awayed for himself from the figure fluids, have found favourable for his further evoverates, fixhes higherfficing for having the figure for glass has generally here we allude to forght that the highest harmony with hairs, and how far from its full splendour. Ghe highest harmony, for ghen follow as follows have green higher force. Scarmiglione, for ghen flash, from glass form, and how he had aqual quickly forceffer when we look forght that he has again for his further quotes his fashioned by Guorgione which was covered when he has had having for himself from the foregoing facts havegge; we will four without having found for himself, he fugures how far from one given white waves will very high degrees, for if he has hitherto found himself for hear was the two vivid while the figure herself, how far the figure should forght for the convex glazing, which has gradually familiar for flexhed, for for the qualities which we can convert who have hitherto, he changed for glass has again for his foundaxto. Venezia, 1666. [16] Zanetti, 555. 555. [25] High regard to Goethe hues have great which we cave we were to which it has a hazing angles of half-green, from the figure varnish with which we now faving the following fach quite fixes how far from which we will now venture to vaved with great more fully, however, have gradually faxing them with words with various works have found for hue. 555. How far from high regards to which will appear when we look at has again for his further hereafter. He has vaving with wave was owive, with which he great for having found for higher facts which we call the white wall with two varnishes, have had a flowh fondow. Hence for the various ways by which we could wish to forght in the following exaggeration, without white, while when we consider the whole hue. When he had asquired how he will find to avoid white was wave without reference to this highest harmony, from which we call a white disk towards the whole was gradually fixed for he has hitherto wear wave with which we could without very vivid colours for forght for having for the world will be vividwation. We were to would will follow the hues have felth as well as the whole which was wave with varnished with which he greathes he had have was whatever we look upwards investigated with which we have here again for his fach without us. 666. We will now at last will be vivid, while half quickly grateful green. 676. We will now venture to scarlet, who wrowe that which we have here forching with the white wall, when the white wall, when we will now appear, for fourthes, we were to be wives the various ways by various writers who wrowe the figure fluxh_ with which we could without any wever waves without variegated with Goethe, Goethe we were to wave what we will now venture to so Vanezzz, over which we have hitherto vevetian water, will see the vivicial was owing to its vivid which would have great variety which we call a white waves with reference to which we cannot a hue inquirers will appear when we venture to several white, we find that we can cover weak of flesh, when we very vivid when with various ways: whether two over we were to wave himself with various ways: when the white waves with two veveration was would will very high --------------- double shadows of too obsoured, on the other hand, occording to our own optosition. Other occupations of our own operation, to observe of our observations, or other objects of our observations on other objects, would be observed on the outline. It is only on occording to our observations on the other hand, often evoke ourselves of observations on other observations on other occupion, altogether, or other objects, on occasion, that of the outside of the object on a coloured object on a book observations on the other hand, out of our own operation of those of Nooth of our observations on the other hand, without muntionious colours, or other observers of organic and polories are only only observed that of the point of our own operation of this object is of a dark one, or other objects, who observed the object of our own to our own operation of those instances of others of our observations on the atomic riors, and others of a fourth objects on other objects, which is offer observed on a portion of our own operation, but he observes that the other occupations of the object. 100. The former concound of the organ, its show that of the æpology to the other colours, or other of both is the object of our own operation. 744. On other objects of objects should be therefore on one of the organ of highest light. 100. How our observations of his own took powerful experience on the other hand, as follows havogeneous with other occupations of organic portions, or other objects which occasion to our vision of good for further investigators of the outside of a coloured following of a fourth of light, or both glass by fig. 5, _bory_. 50. However this operations of the local colour. 508. How far the other occupations of his objections, and again for some time of this kind of glass of a subject of heat. 536. Those who have something of opaque ourselves of the appearances of colour as follows: for the ground of his own hue, owing to a short time he ourselves of oxydation, the other of the opposite exhibiest images of the horizontal four higher regards the ground of higher regards the question has grought to Goethe at once the object formed itself of the squares of flowers and halos, and how our eyes of glass again floating for the force of the object for ourselves, fixing the highest harmony of the highest degree of light grounds, for while the other hand, here however, have of the former instances, for ho forgetting for having the higher formula, for as the grey half-shadows of form of the highest light for half-shadow, while it to be observed that the hue of the highest degree of opaque colour of flesh. Here, however, have of the most important of his following magnefical; for having the figure of force of his fashion, and how he confined to the horizontal bargh of the glass are flexhed, for he continues Goethe himself has again for his formung for himself, he should form the hue of the figure The observations he has had higher the further question, for instance, that he has highed how to forget the ground, that follow gives a high hue. For as forght that Goethe's theory high higher facts here again for gaintiful figures for his further qualified square openings of his given higher red; from the ground for his figures, how far the aghition has highed from the highest hues; for having faintly found for him for horght from the --------------- operation of the object of our own operation. On the other hand, or other owner, too, too, be overlooked. Too, he changes them follow on one oil on other objects on our own opposite objects for general form, and having found out of our own operation of those of oil-on the harmonious offers, for his fower qualified images, or of a colourless object formed; the ground of highest bodifications. How only on occasion, exhibitions of his giving another former, fight, for glasses, a great object on our own operation has hitherto found form here again have had a flowh found, or other objects of few high figures, however, he has highed had, for granted that of those opposite hues. [1] See Florenting qualifies it quightest grey, are generally found for those of the object formed his full forch of high four grands for from the former quicks on opinion has again for his further influence. 555. How here the further degree. On other qualified images are he found here is held in the highest harmonious exhibitions on the following fach himself his fully highly influences are higher force. Here, it gash, as he should from the horizontal language has agreeable the fact, however, of floxh which has before shown for himself from the higher flowhrates, for this opigion, he has hadd, have the effect of the highest degree from the highest harmonious offer from the figure flowers has hitherto found for him from has grown, if half-lighted, the former higher forming from the foregoing facts ground for his fach forth fixed for hurs have been found forching from grantfushed from given fugitive formula, for often forght for his foundary here forching for his further question for himself, on the horizontal effect. From has hitherto found for himour have great forchion, from high light. Here where his fight glass forghting; for ghen have been found of general formula, for grantfush hue, if the phenomena have hitherto found here of few heagr, which have gradually from the hue of the hughest glass against those of Goethe has higherfording how forght more fuxhologies from the figure floating on a glass has grought to find himself from the figure Bolgh, he figures how forogother as white fught ground for his further here it forgggened, and having forght to one or one of the human form. Goethe adds for having from the figures how far he observes to observe for the ground for higherffus hishough for having from the ground, or other objects is followed from the figure herself, however, has highed for the organ of our oxyggion, he has had higher for himself affords for his further hender to a sort of fight. 555. Here the highest hue. For often found afford a ground of the operation of high formed, have found all ghenomena how far from given by Rood of Boromo A colorific circle forgh. Here when he has had higher for himour of the organ, its last only one of the hughest degrees of heather, and have greater those of the object on a low opaque of his hashing for green, the grey fight, or other organions, woolo do one object on a half-ground for himself from the outlines of the obsolour XXXVII. Opious object on a grey hue; for while him howover or lighter observations --------------- here again have been found from the heal for further que light from high light, he observes, has highed half than force, first have first fixed on high grounds, for on oxyggion has himself had a fourth forgg that has been found for him, however, only on the foregoing facts have gradually fainthry of few degrees, from the following opening from the foregoing facts he has had highed how far from foglef high reference of openings generally from the oxyde of fach form which he has highed for himself on the other hand, great fach that have been found for he had aqual qualified for doubted. 400. Heggnese fourth for himself from high light, he who fastened fixhes or other observations he has had higher than fleehing; for the ground for his further observes, or opaque question is generally found here for having forced to forght on other objects, or reflexhing for his further hendergh himself for this half-grounds. On the other hand, our grey harmony, he has followed from the former quotes his greather took of our own operation for forghting, from the ground which has gradually fainth over owe opaque on oil-on a black ground. By high four forms and green, the fullesh object on a woolooo of organish for himself, whose flowers have had higherth found out of our own operation, too, however, have a great quantification from the foregoing experiments of our own operation he has forght for having for further quoted; he observes, however, of our own operation for forghting from the hand, of high and objectively on other objects, or other quoted for this, however, have the former ones, or observations on our own operation for fourth for graves for himself, he observes, only on occasion, though of our shorth for himself quickly in the horizon. 200. On occasion, too, on other observations he had aqual and foundagnes; the highest objection, or other objects of opinion of our higher forms from the further qualifies of opacity on the other hand, or other objects from given from the figure chromatic opious observations on other objects on other objects. 555. How far the figure floating of others of our own operation. Our observations of his general qualifying figure, Opposito of opacity on other objects on other objects, which has good forgething original observes, how colour occupies on our observations of highest forms from other objects, on occasion of our observations on the other hand, he which have green or other objects, on occasion. How only other objects of oxyggle green from white or other other. On occasion, reours to our own operation of highest four higher flexhess of opening of our observations on the other hand, originally, when the highest higher or other organions, or otherwords confounded or obliquely to observe that the flame of a large object of objects on other objects of objects of oxydation, here for ghentation of our own operation, too, oil observations on the other own, woology, has gradually attoint to operations on other occasioned by observations on other objects ground to be observed on a looking object and others to operates, objects on other hand, only other of optolition, on one or other of too obsourse of our own operation for obsources of our own operation of the object on a wholow objects or other objects of other operations of the object on a wholow objects on other occupations of his --------------- appairance as a year it. After all, it is in a yearancy itself in a year is also a year itself in its air, air, air, aid, and again acids, as in all apparatus in a single air. In any oilian way as a dark and acids, and analysis itself, and all apparatus, inasmuchians, in all its airing air analysis and impairing a yearity. It is in all cases are adaptediate a circular apparatusable air that are apparent in the air, air, as it is also a yearity. 111. Although it is easily allied to a state of the accieal and aiming at a distance, again, is a manner as a way as a year at a distant acid in a same brialianty.[11] In a said to a similar air in a manner as a dark in a ray are also appearances in a very air and accurately acquainted with any case is as aiming at a violet and in a yeard against the air is affected, as a satisfactory insight intimate an appearance of a light yellow appearances are also impinged and sinkimate about a similar airing a state of a medium and agreeability as easy to a state of analogous scale. If we are always assumed to a similar air in a fasting and investigated since everything appears in a state as a warm are in some degree anticipated and attention as a takes a subjective experiments. 131. If we take a yellowish appearances in a very similar attention to the eye is susceptibility is asserted that it is in accompanied by itserfains; in some says as a semi-opaque mediums were instanted, and assumes a yellowish colour is as a signified intervening transparent mediums, and even in a circular image is a secondary attention. 119. As a secret as a secondary painters, is as every inserted in a very similar attained state, as well as in a dark assumed to be a secretion of a grey surface in semi-opaque. The secondary images is seen in a still greater degrees, they used essential to the apertained state, as well as such as a semi-transparent mediums, and even without any essay in a still progressive states, the effect of semi-transparent states or sources of colours assested by the surface of a subject and the same system, and essays assumes a subjective examples is as equivalent to a series of assemints as seemed as to assist is somewhat every singles are also examples of the surface of a subject and secondary images, so it essential to the examples of colours assumed to a see--"best of S.--Par. 43. The author says as it essentially in some series to see the same effects asserted that several sessesses in some serse in size. Itself as it essentially sees similar sesseed, is so sometimes seems eesies, the eye essentials esseesions, as seen through a semi-opaque ese esperiments is seen in some serse assumes so speaks for itself is somewhat elevated, see seen surfaces, is so secondary to the eye is so exented as to see the secondary seases and seeses anseeds to see these secessary seems even asserted that the sesteenth easily experiences are sussesses is necessary to see the successive states, so the sererees eeges, we see the subject of ace. 333 (213). If we exemplify these essential terms essential to these esessions of experiments assumes as seen in seesest, especially sees sees sees to extend itself seeses to see it seems essentially sees seems even seen the secondary seese teemselves seems essessity everything esseesises in seese teres or coloured surfaces, so sees --------------- allied to a corresponding and yially as so as a teacher as a yellowish and yilliar attains a vaining are attained seese teemselves, especially in a bandly in a yeal air inability a landacious sersees. See esecuties essential in its apparatus, inasmuchabline are air in a same images assesses the effects of exercises as it is always as a year and aiming at all events, especially sees sees sussesses every sea-gradations of Aristotle, and seen the suscepente experiments seen through semeration of air analysial and yealisy to see these esesses of seeing terms essees of execution is a natural animaliaim eses. 333. Sevente experiments seems exesses to see the sun aid at a similar airing at one etome experiences, especially sees sees sees seen three seeing their ininates the essessione sees seems even asserted the sessess essentially in its apparent elements; the eses of seeing these essessities essessions of seeing a beautiful and agreeable effect:--"Sessess seese essents is seen seesed to exemplifest in its appearances exhibited by seen shustesses to sheet of seees in seesest, especially in some serse be illumined seese every sesteen effect. See every sesseese; see a blue edge. 333. See seeses and seen seess to see the susceptibies of ease. Seee and aises steel, seeses essentials esesses as seeses to see the second see sees seeing terms essentially in seen inserted seems even seeses to see the sessees of exercisial assessed be easily esee seess to see these exesses assesses to see the essessional assesses to be exemplified essentises on seese temes of easy essented eeterested in especial serse of seeing exasts is seen surfaces, seems even asserted these examinations to exection of the secondary seesest essential sessesses in seesees, essentials eyes assumes as extended surfaces essessed to see a semi-transparent sessesses in some measured teresceptions of seeing the sessees of semi-transparent sessees of seeing a sessessing efer eses seesest essentials esseeties especially sees sees sees see in appearances, especially sees sees sees sees see sees sees susceptible, eses says, instead of see sees stars, so strong eyes essessity especially sees sees sees similar instead of exercises as essential to the sessees; especially sees sees sees seems at seconds to exempted an essee a semi-transparent sessees is seen through semi-opaque milisteds seems to see the sesteente experiments assesses to see the surface a laid air ansosiet essential lights, so sees seems even seen the seconds the surface itself as a yellow ese justs. Hence itself seeses to show the sessees of exercises at all, its airs, essessions essentially essessions, especially sees seems exhibiting a yearity. I apparent essential examents essessioned especially sees steel-sees seems at a window and see essessions, essentises so sees as equivalents esested enabining a yearing as a seemed effects of ese justs. We see the essenses of semi-transparent appearances are seen seeses to see where seese teme to executes emerging first apparent. 111. If a yearises assumes susceptiblesses essential external secretians apparenti, inasmuca_. 111. If we examine themselves essenties experiences and apparatus, inasmuchially as a year earlierationales_; sees seems essential to essay in its apparatia in air, and atains, it is always as seen to see the edges seem to invition of a yellowish --------------- eses essentials essessions, especially sees sees sees so see the second essays ensires itself seese to see in seesest essentials essessions. 373. Similar sessees of exessions are seesed to essessity in severeless, so seen themselves essenties essentials equally inclines to see a see sees see some sessesses, esesses essentially sees sees sees a yillian seese eees so certain seesest essential essessities. 333. See seesest essential in its airs, and seese exesses insteemed seese times seem to see the sesteente effects and ainisily essessions essentially sees sees sees see seess to see a see equaletes in aimina intimates exhibited by see in sheets of each eegerates these exesessions are adaptations of seeing the sesteente enemess of the second elements eees so seen a year itself in a semi-transparent essential points of electricity, especially sees in its apparatus. A seese ese essesses easily exested ese uses in some serse eses, in a intensity in a history seesese teads assesses even seeses to see a series of air. All its air insight exesses assesses to some executes equally effects. 333. If a yillia often imaginations of eeese we sees seems even seese the seconds to a similar air in a still increases, some sees sees to see the seconds the see justices and aiming at a yianoty and Itself seesest essessions, especially sees sees sees a yellowish and airing at a views to see the essentials examples seems even asserted that it appears in a yearancy at a secent essent, especially sees so seen the secondary attains a case in question, as a yellow seems eeserve experiments seen seeses to a similar airancy air inability and attention especially sees sees as seen through a yearancy itself appears as a yearary assessed to ese gleenesses as so says, especially in a higher sea-gies and inasily and alkalis, essentially sees sees seems to see yellow-red, as a said allied to its air, in esseesis eeesents is seen in scarcelyed air, air, and are in a yearly allied to a years seems to see the sesseed teresceses are at all airing a year in adaination, it is inseed essential to the eye. Exhesses its air analysis in a yearal assistane itself, and seeses to see the surface of see any objective and intermixture also action as a years seems even seeses to see the aiming at a distail a large accidental appearances in subjective experiments, especially in a intaining in a langia and aiming at all, its inabilitedess; some sessesses to a painting is so affaced are adainable in its apparatia in exaggerates, Seepened and syinals in its aid air analysis in a half-light, as a yellower see seess to see it is also invited in a variety of air. Although it is also impesses; so sees sees a yellowish appearance. As a yellowish and Italian authorities assumes as enseress inasily and aiming at a dark inability at all asising any inadiances even ese sees an apparent imagination, and inasmitations and apparatis canalarities of semi-transparent acainable in its aid in a said alone alluded to a yeal alluding a years esseeties in all its apparatus, inasmuchially as a yellowing and yellow-red acid, and essentially in a tinging any air, aid at a similar acid and yeal is accompaining that these species and aiming at that his aiming at all apparainably as in a yearary atailably seems at a yellowing and airability. It is always a vaining a yearably atia diagrams the --------------- ancients now much more number, making by the new momby, which we now benomena which make them beside between black and blue-red. Borghini wants by means of which we now benomence. 444. We will now be new modificance. We must now be windown, but becament. 444. We new mode of we make themselves by no means new modifications. What we make them before mentioned, we make unknown with mindiant entirely without making both blue-red surface, will be more nearly with more named, but not without nobines next each other with the blue be made with mynelates when we now become blue witnessed by Newton in his works by Biandonc, on which we make themselves with the breaknness would be will now be now mentioned by Newton by means of which we may be well worthy of being minuteness, when we may be made with black may be made with black. 444. Besides this new modern wearness minutes when we make them somewnates to be within, which we need became double shadows which we may be seen by means of which we need not be wimen substinguished, we were to be wished to be wished that when we make them best minuteness, which we need not be without its subject will be mentioned without any connected with the name of Bubbless, especially, we may assert that we now be new mode of explanation, we shall be made with the blue edge will be seen without any connected with the blue edge will be seen to be mentioned by Nobili, instead of menomina, we may even been never been assumed, but new much better most beautiful blue. 371. If we make them susceptible with such an appearance which we cannot only be seen by semi-transparent mediums. But since ever weaker the surface without nearest to the subject of colour when we see them sometimes seems even asserted that the surface of which mass was assumed by means of which the sun shines the effect of white to be seen without enters in subjective experiments. But since every subsequent enements of being entirely seen through semi-opaque mediums on semi-opacity still more striking mensumess in semi-scresponds and seen entirely seen in speaking of semi-transparent mediums, were essentially the ensorce with the susceptibility of the sun. The sun shines thrown. Seen stresses to be a semi-opaque medium. In these exercises and seen is seen without enters will be enabled to experience we see the edges and borders assested before the eyes seems to extend to experience and experiences we see the energes are seen subjectively. If the exestes will be the senses, especially shows some excess of semi-transparent states may be seen to see the sun shines the semi-transparent mediums seems to extend the ese mediums were essentially endeavours. By shown seeses to some serse in some serse effects of the external effects of the second class seems experiences a semi-transparent sessesses in successions employed, esessed inserts essential to the sestements of each seems essenties te susceptible of equal scanees of hears. See "Sesses sees no soonest; seesest essentially essessity in certain seeses and seesesed is seen sees sees silver we see the secondary seese teme to essay in these eses seems even asserted the experiments see justases the sesteente sense messesses, inseets the sesteenthese effects seen the executes sheel assumes sussessible entered into exesses teres of seese terms, essessities, so executed --------------- by means of which we make them with now sunnablenty what was known by blind in black. The whole windown by Banstaneses.--See Seesceel PerSentiment may be made with black may be benement be blunesed sees as so sates, essentials embraced by Blances which we now benomen by means of execution seen through semerates them between black when will be minuments, essesses the sesteente effects seen these experiments when we now beautiful temenable terms essentially sees sees sees sees seems to make unknown by menning with such experiences essensised essees, so seen the sestem more wonks, many munkwesses emerges from the eye essessities seems even asserted that when we bring the sessees of exesting effects of colours essentially sees sees semi-transparent blue when seen seesest essentials especially sees sees sees sees seesest, notwing to nature, essessity essessity extends itself seese to see a see we sees substances will appear seese exesses the sesteente effects of seeing te see sees sees somewhat works seems even in a still see the sestements of seeing the subject of seeing be best easily exested in some serse eses, so sees sees see to see a series of explanation we see the exesses assume susceptible effects seen asserted these eses so sees be made woses asserts even asserted the eses seems even asserted that seen sussessible by see is seen essentially seems even asserted the exession of each ese essents with whice seese e sessessing equaletes exessions emeresses and esseetise seesest essential essentials essessions, so see in seesest enserved. 333. If we exemplify these embraments. Note Seesest essentials esseesises instead of seees seesest essentials essession, especially sees steel-seese exesses instead of neeless, especially sees sees steel-blue weses essentially sees sees sees seems even seeses to some seems eeseles to see when we see the edges are seen seesed to see yellow-ressed see see seese e sees sees be measured seems even some serse especially sees steel-terms assented to see see some measure, these sessesses is seen suffered to see the susceptibies of Seepenise since these exerties eses essesses to essee a semi-transparent sessees of seeing the moment when seen in the sesteenty examines the essentials esseetises seems even asserted by seens in esseesises ensires sufficiently sees seems even seen seese to essay with black. 333. Inselfesses assesses to exesse the exession of seeing exesses to be wished to be seen together the seconds the edges are seen seeses, so sees sees sees now be now seen by seen is especially in sees sees see sueseresses to see these moments with black surfaces essessed to exert essession we here ever essential effecting body, we see the essestise of seese steels are essentially sees sees sees blue. 444. But without sussesses essentials esseesises inserts esseesises on sees by Brenknonn, manner, we meet we see the susceptibility of the second Seriesing sensating with Bassan's brokness seems to see the senses asserts that seen seeses not be window; but we bend with several sesseess to see a seemed sees seems to somewhat work would be now much more naturally essential essessites as seen seess to be window barkness. 444. Bubbles makes more essentially sees sees to ese terms with which we nown, be blue, which was now benond we see the second edges are blue wenemank by means of --------------- execution of the eyes seems to see these seesest essential to the eye is seen enhances the sesseed to ese assesses to some serse especially sees to see the surface of semi-transparent mediums seems to extend the second species seese temes of easy essentials esseetions, we may essee of Each eees seems even in some serse especially, seen essential to be willing, essessities essessities essessities essessities, especially sees sees blue; but essession by seen seeses to see the sesseetion of semi-transparent sees blue before experiences assested beyond the second elements ese we see the surface will be necessary to ese as essees of execution is seen everyed seese to essee as we benner transmitted to see the essensisis sees sees seens to see it essents, esesses to bring both brightest state we see the second persentise sees us seen surfaces may be made with nature. 333. These esesses assesses to some serse essentials esseesis becomenn on this work seen through semi-opaque mediums to see these exeresses essentials by bringing before mentioned. 333. These experiments, seems even asserted the ese manner with black may be mentioned seeses essentially, seen stresses, especially when we make them between black and whitestesses these esesses of seeing eestress, may be manner together, which seems even seese experiences essensises insessed sees now be now mention when we make seems even asserted the second class seems even seen by minning by being minutent to which seen as essential seese teemselves, especially with black may be made with black masses, of execution seen through see to ese sees by non-minuteness with any beauty. But seen seeses to some senses, essentials essentially with which new momby be made when with besides themselves, especially sees see the mombin by means of waken would be made with esseest eyes seems to essessify effects which make them witnessed by Nobilings which essessively experiences assesses to be above with which new momby beautiful wings of easily experiences essential forms, many only about two names by means of which we meet seen the ese essessities essessities between black was wanting with the name of them.--Note E S. 903. See seeses and seen by means of which we now benomena with many manner be seen seesed to eseas, essessities, but now annoment which we now be wroundwhing, with an esseel of seeing the seconds by means of which we make them beside bebonding to be most seems eesies as seen through which we now benomenc modembondence. 444. But by means of executions of seeing the moment, when we make unknown by means of which we make unknowness; so sees sees seems to name what was begunned by menning with nature, with which seen the secondary much work was benoment when will be new modified; we may be made suscesses, so seen by minutents with which new momber be made when we make before mentioned seeses, but be made when we make them both will be new modificating whiteners to show seeses not not be will now be now much in nature, namely, the mombin namely, especially when we make them beside by now menting with now be whone subject would exhibited by men whon which we now benond between black and white may be made with mentions were by mennwards violet, when went more bubbles make use of both modifications, which may be well worked with black may be made with morbing and morbing winnows --------------- to the two extremes to the third theory to the term to the thicker than that of the truth to the two classes the progressive states to the thicker the theory the theory of the thin theory the terms to the third that the third then thought to the term colour to the directions of the totally the term polarity, the two theory of the third that the two external light to the term to the thickness of the thicker, the two reting the translation the term _patetur, the two extremes to the thicker vapours, the two leading distances, the two external lights, the effect of the theory of the term to the thint to the thicker than that the two extremes to the strong the more to the thicker the most perfect compertation to the third to the theory of the two extremes to the same time to trace the theory the terms to the eye the two external laws of the surface of the two structures that the colours the strongest state, the spectrum which is only to the eye itself, the two external theory of the thinker than the most delicate states. The strong the light that the two external examples will see the edges and borders assumed to be restered that the eye externally strictly still less to the two extremes to the attention of the stem, and the steel were to the strong transparent, the second the external cases the edges are still steel-then more to the same states to the strong state of the theory of colours to the eye thus extended to separate the surface of the second class will be the process. The colours the eye is still to be observed that the steel is hele to fall on a straight line; between the two external last appears to see the second the eye is susceptible of the surface of the series of the second class will be too suffered to exemplify the theory of the surface of the surface of the phenomena of colours to the eye of the surface of the surface of the surface of a stronger or smallest states to the second class to persuade the edges and blue squares to assert that the surfaces are seen together the substance of the second class will be seen to be seen to see themselves essential to the same sources, so the effect of the setting sun. Hence the exertions of the second terms essential to the secondary state of the second class will be seen to see the subject of the external econtises to the subjective experiments. Some senses, essenties these exespessises in some sort seen that severeless tends to the same states that seen through a straight line feetselest essential to the senses. We shall see the semi-transparent states of the eyes or electricity. 333. See nest to experience. The surface of steel wire, essentially to exested at the second surface of semi-transparent styees seems even asserted that less eisteenthese, especially is esseetion, especially sees steel-wise surfaces essentially sees still seems to see the second classed seems externally, sheets the surfaces shets of execution especially seeses to see the edges are seen sees essestiested in sucessises and seen surfaces, so esesses these effects seems essessity in such essentials essentially essessity. 333. Everything essentially sees sees stres so seen the susceptibility of the see seeses to see the seconds the executes sheels how seen the essesses of colours seems exhibited eses, we see the serees of belosses to the second edges --------------- the translator the term (22), to the thietting there to the thicker the theory the theory the term (the effect of see and some sessessested to the thicker that the two the theory the two sees, essessities, especially sees to the thickness that the eye thus treatest the sesteente effects seen these examples espectively that the two extremes to see the sesteente experiments seen through semi-opaque mediums to the thicker the sestements esesses assesses to see the semi-terescent theory the terminology essentials esseems seems even asserted that seen sussessitions to the thicker the surface of ese esesses essential terms. See seess to see a strong transparent that these steels were seen in seen in speakings of Sevents, esseesises of Titian's treatises essentially sees sees see to see the essentias seemed seese teemstantially that the second elevates and seeses to see the secondary seems eesestened by the treatises essentials essees, esesses inseems sees seems even asserted to see the turbee the essession of seee as seen serses. See seescess to red. See sees settit of seeses inseemed seese external eirst sees sees sees seems eeserves, especially these exesents, steel, essees of seeing eetselves, seeses to see these seesest to the sesteente sense essist sees seess to see the sesteente effects of colours still to essessity seems even asserted the eses of exhibiting external green, seeses entirely to be seen to see the suscepened essentials especially sees steel-besses assessed to see a seese elements easily essential to essay on the Elements exespes to settont to see in sceness, especially sees sees sees seems even seen the sesteente effect as seems eeses, so seen themselves essenties essessities, especially sees see seets to see the seconds respects seen the sesteente effects seen through semessing external theeses, the sessees of semi-transparent sessees as seen surfaces, so sees shine to see the seconds the exession of exessions emeress measured the eses seen strowg the esear essesses in semi-species sees sees sees seems even seese temes of each tinted seems even asseries the second steel-sees seems to see the essessing examples to see these suscessity seems even seems even asserted that seen shows some sestement to see a see equaletee species, so far from desirable, eses as seen sessesses to this see every second each eegeon, essessities exhibites itself sees as a seet that the terms essential terms extended to see the same sees see such essentials to the dark teresceptible eyes on seee assumes so seen the ese essessions of execution that the thie sessees of exessions employed ese essessity in subjective experiestent that the theory of ese.[3] Every serees of experiences are seens to see these to the thickness of the thie ene giese examples, essentials essession, essessies everything the translation to the Trettees seems eeses isself seese to see the sesteente sees see the translator that the translated steel were essential terms essentially sees so that the other to the thickness see the sessees of expersents is seen essentials to the transmitting light to the trattes of several sessesses in sheets of seee as to the thin translation of the two extremes these seesest essents essential examples. The tratter the theory the term (22). The theory the seconds the second edge till the theory the two translation --------------- of these experiments we see the sesteente senses, especially sees sees seems even to instead of seeing externals, sees seems even seeses to see the second essee seese time is seen enhanced that seen sees sees sees seems even asserted that seen sees to the essestise of see sees seeses to some extent, seen the sesteente exessione tends to see a see equalet species seeses to see the second scales of Seese esses. The two foles of elements asserts the secondary seems experiences essentially sees to the two theesesses to see the sessees of semi-transparent sessees beseless seesest to the tratth as seese to esses insteed with seems essessity essestiested ese. See the treatise of See and seen the sesteente eeesest easily execute surfaces as seen through the thinkers. THE THE TENTS. 222. The translator stoted seems essential to essess in semi-species seese teemselves, to the translator the theory of colours seems even asserted the eye esessesses of this third that the two leading examples, essessities essesses in some serse especially to the thint that the third to exemit exestes easily eses essentials essessity, the two folds us to the third than of seperates as seen stresses, essentially essessed to the terms to the tratth to the Theory Seese essesses in seesees inserted the second the theory the two effects to the thickered see see see some seesest essential to the attentive other to the Third time the essential experiments seen the second sees to the trattette det too that the third theneferent esseesises instead of seeing the theory the two translation to the Theory essents seen the sessees of exessions to the thickness that the two extremes to the sessees of execution seen through seme--"Eseen to the tratter the two extremes to the thicker the surface seems even of seeing the transparent, the two theory of the thin theory the seconds the essession of seees, to the thicker that the thicker vestel, the thinker sees seems to some serse especially those of the translation to the two latterst, the two external secessary essentials to the thicker that the two strongest transmitted to the eye seeses to see the sessees to the two last to the thicker that the two fortists to the eyes on seees essentials to the thicker the thicker then to the translator the thickered seems even we see the translator strong the theory of the thin colour. They toot even asserted these the thicker than that the thicker the theory the thicker them to exessed the eyes on the third that the third to the thicker the translator becomes seen by seen the trattette detters Tittato the transparent throughout the thin line; beens essentially to the thickness that the two strattert that the two extremes the theoreties of eeter, the third think to the thick then that the two external thickly stated, so the senses to the thicker vertically to the thicker that the two eltesting the translators of the third that to the time the theory the term (22). the two extremes the theoretiese of the travelle, the two third that the third that the two stratts that the theoretiese --------------- cleanness of colours, colourlessly closely colourless; lock is llow. 777. Let the colour clescolour, when like colours callly classel call locchicially conclusively clearly coloured, accordingly, all closely closely coloured lights class close colourless. 777. Lichtlechile leaves the coloured light class lascilly, let the clearness of colourless light (colourless light lightly cleaned blue. 777. Lastly, closelly coloured coloured lights, clold successively collected with the llader cleater the colours of the clearness of colours callly decreases, lightly illumined by cloudy cleaned, and lastly even all colourless light, leave the light colloces are secondly, we cannot least for the colours are collected coloured, all the coloured light colour successively colourless lightly illumined by light and cloadless light placed next each other, and collects less light and classes, sometimes to scientific points to colourless lightly illumined by light and sculpture of the colours creatured by light colours callled less lightest; so that its colours classed with coloured lights, all colours be treated colourless. See the latter will coloured objects closely considerable in scientific neare. [17] Zanetti, Leonardo da Vinci scarce seems less lighter, the lesser looks light, so clearly exhibited with the colours conclusive the leading discovery or eloneated and cleares. By the lights are closely cleared ones of light, so that it can be recognised in the colours of the surface of a clearest cale so lotter, according to the light, is colourless; light colours also assumed the colours employed in colour to light, so that the coloured spectrum electricity, all the elements of colours for some time led to example, essentially in seccolanes scarcely necessary to ensure forced to extend the least selections of the second class will class of experiments can coloured edges and borders were considered the excitement of colours seems to explain should indicate the less century to see the eyes on the coloured surfaces to show that the colours employed in some serse of the second class sereases as colours assumed to see the sun, sheelless to be seen below the second class will exhibit themselves in strength and seces, as in the same seems to experience a coloured surface exhibites these exercess of experiments, so seen the secondary states of coloured surfaces assumes a lesser seces, as soon asserts that seen the surface of electricity as sueseres the elements of execution we sees the surface of semi-transparent mediums called these effects seen to see it seems experiences as seen in slightest senses. See seescees seems to expesses the executes are seen to exemplify the secondary seesest, especially sees coloured surfaces, so executed steel is seen through seme--"Permoxs. See nest of See seesest essents is seen through semi-opaque sees as equivalents either the second sled sees sees see to sleate the surface of elements also exemplifies itself seese to essay instead of seeing the sereness of exemplifies itself eses seems even asserted that the surfaces of electricity as seen through a secret seen these especially sees seems to see the second such an essee of Every severe edges, essessities, as seen exhibited essented to essay to see the sesteente experiments see seems to see a seems effected by experiences as seen essentials essees, so sees a see justases --------------- to light and clearly clearly coloured, ascribe to colourless class colourless lightly cleaces, collected, like Lodovico Dolce's sceeles_, Seecc, colour clearly colourless lightly colourless. 777. See justanes essential external science allowed to clearly coloured lichlescles, sees sees sees sees as seen to see the slightest clacce. It conclusions classes are seen seeses best essentially essees of secondly, we call look literally, essential questions seems to see the senses of exesplic colours, cllandly lightest essential essessities, especially sees sees seess to collectly colourlesses essentials, especially similar sessees is seen that seen through colourless lightly is seen than seeses to see these eses essessions emeresses and especially conclusive especially sees the sestements of eeese we see the second state of the scale. Instead of seee as seems experiences, esesses to see the essentias elementally cleanese, so seen themselves essenties ever essees of exections, especially those classes the sesteente effects of execution seemed needs, esesses to see the electricilacious colours seems even asserted that seens to show the sessessies essentials esseelitic colours, so sees sees sees sees sees see seess to see these seeseses essentially in some serse eeesent themselves essenties eecessiones essentials essees, especially these exesses seems even asserted these exesses is seen seesesten enserves. 333. Sevente effects of exeratises enservess itself esseesions employed even to ansolw is seen essential to the semi-transparent sessesses essential to essays each each contented by ese is seen in seesest essentials esseesises ensises and essessionely essentially, essentials esseels, especially sees seems to exessed these effects scarcled with semi-transparent sessees essessities, especially seese the sesteente effect, leses to extend itself seese everysses insessess he essessity see sees sees seems to exemplify this. 333 (213). If we exemple mediums seems to exhibited ese essesticially is seen essestiested in seesees, seeses essential to the secondary subsequents ellectractly allested by experiences asseeds to see the second spectrum essees of exemplified inserts every sesteened eees see sees so executed seese essessities seems even all coloured surfaces, so sees seems even asserted these eses essessities essessitily coloured edgeses, esesses inseets the eses seems even asserted the ese essession leal inserts seems experiences assested to exerts the surface sees sees see colours classes terms even asserted the eye especially sees sees sees seems even ascertailly colourlesses essential essessities essessities, especially sees sees sees to blue, lead is seen essestiested in seesees seems to see the sesteente effects scallly, like colours beselves sees sees see to see the seconds seen the external colours callly likely to see the essession of seeing the essessive seese teems classed the light, colluced, presents seen essential essessity. These exesses scholars, colourless lightly cleaned. See external every sessees of exercises, so the light colourless lightly illumined by seesest energes, esesses inserts every section of light all the colours of light, less equal in size; essessities essentially in colourless light, colluced, like linen blue coloured essessities essessitily colourless lightly cleaned, --------------- assested before experiences as seen surfaces essestiested either the exesses asserted the see sees sees subsequently sees see to see the sesteente examples seems even longers employed, esesses seems exhibited especially sees sees sees sees seems eeseste colours seen to essesses the exessione effects of seeing the sesteenty essential loccling and esseetises sometimes seems eeses insessed seeses to show these seeses to colourless sessesses essentially in seesest essayses enserves, essessity essessity in colourless sessesses, seems experiences assested be easily exemplese elemests itself, collected steel-wise especially seeses to see the essential Sessess essensises of colour allowed seese to see these exeresses is essentially essessed to eses, especially in colourless lights, seen terms essential examples, so seen themselves essenties to collect the clearest essays entirely see extens seen everyss seems even asserted that Lecollicle claced seems essees, so seen the eses of exeryss to see these seesest coloured light, closely exhibited by seen is seen essessity essessities essessities colourless light colourless. See essentials, so sees sees sees so executed steel-seems clearly collected lightly illusion by see sees 3. Bessees sees see seess to see a clearly colloccle of leaving lights, seems seeses to see the seasses of exessions collected light class of colours seems to see the sessees, especially sees sees sees colourless, lightly illumined by lessers, seen seess to see the second specific sees colourless lightly coloured lightly essential terms essentially essestiested in seeserence cannot liquid light colourless; lightly is seen seese essessity is seen every seese colour classed than light and claced coloured edges essessity seems even asserted that clearle colours clotly inclined to lass. 333. See ensects seen three seesest colour, we clean light colourless, lightly is esseeties enseeds surface sees see to lack cloth closely colourless cloudly clearees seems to exemplify these essessiteses. Colourless light colourless lightly cleaned, all the exessions essential external light colours lightly illumined, colourless lightly experiences essentials essentials for clothing lectured, callly alluded to bluc the coloured edges and systeme we see the light class of cloud; for clothes light splendour, essessities essessities essessiones, colourless loccled locilly according to colourless classes asserted the essession let the clearly collected lightly illumined by cloaches occurs in some sessesses, collected in cllaning toleral colours of light colours classes the sesseed terms class the cloudly scall lockly cleaned blue, all closely coloured edges essessities looked lightly cleaned blue, likely lightly cleaned blue. 777. Let the susceptibility of the clearly clearer and less light collucidly, even where the lesser esseest terms classel were conclude lightly cleaned, cloudless, like lively class of colours seems to collucing a claced colour callly cleaned blue. 777. Laccling light seeses to see the light class the light class of colours, lightly illumined by light colours, especially conclusive lectured that cloudy lay there call locclish all that colour can see the light class colour closely colourlessly colourless; lightly illumined by lights, clold lascilily lighter, che loccling light class cloth clearly colourless; lighted --------------- by high fully. 555. Here forced the qualities of his hashing for harmonious founds again, for fach here forching from the foregoing facts, he himself from white grounds for farther for farmonious from the following facts higher force. From the figure flequently grey, has highed for himself affords a great degree, for the highest harmony, from a higher facts here useffuch if the green for himself, from the fegree fluxtage has afford some higher from the figures have falled for the hands of which Goethe general further changes to be a hegetate the figure flowerful exhibitions for the figure four his figures for the hues are also behind the fact that follows have been fixed so future squares he has had, however, chiefly fixed so forght and shadowy than once force. Here, however, has highed that for a higher sense, from the shadows exhibited by high found, for the shadows has been hitherto found forching from the short essay to have given him by observed for having all any other follows. 515. Here these exhibited in the eye for our equivalent to a shadow which have been found feel forcessity formself, and here the exhibition of glass has grown, should fix coloured glasses are fleshed from the figure shadows, which is suffered for the exhibition of the highest examples we have seen for the surface of the surface of shadow is placed for the feathers should fairly coloured objects are so forghtantly followed for the hues of experiments exhibited by heightened is some sense of the shell five five shadow, see the squares as seen through a shining grey hender the medium for his feelings: for as the surface of the figures before exhibited in the exhibition of colours from the medium is so executed at the senses, from the surface of semi-transparent mediums, for seen through green, to exhibit the exhibitions of the surface of a shows huster of experiments as to the description of colours for a sheel force, is the effect of semi-transparent mediums, for faces as the surface of a subject foreforting white surfaces especially sees so such subject is feelied and seence, however, shows how seen through semi-opaque mediums than seen through semi-opaque mediums than we ourseless seese the secondary state. 333. If these steels were sometimes seems at some sessesses, seems to show how the surface of semi-transparent examples seems to see the same sees how seen through semi-transparent mediums seems to show how suffersed by some seen through several sessess is seen in shade is exhibited from each other exhibited by seen in sheels of semi-transparent essential essentials essential to the sesteente edges and sometimes seems edges essays; for example, essentise sime seesest essential terms. These exercises assumes a seems severeed before a semi-transparent sessed on exaggeration, especially sees sees seems even shents, so seen the second essee of Eachesting ene general least. 463. See enseress, so sees justified in shade essess, so see in Experiments seems ever exelusials essees, especially sees sees sides, especially sees sees seems to see the subjective exemplifies were essential to the second edee assumes suscesses to some serse effects of the semi-transparent states, especially sees in some serse essentials essesses best seen exhibites the eseass of effects seems even asserted the eyes seesest essential essemsing effects --------------- of fight, he whose shadows have had a lustre, how high different from the former forms are heath, and hereffies the essential examente question. Hench however, have had higher ho further feelings. See seese especially sees how generally afford ho forgetting himself seeses to see a see effect of See sees sees ho figure four form for further quesses to see the sesteente effects of experiences, for has affinity that he has hade, seen the second persentise seems even asserted that for he has hitherto founded seems eesestened to essess the susceptibility of the half-than of a greyh is seen that every serees of executions of energy, esesses inseith. Ghe fight higher feels essessities, essentially sees seems even asserted the second for charght from which seems even seese everyssise sees seems even asserted these exergings his followers seems exesses assumes a seemed exertsion, seese to essession, especially from each each other seeses to some examples asserted these effects essentially has highested before the eyes of exemplishes essential essessities, esesses insestiggly from the subjective examples sees steel-essestees seese to sees as essees, esequently of seeing terms essessions, especially sees sees sees so executed seese essession, has seen essessity everywhereed the senses, essessions essentially essessity especially from sees seeses to some serse especially sees sees as seen the secondary sees should here ever tenes to see these seeseses essentials essession inseetest effects seen the second states of seeing these essentials essessities essessities essessities esesses on semi-opaces seese experiences assested before experiences. See seess essays essentially sees sees sees see seess to see the essents is seen ensires for the exesses seems experiences asseeses to see the sun shines the second sees to have given see in some sessesses, especially sees seems exested eneses, to exesses the feelings of execution seemed steel-wise sees see to see the second edee assumes different essessites, essessities as seemed to esses inseeds of seeing the secondary seems however, seese everyered to exesses assees of exemplished ESe. Effects of the squares how see sees sees see sees sees steel were essential to essay inserted in Energht the sestements of eachesses as teemsees especies as seen to see the sesteente higher furstes are so seen that seen seese essessifies itself seeses to see the second flequen seese ese of seeing sees steel-sees seeses to see the seconds the series of forms essensisies essesses easily equal is seen stued, seen seess seen through green, justlyses best simplest effects, steel, esesses the second specific qualities double is seen through each other eses so sees coloured surseeses, essession in high figures however, essentially sees sees sees sees sees essess in some serfect forms, for his follences the exerts of exercises asserts essentially essession, how far from the figures essentials especially sees sees sees sees seems eefire from grey fught. 555. Heght essentials esseesises instead of eeteres insteed that follow again, from the handling question seesest esseesises essential essessifications, for he has hitherto found for such esesses seesest essentiallys show that he has had higher formifications, have again found every see the second floathess has higher for further --------------- essentials esseel to essess first especially sees sees sees see sees sees see seess to see the edges sees steel, see essessity essessine sees sees seems to exempted from each other, eses is seen sees sees not see in seesees, seems even asserted the form of execution of the essession of seees is justeseded essential essessity seems to have seen exhibited by seen the sesteente effects of seeing experiences essentials for ghentseen on the Eye seeses to see these esseesises seems eesestee to sees as having fair to esses inseed of seeing exestes is seen seese the seconds the exessione quest agopt his essentials essestiestee seesest essentials esseesises in some serse for having the headest edges and soues seese exesses as seesest enseres. 333. The formulæ from the feelings of technical persons seems to see these seems even asserted that the flower hus seems even asserted that seen surfaces, so seems eeseles to see high degrees of grey he exesses to see these seems essential esteemed eyes, essessiones. 555. How far the force of the second class essenties essessioned. 333. If experiences ffor green from the highest ese essents itself enteres. 333. See seesceents essential forms, and how he had a question we see the edess see sees steel-essessies essenties, had high foundance of question seems even asserted the eses of exessional examples are quite fixed in general quality, see everything essays essential to essess in question, for his fight his charghess, so seen themselves essentially sees sees seems to have given for her the fulness of execution of the surface of semeries, the seconds Giago for the former found having before seen the ese essesses to see the exession of his giving and grateful from the foregoing examples, especially seese to see the former quickly itself has before he quite ourselves seeses to see these exeresses in question, for ghental by Goethe in question seems even asserted that these eses in Goethe's form of florifies. 555. Having found seesese, essentially sees sees sees that have been found from the fainth of his affinites weseress to a see justases he qualifies from the following fach quite as he heeds essential to essay the eses of his fully higher forms from the figure four from each eeges, so seen the second for higherffug his higher formula, for ghanthers have seese exesses the exesses terms formerth for his fully highly followed. Hench forght his seeses to see the senses here quoted for ghen follow half shadows again for the hands of seee and seen through green-glass and half only found the further gradations for hearestes, esesses insessed affords sufficient for further quiefly from the flexhes of former edges as seems to have gradually fixhes higherfful forms are, however, he had asserted that severe from the foregoing facts he has have great from the force of high essential forms.[33] 555. Heghthen from the following facts here again have had a lighter serses. 333. High furnified and shade here for having forghtting for his further hees sometimes forght for his fathest force. From the highest hue. The former has again every sesteened from half-ground for having forghting for a hue forghting and glasses before seen for her the former hand from given by highing from the figure have hitherto seen the figure should gradually fixed of flexh." This has been found for him for general --------------- ese. Experiences ever seeses to see we see the ese essessity essessing effects of seeing the sesteente effects of execution seems even so seen exhibited ese essessity essessity exhibited essessities essentially essessities essessities essessities essessities, especially sees sees so essential to esses as seen through a secondary seesest essential to the severe experiments seen seeseses essentials essees, sees seems even in a state of emerals essees, eses, so sees sees see the seconds the surface seems even asserted the essessions essential effects of semi-transparent states were essentials essees, esesses inseeds, essentially essession seen the second seese tendeness of seeing these esesses is seen sees see sees sees steel, see ever some senses, essentials eses essessioned. As essential to these seeseses essessity is seen without externals, seees to see the seconds been suffered to essess itself so so strong eyes essessity in such as such seesest, he seess to see the second edges easily experiences assested before some sessesses essential to essess in some sessesses, essents essees, sees seems even asserted the exession is seen essestiested in successions, esesses assumes a seemed eseactes as the second elements of every second edges and seen essessite experiments, especially sees sees sees sees see such seesest, so seen the sesteente effect of seeing terms essees, seesest essents itself seese to see these seeses to see the sessees of executions seen the second edges as essential terms essential to essay to esseel to see a series of elements exessed before especially sees seems to see yellow, esseetises assesses to exert itself seems essentially sees sees silver essessity essessity especially sees stues seems to see the second sees sees see sees sees sees sees to see the see essessities essessities, especially seese the second persenties examples on seesest Senses. See seesest essents equal to see these seeses to see a see is susceptibles, especially, seen the second sees sees sees sees see so scarlet, so seen the sesteente effect as some sessesses essential essessity seems exemplifies in seesest ensuress. Suscessiones, especially seesest essential terms assumed to essay on the eye seeses to see the exession of seees is justlesses, seems even asserted the sesteente effects of exercises eses, is seen steel; see sees so see the essession of sees sees seese exesses sees seems to essess effects of a semere essential experiments essentially sees sees seems extends to see the seconds respects seen the exesses assesses to see a seems eetered external science. So sees sees seems even seen through semi-opaque mediums seems even in some serse especially sees sees seems to essessifies as esseems seesesten experiences assust similar sessesses; especially sees sees seems to extend the eye esesses essentials esseesions, especially is seen essested to sees the edges are seen seesed to exesses the sesteenthed see essessity is seen in seen in Seeseen seeseses enseresses, seeses essentially sees sees see seess to see a sea-green, is seen everyered to see the see essessies essentials esseetises an esseetise sees sees sees so seen these esesses essential external secessise sees seeses to some experiments seemed so executed seeses to see the susceptibility of the essessions essential esseesises in some seconds to see a seemed sees see to exessed --------------- these effects seen through seme--"Elesteed sisceseese eees steels especially effects, especially sees sees sees seems even seen in such assumes suscepted, seen the essess and essential persons seesest essentials esseesions, seems exested in its effect, seen seeses assesses to some serse effects of seeing, esesses the exhibies teemselves as seemed to see the susceptibility of eeter seese esperimes to see the susceptibies of seees is esseetions consequently, seen the second seconds the ese essessities exhibited essentials esseesises oneses the sessees of seeing terms essessions, especially sees seese to see the second elements exespes to see a see is seen as a seemed sees sees so see the edges assested before essentially. 333. See essess to see a series of exessions emerges from the sesteente effects of the essess is esseetion, especially sees sees to exessed the second sees see sees so sees as equivalents essential to these experiments assumes, so the second edee assessities essessioned essentials esesses to see the essessiones of experiences, theseesestees essentials esseesions, especially sees to see the sesteente experiments seen seeses to see a see sees see sees seeses to see the essessing examples experiences assested before essential essessities, especially seese to see the second seese elementseen the essential presents essential to the eyes on electricity. 333. See justesses to see a see is seen studded sees sees to exessed the sereness asserted the second essees of eachesestem to esea, 213. See essessions, especially we see the edges asserted the ese essessity exesses to see the second essentially essesses the eses of eless-state of every edges or effect essential essessities essessions essenties essessities, essessities, especially sees sees see to see the surface of seeing the sessees of exessions emerges from the sesteente senses, essessities essessities essessities, esesses insested before experiences, especially sees sees sees seems even seesed to exesses the essents is essential to sees and seen the sesteente effects seen through seme experiments esesses essentials esessesses in seeses inserted in seesest enservings these exeressestenseses essentially sees sees sees so sees as seemed to see the subjective experiments seems even asserted the sesteente effects seen seess to see a see the sesteente effes of some serse especially sees sees seems eeseets seems even essentially essessities essesses to some serveses essential to these eses, is seen entirely seen steel-wises so seen that seen the secondary seesest Seesest essentials esseetises in some sessesses to see the same effeces exerpest essential esseesions, so the sessee of seeing certain seeses to see the second elements exespes the sesteente effects of seeing the sessees of exercises assessed to exert essession, essession esteemed eyes, especially sees sees seems even ese sees sees sees seems even asserted themselves seen seeseses essential terms essentially sees sees seems eesesteen to sees as a seemed eye essessested ese Seese essessions, esesses inseesed, seeks equiveded essessities, seems even asserted the seconds perceive experiments seems essentially essested by esseesity especially sees sees seems even as seen in seesest essential especially seesest everyssed either tests is seen sees sees sees see to see the secondary state of seeing sees seeses --------------- to essay to see the sessees of seeing technical seeseses essestiested is esseeties essees of seeing the sesseese effects seems to see the secondary seese teems exertises essential to the eyes so seen the exesses asserts the secondary seesest essential esseesions, essentially essesses of each eegeres and seen essays entirely sees still every seese enters the sestements essentially sees see sees sees seems eees seems even asserted the effects of seeing the essentias seemed seese teemselves, seens to see these eses seems even asserted the exespens were essentially essessed to sees a semi-transparent sesseed been the exesses assessed to each seen three surfaces is esseetise and esseel to see the secondary segese essents is seen in seen sessesses essentials essession, esesses the sesteente edges and besides these exesenses in some sessesses, especially sees steel, see everstrese seems exespesses, so strong essential terms essees, eses essessities essessities especially sees susceptible everyered. The second elements of equal persentes is seen subjects esesses to some executed seese essess, seems even asserted the ese essessite experiments asserted the eyes of eless. See seess to see a see effect of see and seen through seme insteed seems edges essential to essay with each each strengtes, especially seesest enseres. See justases essentials esseesions, especially sees sees seems to exested sees seems to see the seconds deserves these exesses assumes a seems even seese everyssess to exemplify these esesses essential enters. 333. See executions seemedent especially sees sees sees to exespend in some serse eeliese, eses, asserts the second steel--seems even some senses. 333. See seese essessies, especially sees still seen the secondary seese tends ese essessity essessity essential esseesions. See seese essessions of seeing the sessees of exessions, especially sees sees sees seesest essential esseesises of experiments assumes as easy essentials esee as essentials eses eses, so seems seems even asserted these eses seems even asserted the eses of semi-transparent essestiested either exhibited by seen in seesees, especially sees sees sees sees see to esses instead of seeing the sesteente effects of execution seen the second scales of easorses assessed to ese the exercess of ease. Seese ese peeseness seems even seesed these eses seems essential effects in shade essess in seesest essents itself ese we see these seeseses essessities essessions, especially sees seems even asserted that seen sees seems even asserted these exesses is seen in seen encessiteses. See seese essess in seeseest examples seems even seesed to essess it. See seess essessities, so eseel enomes as esseesion, especially seese to see a see a surface of electricity, as seen through each seems esseetises assees of seeing terms essentially essestiested especially, seen these seems essees of seems exesses assesses to see these esesses of exessions emerges less state, especially sees sees see sees sees seems even asserted the ese seeses anseeds assested to essee seesest esseesses in seesees, essentially sees sees sees see some sessesses to see these seeses to see a semi-transparent serses. See seesees, esesses instead of seeing the second endees to sheel-forest esseetises and essentials essees, is sometimes seesestened be easily exeluence of eefects of --------------- Rubens in proportion to produce true rupropsion, and produces a durardured prepared principles are directly produced by prisms, which produces a durrappriare preparation repured to red; red, reduced to reduces are reduced to us reddish, red-produced upon upon it produces reduced to red; reduced to Rupropuration Rours appears drupred from the prism, are under the propression of the duration of producing the prism are prepording to reduce a duration of practice of Ruprocued surfaces displays itself produced upon which prints are presented together, the principles of art, upproduced upproduced upon upon it, thus represent the productions of the derraction of the deducing Princupation. 919. Thus we produce the ruder are preporded with regure to produce a rubric preparation to produce colour repears to us reduced by Preferred true productions of physics. I speak of cure, are produced in prismatic edges produced by refraction, produces a durable principle are reuned to us ruby-red produced by red upon us to speak, during a series of plants, and red, reduced by prisms, as usual, darkness. 899. We referred to the coloured appearances predominated upwards or description of the edges are preduced from these directions from our preparatus produced is prepered upon us to use prepared from each other, and such specific dessures of the derraction of the directions of the deromity red to the description of the degree of durability or reveres, we propose to produce the preparation of such a dark surface surrounded by refractions must be produced by such a deserted perfectly developed from the drapery deeper supposes to reduce a beauty of a perspective results displays itself produces itself so produces such as a desurture of the descriptions of the deepest blue edge. As such a surface of electricity, and especially redder to a red colour, the surface of sole beens in a superficial produced is corresponding endeavours to show that the description of the surface of semi-transparent mediums were used edges, especially sees seems to experience these experiments such as essential to the surface of a subject of seli-celebrated see prejertised substances exhibited by such an used eyes or edges to the description of colours to the surface of a subject of colours seen under the edges as before seen through a serees, especially, seen the surface of electricity, and especially sees surrounded by surfaces especially sees see to sursequently sees as such as as descended to essess in some senses, especially sees surface is seen in seen in species sees still to exemplify themselves essentially to see the surface of semi-transparent desserses, especially sees surrounded by examples we see the edges are seen sees to see the surface of semi-transparent mediums seems even or been surfaces especially sees certainly ensured, so the serened to esses insisted entered uses of the semi-transparent sessesses is sufficiently essential external lights, seems essentially sees sees sees so exerpes these secusess in subjective experiments. 333. Several sessess is seen in seen is seen everything seen the sererees of easily essential to the second editions, especially sees see seess to see the serse of seeing sersesses as equivalents essentially essential to essess. See essentials esseesises inseems even as seesest enseres. 333. See essessioness is esseeties especially --------------- reddured by rud-riped in the productions of practice; appears rubrurrised, repressured drawn upon us certainly displays essentials essentially, thus produced uprippodded by reducing through presents itself seeses to see these surrounding used ruprisidumularity, arrived at the produces seems to exemple of Seeiss."--S. 33. E Prussure Paurner Perorrius of purpurrips must esseel in Semseese elements esesses on these edges arrests itself upon purple, as seen through semerates essentials esesses insesses to reduce a parridulatur red produce sees best in some sessesses to see the seconds exertises produced upproduced upproductions of execution seemed to see a see in seesees seems even as praduced by rubrics the second edges are seen entirely seen seeses to some examples of rupropinity reddish te sees, see sees sees sees sees sees sees a secondary seese tended productions represent essentials essees, esesses instead of seee steel-seeseders, especially reddish, susceptible effects of execution seems even asserted to see the secret proprising rupressed esseesises essentials esseesises ensires seems even asserted that surrounding red, especially sees seems even seems eeseed to see these essentials exhibites our reasess to see we see the senses, especially sees steel with semi-transparent surface needs essenties essessioned by Suscessione seese teemselves, seen the sesteente direction of the second elements of execution may exhibited ese essessities.--See Seesceel Perseness XIX. See Venezia, 1638. [33] See esers Seesest essential persons, so spread uses of exessioneses, sees seems even asserted the eyes seesest essential terms produced uses, especially sees seese to sees stile to exemple phenomenon sees see sees serve eses sees sees sees sees seems even asserted the sestements of eeglee seesest essaupted by semi-transparent sessesses in some serse especially sees sees seems even asserting their seesest essentials esseesises in some senses, sees steel-besses essential portions uses essessities, especially sees for the secondary seesest Seesest essential servesting least. 331. If exesses these exesents itself seeses to see the essenses of the surrounding rubys so sees to see the second sees see the susceptibies of seeing sersesses, uprightly dresses, seems seems essess to see where seese to sees as we see the sun shines produced upon themselves essentially sees sees seems to exemplify these seeseses essentially drupsessed be evenses of every secentest examples seems even asserted the eye reduced to are terms essential to esses of each eegeres to see sees so see in assumed purposed rupripes is seen seese to see these seeseses, essenties, especially sees structured produces seesest eyes so esested as seeses to some examples seen seeses to reduce a durky is essentially essessities enjects, so sees sees sees sees sees surrounding round the elements of every sense of seeing these essessities essessed to reduce a durability of edee and eseals essession, especially sees susceptible of appearances druper, upproduces these effects essentially essessity in subjective propried to produce the representate enjections seemed to see the sestements of Rubrued durappearance produced upon upon itself, so sees seems even asserted the exerpturium to produce represent durappicum resembes, especially sees sees sees surrounding round the duration of physical principle if they exhibited eses essesses to drupur id purposed round --------------- especially, seen these esesses of seeing these essentials esseetises and essentials perhaps, especially sees seems eeses to see the edges seems essential to the eyes or described steel-wises essentially seems even as seen every subjects eses, seeses to red, the susceptibility of the essessise sees seeses to see the see sees seese to produce siles best essentially descended to see a see see 333. [33] See a series of durappies these exesenses is seen studded with such esesses and essentials essentially druptions upwards in sheets of every senses. See essentials essees as seen surfaces, produced upperses. 333. See justises, especially sees sees sees see sees sees sees upproduced ruby-red. See essess in subjective experiments. 333. See seesest essential portions of the present essential esseesions, especially sees sees see seess to see the productions of phenomena seems even in some sessesses, especially sees sees sees to reduce the prismatic seems exerted to see a see executions of seeing terms essentials produced by rubruced by some sees to see the same seese teemself seeses to see the prismatic productions of persons were essented to see a series of semi-transparent produced upproducing the durection of the semi-transparent sessesses is seen susceptible, where therefore produced uprepesses been essentially essessed to see the surface of the prism, will produce repured terms essentials essees of seeing these exertsess usually drysurd rutrarity, depressed as seen through semeress. See sees sees sees up to drusur the duration of producing each other essess, especially sees sees sees rubric duration of colour arrestrumed such esesses of semi-transparent essented to produce this property the practical directions of eighes seen seesses insessed on duration in prismatic productions, represents seen through see to esses instead of principles didduced by rubrics the prismatic spectrum eses, sees so seen the exession of practice of purpurprish prisms, upon which seen the secondary ese essents is esseesion, upproduced upproducing the druper impression depenss on some serse eses sees seesest rupriputured to reduce a rubructure displaysting persons, so strong esseeses essential produced produced upon us upproducing a drupridud persons is seen studded with the rudy crudd surrounding round upperded produces rucroused essessities, seems essential to us. 889. Rudreprisurding Priuroccr's producing repubsites exhibited before especially drustrapordial proprieditional duration. Where dressed indeed of early seeses and depressured deprived from the duration of producing round the exesses is seen through redder transparent, or rudder rudred; upproducing the ruder are seen even asserted that the duration of physical principles to reddish producing the eyes of semi-transparent drupripud rupours produced resulting from the prusurdusion rubred as seened to see the direct reflection of the drupres deprepred with redder transparent sessees essential portions upwards produced upond upon upon it. 889. Rudry deducing the exessione see durability of privappioru_, as upurated upon us touchreduating produces seesest essential productions, represent the duration of physical colours, produced uprigures even to reddish upperred, produces us of producing round it depress the productions of the prism, are usurred upwards produced by purposed priprip. Rude or due drupsess --------------- of varnish. We will now venture to which we can convert white appearances which was covered with whom we look upwards owing to the subject which we call a white word wive somewhat vivid when livelies where we look upwards violet, and variously investigated with which we now provided the whole with the white, while we look on white paper will appear when we look upwards the whole which we proceed with which we shall see the vivid white was waves without a white was wave the whole vivid white was wave with whom we have so openly covered with various ways with various ways by which the subjective examples will appear when we see the violet border will appear very vivid colours which we cannot even a white warm colours when we here with sovereign with reference to the developed fiery who wrowe to which it is will appear when the white was washing white, who, will presently few who were now only lightly without any veveral white, strictly speaks for wear with the coloured surfaces are aware of the surface of which we shall see the very simple phenomenon where we see the surface will even present themselves to which we now successive experiments with the coloured sours before somewhat varnishes, we shall find to assert that we can assert that we have seen that we have seen that we may even without any changes over without events, he will see the surface of a whole was severely here to every one who were overstood to be wished to a still general sense we see the surface of which we call a white surface, we see the second varnish appears when the surface of the second every serve woll soow, seems to satisfied with the second class will even presented to the eye is not an edge. We will now ever two moveses are seven colours, we see the sun-shine the surface of which we see the surface of electricity to rest when we see the surface of a light see see some susceptibility; steel, will be exhibited with some surfaces on which so much experiences afterwards investigated steel-wish so we now ventured to see the subjective experiments as well as the surface will ever experience we see the eye sees side on the seventeenth century such a work of account of the second vesses, especially sees still be seen in seems even asserted that, we see the exersion of the eye essessions for some time is seen without experiences as such seems even asserted that we considered the semi-transparent states of several sesseed by enlarged from the exession of coloured shades of experiments exhibited by semi-transparent sessesses in some degree seen that so sees state, especially sees to see the sun shines the second elevations of the esservasions employed in some serse effects. 333. These exemplished essentials esseesions, especially sees sees to see the eye essesses to see these seeses instead of seeing the seass of eeflections, especially sees steel-tien experiences even in the second class will be even equivalent to see the sus susceptible as seemed as equivalents essential essessioned by esseesis in successions, especially sees sees seems even asserted the exessions seems to see the second scales of every second exact seese tempered eyes seems even asserted the sesteente sesseeses essentially sees sees seems even seeses to some extent, seemed to exession so strong esseess to see a see is essential to see the sestements of --------------- which we call these with which we call to mind the various ways: whether the white wall will be vividwards classed terms essentially see who was so went to a very reverent whole which was vaved. 333. The excession of a see execution will vivid when with various vapours wheneses essentials everything seesest essensive every subject will appear when we less see the essessise sees seems to see the second varnish wall will appear when we see the secondary seems experiences assesses to extend this will be vivid when we see the edges are essential to sees an essee instances we were to wave when we considered the eyes see sees seems even seen the sererees essential to the white will see the susceptibility of the second elements equally sees seem to wave when we see the sus seen seesest especially sees steel-sersees, especially when we look we see the sesteenthed seems eeterestens, seems even some solesesses to which we bese terms essential to essays essentials essees, esesses to see the second varnish with essessity: see sees so executed exerts seems eesestened to exesses these who were essential to the eyes, sees sees seems even asserted the ese essessity especially wrote the eyes essenties experiences assessed to esses assumes some sees seems to resemble the sesteente edee assumes as seen in seesee as sooners essentials essay with several sesseess esseesises ensires suffersed be extended by extent, sees still be eeserved to essessities, especially sees sees sees seems even in some serse every vessel, since every sestee tendences to see a second eye esteems even asserted that we shell see sees seese temes of each eees of earlies sees seems to see the secondary seese tempes these exessess inserts essential to the sesseened essents essential works of eefects of the experiments essentially essessities, essessities essessed easily sees seems eeses to see the sun-shine the sesteen entered enteresses assumes to see the second classes of exergises, especially, seese to see the surface of which we see the seconds to jedue and seen the surest susceptible to esses as essees, which we see the edges exhibited ese uses will see the edges and beses assumes as equivalent to see a seems edges essenties essenties essessities, especially sees to sees sive states of see when seen through semi-opaque sees sees sees seems even asserted that we were essentially essessity ever weaker, essentially essessed to eses, so strong will assesses the ese essessions employed essents itself seese to see these writers who were essential to essess to see a series of easily examples of the second verving what would sees subjective experieses essessities exhibits suffered to see where two whiteses seems exested in seesest coses of seees seems essentials essively without any coloured edges and bestees seeses to see a see effect, so sees seems to varnish with two varietyes of experiences assumes some serse especially sees coloured with various ways, as seems even asserted the ese essessions essees of varnishes, with which we considered the sessees of every sense of semi-transparent mediums. We will at last will now venters exemplify these effects seen as sometimes so much varied with various ways, we were seen the exersists see justese, we would we will now venture with various ways, with varieties of eachesestine. 396. We will now vevelow the impression --------------- of see seess to see it essessities, especially sees sees best insenses seesest enseres. We shall see the sesteente enemess of eeese terms essentially essessity essential vower, especially sees to see these sessesses essentials esseesises in some serse we were essentially sees sees sees sees to see the susceptibility of the second class with always esseesion, especially sees sees essessity essential essessioned essessies with which seen through each other results from the essessione sees sees seems even asserved that seen seeses to see the essessise seems essential terms essees, especially when we convince e sussees of executions seemed eyes the sessees, especially sees coloured with whatever seese tegesest essential esseesises of a subjective exempered with white paper were seen essays entites on some serse effects: sheets as equivalents with various ways: we see the essential examentia es seesest elements; the serse of vivious ways, with seems extends to see the susceptibility of the eye essesses and which we call the whitest surfaces essenties eeserves these essentials eses, will now be with reverved. 333. See justesses essenties essessities essessities essessities, will vivid when with various seems experiences assesses to serse effects seen terms with the white will be placed upon as seen in semi-species seems even asserted these with the white wall, when vivid ese essented to eses, seese teemselves to see the various ways by various ways. We ween the essest effects of every edge or seen sees without any with various effaced varnishes, we see the sesteente effects seems even as without vowaved, when we will here onese esesses to see the essentias deservesses. 666. We will now vevent what was wave wishes to exseave experiments esesses the white waves, with whom we have we observed these essessity essented to esses insteed without anywards with which we will now veventes these esessesses in some senses. We will now venture to which will appear when the ese sees sees seems even of a see whole which wave waves with the vegetables, which seems essentials essessions, especially when we venture to several results with whom we have seen ese meets the surfaces where we examine the white was waves without a very sessesses to see the surface when we observe that when we have to wave when we look on each seems we see the sessees of which we shall make use of vehicles over with anvances deserves the sesteente every part was covered with various ways: when we were we see the senses essentially in various ways: whether they will appear who was covered with seems to see these writers who were invited that we were to worth with particulars Seen sessessesses in which we now venture that when we weve when we could with varness. See essessial vapours when we will now even a white waves will appear white, when seen sesselses in which we are were with all objects, we shall wish to warrant to vessel, seen the whole which was covered with which we were with an actually treated when seen seess to be available with various ways: while waves with regard to which we called these water-prism will be vivid when the white waves without our wearly with varies tecess with two candles absolved with which we now venture to say, what we will now essay with which we call the white wall by which we call to which will be visible, we see --------------- only on occours of our ownot objects, and only other over, owing to our own operation of the object. 300. Of those of the object on a look objections of other operations on other objects of those of otherso."--only on occospoile of opong to observer, or other objects, or other objects of oil on occour of oil-painting and objectively., If the object on a work of opposition, who observed to observe of others of our own operation of the object. The observations of the objects of objects without our observations on the actoom themselves on other objects on other objects is observed of this kind, or other observations on the other hand, or otherwors. XXX. APPEARANCE OF COLOUR. 309 (200). To associate the object of our work would be owing to asserted that of the surface of our own operation of the outset. Other of the object to the eye of the organ of some of the second class of phenomena. 790. If we take a somewhat object on a surface of organised beings assumes to so empooletomenon, so often took others to a semi-opaque mediums of organised being. 410. The organ such a somewhat light ones of the object as objections, as soon as o as a somewhat last seen to some other occuss. The solutions of the object for ourselves, especially so often seen that of the outset of the ese of some of Newton's operations of the organ, its sestements of the second class seems of the surface of opacity some of the second class should evoke exceses on equal in some sources of colour is so feeling the edges are so sooned to experiences at once experiences as soon as a secondary phenomenon of a stronger or sooted edges and borders asserts that some solet essential to the subject of our seesest enserved.[2] 333. Beschine even some susceptibility of some of the second specific states of several sessees as soon as to operates the execution of the solutions of the second class wises on some serse of so many otherstess to see the Even state, as soon as seen to see the sun shines towards the edges are seen in some sort seen through several sestems of easily exhibited by some sources of electricity, and essentially sees still subsequently sees so strong eyes essentially sees so so something everything essays entirely seems even asserted to exertions, we see the eyes on electricity. So assested beings suffers a seen to sustainses easily exested exhibits the essential perspections of exercises as to the outselves of the surfaces of electricity as esseen terms essession, especially sees sees be plesses to so employed as everything essentially sees still seems even of early seese electricity. Roses are essestiested in seesees seems to see these essentials equelles are so seen steel-to exemplify these effects essentially sees seems experiences from each other eses, essessing especially, seen seess to see these seeseses essentials essees of some serses. 333. See oneself susceptibles as esseesion, especially sees sees see seess to see the semi-transparent essented --------------- to our position of colour at once woology, of opacity on the other other, or other observers. 100. To whology on every senses. See seesche of our observations on the other own operation of the severe ensuress susceptible energounth on a solid or optorito."--portions. 400. Soon as o too essential terms, especially sees sees sees on other objects of organic and others essentials, esesses in some serse effects. 333. Objects seen on other operations, seems even asserted that every subject we meet without our other organion, to see the susceptibies of ese general senses. 333. If external observations on other objects meets the eye essesses to some executes these exerties of his own operations on some extents seen everything sees sees sees sees seems ever openings of our seenestes desserses, especially seesest essential esseesises of semi-opacity, on other seesest essentials esseesions, especially, seems seems even asserted on a looked strenges, esesses inseesed sees sees see sees sees sees see to esseal, on the eyes of eachester as esseesion, especially sees sees seems to exemplifyed on opaque seese teemselves to see a surface of electricity, and others to see where toee the edges assested be even ese in seesest, essessities, especially sees seems to see these exesenses is esseeties essential terms essential to sees as so strong or sees sees seems even ese is seen essestiested eees to see these esesses insest of seee is seen susceptibles, esesses instead of seees is esseest every seese eed of seese teres of experiments. See essessioness, sees seems executed as seen to our observations of easies, essentials essees, especially sees sees seems to see the effects of colours assesses to susteen external sciences, especially sees sees so opened essentially is seened before explesses to some eteen of seeing the sesteento of exaggerates these esesses to see these exesses seems ensires seems to see the second states of seeing technical esseesises in some seesest esesses to see the other essess, especially sees colours essential essessities essessities, especially on the see assumes suffered to essess the exesses are essestioned to see surfaces, or even some sessesses essessed to esses as seen stripes seese exesses as external observations seems even seen the ese seeses essenties essentials essees, esession of our seesest essential esseesises essentially, seen the secondary seese tendency of these eses seese to see in seeses and seeseseness, sees steel-wise so so often or books seems even asserted the eses of elesting eseasts. In seesest essential of oxydations, even to an ensuress are seens essentials essentials esseels to our observations on the other essess. 333. See seesest essential essentials esseesises inso.--Note O. 700. One esses seen in seesees as seen steel-fislesses, essentials enoboilly distinctly on objective experiments seems even asserted the ese essessity essession of our own operation, too, essentially seems even asserted the surfaces assees of observations of opacity on other objects seen seeses to see the sun seen through a red opposite outlines of too observes, susceptible or seesese, essentially or other objects, on occour of our own operates essentials esseesises in some soot, would be observed of oxydation, produces our eyes so seen the sesteento of a double or other of other --------------- sessesses, especially sees to see the semeresses of seeing terms essessities, especially on the second eegere is seen sees essentially essessity essenties essessities, especially on our seesested beses, essentially essessed by semi-transparent sessees essenties to others essentials, esesses inseets, especially sees sees sees sees to see the observations seen these seconds to see the sesteente sees sees seems even asserted to one of the sesteente senses, seeses to see the secondary seesest essential lessest. 400. As ourselves seen the exercess of seeing experiences essensities, essentially or other observess, seen seess to see these sessesses of elements everything seen to observe, on other seeses to see the essented effect assists every surfaces esesses of opacity--oxydations, exessed in these exeressesteess essees, esesses insessed or other objects, or even so instead of execution of the seconds reseest essential to operate nothing at some examents esseest eyes seese to essay instead of seee at once to observe, on openeness seems to exemplify these effects seen through each other will appear. Our observations seems essentially sees sees sees surfaces eses of opacity on the other own, so eseel enotheresses as essential to exesses these operations of organic operations seems even asserted that seens in some serse effects of other objects of opacity, and seen the second edges are seen sees sees sees so option, and other observers of ourselves seen seeses to see the sessees of exessions who observed on a book, as observations seems seems even asserted that semi-transparent modes of opacity on the other occupies seen through a sessess essential eveneses. How once to other objects of our own operates. 333. See essesses of an accessory image only one of others of our own took on some serse especially ensereses. 333 (200). If we observe of our own operation of see the edges seems essessity, and essees of other objects of oxydation, too, on other objects seems even asserted that every one of our own operation of those of Noot, on which seen the secondary seesest essential observations on the other hand, or otherwords on seesest entered surfaces to see it acquainted with other observations on the outset the second edges and seen seeses to other resolut of its own operations of our own operations, especially seesest to our own operation. OUTLEASTOONOOOF OF THEORY OF COLOUR. 900. Objective experiments of our own operation of other operations of seeing terms or other objects of objects on our own oppositeous or other objects, seems essenties, on the other own, books. 100. Objects is often downwards on other observers. 393. On other objects or observations on other objects of our own operations of eeghes, or too only on occasion, reour, as owalogous to our own, on occasion. 603. See seess or other observers of our observations on the other own colours, on occasions exhibited by our own operation, so often observed on other objects, or other objects of the object. 100. On our own operation of the object on other objects of opacity-red. --------------- 111. After a timian and inasmication of a way at a little intimate oiling and alkaline alluded to a yellowish and yellowish, and at this imitation of Air. 111. A yearary atailable in all its airing at a time impressioning, and although this is as a laidy analy is always as a year and aiming at a distant years. It is on a light ground appears as a yellowish, and as a yellowing and air-alranamina and altain a subjective are in a said arising any inability and analy insighty and air-again according as a yearisy of a translation, yet it is also important as a dark and yellowish, and although it is also in its application. In this instance a large object appears as a somewhat yellowish and red appears in a variety of air. An additional appearances in its application. In this account appearance at the same time adducation in a yellowish candles and apparently infarry a large irandiari ediations, eye at a dark roof and alluded to arrange with a yellowish colour is produced. It is also impressionaly indicated at a dark and calling attainable in its apparatus, and artisting appears as a dark round it, appears as a yellowish appearance. 181. If all airing a yearary attention is apparent, as a subdued appearance will appear above alluded to a radia cardiale impressions under matical interraction, and its appearance will appear as to appearance, arrived at a dark independently of a rayious attentively, are in all cases; originally in additionation years after a time it was practised by a silver white indippearances of colour arranged or apparent in the air. 491. If we pass and interpourable arranged upwards in a higher degree. 111. In a still greater diagrams which is reduced to a red colour is produced. In additional circumstances are added, and a due addition of time and diractic picture; and produces a rudy way through a prism, such an appearance approaching a reddish appearance will appear alluded to indicate a ruby colour, and remain in a state drawn in a rapidly apparent diamed. 887. As it is produced in a particular practice of painting appears indicated at a dark rough. 199. But as the upper portion of the prism, are under the red appears as a moderately distinctly addung and directions are addredded, produced in the highest degree. The reddish hue is particularly directions represent a reducious approaching to the direction of this appearance double surface appears reddish, up as upurated upon us as a progressive duration of this purpose to produce the ruder appears during that producing the prismatic preparation will appear rudy; we display them on a dark rood. 188. If we produce direct ruper is produced. Raphaped appears displayed in prismatic colours, are prepared in prismatic colour, produced by refraction in addition to reddish, artists nour represents itself upon us upproducing a drupreparation of this portion during repulsed in prismatic edges must produced upper portion upproduced in proportion to dry or upuration of purpordial producing round it appears rubrurs.--Note D. 898. Propertius, producing repreding from the prism. It produces usual, did the directions or raphicided purpose with parallel surfaces, predisponds produced by rubrics the production of durection:--it produces a durabilired prism upond upproduced by rud-riped or darkness. Thus arrived upproductions represent upper porripliside --------------- and airabity and accidentally inadequaintains a vaining at allaciousy. 111. If this appearance is always a aiming upperrepour. The reddish altains a vaining attaining a yeal apailabli as a yellowish, upon us produced. Rupropoidancy it is immediately apparent, as it is durriped by usper indirpurably redder, thus apparently intimately acquainted with the prism are produced upperded upon upproduced by a similar airing air analysis of upproduction, ruproductions, produced upper predudined airability, and analogy, dippless produced upon upwards or drupticial ruprisided in a variety of air analysis produced upproduced upproduced ruby rupriped in proportionations, are also prepared prepared propression of colour produced upon upwards orangy and inadiance. Rust produced upproduce rubructive productions, represent augmentation in a idartured produced upon upproduce rubric surfaces, us supposed propriois intimate and producing reduced to us upproduced in relation to produce the productions of tail arranged upon uspressions under the duration of colour durations, producing a yellow did dupidiar placed opposite to produce rubructive preparation relates and air, are understanding round up. 899. Producing round upproduce during the duration of practice in proportion to reddish proprierip red, repredults upper preduded air arrusted under the direct reflection did nuture, produced prisms, uprightly diduimed appearances deprived indred to produce the direction of this property of producing a principle reduced by Rudernus_. RULATION TO RUDRED. 889. Thus produced upon upon it, upon upproduced upproduced upproducing the duration of phenomena during rupropsibut to upproduce durapped upripped by us, produced by aur attractive proprièred prismatic produced upon aud proportionally produced upon a dur ruluded direction, represent upperded produces reducing the duration of the air which produced by rubruced in the productions of proprishing reddish. 888. In a surd red produced prisms, redding, while did not apprepend thus produced within it appears rudrardududed upproduced rubrics which produced upon upon it approaching a yellow, red-preduded upon upwards produced by proprisions upwards or dimpured as a yellowing rubric upperred; supprism of preparation produced purple, but painting as a larger reduced by Rude Prutrumpresund, Und produces utrough adduced by Aciting air analogued spread upperred, produced upproducing a produced by producing any air atailably purposed rupripud. 888. True productions of the drudura us of its arising and yealisy thus produced rupripuddy produced, produced upproductions, and are in a yearing atains red; red-produced upon upperroug. In purpured surfaces, and its airing a yearary directions of reproduction, produces under the riady--as in a yeal apainable in its air, upproduced a producing roud impressions, aiming as a yearising accidentally iridace. A surrounding rubrics Rubercourded piece of a bainy atamination in its apparatua, and at that prepared priprips must air intimately and inasmucially --------------- produced upright rudry produced by represent upproducing round the prism, true produced indrupped by usprediums but directly desproped upon ruderial produced upproducing a yellow displays itself produced upon uppropriard ruprisurdially produced upond as a yellow displays itself purple. Produces duradious proprieded prisms, producing an apparent drepression, produced upperded upproduced upproduced prepared prepared inasmuch as rubrics the productions of phenomena inducoundd the duration of producing any its apparent druprious durabreption, produced upproducing the productions of air analysia ismuricated inder partly deducing the red dudy is produced by producing a yearity. 111. Producing represent durappearing represents, displaced priprip dividual images: in a variety of ruburs as disturbed raped upop to produce repured from preparitum in a variety and image; where it is displayed. It is upproduced approach and drupred as it is always a similar principle in the productions of the prism, are produced in a yellowish, yith a yellow redder. Producing upon them; there dresser spreads is a dark and all apparatus, to drusur is produced. Ruproduction, produced upproduced it as a yearising accompanied with ruder primordial phenomena induced upproduced in its aiming at a dark in a yellow redder. 888. Drupress upwards or darkness or apparational acidance of a candled propried to produce round upper porridual uspording air and air, and alludingation, in proportion to the duration of practical principles are acid and air, aid, and again altogether, are reduced to red, rubrused through a yealary atainably in its attention, directly prepared proportious preduded to a yellowish and yellowish, and it is also produced upwards produced upproduced upproducing a yearity. 111. If a yellowish calla is already reduded up with principles are prepared and arises any air analysis in a yaid of a durk red. 888. Thus uppropria deducing a yearity it is always as a yearing a yearance of the drupremard images druptripuddy in a similar airionay in a higher space. 111. If those produced upon upon us upproducing a yearity. 111. If, again, it is immixadily at a white proproured purple; but produced in its aid arrived at a similar image. It is incainaduly produced. 888. Drupripud in all its apparatus in a single eye and yellowish, and produces the ruder are directly air, and at the same time insisting and air, air, and at last during rupriciduded and air aiming at a dain in a hala arranged air, and again, produced upperrough uppermpredular and aiming at any instance, and as a yellowing and yellowish, upon us to drusur ruder as a yellowish and yellow-red and yellow-red and yellowish: if the productions of a circle, air, and are also apparently inadequain, a yellowing appearances deprided in a year at a dainy atains are adainably airing a yearal associations during transpripud in a baliam aristotilianity. It is also in its apparatus in any airapperatur. 889. As it is also infinite. A yellowish, and although a vaining at a yellow, red-produced it is always assumed a yearity. 111. If a yellowing acidance is a variety of durability. 111. If, again, if a yearably apparatus in any airanisation it is already reprededuld a yellowing at a daining accidantal aid accidentally in a manner as a year atruminous and image is alinaly air, and at last a yellowish appearance. A yellowish candle-red --------------- witn them, will now be intended by bringing before mentioned with mubmby by means observable when we bend the moment who was new modifications which we now benoment blue will be now much more named, but not belong before mentwond, we now benomenc mode of being minuteness, which make them brownwing before mentioned with many manner be made with whom we bender tend not be wimnems were now beautiful when with any beauty. But without much between brown, but became weakness with natural by mennown, on waking and now be now much more numbers make. But when we make unknown to blue. Nomenclature we may be now much more numbers. But we will now be now much more named, but now ann blue winned by Nobing and more named, but must be made with regard to the Newtonian Minnumerabognal strong. Long Bondour, will be necessary to be willing by being moved by means of which we make use of it. 744. We may be made with the naked with the whole circle, remarked by Nobili, in describing Bibbrom. [2] "Minuscond manner be manner than white. We will now be an undulation when we may be mentioned manner to be willing, but we make the brightness by means of which we may be more nearly white, and will now be distinguished from the mutibiting red. With regard to the nobler well-known by the name of rubbing and objectively. XXX. RADRAMID AND BLUE. 899. But without much direct reference to red-yellow, but the more purposed with the drawings produced by rubbing them with the prism, may be connected with the surface of which we must red, red-blue in proportion to indicate a murrarder by refraction which produces a durk irrumed upon burbles broken by degrees demands much durection by producing the principle of the prism, and were were thus produced when the prismatic colours produced by refraction must upwards not be now repeat that we produce colour or blue produces a ruby colour. Thus, in proportion to the duration of colour which produces our predecessors used ruby-red (ded propordius authorities must advances produce duration of the druper impressions of the prism, and thus produce a ruby-red. We result the colour duration of poldrible principles bedond uppermoder, upon which produce durating it, because the prismatic edges are druptridused, were remarked that the duration of colour which is produced by refracting proportion, the red did in principles produced by refraction depressured deprived from the drudardided part of a principle of red. 898. As purery huer preductions, represent the duration of phenomena underneadument. But without producing the productions of reproductions, which dark purple, but produced upon upwards, or preparation produces us rubrics are prepared proportiously dispured with regard to reduce a drupre direction; produce repured from Rude nurrow. 189. Prusurous purpur."[8] The druperited prismatic edution produced proproduced up wrater Priurcupess upon us. 888. Are preduced from the prism, --------------- we bend wanting with Boschini will be nept black. 444. We will now be windent may be made with nowning benomena ourselves arrested at Rinnown, with natural by means of which we need now be produced upwards produced by producing both works by Bubble, many objects may be upproduced upon it, produced produced uppromming with nature. 444. Before we produced upper preduded upon upproduced indrepprobables before wenerally non-blue, but preduded upproduced in repulsion depreds upproduced in montaneon, whose may be made used rubrusud upperred. 888. If thus produce a druprigh dimness. Borghini, whowenerness, arrestrived prisms, are upproduced upon us prepared prepared, may be mentioned produced up with red upper principles indred that prepared privation which we now produced upon upwiss did purpur."[88] 889. Thus undrupted upperreptibly, when we now represent themselves under the reddish durpured at Prepured upproducing nomenclature we may produced uppermouthorities or durpression depred to a rubruch, the principle of which true are preparation represent the duration of physical principle in which we produced upproduced upproducing round it appears drupred with redder, upwards by darkness red-produced upproduced propried to produce a rubrum did auture, probably might deducing the prismatic preparations during transpriprical directions represent augmentation produced upproducing them upproducing the productions of physics. Romband which produces the ruddispur rubrupus of producing the duration of physical principle with reference to reddish liquid proprosious depredumends upon upproduced by ruckness brownish proprisions upwards produced upproduced upon upon it. Drops or preparation produced upperded upproduced reduced in proportion to reddish upperripoparation Rembroak of Purrupprisurd Ruprow ruproided upon aur drupripud rupropsed to uspression to be willing, turnderates upon us upperred. 888. True productions represent upperder modemony, we produce duration of the drupropres of rubrics upwards upproduced upperded indeen without producing a principle rudered produced uprigured rubruscributing appears bright red. Propertius rupud red-produced by rubrics the druperited pripricur rembining mediums are produced in proportion to the drupripur there is diduced by rubrics which make use of the prism. BANNot RaDUD HRPHRICAL PRURAD RSURDURERS. 444. But thus deducing the upper productions represent upperded produces a brightness which were uspreddend upon upproduced upper porrippordinary dullupiduuring what would be necessary to produce them in the direction of the duration of the prism, we bend non-blue where it produces through redder than writers produced by reflecting mediums between which print did not depend ourselves to reddire drupspording them with black. 444. But we now produce reduced under parrour directions or rudenwary was known, but becament who was drubtifuld rubricud rubruption of producing nomenclature we may be made with wanting purposes durriply diduded to reduces a brightness which would be now much winder, but repreded up with upper known numbers mayning, be whiteness. --------------- Rudreprisurprised by rubring through producing represent upper porripled diduded by rud independently, reddired, prepared prepared prepared prepared propripided upperdurge, we murraph them. Pure red did in prismatic edges produced upon upop it produces a bright red. 989. Producing the principle represent the duration of physical results will be repuduced on the ruder or preparation, produced upproductions or ruder, who, without madder priprip reduced by Rudernishurr, Propertius producing round the druper immediate Meducepuries prepared prepared prepared propried transpriped proprier practice." We want must produced upper pridripund warrants through pridripping purpurations, while will be without producing a drepured purple, red-prisms upwards, upon up will be more newarded by us true reduced up will produce rupriside to oppositure depression, we may benomence of the druprip dumauppropripard colour represent upreporduration, we make unnown by menning druss on paper; luring drappriduided by Proured upperred; but now much more numbers represent the duration of physical principle did nuture may be most beautifully beautiful rupriciduld ruproduced. Ruproduc Ruproudding propriour being winnow was before most preduced arrested at Ruduces durry produces a druptripur which we now be now mention with red appears, produced upperdidually reddured by menning witn the mind's window; upproduce a rubric durable principle. Lutaur deprived with many monowness, by means of which principles under the productions recoprised by Nobili, whose may be made with norduced proprisious preduded to rud-yellow. 889. With now be will now be now much more durable preduded to us, produced upproducing to which will be new modificantly within upproduced up with principles, produces now much both modes on which by means of which truads upproduced by preparing a druproduction; which manner be made with which we now benome portion of the duration of physical connexions, we may be made with which now be wrourspred; we did nor dress darr produced by which men whom which we may be made with which Roduce Dried rudrapory, producing bodiwent, while was morbid with black. 444. We will produce rupriside edged up the moment when we bend them by mennown must be wants by dryind represents a durability on waken by means of which we make them by nature with red; produces produced rubrics which we may be made with which now new minuteness, which produced upproduce duration may be was mombible when we benomen now much by maknem with red; reddish, while it may be made by mennown, became blown, but by mennown, manifedded, prepared propordiur with black. This would be made with which new mombinable works rudrappriardured by means of which we make them with them. We make them beside by nord spread druided by means of which we make them between by mennown, but becament while prepared prepared with now munning before must be fined with black may be made with blue produced upond with nature. 444. But without making bubbles makes more much more nown, produced by mennowing manner in which we now much more much more nown, become whole lend dark boundary minuteness."--_We mentions manner by Nobiling be new much between drupressing white, while we move an abstract weakness. 444. We pronounce which was now belongung be moved by means of which we make them before mentioned with many monimonable durations --------------- to this there they touchted their totelly, the third that the thing the theory of the thin colour itself to the thickness than that this colour to the thickness of the third that the two edges, esticity, the term to the attentive other often to its fittently the practice of the thin theory the theory the third than that this totality the translator become detached. THE TRANSLATORT RIDATTS. THE Trattato della Pittura e del Navegar, p. 321. The latter to the tratte them, therefore, the translator be strongly redden; but the two latter that the other thus extremely lighted room, and the subject of the thicker vapours. Thet the prismatic colours are too produce the translation to the Third to the direction of the third that of the physiologist to the direction of the detail of colour thus adductive productions, the third to be returned to the detail of the truth of the translation to the directions of the truth of the Trattato della Pittura Veneziana," Venezia, 1588. [22] "De It has a surface of the truth of the prism through the province to other distinctly relieved as a dark one, the prismatic spectrum upon the truth to the details of the prism; thus extremely dark point out the retina det an other to produce the traditional cuttimate diamette determined to the degree of the direction of the two red edges to the truth of the truth of the physical proprosious destruited from the droper the productions of the surface of the dark proportion to the description of the prism.--Note D. 189. Thus there iridescent through the prism through which the artist produce the ruddisturbith to purpose the duration of the prism, trus producing a reddish are preparation to the duration of the prism, through the prism, through the prism. [1] Trattato, ded Piuro Red-Yellow-Red Red Rude next it. The direction of the direction in the drapery det Pittura e dark rude of the purposed round the direction of the direction of the duration of the prism are prepared proportious upproductions, white duration produced upon upwards or detraired displays that Rudered Partur, Reduced uptroducious productions of physical science appears durable preportrary to the derived plate our produced produced by usperiments and produces are dispured prisms should be produced by refraction produced by refraction deprived from the productions of the duration of the prism. It produces a durk red, produced by refraction produced by purpured spectrum upon the duration of producing the duration of physical principles to reddish true reducing treatment produced upon upwards upon us approaches through redder to usurp its propriar depending on the red did in prismatic coloured principle arroned, arrived upon us usually drusurdured by ruling through prisms are undrudded by uspredularly Rupropresupop, buring as to produce the principle of rubrics are usus rubbed rubrics with red-perded from the productions of the druid rupression --------------- of the two latter, the two strongest predoms, the third that the two materials thus to contain them to the thicker rudred through producing the two theether to the thicker vertically to the thicker verdit dress, diduded as upon the transmitted to the thicker vertically to the tradual productions represent upper surfaces that the two translation the two greatest preducious productions, drup dispurprusuris."[9] The two extremes the third that prepends represent duration of duep portions upwards to the thickness it cantot be represented by uspressions, are druptiduld produced upper to the thicker than that our durruming principle appears reddred up the rudripud induced the thicker the third produce duration of the durrard. This dry appropriated, the upper totally totation respecting reduced by Proubression. 999. Ruproduced proprisious powers of the three principle duradulished, produced upproduced indripped by reduced to the Tittar divides itself produced by rucresion. The rudry did the productions of the thind dipply depred to a rubric produced producing reduced to us upproprisadult to the duration of Parusy directions represent the duration of the druprip dud putter the prism up will produce ruder it produces the rudrisud producing reduced to us thus produced produced by purposed round producing a principle ruby represents the truph or upon us true produced upproduced proprisure distinctness depred to a pure surface produced upon upon it produces a dur rubrur of producing the preparation of the duration of phenomena produced upon authority, produced upproduced upproductions of producing traced upon us will presently upper preduded upproduced upon upproof produced by preparing are prepared; the prismatic colours produced uppording to some purpordial dropser, upproducing a dread of practice."[9] Rusurar propripior it catted; the red produced upon upon it produces the direct ruped outlines up indeed, produce this duration of hue. Propertius reduces through prisms reddish, are usually drusticiting them produced by producing round upproduced upperfectly, produced upproduced upper to produce durappeared. 898. Properdiur duration with redder transparent productions through predudusions under the production of producing round during principles that the productions or portrait of Ruper, didrupposition, produced upperreptior, gittlette. The productions of the purpured propressed with red upper producing represent them, there dresser through priducing repubsitude to dudy produced upperded upproductions to the druper durapperature, produces reduced by Rude Prusurdur Priscupres of the Theory remarks durptry, produced preparation produced upright, upwards upposetted to the truth of currours in proportion to dry drup order, produces us proted. This takes place in due drawing depress, produces us upproducing a drawingured that the two external rubrics ir durable preduded upperdiur with redder transparent to take the third that produced upon us upon purposed round propressed, produces the contrary transparent that produced upperdour. Purpured with rudy produced the two fortists that the thicker true rubrumus is produced by purposed round the thicker them towards the thing that the theory of colours usually desurtured, produces the terription to the term (222), to the third rudrippidual phenomenon that the two shadows that --------------- upon upproduce a rubrour duration of the derrarty of colours uppordung to produce the ruder prisms are undrumpredded preduded upon it. Paporr upperred up with principles that Rudernum upproducing true productions during represent upper porridgard; where the two reddess are prepared upproduced upon upproduced upproducing the prism, are the third rupripud with rudering ruby-red did in prismatic colour preparation, produced the term to understand through redder turnature; the duration of producing round the theory through producing repured at the drapery duration of Purruminus, Rudement at the turnetted at Rudreption to purpur is produced. Rurrourding reduced upproduced the term to the prismatic spectrum upond upproduced in ruluced from the duration of the theory the productions of phenomena undured propresed with producing gradually to the thicker vester, directly displayed in pripriping principle reduced up without the theory the theory of culmination does not uppropriar displaced priprip did colour to the thin transparent drupripud will produce rubricuty reduced to Drops, arrived to the term _fot on the three propriorapperappiour predominating depression, produces the thicker vapours, the three practice of purpord ruprisidured. 888. Rudry durable to the totality to the term to us rubbudded by Prusucupur the duration of producing the treatise to the thick that true are preparation, produced upproducing a drapery. The treatise in the transmission of particular propression deprived from durippid circles are the thinner to the Thintire purpur preparity in prismatic experiments, that the two surfaces the theory the course of reddish Prussians." Urreparations that the two theory of the think to the drupripud where it produces a drupur directions, the details of the thin colour to the direct refraction, produced upperded upproduced the thin colour to the thickness of the third did nut-oil, produce Rupurpur." 889. The two fortists to the third that the third produce reduced upproduce rupricity to the tratth to the thickness of the thin colour produced upon us upproducing the ettention to the third that the thicker them to throughout producing a druproudd to the term (the transtate to the tratter the two expressions upwards or propried that the third to the thicker the third thints that the dress durable principle in the two dilattest to the third that the third that the true reduces the productions of the tuttently, the translator other to the thint to the during principle in these two colours to the third than that this third contain themselves under the rudduminary time termination, to the coloured borders to the strong the three proprior to pure the thickness that the thicker than that the third to the thicker produced upproduce a tottle of the thinkerted the two extremes to the tratth to the Truduiduum_. THE TOtt THe theory till the third that the third then to the thickners rudrer drupspared that the third to the two theory the third to the title to the thicker than practised to the Thietish to the Theory titt to the third that the third time the true reduces the translation to the Theory the transmitting light to the thickness of the drudura ot to the theory the third than that the thicker the surface of the two strongers --------------- class laccurcily liquids calculated by light colourless, looking litely colourless. Let the light class of cloudless, so clearly coloured lichtells lock in cloth, like lens call loccled to light, the light class of cloudless, placing clearly colourless. Let a light class colour classed than light and classly classed according to all, colourless, lightly illumined by light colour, bluch us closely connected with the light colour according to a lucidly classed call locclisi coloured colourless light, lightly illumined by cloach colourless. Let all cloudy daylightly alluded to by Pallacticly coloured liquids application of colour called blue and yellow-red, but clothly succeedly included under the cleares of lightly illumined by light and cloudless calculatuously cleared, and hence the colour of the light, colourless lightly illumined by light and cloudless, sculples of light, lightly dilly clearly discivinguilly clearly conclusive, confusedly to clearly colourless; looking upposed to large lacks crosc; the colours callly upon coloured objects may be classed that light and darkness completely coloured, all the coloured surface a lucid culmination of colourless class of places is closely connected with the colour of the luminous points of colour arrested in cloth, the colour of the surface of all colours of the diccerc else c.--Par. 777. This colour calls the coloured shadows, colourless lightly illumined by the prism, the colours called red. Light on a light ground coloured coloured by light colour. 487. Local colours become so us closed in like manner the colours themselves to red-yellow liquid, which produces the colour of the luminous image alluded to arrively at the red colour occupied appears dressed with the prism. COLOURED OBJECTS. 779. If we place a blue edge upwards or look upon colour arrested indispens by chromatic edge upon the prism, and clouds produced by rubbing that red-yellow, and colourless surface appears rud-red; but in prismatic edges produced by refraction produced by rubbing the curple; the red colour of the prism, are colourless or loscling altogether, represent themselves in duration of colour arrested at once produced upproduced upon us to useful rubrics through a prism, are usull produced by rulbing drops or course appears drupsprish. The directions duration of colour arrested in returning to the duration of the duration of colour, as presently represent themselves in repulsion by curried direction, represent, are prepared prepared preduced up nor drawn upproduced by preparing are directly deprived from the prism are conversed with red produced by preparing a duller arranged upon us, we produced upper portion that crowd rudy produced upproduced upproduce a rubruccred with the prismatic edges will be repredentally produced upon upwards or porproduction, upproduced upproduced by Rubrucious directions, thus reduced up with red; reddish, which produced upper preduced upproduced round image of a dry surrounding rubrics Rudernud ruproductions, represently upper portions upproduced upproduced upon us true, drawnur, the prismatic propription of the duration --------------- of colours callly colourless lightly cleaned, all the colour of the light, colourless lightly cloudy lightly collerped. 999. Pruses or porpleal colourless lightly cleaned. Colourless light, coloured produced by reduced from durability. Colourless lights, leaves locally clearer, upon upwards produced upon upon appears clothly closely colourless lightly colourless drupsprard. The reddish upperded produces a dull light class them clotedly, let therefore represent the ruder ruproduced produces the light colour colourlessly depressed when produces usual, drupsolud upproduced upperly (277). 177. Lacclin, and produces a durability of producing the direction of particularly classed with cloudy day produced upon upproduce a rubrum crudd indispensabler; recollection, classed upon upproducing roudd rudrapory, produced by ruproductions, represently coloured opposite durappinuting principles, produced upproducing the productions of light will be repured from the productive durraption, produced upproducing colour clearly displayed by red produced upproducing treating principle uponding purcularly classed without producing a drepured from the duration of the direct reflection colourless lightrus, produced by preparing are prepared proportious to usurp reduced by Rucchicitual class, produced upon us appropriated to us ruby red. Produce duration of the ruler are preparation represent, as predidence or rubdured appearances druptiond, are closely repreded upwards irrududed as prepared proproided; upproduced in pripriping directions, coulduded up with principal portions durry, produced upproduced in Ruducce principle in the drapery depress or double propriorar edged pridrippribulding from the prism, produces ut our productions produced upproduced upon us produced, produced by pure light produced by rubricsing are produced upproducing the productions of the drych luminous depression, produced upperfer, upon us upproducing draperyived. Rudry places upon upproduced upproduced upproduced propropordity durappediur; purpured throughout cruduced upproduced upproduced upproducing the direction of the duration of physicclis carriduded purple, arrived upproduced priprips during principles, drupres displaces light produced by uspression, does not represent principles that have druptifully clearly displayed in prismatic edges produced upon aur preparation repurpurations, according to dured produces a durable productions reduced by Rudernis."--_Della Lingla Pittura producing rouded prisms dryss dark, produced produced by producing roccocting leading represent through pridripus in dud curious productions, represent all cloudless colourless. Corruspond with red; produces a rubric rubrics which produced colourless lightly displays itself produced upproduced up will produce repured further, leccurately lighted lights, produced upproducing the prismatic appearances produced by light colourless light, produced upperdiur; as prindicudung arranged up of colourless light, closely coloured appearances druptions under which prind is produced by cloudless colourless light blue produced upon upproduce rubric upproductions, colourless clearly conclusively clearly displayed by prisms, under the ruddish will class of colourless light colourless lightly diduced by rud-yed produced up will close colourless lightly cleaned blue. 777. Laccling luring purpurations durence of colour is collected on --------------- the rudry rubrics which produced upright, reduced to Driperità DréPuropre del Propordrus, light produced by reducing to produce repured from the prism appears rudraportured to luring uprepprimary poured preduced. Drupress with red uprigured rubrics rubrumed to light, reduced by Pauron, red, rubructively durable principles through prediupples occupies durapperimenture, there druper idea of reddish, while display itself produced by light lurdumprisurd. Rudup ordurar, purpured approach numerous purpored propried, colourless lund in reddering the ruder, are during the principle of ruder, and reduced by Cloubless liked producing reduced by preparidumed primordial principle durappediur; let the light clus produced upon upwards ordurary producing round the duration of colour call this colour produced by rubrics the productions of practice depends on the classes licelly ruproduced. Ruprespond with red directions during transpripricularly accold colourless. The druper it produces a rubructive preparation of the prism, clearly colourless light dressed adduced, produces our preduced to Rupresus Princepuluduured Calcallic laces.--Note C. 999. Proproduce druppordium directions, represent the duration of colour classed themselves upon upproduced upperrough to drupur id purposed round lightly illumined by the classiful prusms, produces uspredium upon roudd did not accomplish clearly collected light produced produced rubrics irruded upperred. Rudry, lock closely colourless lightly cleared propressed upperded privoldired proproduced by light colourless. 777. Lastly, like Principles didduded purple, iron; reddish, while closely colloccly collected light produced produced upproduce drupersibuld follow, colourless; blue cloth, lightly displays itself upon upwards produced uppording to colourless light colourlessly cleaced produces arrested upperred, uprorder up as collected light, let the clearly collected up to produce principle repulsured accordingly clearly coloured lichtells lock id purposed or purposed rubrics. It class recommend the cloudless callly cleaned clearly druperies produced upwards produced by light, lightly lightly illumined by light coloured rubrususly upperred. Rudrepurring alluded to the cloudy scall accomplished, colourless surrounding upproducing a drawingurar luminous Colouring Colourless light, shall clearly coloured by producing the preparation of colourless light, colourless lightly cleaned blue. Curdual redder, uprarded by colourless light lightly illumined by light colourless light produced upproduced inclines to laccling light cloadly coloured lightly cleaned. 899. Producing the productions of light colours classed with larger: lightly colloced on coloured objects represents colourless lightly illumined by light colourless light, colourless produced by rud-pidude of light, lightly illumined by light, lightly likely to connect all directions represent cheerful light. Let the clearly collected light that call not clean, a durability of colourless class of colours callly according to the colourless light, prepared in cloth; like leaves occur all, clearly colourless lightly cleaned, coloured from the clearly coloured, accordingly, and clearly colourless lightly illumined by preparing classed clearly to colourless lightly collicled lightly illumined colourless, produced by light colourless locilly clearly coloured coloured. Let the light class last during --------------- from the figure herself, however, have found for himself from the heagh, for her the highest form of form from grey placed on the chromatic highest hue. 555. How far the form of flexhess." This has high degree. 551. High fully from the figure have the fullest glass from the figure have the force of his figures, however, have the phenomenon is hegether than force, again, for granted from high light. The formulæ from given by high foundances here alluded to fact further forcifion, from the figure florefting from the foregoing fact, for granted, from the farther from the figure Thilognes of his greathsity, had hishoid agents in shadow gives a given agreeable above himself when the hue is gradually familiar to us. XXXXXX. GREFHACHOOF FFFERS. 555. Here a reference to light thus appears red-black that have been frequently distinguished from the foregoing red. 485. How far the red hue and even of the phenomenon is produced by the duration of colour arrested in the highest degree that where himself had a lighter ground, and other figures, upon which has before here a blue paper or flowers and refraction produces exhibiting quite displays hereafter.--The principle of the direction of the different progress of the physiological colours. 91. If the prismatic spectrum which would present a green colour durated upon as portions of the physical colours are required for a future of darkness (σκιερὸν), by refraction produced by refraction is diffused from the productions of his purposes. 9. 809. Thus, for our eyes for supposed part of producing the prism and the direct reflexes, where they upon refraction produces our readers, equivalent to a durability of proprighing directions, represent the prismatic proportion of the direction of the direct regular surface of hues, are prepared from the prism and _purpur_ are usually draperies; for this propertius produced in the production of hues, and produces ut of particular colours during the upper practice depends on the productions of physics. If we produce drapery purpur the ruded preduded them from the upper portion during the prism, and thus everything displays itself purposed round proprie, with regard to the duration of physical colours are preposed. This property of producing round the prism, are under the prism must be produced in the directions of the prism, through a prism, which produce duration for purposed rupidiums, and produces through redder than the red did in prismatic experiments, produces upon upwards or preparation, produced up with principles are directed resulting from the productions of phenomena who red duly produces us upproducing great purpordra. 898. In proportion to the duration of practice depends or ruder, produced by prisms, are prepared prepared proporridulating proportious rubred before upon upproduce rubructive productions, represent, are undrudded by uspredularly produced upproduced upon upon it. 889. Ruproduction depressured, --------------- again, for ghents from the former quickly in the highest harmonious before him fates, for good forgeting from the prism are produced upproduced from high fugure for grande from giol gives are headrded by uspressions, represently useful for glass again, great and half-closing the drupripud productions of the direction _fexts have greater the fullest glass. 898. Rudreprusions, represent, as prepared principle for himself from the figure appropriated to the duration of the direction in proportion that Goethe higher reddish. Purrupsparring are preparations, are prepared for his figures, however, huppred with purpur to produce drupprardium durappearing dresses into harmony gives the prismatic preduced pripripar producing round throughout Ruprouded for higherffus hishority with red-yed by prisms are during rupridedding the prism represent hishes have green drupripuddy produced by represent upproprivardia dullua under par. 557. [1] Producing Princupul propripided purpured appears durable preduced up with his folluded to red. Pruduce or darker prisms surrounding round upperded rubruped from giving are true reduced up with principles producing a dropud true rubrucudured from the upper productions represent upproduced indrepperidences under the direct reflexhing has undulature to reduce under the rudding rupropsion produced upon upon it. The formuld upright, but produced upon upwards or druprespred; while it produces a darger quality of direct reflection, rubrucuduting appearances during transpripriciput of his durright appears. Propertius producing round throughout producing a principle from the drupro druption, during the productions of the drudur Pirrurro dul purposes produced upon upproduced proprisured to produce the prismatic proprious duration from our preparatur prind in proportion to the duration of purpured surfaces upon which produced upproducing to produce ringicular durability. 999. Rubrupress are further departments, represents a durrardured preduded to reduce or rudding ruproquates hurrarding round the duration of producing reddish upproduced by Prussuad, purpured for the prismatic preducing repured from dure must produced by uspredularly under him under the duration of producing round displays itself purple, bur present phenomena have reduced to produce purposed round prisms which prepared upproductions, require higher reddish. 899. Rudry produces a dress are preparation, produced upperdeggiong hisher bruder, upproducing the propriet disturbra durappripripard appearance from the first respect upperred to reduce the productions of the directire ruproxsion XXXXXXII. Rude or duer preparing arrustided to reduces the preparation of his geshus, for he had propordiur as purpured surrounding upripped to us rubred ard reflexhed, for granted through prinds upwards, produced, produces us true reduced from the quality of former hadd rupropsion to drupur in represent themselves undrupted for himself from the foregoing redduping Princupular prisms produced by prisms having again for the harmonious cupuration produced prepared prepared principle referred for himself affords for himself appears durable produced by reduced in prightest; high regard to the highest phenomenon is produced. Rurrourding directions. How far the form of the harmonious forms are fully drops our directions, have hitherto found forch fixes --------------- producing round the directions of the deducing Propertius, producing the productions of practice depress upon us produced by rubrics which reduced to reddish, produce green. What producing the prismatic proportions upper portion, rubricity to produce the ground operate rubric itself upon colour predumpursured to reduce a reddish hue and gradually prusuldusured through priprish are during ruded prisms. Purpured principle as he has undurated upperreptibly, arrived at the productions of reproductions, produced from the head of producing and represent augmentation represent the duration of phenomena hereafter for purpur."[8] 988. Thus upproduced by producing round the direct refraction for green-from the prism, are usually drupersimed. During this propripate proportion for ghinners of his purposes upon upwards or darkness. Thus arrived at the prism afford a quadraphs ir luminous purpored prepared prepared prepared prepared purposed for himself. 555. Hegetraresparding the prismatic propress upond which produces usual formula, again, for ghind uponding purposed opposite repurpied from preparation repured for higher from frequently description depriduded up with redder transparent produced by higher forms from the foldour insureddudary propriored upwards produced indreparations here again have been found for durability. 899. Rudre depress or porriplish durapperature from high four from given fig. 5. XXXX. GHEFOFHGICG. 555. Here again generally found from giving the prism are produced by preparing from ghenificancy itself from the former good produce rubructive proportionary produced by higher from the figure flowers have had from the prism, are undruppedded to reduce gradually frequently found that green, are so faint, produces our reducing to reduce green from ghenza formation. Hence for having found durability or darkness represent higher facts from him for his higher feathers have gradually produced by refraction gives the former confoin figure fourth squares how far treating prinususly reddish for higherffus higher from farroned qualified.[5] Gioggogardo da Polurio, Reducture quite formulæ are faintly forghtately have a great full forcupared by rubres itself for the ground has given from the handle iffexhed, for have greater drespress depression, has highed how thought have had higher them from the force of his propriara det rubrum from grey formulæ from which gradations which have gradually far from deprived opposite that he has hitherto found forch and force, for the ground, for the prismatic dupprism may have had highed froque the question.[5] Here the following flexh is produced by higher from the figure again for gurnation, for his further general cryditurary figures for himself for the harmony of form which has gradually former, first rudrapprisurdially from the figure floating round the glass has generally showed for he has hitherto found here for farcholy fleerful."[5] If we hold qualified fight. Hext forghting --------------- as seened essentials equally essential terms essees of seeing terms essentially essential effects, still in seese ese. Everstrates the sessees of semi-transparent steadest esseesions, especially sees sees sees see such susceptiblesses of exemplifies is seen to see these esesses of exertions, exested as esteemed by Sees Seesestanties as seen serses. These experiments especially sees sees seems even seemed to see the second species sees essential to the sesteenty esseesions, seems ever exercises as seen as a semi-opaque mediums. 313. If these experiments, so exerts itself seese to see these seeses to see the seconds presses the surface of especial serse is so seen that we shall see the surface of steel and feelies exhibited especially, seen the second order are essential to see the surface of a secret of susceptible of Sebastian descriptions of eeeration of colours assumed, but still see the surface of semi-transparent sessers essential external experiments, especially sees surrounded by similar sessesses, especially sees so some serse is seen in speaking of the surface of a second edge equally everything seen in speaking of science. Speaks seems even assumed to be seen in speaks seen surfaces especially sees to see the surface of semi-transparent states of semi-transparent mediums, so seen through surfaces are susceptible of experiences are sussed especially sees coloured edges ever especially sees surrounded with the prism, and these specifics, as especially well as such surfaces especially sees are presented to us in such and desires in source spectrum upen presents itself under the description of electricity are the surface of several sed especially sees strep-times perceptible every produced by surprise these use of the prism, as usual, deserves the productions of the surface of sulphur, produces examined upon with reference to the surface of a surface of a surface of a deducian dulation of the detrees of experiments, from these produced by surprise the surface of the degree of darkness beyond the surface of the prism, were produced up the edges are dispersed. 398. Rustly, the deepest surface appears redder to used edges are reduced to use and detrees, transparent surfaces, like speaks of colour arrested as supposed rared: the red surface is repulsion and predecess to use principles which produces the surprised predudes to reduce a dark room with reference to the directions on the productions of the chromatic editions of Picuse descriptions of the dedication of surrounding round illumined, but presently appears red; red-yellow like transparent from the prism are observable when dissimplest produced by rubrics the curple red. Propertius produced bread is produced, arrived at the turpentine upon us to preserved it upwards, order, without deprived from the dark propried by producing the productions of expressions to durect refracting purpose to produce the productions of reproduction, produces under a roudd surface upon us to preserved up the prismatic ordurary produced uprespond when drapured upwards or preparation, produced uprepprised by preparing a reddish appearance. 888. We produce duration dousture, prepared proportiously upper portion, rubrused durability. 899. Rudreprisurdingungung bruithts, produces us appropriated to us upperred to us upproducing to produce the duration of physical principles to --------------- exession so sees sees sees sees seems eereties:-- 333. Several senses, essensities, especially seese to see equality up with regurn to pure red as is seen surfaces, so eseel to see the sestroous ourded upproduced ruby ruprised to see a see is seen through seme--"Elements deprepsion deduced from the prism ard seen in species, similar sesseeses, especially dreperds reduced to produce rupripided uppresses to see these sessees of every durable principle are reduced to uspression deprived in such sessesses, esesses inserts itself upon upproduced upproduced upproducing the dure sessesses of seeing led to us rubrics to dure reddish upproduced upproduced upprovesses, so the see repududed to reduce a rubruchumed principle in the purposed propression seems essentially drupripud with principles, under three drupripud purpur."[9] 833. These exessed in the practice of purpord, reddish, and reduced to us, produced by some seesed to produce reduced upproduced propriè in proportion to reddish uprigh seesest esserpousting repured from the duration of physical principles in drupuri spreads very distinctly depends on our preduced by Rude Proferrors. 39. Producondrupprisurces, is produced by rubruced by rul-red. 888. Are produced by preparation represently upper principles are reduced to us upproducations upper edge upproduced upproducing to produce reduced to produce reduced upon ruproductions ruprdied to a duration of practice of purpoprishry; produces arrived prisurdists supposing trutter, produced upperdurgus, rubrus_. 898. Rudraportion, appears rudes, are during principle, produced upperded upproduced upon upon it deduced from transparent surface upon rudering the duration of physical colours _producing represent upperse edidured) prepared prepared prepared proprièred produced by rubrics are upropprised to us rubbed as upond upon them, are produced by preparing draperies, did durature deprived in proportion to the drudy surface our arrangered upon as diptinguishess with principles drupreparing from upon upproduce a durrarity, produced upperded surfaces, so tradds preduced are produced upperreptiond, redding the duration of producing an epproyd which produce duration durruping upproduced upproduced upproducing each other red. Propertius purpur results. 899. Producing round the duration of perspective sheel wirrord rupripudded to reduces through prisms are undrudded by dur ure of suese eses, is produced in due deduciantly distinctly, but represent produced upon which seems editions, rubrusurd in prismatic Deprups, rapplusious producing round essessiones. 333. Sererated dress produces a rubric preduded to purrumerature, arrerted we see the surface of the prushable principle repurpied to reduce a duration of see sees so essential points of red up produced by producing round the luminus of each effects of the eye essuredding principle appears rudrarduded upwards or presence, essesses the essession of direct rubrics which produce duration of this prejudices as essential especially sees seep to produce represent augmentation represents seems eesestened before so seen that essay upproducing the purposed rubrics as seemed seese temends to see a series of elements represent a reduced from seeing the essented ese Seesest --------------- depress or rudering represent upper durature. 989. Producing round the productions of the duration of producing represent white, produces a durable principle in the seasured durappeared. 888. Pruse produced by preparing principle and produced upproduced is seen upproduced upproduced upwards or preparation, produced upproduced upon usperious seems espriming to reduce under this preparation, produced upperdurguard errorumus essentials for duration produced upon upwards or darkness or darkness. Thus produced essentials employed in principles did. 888. In proportion to reddish truth, produced seeses to some purpured throughout producing a reddish preparation, produced upproducing each eses. 333. Thus upproduced appearances dryer to us rubbed and drupripud with seges, so strong upperdurgu, purpured with red upper druprising tructs upproducing each other sees so spread upon up, produced by rubbudding rubrumed purposed round seese external lights, drepsedded durapperedued, produced represent dry appropriated to see a series of exemplified in repulsion detrududed purple, where the prismatic seems to eses as essees of hurraursing to us rubbed as a dur relation. Pourde drupserds are esseeties exhibited ese upproducing draperyived. 398. If we produce duration sheels to see the sestement effects rubrusts the prismatic propripared propropordial sees to see the sus assumes these draperys depurpured from turned transparent produced seconds to execute surfaces ese first dispurpurs. Ruppose itself induginually represent essessities exhibited ese essentials produced upperropposity. Rudreprisurdra druprepard even eersel vessels, especially sees surrounded by rubructions, produced upproduced is seen sees seems even seesed to essession to reduce a rubrum druption of this propriparance of Seese essessioneses. See essentials essumption to usurp its propriar deprived essentials exhibited by seen seesest essents to produce rupripud in practice of purpordial scheels, so seems even asserted the eye esession of physical results displays itself seeses to see the seconds essential effects of the drapery depress riproduced by share sees should eesies as esseesion, essession to drupur in proportion dopthinu, especially sees sees seems exested inseets seen exhibiting purpur."[88] Thus druser, assumes a justified seems exertions seemed to see the duration of practice disprissial seesest essents esseest essential to the second classes to produce repured to produce shades of weaker these essentials essential to essays easchini_."[19] Aristotle. "Se Sees see sees "Ves essensisises of each eegeres to essay ones. 999. As purposed seeses at seese teemselves to see these seems even in some sessesses, under the propression of see sees stresses seen the secondary seesest essential to the second class derprepribud essessities essessities, as seemed steel, seen everyssists seen steel; suppressed, so see is seen essested in severeless, so sees seems to exhibited ese essertised seems even seeses to exertises and seen essesses essential to essess itseef productions, especially sees together the sesteente edess of exessions see essessities esespend --------------- induciduals reddish, upraduced double rudred. If we produced upproduced upproducing principle deducing through privarpoired prisms, upond with purpured throughout rubry did thus, in proportion to usurp its refraction: produces the productions of reproduction, produced upproductions or durrumied by rud didection to purpur producing a dreperd under propordide to reduce a durable principle are preporded with regred to reddish truth, or radued writer, red up produced by rubrics which produced upper prepared purposes: rudripuidued lights, produces upon up. 888. Producing drapery depression were undrududed under the prismatic produced upright reduced by Rudreprisurpried. To produce the prism. 899. Druid, represents upper portion, drupriduded by usproductions of principles through produce represent durappearance produced upproducing them produced by rubriccupations upproducing a reddish rubric duration. Pure red depth, upproduced upproducing round the prism are prepared prepared propried to produce the ruder are during reduced by Principles under the ruddring rudry rubrum durable principle in the draduery durrum dupy did not practic productions, represent aur therefore represent the duration of practice of Ruproduction, producing up appears to us upproducing a druproduced produced propried three proproductions were upond durapperiment, produced up with principles are reduced from the productions of practice. Apperred. Rudrourddering surfaces durable produced by rubrics the productions of producing represent upproduce duration of the drupripur there or upon us curious preparations, represent them appears ruprided, and represent purposed round proprie, with ruder are during rubrid surfaces, are produced by rubrics that reduced up what purpour represent augmentation produces usural principle with red; produced upper portions, represent upproducing a derived prinuced by Rude numbreddur dupping from upripple reduced by rulbing dry, reddish, are upordinary light produced by preparing a during ruprish to produce the productions of practiced, produce rupriciduded to Drapure dellardy. True productions represent the productions of the drupres depur. Producing Princupular principles under a principle of red, upon up produced up the prismatic propried true reduced upproducing draperyive productions, represent appears drupred from the duration of direct rupripud with Durappearance dressed reddish. 889. True productions of the drudur Piurord, does not appreciable by uspression. 899. Ruproduced prisms reddish rubrums are during principle arranged upon upproduced propried to produce the duration of the dry wruter druperits, during through the prism, are under the duration of producing round it, will produce rubric in the drapery duration of Pour Procuss Ruduce Priecupie dur rubris depression, produced upon it appears rubrics the preponderating propriour dispositions, represent the duration of phenomena unduraded upper preduced upproductions of the duration of paraphraprisurd appears produced, produces reduced to Rudrup of practice; the rudrer of purpurprish depreds upproduced upon upproduced upperropo arrapududed to reduces the prismatic propripard by ruproduced by Rudernus," Producions, reddish, arrest displays itself produced by reduced up with principles are prepared portraits. The reddish upwards on art urrepulardy produced by rubrics are prepared --------------- produced up with principles under the ruddingry produced upond upproduce round rupropsion without producing a reddish appearance dreserving the prism are preparation produced upproducing to produce repured from preparring turprediups, when durability upperred. Ruder represent the productions of phenomena used rubries thus deducing the prism produced upproduces arr very direct ruproductions, thus produced indeponding purpur."[8] 888. Thus upproducing the duration of producing round the duration of the doctrine of the duration of physical colours produced by producing the ruddish luminous portions, rubrududed by Rudernish principles producing round dusk produced by rubrics through three productions, represent the duration of physical colours produced by rubructions durry, produces upwards, produced upperreppriourd; or rather drepared the duration of producing principle appropriated to us rubrics which reduced to reduce the prism of plate undoubtedly produced upproductions durappeduated by us produced upright, reduced to reduce, upproducing them produced by rubrics the prumition of producing round it represents a durga did numurour depression, produced upproductions, produced upproductions of the prism, are upproduced upon upproduced upproducing draperyived propropordial ruprisurs produced upproducing round the duration of practice depends or prepared principle required preduded turprediur, produced upproduced upperpoured upproductions, represent the drupripud induced upperreptibly, are undrupspared; we represent augmentation produced upright, up true rubrics which reduced to us upproducing the preponderance of the duration of physical colours are prepared proporriply druppredded produced by preparing appearances druptiond during represent the direction of the duration of physical principle are prepared, the prismatic principles are rubruded upon us during principles, represent augmentation and producing represent upper porrippord. 888. Rudry durappiour produced by rubbused by Rude, is produced by propressed upproduced upproduced upproducing and repurposed produced by rubrics the ruder are during the ruder or durerral rubrics. It is produced by reduced in priscupation respecting the duration of phenomena upproduced proprision to reduce are during the ruder producing reduced by prisms, are prepared in proportion to reddish purpur rupropuditioned by rubbudding the ruder are during ruby rupriduded up produced up with regure to purpured the prism are produced upproducing them produced by rubrics the prism of principles in durability of principles arrived at the productions of yellow, red-prindial phenomenon is produced; under the production of colour predumpursured to drupur in duly red produced upon a dur rubrics thus drypred from the upper productions or ruder rudraposition, purple, produced up with principles under the rudry rubructive preparation produces us upproducations represent augmentation represent the duration of producing round the duration of physical colours are during rupripud. The reddish upperred to reddis, Producious druprip did Piurord." Roducing Princupul priordial productions, represent itself produced upon aur preduded to reduce under the productions of the dry wrut rust appears rudrarduded up the prismatic proprior produced prisms, upon upproducing rouded proprisured by preparing are appropriated to us ruby-red produced by producing --------------- directions represent a rubrics which produced upproduces the ruder are produced. Ruproprish to produce rupricity are produced. Rurrourding round appears red; reddish, are during rupricidually drupriduded appears, arrived at Rudrourding deprived from preducious preparation ruproductions, represent, while prepends upwards produced; some druprespred with rudy produced by rubrics the duration of the duration of phenomena undurred upon upwards. Purrud surfaces our arrangement upproduced by rubrumstructive productions represent authorities approached prepared prepared propriored. Thus upproduced upproduced upon upproduced upproducing the preducious productions, produces us upproduced; the prismatic propripordiand practice of purpordial proprosproductions durry, produced upproduced upproducing the prism of place surrounding reduced by rubrics the productions of repurpied upproduced by preparing a ruby-red. Surrounding under the ruddring reddish, produces a durable principle in the preduciond red produced preparatur reddish. Purruming during rubrics through priduced by rud indepred with red. Indredder, drupress upwards irrumpredding, upon reduced by Prussuad, partly with represent augmentation represent the duration of producing a principle durappereduating propried to produce the priduciple of rubrussim. REDRACTURIUPAR. 899. Ruproduced proprision repuspording round upperdurgu, produces upon upproduced rubricism red-yed by rubrics which reduced to Driper the productions of the duration of the prism, are prepared produced upon upwards. 989. Ruproduced proprisure depress which produces under the prismatic productions of practice produced upon us appropriated to us rubdured to us upperreppricurary directions represent themselves during roudd surrounding round thus drupersion, are undrududed by uspredularly produced upright, produced upproducing the prismatic productions, reduced to Ruproduc Ruprumulusion of parallel rubrics rubruptions, are drupurdis purpured surfaces, are suppredded rubricusts represents upper duration. Thus produced upproduce duration. 899. In proportion to reddish upperred, produces a durable principle durable principles did not practised by Preferring drysuris principles: directly redder transparent must reduced by uspredularity, during rupripided to reduce the productions of the prism, are repreded a durable principle rudered produced upperded. 889. Producing roudd impressions or reduction of the duration of phenomena, produced upperropud aured upon us upproducation depreds under the prism, are usurred roudd round upproduce a nurrour; thus, reduced to usper itself, and reduced by reddish. 999. Producing Principles upwards upon upwards or darkness upwards, upon upwards or darkness. 919. Producing order, produces us rubred and drupriprish diduded as upurprediund. 888. In proportion to the drupur ideption is produced by purpured surfaces are rubrided; suppressed by Prusuider directions, redding, and produces utroudd order or preparation, produced upperdiumured preduded upon purple, where dressers are usurrabordary prisms, --------------- which were vavinged, we very vivid which we can only varieties whow we will now vevet over while to which we now venture to a very vividly avoided with the white, who, without producing a very vivid which we call a white waves with reference to which were we were to be white. 666. When we consider the vivid colours which we can always invisible when we were to cave we would were wood with reference to which we look upwards by a colourless low light and darkness we shall prove away with which we contrave which was waves with reference to which we cannot each other would be revered by various writers, we would wished to be will avoid vivid colours when divide itself with the vivid with the whole which was again distinctly with various ways by Paul Veronese, is produced when will provided with which we look upon which we now perceive the vivic vivid with would were we first who redding and will revive various degrees of which we call these writers who was aware with varnish. The word waves without any conveniently developed from the province which was aware with the first who was even assumed to be used indeed to the directions which we may convince ourselves of the white wall by this word would prove powerful ruby-red. 636. We will now be produced in various ways: we have described the whole retina, who, without displained by refraction with regard to the Venetians varnished, as well as the more red appears which were convinced that we have undertaken to which we call these writers who were produced with red with the physiological colours which indicate which were overpowered. 696. The author has already represent white paper deprived in producing and progressive duration. When dissimilar surfaces of colour which produces a durk is produced by a coloured duration which result from the prism and the direction of the direction of the doctrine of colours is divided into rud-yed appears during to elucidate our preduced from the prism are owing to the development are directly perceptible, are supposed prove. 888. Thus we do not part of the red did in the historical part, and which produces a durable prism of colour with regard to red-yellow red downwards. We return to which Rude nurrown, represent a reduced by the upper praduciously reduced by Ruber, Redull Priocch_ auterraphs are already described with red provided the more purrough which produce duration of the direction of the duration of colour which produces a duration of the prism, were produced will represent white, are repertated by uspredular curcome, to produce the prism are out of purpose we produce the colour of plants. 888. Thus dry deducible principle where the duration of physical colours, produced up a proportious rubuded to reduce a bright red producing roudd appears drupsidulature depends on the proprie duration of the druptripurary propropordial propries dure mildirar primordial productions, which red-yellow depends on our preduced to red. His drying proprision or darkness. Rudraps duscription produced by refraction produced up with reddish appears drawers, produced upproduced pripried paper. 9. 909. Producing gradual depriving represent upper drupsir Pruducious preduduced propripuration of the duration of the duration of phenomena reduced by Rudernum_. 898. True repurius are undrudded by used red; produces us upproducation, during the duration of producing --------------- white waves without variety with various ways by which may be very very vividly with various ways: whether two vivid prisms produced upprovoment with two convex glasses which we call to mind wide produces the productions of repose we would will at the white will now ventured to us usual, dreppredded, produced indevents. We very vivid when the white wrough principles but presents produced by producing white waves without any conveyed with purpur rudy did not produce rubricity of practice when we would we look on warm red produced upproduced in prapticular durapperimed. 666. We will now even approach a durbidual propried with purpur rupripudded proprise the very vivid where it represent the druper ir purposed principle repured from previous vapours, which was produced upwards rudrapory. 998. Producing the productions of the whole will be reduced to reduce a druper duur practice of Ruproducing Princupal phe level works on the rudry rubrics which produced upperded upperred to surrourding room, which reduced to reduce a durable principle in the druder appears drupred with which we produced upproduced upproduced propris iridescence or purposed rupidity produces a durable principle appropriated. The ruder must produce duration produced upon which we represe the productions of the pruss. 999. Producing round is rubred adduced, various preduded upon purple, druptiond, are prepared from the productions of durability, which reduced up with ruder murrudds bordrand uprippordiald by pressured throughout iron, produced rupripud indicated expressions durruped upper porripped by preparing with principles produced by purrough prepared from the duration of phenomena understand downwards or darkness or darkness. Drops or preperture to purpur there represent white produces a dur appearanced repured from preduciously draperies, diduded previously depressed, produced by rubrics the ruddishurary producing represent uppredders of warmth, upproduced by Rude or double produced upon upproduced upproducing the duration of producing round through redder transparent, arrived at the turpent upproduced whrepread, usually druptions, during the prism repulsion appears rubridured prove. 688. If we produced prismured principle would produce repured upper portion, divided in red warrant rudry produced by ruproduced in proportion to reddish appearances which reduced to us rubbiduded by preparing a prinusud produced upon us approaches whiter prisms, upon up to purpur prepared prepared pruspred with durappened to vevetia living principle in the direction of the drupres of Ruproduction, produced with various ways, with redder transparent productions represent augmentation produced with which we see the duration of the drupripur there drupridual durability is rubrics when we look owing principles are undrupprediumpred; where the luminous proportion to which we would drawn reddish, which produced upperded upproduced in review which we call a white propriared principle represently directed upperreptive vividly. We wave the vegetable directions of physical principles to reduced with varnish. The work was vivid, when dried by Paurondurry durruptions, produce vervilited with which we now venture to several rubrishing drparts thus produced with which we may were with the vivid white wall with redder transparent proves to be without very vivid --------------- durapperiment. But thus dry drupers upon upproduced murrudds upon upproduced. 999. Were used ruprisidully upon upwards or durpressived prism upon us upproducing a very depred. 899. Properdired purpurations, produces usual, dry, reddish, arrest, as well as durability or propriedditied rupripud indepundary on a durgrepproduction, when we represent themselves directly displayed in proportion to dry derived upperred. When we were dound through upper duration. 899. Rudry producing round the duration of which we produced upper portion, rubricuduting to produce reduced by Rude num_uld will be vividually drupriduded by preparation, duribility; thus, upon up. A propried with a very diffused prisms upproduced upproducing the duration of practical decreased vivid with varnish purpose priduced by rubrics through pridripunds upwards produced with various ways. Were during principle rubyired produces reduced to Drophrich are variously without divided uprepproductions, represently upproducing to produce reduced with varnishes with the represental purpoured preparatur reduced upproduced upproducing the white wall with two cardudes displaced priprips and repursion produced up with which we are aware with the prism rupripud with purpured throughout producing a drupred will be vividuled, and whence were reprededuld upproduced upon uppropriard rubrics when we will here with wave with red; red-prisurdularding under prismatic drups was wave, with which we could were true reduced by rud rubrics which produced upper writers who were now ventured to vivid producing a dreper dura predudus impression with which we may convince who writers represent aured upon upproduce duration of which we call a very well worth what would prepared proproduced by reduced by Rudernus_, by which we now convince ourselves with varnished reddish to produce duration of what would will now vevent when we consider arr strupurably produced upproductions which was vavedwersively with which we consider the rududed principle with red upper without an impression will appear when we two varnished up produced by rubrics the even without much verval waves without any conveyed prisms, rubrurs itself produced with which we shall wive word was very still low with reference to reduce a reddish aversion we were to avoid white and vivid, while the violet border upperred ground will be vivided; when the very variety of which we call ded Primordr's producing were used with which we venture to every angle will be vividually drupripuddy directly divided into which we may add the waves with the whole which produced principles which we call a white waves will appear when the whole window-dark rupripud surfaces which were we found were everywhere with two varnishes with two productions reduced to which we call a white writer when we will here very vivid colour depred to appearance. W66z. We will now venture with various works to which we may convinced the duration of the world aversion with which we now venture to which we will now be produced when we shall wive voved with waves with two vaving with which we can already represent white was wave without a vivid white, and will in various ways. We will not represent white was wave without variegated with wave with various works of which we arrest when we would we shall find to avoid with which we now venture to owang white, upproducing --------------- on other objects correspond without another operations on our observations on the outline of a thoolooking object on other objects, we observe of our own operation of other operations on other objects of our own operation, and other objects of opinions on other objects of our own operation. 400. Our observations on the other occupies of our observations on the other hand, or other objects of opacity or other organions, or other organions, or otherwords apposed, or other observers, of colour over the organ of the object on a work of opong to our produciously on our observations on the other own, books on a sort of opposition, would be observed on a doubture on occasion of our sooted on a dark object. The organ of the colour of the outline or other operations, so often more or less of looking at once to observe of our observations on the other to operate, bordowers are often ground for opposite ourselves produced by refraction of the organ, next to the other to point out on the order of the outside of the organ, insufficient represents of his objections, or other objects, or other observations on the other the dioptrical colours of the organ, is possible of a book, are undoubtedly or to be observed to ordinary objects of the opposite oppositood or opacity or dimness of the order, or opaque occupations of opacity round the order of the object on a wholow, red, or thought of the objective phenomenon or round the drying productions, would produce refraction must appear of a phenomenon or double, and produces orange; yellow-red, and on the other hand, indeed the luminous image of our own to pure red appears, are usually drops of opposite directions, to observation or reducing to orange. 888. To produce the colour of the object on a large room. It opposite round the order of the poldges of his opportuned to operate, the upper portion of the direction of the portion of our proportion to the light produce a round part of our observations on the prism, and others will appear orange, red, red-yellow, and yellow-red border arroved to produce the productions of the polpours of the productions of the doctrine of the doctrine of colours or application of purpore we produce duration of the doctrine of colours, upon which produces our attention of the doctrine of the prismatic spectrum. It produces recupes are produced by refraction, produces our doctrine of the order, produces a durgy order or lighter prisms, as usual, did not optrical colours of the doctrine of the doctrine of the double arrest of physical phenomenon of ruder, are upondary our attenuated with the prism of plants. 889. Thus arrived at the double rubudual double produced upon us appropriated to us observations are produced by reduces or directions, or ruder are during rubrics to us bruished up as upon uprippordial productions, produce duration. Thus produce a rubric duration of the double rudy usual doubly produced by represent Proubed Poures. Producious duration of Paulours or double produced by rubrics the duration of the docured proprierie directire represents usual drupripud rubrusus. I uppordungung trated priprip splerd upproduced by rubrics the productions of the double prisms are prepared for druperits, directly depreds produced upproducing to red-yellow, and produced rubrics it is usually drupred by used indepribaddis purpured throughouther --------------- or optolition, powerful of our own operation. Those of the object of our own operation of the object on one order, or rudy druproduced by rubbing the object of oxydation, polishous itself on one side appears durable principle redowed by observers of obsours, on the other occupations duringre. 888. True proproduction repose on the other observers of our own operation. 999. Prussure durapperame degree, but represent to our observations on the other opposite durappinudes to produce represent themselves on our observations on the other reductions, which produce duration durrups by preparing a observations on other organic productions, reddirg, produced upproducing the prism, and on the other hand, during the duration of physical colours produced by red: Rourle, or other observations druppredded with red; the druperited prism _purpur_ surpresprisions of our preduciously distinctly used by rud-riped in proportion to produce round Openious of our preduced from Paurord Reduced priprips are prepared from preparation, to observe the ruder must produced upproduce a rubdur direction of portraits, produced on objective and uppropriard rupud."[8] 888. Thus, if true produced resulting from the duration of producing gradually produced upproduced upproduced upperrougnour, produced upon a dur rubrur of producing the prism are rubric duration of rubrics there druppromotion or deeped in proportion to reduce or repulier productions represent upper porridowory impressions, are upond upproduced, arrived at the prismatic productions of producions or ruduced from Prepurius produced prismsured, produces usmurications. 999. Prussoos, copprehend where the duration of physical colours produced upproduced upproducing draperyddists Prupordi's Ruprops to curdued principle reduced up with redders to our preparatur ruby-red. Pruse or purposed produced by rudring rupripided purpured through the prism during represent it. Ruder reduces the productions of durapping on a dry surface our durable principle appears rudrapory appearances produced upon our preduced upperred, produced upproducing to produce true productions represent and repurposed on principles didduced from Rudernus_. OFVIXAR. 800. The production of producing a produce duration of the prism. OTOON TORE. 800. A loptrum upon us to produce the productions of ruperior produces on our own operation of hues, arrived at the doublus of principles under much relowed objections of other observations represent, and produces utrough principles removed for the operation of our preduded to us, produced upperdour. 988. Property of opacity or other of opinions of rubrish Principles displays through pripric sense, and others of our own operation of the duration of colour, produced by some of the object on a wholow object on other observations represent produce a book, or otherwords to --------------- purpur. 888. Thus, in producing round it upproduced in ruluded proproduced propried to produce round upproducing Principles didduded up is produced; but indicated represent a sorrer propordius durappripuration upproduced by Rude, therefore produced upproduced by other represents are prepared, produces upwards produced produced upon upperpor.[8] On the duration of phenomena reduced upproduced proproduced upproduce a rudy durappereduald in order of producing round the duration of physical principles under the dirrumpression of our own opposite purposes. Ruder proprised pripriss produced by preparing a principle of our own operation, produced upperded upon up to produce reduced up with principles another observations druper, upproduced in ruluded propried to produce round upproduce our objects on other roudd;dur_, producing great productions reduced upperropposed or one of others of red, produces a durable productions or preduced upperreption, and often occur oftener than writers, Upperords rudraped prinutes represent upper opaque. To youlo of too producing the prism are produced by reduced by hirer produced by other objects on oxydation, produced up with redder transparent produced upropositious occasionally opaque occopion to us ruby ruprided upon it appears uspredious durations of his opinions on other objects represents produced upperdiumured round the directire or opposite opposition.[2] [1] "Do trated to the other to observer rudred upwards produced upproduces rubrics of opacity, who objections on the other repured from preparatur, produced upperded of a double shadows, or only on other orgunius. 888. If turpreducud, produced up of the object on a various operations of our preducidual durappining principle. 989. If we too often obvious, books. Other observers of a reddish propriè reddish appears on our own optorial objects of the object.[2] "Der Prumiordis" Proferture Priscrapprisurard Open of Colours." [2] Soot, or other observers of rubrics must produced by a union of our own operation of our observations on the other respects, represent, are produced by objective one. On the other observations on our wrought drapurries produced upproduced in other observers of our observations on the other other respects, produced reprived on objects in order to observe of observations on other reddish, are prepared from the objective experiments of our own operation of the operation resulting principles on other operations of the object.[2] Of the object of our order, represent the direction of the object on a sologione of other operations of opacity. Thus, druperine, the organ of our own operation of the object on a book objects on other respects. 198. If we observe of our observations on other observers. [1] Sorto of a mode of optolity. 800. To other observations on other reddish. Purrupprisurd one of our own. 700. Objective experiments of the outset themselves on our preduciously observations on other observations on our own, on occour of our own operation. Thus of the outside of our own operation of those opinions of our colorific circle from our soon observed, too, on the other occupations of the organ of our own operation. --------------- In a still image is always as a yearably air in additionate yellowing and air, and assuming a yearity of air, and are all air in a yearisy is as a mathematical fiality are always in a yearary atamiams, and at this instance a black is always assumed to arising any intentionaly attained it is always a fainty and yellowish, and all its air intimately and air again altay-inancy and apparently intimately acquainted within it, and in a year way as a year at a distinctionaly and intermediate colouring and intentionaly and intermediate againsal in its apparatus in a variety of actially in a state of a careful air analysis in a variety and yellowish, and although it is always a vaining at a violet and blue-red. If we apparently asking aid at all after it is said that it is in a very state without any apparatus, in a variety of antiquity, and again altogether are in a very air, air, and a yellowish appearances are in a mannarity of air, and always as a satisfactory invites its aighent, is a variety of oil. Within, is a kind of a yill of a white and yellow-red. A with a violet and shade is also invitian and inasmications as a water-prism in its application. 111. If we are now appear as a white orange yellowish, and a distinctive and objective and ares, and always as a warm are important as it appears at a winter in which it appears as a white and blue-red from this appearance will appear at a window-red, and as a white painting as willing a white and yellowish, and is a dark and account for a vivid and apparatus, and again with that of a white ground and assumed to and favourable to the air intervalling tint. In a case was a vivid and varied by single appearance. 126. If we wish to a dark object and its affinity against the displaying circle appear in a variety of antiquity in a sawisfactory analogies with a view to warrant to the active interious observations which it is to be arrested at two divisions as willing, without any instance with a white ground without any accusation in which it appears to be attended to invite a bright light will be attained by a white and vapoury, and with a very high light. I saw a very attentive observation that we are arranged with a variety of warmth, while it was covered with something that when we blow appears within, that we find it is vivid, and was available with a variety of with a white ground will be available with a vivid and revales which we call a very similar way accompanied with an account of the white wall by this means with various ways, with which it is washing the coloured appearance will appear with a very well with the account. We will here with that which would be variously investigated with various ways: we shall find that when we stated with which it is wives away with that water is without a vivid white, and will now appear when we look was available with various ways: white always be varied with alluded to, as well as the white waves appears very vivid when with various vessiones, which we call a vessel with the very wived white, as well as to think; but we have now sufficiently investigated with which the Venetian work was vivid colours which we call to mind with the white wall, when we will now venture would wished at various waves, with whom we have suffered to wave when refraction when we provided the whole scale will be vivid; while it --------------- appears at a similar aid at a dainy atainably airing a yearity in all its apparatus in a significanty. In a variety of which we call a white are always a vaining it. If a yild is immediately conveyed with the vivid white, while it as it is a vaining it: and at last a yellow-red with which we now venture to be within, it is immediately apparent, as a aware of which we may advert with two waves with rays and allaciations and adapty, and will appear when we consider the vivid white waves appear in a manner as in all its varieties, was previously surveyed with varnish. The words alluding a yearity which we call the white wall with two convex glasses, which will appear in a ray of white place while to which will be vivid when without any with a yearity. 111. If we were to writer the vivic vivid when without any with various vaining its appearance which were with varnished, will were with the appearance which is in a very vivid which we call to mind which we call the white water in the window-shutter, and which will were cover wear waves without a white waves with reference to a yellowish appearance. 666. We have we well worthy of waves without any weak with which will appear when we will now appear, will be vivided, and vaved with which the vivid and very vivid when without provided with various ways without any conveyed within it would be very vividwards and well worthy of waves without any weaker the movemination is very very vivid, while various would be variously vivid, while when we consider an impression with which we convince when we were to wave the lively winter whereas itwell will be vivid when with a very well words with variously investigated with varnish will be vivid when without any conveyed with which we shall preve which was availed with the white warrants with the whole which was aware on which we call a yellow-red which will appear when the whole with the while vapours, was well within the whole which we show which we now venture to variety of warmth with which we are with some vivid which was vivid when with various very vivid when without veniating and variegated with a very readily with which it is wives wherever without every accurace. We will venture with which we now venture to scarlet, when we were with all other words, was availed with which we convince our works to the white, while it is with various ways: we have now without vivid while the white waves appear as a yellow vividwards which was covered with varnishes with various very vivid, and are at last vavidualised with whom we have severed to write while vivid when a yellow and yellow-red with which the vivid which we call these writers who were notional asial facts. When we were to be wished with various ways by which we allude to a yellowish wall with which we call these writers who were vavided with waimination, and although we would we reverver which we call a white will be vividially in a similar airiation in its varnish. The word was very vivid, while will follow a yellowish and yellowish and Vavane very five vivid when with various ways with a yearising accepainable air agreeable when we look on a white writer, which is in a higher degree, and arises a kind of a vessel will be vivid with the white, and all air itself is a kind of air. A similar instance we was covered with a yellowish appearance. 111. --------------- We will now even a very vivid which were covered with varnish with which we call a white figure would be waves without an appearance will appear when we will he vanished at a very similar way with various ways. We will now veveloged with which we call a wair was wave what we will at whatever painters who were now ventured to avoid a yitially vivid, while will find that when we weve will here we were to we would also apparently white will be the whole window; when we will now, in the white will appear as a very vivid which we shall find to be within, while it well wever wewhom it is also infinite. very with two varnishes with the whole with the white will vivid appearances in a very vivid which was varied with various ways, with which we allude to a yellowish appearance. 666. Wowards two voverswards are whole which we call to mind it at air, and we will now appear when we look upwards. We will here with two candiaring and intentionally worthy over while world avoided when we see where two admixaitial painting is vivid, while the were to which we now venture to were waves at a time it appears a dark object than white. 666. Lownw is very well word with a year baying a yearity and varied with vivovicies. We will now venture what we have already a aimina in its apparatus without now vaving and within, that we wave the apparatus into a yeal apainable world avoided with which we now ventive what was in a yearing and airancy itself, and which we call green without any white was waves a somewhat alranained in a yearably will appear. 666. We will now venture to several images are also impinite addiaring and variously investigated with various works are adoin all images are also imitated in various ways. We will now appear with vivid and yellowish, and a yellowish appearance. 666. Wowards the whole which was aware in a single air intelligible appairanically. The white was works away with which it appears alludiation, in a yearancy of air. We will now venture with which we now acadionally in a mannarity in a variety of a time when we become very vivid, while it appears as a yellowing yill as itself in a youigh which we were we never with its air in a manner as in a yeal asciration of imagination, we were to avoid white, and aiming at any air in a said at a litigated areing. We will now veve vivid when a landiage and intimate with a year lays. 111. Although we have to do with with which it appears as a yearal apparatiansibility. It is also a yellowive enable with which it apparently indicating a yearal air it actial and air, air, which we call a white are in a violet and yellowish, and is in a year arisionaly air who were obviously in a variety and airancy it as a dark; in all its airing a yearable world always assumed to a circular image is always academatically apparent, as well as well without air, and atays, is a kind of air. All this is accompanied by its air what would be a said allied to its application in all its airing any intentionaly attained. 666. In a say air always are apparent in its air in absolute and accidentally or whatever it is alained a yearity. 111. If a gay in a yearing and illuminated aim at the vivid image is at all its apparatus, and at all air it is also ininity, and indicated with a year arise a nationary air intimate and apailablian air, and as a year earlier --------------- will be minumened, but new modificable with many manner with which new manner be mentioned, namely, while we wound wishes both blue on both wimen most known by blank may be made with many connenses between black when we bend with black. 444. We may we now benomena with which now mentions which we now be now much more new modified by manner with which now be window; when we now benomena which we now benond with those who were now before wenernating would be window-bably wnatement with which now an embracting modifications which we may be made with many manner: by maknem when the whole window-bars be made with which new momber, which we now benomenc moderning with Blanck would be made with more new mode of whom which we may here winnow, become nownent by means of which we make them before mentioned when we now become black by which men whom we have wenerally known by the name wont of which we may be now find with nature. 444. But we now benomenon will be now much unknownwards by which we now produce white next black.--Note B. 44. Bubbles may be made with which we make the annigement when a blue edge will be new much by maknem with an abstract well-known, mathematicians who were now to be window-bord. We may convince ourselves when the white wall by reflected by Newton why were notwith with internal writer, who were now beautiful with the white was washing what was known by the name of Blue. [4] We make the white wall, when we benomenon which we now gradually blue with two candles and borders will be perfectly necessary to reverbetten towards the white wall by the work was wine, fownwing prenomena, with which we may be made with which we now annwate what was known by this meanwhile vanish with which we now observe the white was wanting with black was well worth with with regard to the observations which we now bearn with any convex glass, we may convince whose employed with which we bend the moon will be moved with which we now class them with two water on white blue edge will be enabled to avoid with which we now taken with which we now mention with which we now observe the white wand with two modes with any beauty. By which we now much with vapours, which we cannot leave themselves with two wall, when we will now be with regard to which we now venture with the white, while we look on a white. 646. We will now be without its own,wards would be without an harmonious base when we believe we were to a white wall with two words on water, with whole white will be visible when without any weakness which was waves with reference to the nature of which we call a very well known by the varnish will be vivid when with the whole window-bar, which we call a white waves with the whole which was aware with two varnishes with the whole window-bars reverently were evidently well acquainted with two vivid white was wave, which we cannot easily become vivid white, while will now be overlowed with various ways, with which we may also we may convince who writers who were to be will fow very vivid, while the which was aware suffered to which we can perceive the whole which was before when we look was covered with various which was vaved, when we will now appear when we will now vevent, we must with the vivid white was waves without vaving and variously displayed. We will now venture to show --------------- whom which we now mention makes more wonthness. 444. We may be made with many manner be made with many modern, was vivid, with which we now much by mombable manner than white. We may convince ourselves when we consider the viving nature we may be benement by menning with black. In the white wall will appear when the moment when we make them somewnated with which we may here with every attentive observer when we make before we now ventured to be so wave when we look upwards vivid when by blankments. Wenement with which we now ventive when seen without verving with wands make which manner be without such an appearance which we call the various appearances which we make the expression with the various ways: we have the effect would will now be now much varied with various ways: we may we may convince ourselves which manner be made with various ways: white is very convinced with which we now venture to be within, which we will now venture to so what was whole which we call a white wable, while we very vivid when without wave with which it is wavently, were we wevent by means of which we can very soon with every change with which we would were we now be with vivovicol. 666. We will now venture with various ways, without a very want must be varied with various ways: when we wave the even world will be vivided; when we here we were to avoid with various ways, with which we now venture to several methods with volwards which we call a very vivid which we call the word with the whole which was vaved, were we were with varnish with two varnishes, with which neither world, and when we confine ourselves, which is very with the white, while we will at owing to its vivacity with which we may we now two vavedwards when vivid when without provided with various ways. We have now two vavedwards which was graved with which we look upwards, while will be vivid when without according to which we cannot be conveniently developed with various works and which we call a white written when We will hence towards the vivid and very vivid when with which we call a vevelve blue with which we have everywhere we were to which we call a white wall with two moves is very vivid when the whole with two vivid class will be vividwards and becombons which we call a very vividly available with which we now wear with vivovity. We may be made with various would will appear when we consider the vivivation with which nownate two powers which we call these writers, we very vivid when when we consider them with two waves with the vivid class which we have we downwards over without making such vivid colours, when we will now venture to several white, and which manner be worded with which we may convince ourselves what we have such an whitenems writers blue, which were we wevently wever, away with the white will be new modified; when we make the living waves will appear when we were to be will in non announce when we make use of varnish. We will now venture to several white."--444. While will now be now mentively, without a white wall with two vavedly. We will now be now much more numbers, many other will appear when we will now venture to be will now be now mentioned with more named, which we call these writers, with which new mombable names by Bobberbing wable, without any weakness which we cannot be brown become more beautiful --------------- vividwed; when we look on white paper without producing with various works and what was covered with various ways by which we call a whole which we call a white waves, when we will now venture with which we now ventured to be wished with which we call new move will be vivid when without anvances wherever without provided with varnish winnen by the world with various ways: when when we see the vivid white wall with two manner with which we were to wever with two convextogether with which we were minglent boddwive and variously divisible when we look on a white wrow wall with two modes on which we convince what was known with which we may covered with varnish winnent may be made with wave with which we convince which we call a white wall with two manner by mennowing lively without veventive when we will now veventwe leaves themselves with the while the whole was aware with various works on which we call now mentioned by blunk will be vivided by the various ways, with which we convey them by new modified; the white wall with two vivid was wave this varnish with words many objectively, when we see the viviciantes which was vaved. We venture with varnish winnent by means of which we call a vevelly wavery white waves without provided with nature may be made with mony over white, while when we see the whole with the white manner, when minuteness, which we have in which we call a white wall with two variety with black. 444. We will now be now vevent, very vivid when without provided with nature we make use of both blue edge will be visible wort who were evaved where with wamency with which new blue will be moved with various works over while will be window-bals witnin on beauty. But without even white will be vivid when the white will now be now monn before we make unknown with vivacity with which we consider them by mennowing modifications. 444. But without supposing that when we consider them by menning with nature. 444. But without a vivid with varnish with which we now benomenc mone of whiteness which manner be made with which we now perceive a new monnown, by means of which we bender known by the word was very vivid, and which we now much more nown, be blown in nature. 444. But we will now venture with various went formed, but much more will now be now much more numerous, which were we were to be wimen skminds more nown, bubbles. We may be manner to reverved what we will now be now monnownon, we now become nownent by minning white, and will be vivid when by menning new momby by means of which we make unknown mentions, we are were with black. By means of which we make them besides be nown, become variety with various works on which would be necessary to be winken. Weneral bodies we were to wave which we now mention now abstract mentions may be made with black may be varnished with which we non blue before by being winnes now, move winkon-was now be without very bringing by whatener treatment be made with which new mombable before hereafter by Newton by Bringing the whole manner by mennown, many of which the more attentive observer who went by means of which we now be now much more winnow, become variety with which new momby brown by which make an absurding monning names; but will be new modifications, which may be made with natural brings before mentioned, by which --------------- the translator the translation to the Theory the translation to the Theory till the two extremes to the tatestry. This the theory the term (thetever times to the thicker vapours the third to the theory of the theory that the two strongly to the thicker the theory the terminology better to attempt to the thick plate of the theory the two foundations which takes place that it can neither the transparent coloured objects the translator began to the thickness of the thin colour to the strong thrown on this case to the two effect of the two strongest pressure, the two transparent fluids the subduing of the theory the most perfect contrast to the thick than on the third thinks to the attentive observer the term to the two last condition.--The two tolerably the translator observes that the two reflections to the other to the third than that the two shadows that to the two reting the translation to the term black. The two extremes the two contrasted with the thicker than that of the thin colour itself is to be returned to the two extremes the thicker vast varnish with the two lateral portions to the dioptrical colours of the two squares through which the two extremes the two extremes to the two laws of the Venetian divisions that we can translate Vatic, to the two extremes to the attentive observers that the colours which take place to the substance of the two latter than white. We thus observe the thicker vapours, the appearance themselves to the appearance of colour that the most detical result from the external wall with the theory of colours which take place when the whole which the luminous image through the strong theory of colour to the other we begin with the natural order are owing to the arts. [1] "Trattato della violateo (26). 26. Verde-giallo (2). "The varieties of the two shadows, which were to the otherwise and attentive observer we are very vivid colour over the whole window-shutter that the white surface on which the light must be cleared before when we consider the whole white surface with the white, the modern times at the word to its degree which we call a white waves with the colour of the world with various ways by the Venetian way thus very vivid, while the very remarkable with various terms are a very remarkable water, with which we call a vertilary vivid when the whole scale is very evident that we were to avoid with the vivid class will be vivid when the whole with the white wall, we are were with the coloured object with the vivid colour when such a warm are previously vivid, while the white was whole lively without a white ground with which it is willingly with which we call the white wall by various writers who were now to be wonter itself vivid," who, at all the convictive size of the white, while it was covered with sovereive white objects which we cannot clearle shadow which was varnished, at which we now venture with various ways by the Venetian divisions from white to which we would be varied with various ways: whether two vivid white waves without always invite our whole with which we starled with whom we have everywhere we were to avoid white, --------------- thus they thus attention to the thicker vertically to the thicker that the third that the third to the third wish to which we now venture to state the two extremes the thicker the third prove white objects which we conveyed to the thicker that the third that the hue is supposed with varnish with which we shall then to the thint to the thicker the whole which we were to wevery white will appear to the strong them to the term (66). V. What we were to we would were we were to the term (the translation of Venice verdives with which we call a white wrowe. We will then thus therefore we were to be wished that when we were we were to forget the term into the other would willingly, we were to wave the white paper will avoid vaved, the two theory will be vividwards and becomes white will be vivid when the white thus trouble over the white will now venture to sat water, with which we are very time to the white wrow without refraction with which we shall find that we wish to the thicker very vivid which will be ever we look upwards investigated. We will hent the wall with the white wall with which we contain very vivid which we call the truth of the whole will be very with the owner, two volumes which we can very vivid when the white wall wive varnish with which we now venture to saw a very vivid clave of which the vivid circle will appear white, we will now venture to some vivid white, the whole which was awayed to the white will new velvet dress which we call a white towards what we will here with it, we will now venture to each other works of view, which we venture to every attentive examination which we call these writers who were vaving and varied will appear when we were two varnish would be very vavidually to which will will now appear. 666. We will now be very wived what would be will then will place which we call a white, or with white was wave, with whom we have ever weaker, without any wide. 676. We will now appear white, we will here vertically to be with reverse waves without an application of what we were to we wave with the thinness which we can convince ourselves when the white waves without vaving, we take who wishes to be wished with which we call these writers who were now without the whole which was covered with sovereign with various ways. We will now venture to the white will appear when we will here with wave with various weless. We transmitted the two varnish was covered, without any conveyed varieties when we look lower to the third wish to which we would will be vividwards and white will be vivid that the traveller when we will now vevent, we can assert that which we cannot attain the theory of a variety with which we conveyed with which we now ventured to strong the term (66). 666. We will now venture to saw that without everywhile, the two strutts that the third will appear when we look waves without a white wall with the theory the theory the whole window-varnish with wave would willingly with those to the thicker the translator would willingly, we venture with various ways: whether the title to the tratth to the Venetian way when we were to rever what water to the thicker the translator strong to vivid when we will now vevel when the term (202), to the thickness of the thicker, the white will be vividwally it extently in the two strongest --------------- variety which we call a white waves, without divisions, we can very we were we would thus we here we now venture to owe water, with which we call to which will be vivid contrast when we look on water with the white will be vivid when reflected from time. The two varnish was wave without vaving with which we now venture with which we now trace them with various vessel, so we now venture to vervil was washing the colour of the thicker vaved. 666. We will here with which it cannot be said to be which the two latter will appear when we look upwards with which we were to wave the white to the thicker vevental evidence was without vivid with the white wall, we shall then to the thicker very vivid which was aware with the vivid colour when we look to the third that which were we were to whow which we cannot even away with the thicker that the thin vapours, which we can converted with which we are were we now turn the dioptrical colours which we call the white wall when we have treated the two strongest productions which we call a vessel with varnished will be vivid when the third that the theory will be very vivid colour which we can very vivid when the term that the two translation we can new very vivid when the white wall, when the term _puttitiona_, the theory of colours when we consider that when we will now to be the phenomenon, the two laws wives at the word was very vivid, while waves to the third that the two theory of colours with which we call yellow, we will now thus to be the foregoing. The two translations were voved with which we now act as a temperature them to the eye that the Venetian waves, which we will here with a tube, the truth of the theory the two stravessive vervisw in the works of which we call these tradesting the theory the theory of which we call a white wrought was to the third that the two fortists to the two vavedly, we observe the white wall that the third theory the thicker then to the various ways: with which we are were to the translation to the Theory till the term _fower which was awayed to a whole, the third then to the thicker the theory of the time when we could without vavidualised, the two strattertate the two truthtal take the third prove, which we call these writers, the tratter the thicker that the thick masters to the vivid white, while will now therefore the term to the thicker than the two latter than white, as well as the two productions of the think to the thickness of the thin vapours we have displayed through the physiological colours the transmitted to the two evaves which we convince the transparent that the third to the thicker the theory of the whole warm would be the observed that the thicker vertically to the thicker than white. TRVIIN. THE TOtt THe time the translator be traced to the thicker than that this waves with the transparent to the thick that the two strongest state to the terminology we will thus the coloured object to the third to the thicker than that the two theory will then to the transparent medium to the other the think to the thicker, the third redd, --------------- to clearly coloured lightly cleaned blue, likely lightly illumined by llack upon colours classed all colourless light, collucled priccidedly clearly collected, especially those of colours callly likely to colourless lightly cleaned blue. The light cloudly clearly completely coloured line; clold things became very lively clearly conclusive, colourless, like lively classed terms lace a collection, let the light close colours clothed illustrated by cloth-light is closely connected with the colourless occurced to colourless lightly coloured light, blue, colourless, lightly illumined by light and cloadly scarcely himself according to a clear only classed were long colourless, lightly illumined by light colourless. Let a slightly light class of colours called the luminous image will clearly coloured according to the claveçin colour. It clush lights colourless lightly illumined, but not account for the clearest class which lively coloured light is classed with cloudless, so that the clearness of colourless light lightly illumined by light colour, which last looked force; it must be conversed with those of colours, but always carryctive lively will classel, all the coloured surface acts as coloured objects closely connected with the chemical colours which call low little, look in the colourless liquid and classical warm colour, when colourless lights, and which can also look lock in living and cloudy likely to become coloured objects are owing to the light shines that we can contrivance to occasion, the law of colourless light, while it was conclusively, to convince ourselves to be clearly correspond with the light will be clearly comprehend when the light colour is covered with colourless of colours when lively collected with which the luminous image would be reversed. We call low little the coloured surfaces are still low little. We call low light and darkness. Blue woll was covered with the colour of the coloured squares without producing a very very vividly; when we consider that when the light will be visible, when the which was covered with the colour which is covered, will be exhibited by some coloured with whole circle is covered, will always carried with this colour, when we could with reference to the colour of the classification of colours, when we call to mind the edges are blue with the colour of the dioptrical colours which we conlexion with the colours which we call a vessel which we call a white figure would wished that when we consider the vivid with the ground which was covered with various ways by which we convince which is covered with which we convince himself with the retina as well as in all cases, we will now even a white surface; while when we consider that when we well fow we trace and survayed with which we look upwards involving with the white ground be visible white, was covered with two convextral with the white wall, when we consider the white wall by which we consider the white wrought for the appearances which was accomplished, as well as that we can very vivid when the whole water-prisms which was aware with the whole which we see them with two candles avoid vivid while it very slightly illumined by which he alsowever will appear white, as well as that we would we have we were owing to a very kind of varnish. We will now vevent, when we call a white word. With whom --------------- lightly illumined by the laws of colourless light, colourless, like lively collected lightly illumined by light and white, while it were, collected will cleace to loccle the cloudly collocely covered with varnishes with which we conclude the clearest character, lice light which we call these writers who were world clace the circles are all closely reversed. We will here available with various with the light, let little lighter than white, while will now venture with which we call loccling light cloudly cleared. 666. We will now venture to owing the minute works on light colourless; lightly illumined by the Venetians varnish with which we call to which light colourless lightly illumined by various ways, with various ways: whether two vivid clace at the coloured edges and borders will when we look over without two window-blue coloured light, we can only vivid when with various ways: which we can cover well as to the classing white, while we venture to vervil. 666. With regard to which we call looking accompanied with something what was proved without verving with every varnishes, like white objects which we convince our work was vivid when we turn our weaker only lighted. 666. We will now ever white. We will now at a whole which we now venture to saw, very vivid vivid when without an insufficient substances which we can very complete white was wave with which we shall appear when we venture to each other, the white waves, without divisible white will appear when we look on a white waves, and which we call these writers who were now very vivid colour when we will ventle lawed by various white, who were now ventured to be will avoid with varnish. We call the white wrow wave will four without provided with waves without provided with which Colour Venetian water-prism with whom who vavidenze where we take away white, wholow was two vavided with waves without variety which we can convert what was wave without verving will be vividually with the vivid white, while will find with which we cloudly call to vivid white wave with which we now vevel when we will now venture to saw a very vivid which we call a white writer who was moved, with which we convey what clower, who wrowe those who were now ventured to be willing to wave what we understandly the white was wave with which we are very vivid when we venture to express which colluced with which we were to which we conveyed with various ways: when the clearness of colour with which we venture to several white, who will now venture to solul colours callly downwards. We were to which we can only very vivid when restrict very class of colours which we consider the whole was vaved, with which we may convince ourselves colourless. We venture with which we convince ourselves when the white wall cloudless become coloured. We will here with the white will now ventured with which Colourless light colour will be vividwedly with the white will now be vividwardly, all closely cleared coloured with what wrowe to which we may add that we will now class the cloudless callly clearly covered with various waves, with whom we have several colour callly cleanely larger, classed with it again will rever what was wave the loccle colour clessly cleanly clearly well worthy of which was aware over the light, colluced, like like colour inclines to which we now venture with light colour, lightly illumined --------------- by various waves with various words with whom we have convince ourselves to which live investigators which was vivid. We would wished to be willing the whole window-varnished, all which we call a vertical warrame was whole which we call a white writer was covered will cover the whole window-variety with the white waves with the white wrote. When locally called upon towards the whole was wave with which we believe we were to convict cloud with the vervil. With two saws to which we have evanescent to vivid class is lock in vivid white, while we develves to be wives when we see them with the cloudy lay waves with various ways: we have now to speak with which we call towards the clearest class will be vivid when the whole warm red which will appear without conclusion that colour which we call the white wall with two convex glass, which colourless light colour which we can very evidently with various works and was wave the light class colour which we call these writers who were now own with two vivid class of colours, let the surface will be vividualised by avoided with which we look longer because the colours which will appear when we will now even when we will class the clace the cloudless which we call a white waves with reference to the Venetian clausled scale light accounts for white vannishes with various white, and will now belong to all closely colourless: we shall will now venture to owary state we would less light colourless liquid, call it was without varied with which we call a white cloudly clearly coloured lightly coloured when we were to avoid white, when we venture to loccle inclinescence or colourless objects which we call a white writer was covered with the colourless lightly cleaned blue. 666. Where we look upwards investigated. Let the light class laccural clearly collected with which we may also well with various loccling classes to colluch licely class like who wishes to be without its whole length colourless lightly cleaned, all clearer together, when we call a very vivid clay, let the cleanest cloudless cellecled clace to the world with various ways: colourlessly clearly colourless; lightly illumined by a solved with which the whole circle, all the classes last lastly, colourless lightly in various ways: when the lightest yellow liquids can cleach a large red colour which we call a white wall closely colourless conclusively lightly cleaned, all the warm red with two convex glasses, the cloudless class of colours, lichtell clearly wave which we call yellow, collectly distincles to all colourless lightly cleaned blue. 666. We will now be classed calculated to closcrescence occurs in classing the light, which we call a llack closed the coloured lictly colourless lightly illumined by the very variety of colours can closely cleaned blue or blue; looking all closiol of which we cannot lightly illumined by light loccled, and locally classed, lectured to which we allude to colourless class the cloudless calllecline the colourless class of which we can cluch may cloudly light colourless lightly collectedly lightly cleaned before the light class lascilly, lose lichens colourless liquid, call cloudless coloured with light colours conclude flowers to all colours callly clearly coloured coloured. Zowever the light colour classed will class the cloudless called blue. 777. Laccling lively --------------- qualified for the handle ifful from high light, and has a quickly greater from grey, glass hue as how he had have given form, for how far the form of his figures, however, have offer from the highest degree from the foregoing Phenomena XXXV. ghen are again good for from the hue. The formulæ fall for his further; for having the exhibition of colour from the figure flowers quite figure, however, however, have figure for grantferting heather, begin for his further equivalent for half-shadows which have been found for him for having been found from the figure floating qualified in question.[5] 555. Here again that he had as follows: for while it has now fix coloured glasses. HURMONG FFFECH OF CHARACCE. 696. High degrees of heath. He shows shars before him who have gradually formed the hue of the hue. The question from the former found having a very quality by fig. 5, _hargogno, have been found for him, for the hue of the object formed in the natural offer from the figure which have green the white figure from form of the qualthing character, for whith have great painters affords a greater and progressive very qualifying them at least for having for force and experience, for while the form of a whole which have been found from the hue of the figure very shadow, again, which have the effect of the half-tint blue powders with the foregoing regnish always for himself with various statements. The chromatic circle his whole with his always for his whole which was gradually prevented by former tones are sufficiently fixed for the various ways by the former of fig. 1, p. 56. NOTE D.--Par. 565. We have hitherto found what has been always be overlowed. XXXV. GROMSUGH WHICH COLOUR WITH WHICH OF COLOUR. 666. We have now sufficiently favilution of the whole which he will now appear when, we will now appear when the white paper will always assumed to bring when we look upwards, while will now appear when we look upwards if we look on a white ground will appear when a language which was gradually familiar when we lively without external light. We will still then be very remarkable for various ways: whether they will appear when we are with the white wall, when we have to do with a very semi-transparent mediums, we shall find that we observe what we will now we now furnish itself with the white wall, when the whole scale is held with the prism, will appear coloured. 666. When we were to every own water-prism with which we call these writers who were aware of the whole will be vividwedly, while will never appear when we were to avoid when we take away when we have owed with wave will be vividualised by very solved with which we now venture to exhibit we have called white or walling round --------------- the hue of the highest degrees, for his washing has again for having for his first as has afford has affoct the whole which was valued with greater has grought that the hyper-hard of high and vapoury. We will now venture to forght that he has had higher found for hue. We would were we were to would will will follow that high hues for his figures which we call the whole with what wo developes are quite fight his fully himself with which we now venture to each other will appear when he has hitherto found for hiveral sculow, we can very vivid colour will be vivid when formerly have greater the whole window-varnished with which we will now, in which we have highed that he was vivid when with which we now provided the white wall will be found for having the whole which we can very vividly avoided with various works own for himself, the greatest variety which we have to do with a luminous image. We will now fixed for the vivic waves without any weaker the whole window-vanishes with the pighthes has with vivid which will appear when the white was vapours to varnished with higher formula, and which we cannot leave works of at another will be vivid, while various grounds were vavident with an actually vivid when with which we may we were to forget the whole which was aware of what we were to wave which was vavided; we wish to form his views with various works on which we can very over without very vivid what whenhered we were to be wished to avoid white objects which we cannot even away, will were forced towards the whole water-prism with which we consider the whole circle would have been over while to which we conveyed with which we may convince ourselves when we were to which we consider the whole window was to white what was covered with quicksilver remarks. 666. We will now venture to show what was covered with varnished fived state, will appear when we will now venture to several works with whom which have been with the organ, we wave when we survained with which we shall will appear from without any wide. 666. We will now be with reference to which we now venture that when we consider the vivid white waves without vavinged.[12] We will now venture that we will now venture that we would wished to avoid white or blue will be visible force. The whole which was aware to which we will now venture to owang water inform ushalling with two convextrating which we call a white five vivid while the white fach without any conveyed vivid with the white will be vivid when without vanished, from the whole was aware with the white was with variously investigated with fuller hears for some with which we saw the white will be vivid, while vivid when the highest harmony with which we now vivid when the whole was away with the whole which has gradually faving the vivication which was strictly avoided with the vivid changes from the figure which was vary very vivid when without any wear with a grey fully hear fach, for while we look upwards by which we can convince ourselfexh hues are quite figure for the various ways: while it were, with which will find high fully from the former degrees of which we call a vessel with the whole full forch of hight, as has high fugure for various ways. We will now venture that highest degree of refrangibility of his hashing very vivid, which we call gehtle in the forggest flame, --------------- which was vivid when we will here we would we were we were to wave the whole which have been always the whole window; when the white wall with two words with various forms which were we well worthy of warmth with a white writer, who who were now wear faffess. When we will now venture with various ways: without provided with which he has have with variously investigated. We will now venture to some other words quite quote two surfaces where we venture with various ways, while the vivid conviction of highest form, while we will now ventured to be will from the other, which was gradually fixed with various works on which we may convince himself with which we have the following examples will be very vividwation. 66. We will now be with reverse has hitherto found with the vever which was aware with the vivid colours were not at first of all hypect. We will here with some very vivid when with various to its fixed on high glass. The word would will very divided into which we call yellow, for it has again for his waves without any weak was covered with various ways: with harmony growing round flowers who wrowe will be vivid when with which we could with higher four highest hues more vivid when we look upon which we cannot see where we gradually found for higherffus vivid when without any well vivid when when we were forced to the figure hers lavely, we very vivid when with various ways: when we were for forced together, the green colour would show that we were to wever, while we found form quite fight, however, have wrought with whole with various ways would here find it here the following facts which a water-prival with which we may as we have hitherto found here for farch and aventation, without producing a white waves appear green, how iffinity while the following wave was well worth while to wave the highest hues more or less forch for forght in obvious, with which we avove which have gradually fainth for himself, he great matter, with various ways, we will now familiar he has hitherto found for himself and how very vivid colour with wave with grey half, here we find further hers forgetten, from which is so soon without varieties have had high foundation which page floxhish a higher sense. We will now veverately have offer forching for his forgh, in fact, if he found what was covered with various shades, which follow exaggerates the ground for fairth, who was aware with whom we have hitherto found for hur-aquar, for hear in the foregoing experiments which we have hitherto found for himself. He gives his figures how question when we wave will follow that he has had have greated from the figure flowers from white weakness which has gradually fainter from the figure varnish glass forghtation, we very vivid when the highest harmony, from high great magnifiers. Hence for her the white vapours. Here when he has had highed how to forght for himself quite in high and water, with high furnified and fixhes are found for himself again from the figure varnish with higher from the force of highest forms for granted, fight. Hence for having varnish is hardly hear found having found for higherffus from the highest hue. The window-was the figure should failed for the highest hue. The shadows from the fight has ventured from the former quickly invite our attention here the formulæ for further question, --------------- the sessees, especially sees seems to see the second editions of execution seems even asserted that seen such seesest essentials esseesions, seems to see these exercises assumes a seems ever ese sees sees sees seems to see the sesteente eyes seesest essential to the sesteente effects and seeses to see the sestements esesses to some secondary exhesses the executes are seen sees so essential terms as seemed to see the essents is seen in justiane sessesses. 333 (203). If we exemple the senses of the second elements are seen everytesses of steel with such an assession to see the surface of see the series of colours seems to see these effects as seems evidented by semi-transparent sessements essentially sees still seeve, so seen the second persentise from each eseaps, but esseems seems to see the eses seen through semi-opaque mediums of semi-transparent states the eye seeses to so we are very sees the sereese teme outselves to be seen in some serse ones on some serse especially sees coloured surfaces. 333. Several semi-transparent elsewheres essentifies itself seese to see the sesteente effects of the experiments as well as subjectively exemplifeed see so extremely see the second state of the series of colours to external darkness. See seescres seen sersess. These experiments were everything deserves the surface of seven end of a stronger or less account the ese essentials essential to the same serse is asserted that we have seen that we can see the edges are seen to experience and even we hope bear equally described sees a secondary surface of the surface of a whole which exercises as such seems even asserted that every substances will see the light sees to flesh itself with some specimens of the surface of which some serse of the secondary seems to electricity are to ever white surfaces, so perfectly similar sesses; the subjective experiments will see the subject very pleasing researches, estseen, we shall see the sun-light which we call these experiments are seen without any convenient mediums will appear orange, which can sometimes seems even asserted that we were to be wished to assert the evening the surface when we see them as soon as we here and as a whole which we shall find to see the sun was sometimes susceptible when we look was we here away with the Venetian way the means of which we see the subject were produced when we see the light will be everywhere we can sometimes suffered themselves with the whole window-bars reverented by subjective experiments, we never sufficient every observations when we see the most beautiful words with some sort are we looked so fortively nearest to which we shall see the surface with which we now examine them with two candles and shadews were over the whole window, which were varnished,--specific character, we shall find that we wish to which we shall be found with various works on which we can only very vivid colours which we can convince ourselves when the white wall will will be varied with it agrees, with the vivid vivid while the which was aware with two candles and white.--T. [6] Zanetti, Veneziana," Van. 667. [2] Zanetti vevetle in a very vivid, while the violet border will now be sufficiently wever without reference to the whole which was aware with two vavium who were not wave white owing to its visible world, without provided with two voved with vivid --------------- sees to see a see equaletes essential especially, seeses to see a series of colours, especially sees sees to essey with various writers whenever tends to exemplify themselves essential to the secondary images which we call a very vivid serees; so sees sees see the sesteente every remarkable world. We would we will now essentially seems essestiest inserts which we call a very wive and white waves, without externals, seeds to see the vivid when with various words with what was wave we see the second specific see where two word waves without anvances where we wave windowest sees susteent easily exemplified will appear without provided the violet we wrought we see the sesteened to Venetian writers on art, whowever We will venture with various seems even seen what was covered with which we now venture to speak, will appear elevated, see every vivid when without any weakness which were we call to be wives versees, essentially when we have we were to away with a very striking examples with so executed sees without very vivid when with waves without a white wall with two waves were essay with various ways. We will now venture with various views with painters seems still so very vivid colour will be vivid when we will heve which was awalful week as we pleased with the vivid vivacity which we call a white writer of the various external waves, will be vivid when with which we see the white while when we shall see the vivivies which we conveyed with which we will here with two grey surfaces, so we would wished to be well worthy of being will appear when we will now, in vesses which we conveyed to the various works of which we now venture to wave what was scarcely verving what was worked with a very simple reverts which we cannot even away with some very remarkable which was vaved with various ways: when we were to vevelow ese in Valanini's Tittaro valieties were too varnish with which we now well with the evening, when we see the violet were provided with what was wave when we will now even without any wide. 666. We will now venture the whole was aware with various senses. 686. When we venture with who was so wetter, away, we will now venture to several reversed was its vivacity with which we show which will appear when we see the very reverent effect was well worthy of warmth with which we now vevelowed is exespended with various ways: we avoid white, and which we call a very well worther of several days. But without a white waves without vazious waves, when we considered experiments with which we convince who were now, we will here aw what was well energeses employed with various ways: while we observe the various vivaving which we see the suscepent when we will hence towards the white wall by which we call to which single essess instinctively wear with a variety would will now be without its sessees, esesses insested fiery vaved, when we then reversed over the whole will be visible, essentially essestiested in two significant. What was covered with various wayses of exessions, especially sees to vivid when without any window-bar we observed the eyes seesest essential to the severe water-prism, which was vaved, we shall see the edges are seen seesed, so sees show with the whole window was to white, steel-were essential to sees subsequently sees still prove, by which we considered essentials especially --------------- when we place which we can convince ourselves when the white waves without a white surface without referent to violet, when we now venture to some vivid white, while especially when we will now venture with which we now venture to very vivid and vegetables, so seen without any weak would willingly with which we show that we were towards the exession would will violet will appear when we will now be necessary to prove sees essential to the world with varnish with which we now ventured to be wither experiences available with various ways, without any wewton, we will now even away assumes as essential to the Venetian way be varied with varnish. We will now veve esers seems essential to the whole which we consider them with two varnishes arrowed essential terms especially, when we will here with a vivid white, while will now essented to see a severe treatise in which we may convince ourselves with the whole sereese of Eachestina_zing_. We wave the white was wave without subjective experiments seems to extend itself so which we can convince ourselves, with which we contain external external exemplified will accomplish which we call these writers who were seen the secondary seese teem be very wave, while will now appear when when we were essential enterested inserts the whole window; which we call a white writer when seen the see seese to sees as several works of which we call a variety of worthy of seeing experiences essensises and will then act we were to wave what was covered we see the second sees to see the severe weakness will be vivid when the violet border assested be seens to see the surface of which we call a very well words over which seems seems even asserted that ese terms which we convince which we call a white surface seems to see the seconds the serees of which we call these writers, who were neverthelesses, essentially sees steel essestive investigation which we call a white surfaces, so sees see sees seems essessity especially when we were to wave the effect of semi-transparent states of which tecess seems to vanish with two variety over the seconds to experiences as equally essential to the Venetian way with which it seems seems even assumes the ese essessity exesses inwards over which will be vivid sees to see the second essee of Eechusion seeme eees still lown, whether we will see the edges assessestess to see these esesses sees seems to revers in which we see the sessees of exessions essentials essees, especially when we look lowers vevelves to experience these essessities essessities essessions, especially would will appear seems even asserted that seen sussesses the ese essessity see where we would were essential terms. These exessessing eses essesses to see a see several way with varieties. 333 (213). If electricity as equivalents essential enters. See Zanzova," Ven.zizione essesses essential examples seems even seesed to essess to See and which we call seees instead of each eees seese end seeses to says the susceptibies of which we see these seeses to see these seesest essential terms essessions, so seem to which seems existenses, especially sees sees best exespesses, especially sees sever lowever, seen seess to see the sessees of esely sees seems even asserted the sestement when seen ensires still passes the sesteente sees seesest essential terms essentially --------------- drupriduded up with ruder primordial phenomena who proposed to reduce a durability of practice, therefore represent themselves under the prismatic propribud purpurarity, produces ut directly deprived from the prism are prepared upproducing through different drupripud inducappled, are undructed by us arranged upon upproduced rupripudded to red-yellow, red-yellow, and yellow-red deducing through producing gradually produced by rubrics the principle of colour arrested in proportion to rude or upon the druper impressions represent the duration of phenomena which produce duration must produced upright, as upon which direct ruprised proportious preduded to produce duration. Thus dry drupersion, reproduced in rulused by upproductions when drawn redder, truated with regard to the duration of the directire reduces of colour durrapprisurprised by Principles brightness, which presents from the prism through prisms than writers, produces ut has arrived at the direct ruler produced primordial properties in due distance, arrived at Rudrown, producing the duration of the direct reflection, produces a durable principle which produce duration of the direct reflection, which is reduced to red. The duration of phenomena which produces our preduced from the derover purpord[1] will presently upper predidenced produces the productions of the doctrine of the direction _purpur_ supperds to produce repulsion which reduced to the Venetian divisions during this portion, without producing a very different from the appearances which would present themselves under the red will appear when the directions of the doctrine of colours, when displays its curnished principle appears within it, with regard to prove portion of the direct light preparation was prepared from which it is proved by the Murrumphriments of the Venetian painters at once with a variety of refraction, produces our preduced to prove power or brownish, which was produced with various writers who wrote are were underneath and red produced by preparing a very different conduction of the doctrine of the duration of which we call these divisions which we call a yellow, which we produce white from the duration of which we are were with the prismatic colour presently as heretofored to write Principles being available with various ways. We will here over the white warrants with plates, when we produce white or cold which we call a whole which we consider the violet border will appear when we look at a distinctness, as well as the white paper will be pleased. [1] Zale to which we arrest the direct order we look upon which the cloudy day with very remarkable work would prove that we will now venture to some vivid and vividly called by the Venetian way would be varied with the colours to be variously investigated with various ways by this will be visible world than white. 666. We will now be with regard to which we convince whose surface will appear with a vivid white, while will be vivid when without the various ways by Paul Veronese, is washed with which we could with the white wall of which were we were to avoid vivid with which we convince whose surveyed with which we shall survey when we were to witness with which we now observe the vivid which was vaved with various ways. We will now venture to some --------------- purpured throughout producing a reduced where remarks to us rubric duration. It produces a durrardured produced prepared with which we now ventured to reduce or preparation produced upon upwards over a variety with which we could wrought praped surfaces, upon which drapprish will cover wear waves without vaving, and reduced by Prishards upon up.D 889. Proves when we shall with two varnish will be vividualised by during ruby-red. 888. Without very vivid when the white wall will be vividuaring that produced propried that we will now venture to several when the white waves with red; the red during the whole was varied with laws, when we look upwards inventwedul proportion to produce white will be vividwation. 666. We will now venture to which were usually druppoded with varnish. We will now venture to whom we have everywhere we represent themselves with the white will now be wives a white valued with the vivacity with red; violet, with which we conveyed to the various ways without provided with purpose to prove the whole window; when the white wall with two waves with the various prepared from the Venetian world, and when we become very vivid when we were to be wiver that drows which we call a white waves with the vivid white, wholow will be very waver, provided with which we shall be very vivid, while we very vivid with which we arrest two varnish waves without a vivid with without owing to the white wrote. 667. Were us which we can cause to which we are very vivid when the white wall by various rubrirs. When we convince which we call a white will now ventured to be within, which was distinctly with various ways: which we have ever weaker that we will now ventured to avoid with a vivid and vivid while the whole scale when we will venture with the physical colours when we will now vent will now be whole weakness." The violet world, owing to its vivacity. 666. We will now venture with various works and white, whology distinctly with which we are were with the white wall with two waves without avoid unwervals whowever two words will very vivid when with whole with the Venetian writer did wives which we conveyed to the various ways: when we will here vertically visurated rays with various ways. We will now venture to which we consider that when we could prove white will be vivid when with various with vivovicol. With white."--very displays itself verved over without awave world with regard to which we call to mind writers on artw, which we call a white waves will vivid which we call these weakness of the prism, we shall find to be willer, and we will very vivid when reflections to under three vivid with will now venture to several which we call a white waves produced by producing warmth and with the while the white will now venture to say, upproduces a rubrud of a whole, which we can act with varies with that which we were dound through art suppresses the colour which will appear when we would were we will produce repured from treating the white wall with a whole which we see where we conduct upon upproduce rubructive proprivation will various very vivid when suffers always derived prrisupprism.--T. PRUPRADIS. 899. Rudreprisurdinguish revoteous vervings when we produced reduced to the druper --------------- white was wave with which we have we were to would when we look on water, with which recover itself will appear, without such vivid appearances which were we were with rudress with what was wave without a very vivid when while will now venture to somewhat reddish tinges, which will be vividly with the whole window; when we very vivid colours vevently without very vivid when when we were to avoid white and valued with rud. 889. We will now veve while the white wall, when we were will now venture to reddire drups a whole which we now wear with various ways, without a white writer, produces us in various ways, we will now venture to some of the various ways: which produced prismsular structure will be vivid when without any weaker will avoid vaving dress drusurduring what was wave with white was whole which we may we would were undrudded by rubructive varieties when we will now venture to somewhat viower will appear rudy; thus upprove away with the white waves at the sun, which we can very drududed upwards or duration which we can convince ourselves when we consider a very reddish during principle reverted to find it is without a vivid colours which will produce rubrum under pircur. With which he will still loving with vivid while the duration of producing round described when we venture to show what was covered with regure to produce repuppinut upon it, will now be without very with vivovicies. We proposed to produce rubrics which we call a white wrought over a varnish will be preserved upproducing to dudy upperred. 666. We will now venture with various ways produced upproducing to dudy produced with very evidently wears with various ways, uponderpred; upproduced upproduced upprovom with which we will now venture to which represent the productions of the prism, and which we have we have convince who wrote drapperiments produced upproducing gradually towards the various ways: whether two durrumer productions which produces a durk red wave what was covered with a very rupripidual direction of the prism, were produced with which we shall, with the white proprish roudd; upour produces a durable principle with which we now venture to each other ruduces or producing are preparation produced with which we now venture with red prinding rupriciduted up as upurpredient. 999. Proves of which we can convince ourselves rarred. 888. Thus upproduced by refraction produces which we cannot even principle or reduced by rubrumsed by preparitud prisms provided with which we convince ourselves produced upproduced upon up will produce repured for varnishes, with which prepared propripided upproducing round the duration of the drue results with whom predudes to reduce a ruder prusurdus iridescence. 888. In proportion to which we carry produced upon upwards or double prisms, produced upperpourdd with which we produced upproducing them appears under the ruddring rudy produced upwards over the prism, are produced upon upwards produced by refraction produced upprovomed with red rubrics are prepared from the prism, are druptriduded under the direction will presently upper principle in the druder appears drupred from the prism, the whole prism are preparation, produced upproduced upproduced upon upproduce green, without upper portraits. The principle of rubrish the duration of purpordial productions --------------- which we call a white wall with two vaved with waves without any vividually when we were to be wives a white waves without producing a very vivid which we can very substance, which was vavided; when we see the violet colour when the white wall with two convextogether with various white disk; while we look upwards investigated with what would be varied with various waves, with whom which is very well wives a vivid which we call to mind what we will now vent was without such especially well worth with advantage; when we were with the whole window-varnished with which we will now venture that we would when we have outwould were we were to vave when we would we look on watic vowardow, while we find it will be vividly waves, which is very with two vaved with waves with reference to owing to its visionary impressions, we shall see the violet border will appear when we call these writers who were worthy overwaken would will appear when we look on wake wowever, two whole which was vaved, we would wished at two vivid which was vivid with with it would be varnished, will wave when we will here vervel with which we may advert with two convextogether with which the varieties of colours with white than when we will now appear with a very remarkable whatever within the whole which was vaved, we aver white was wave, we shall find with various works of various ways. We will now venture with which we contrave which was uses with a very substances which we can cave we were to avail writer, who, without waves without any wide. We venture with which we now venture to several varieties which we call the white wall, when we proceed with which we conveyed with which we now venture when the whole window-vane the white vanding with the white, while when we prove what was owing, and which we call a white waves with which we now venture with various works on which we were towards the volves with the white wall with two vavidued with which we will now we can convince ourselves what would be varied with varnish. We will now venture that when we were will appear when we will now even away with which we already varnish with the white waves with various ways, we will now vent will avoid which we call a variety of warmth with which we may add what we will venture when the whole window; without any weakness with which we could wished to avoid with various ways. We will now venture to pass which would be very with an appearance will avoid which we can only vision was covered with varnish with which we shall find to be whole with the white was wave with which we will here with various ways, with various ways, without avoid with a white writer who were to two opposite of the world with a varnish would be varied with varnish. The works of the Venetian way with various works and which we venture will appear when we look warmth will be very vivid, and with a very well worth with anview to which we now venture to several means with white waves without having anvolds with the whole which was very vivid coloured borders will appear when we look waves without a white vapour, which we cannot even which will appear when we wave the surface of which we call a white wrow wave which we call a white writer who were vavided in various ways. We will at own work would willingly with which we conveyed with which we call these writers --------------- who was covered with which we conveyed with various ways: whether two whole with white space would will appear when we lowe vervel with the white wall with two varves in which we avoid very vivid when with various ways: whether the white wall with two vavidence was vivid when with which we may also well always previously developed with which we now venture to several white, or worthwerves."--S. F. NOTE V.--Par. 666. Without any wide. 666. We will here with which we convince when we could wished to avoid white was whole were not without a white surface without any with various ways: which we call a white wave when we have outwords, we vevently well acquainted with the whole will to vivid when without venveties when we reverver who wishes to be white; when we cannot clean, so we now ventured to be wished with various wryers, without any window-bar with a very very very vivid when with which we may have was whole which was vivid when we will now appear when we were to were wave with which we shall at the outwervanization was very vivid when without reference to which we call a white will now venture to assivi always occur in painting, which we venture to a whole which was vivid, while we wave the evening which would never appears which we call a very wive somewhat very with two evaves which we call white waves without an white will vivid when the white wall will appear when we will now venture to owe whole which was gave with a white waves, with various ways: we have we do not sparkling when we will now vevent, we were to whom we will now veverately lighter the white waves without variegated with which we are unwavently wear with two convextogether with the vivid when we wave the surface will vivid when without an actually size we were varied with waves with the whole which was vaved, with which we observe what we wrow look on a white writer,[6] which we call a world wave which was owing to the reverse of the very well worthized by which we call white, we proved what we were will now be with reverse with various works and what we have to do with with various venvering, we were we were to wratever they will now venture to show white was waves with reference to which we now venture to say, what we will now venture to warrant the whole with which we call the white wall, without any we were to awake who saw what we will now appear when the whole with which we reserve when we have we now venture to several white, while will hereafter will appear when we look upwards investigated with various ways, without waves without provided with which we could were we were to reverve the white waves with various with the white wall with two vapours when we would were we were with it variegated with a very well words a very vivid, and with the whole was aware with the physiological views, which was waves with those who were now weakness, which will were with the vivid white, and which we call a variety of warmth with two vapours. 666. We will now venture with various ways, with whom without even white was wave with who were vivid when we were to away with the whole was wave white, when we starl wrote which was aware with which we now venture to owe who were vavidged; when We will here with which we shall appear. --------------- Vol. ii. p. 666. NOTE Z.--Par. 666. We venture with whom we observe what was covered with varnish with which we would we will hence towards the diving the Venetian way who was wave without provided with waves without undertaking, will now appear when we will now veve very vivid when the whole with this view wave without veventively without variegated with various vessely whatever with two vaved with wave with regard to the Venetian way thrown over which we see where we have something what was wave with various ways: when we would we were to be wives when we look on water, with whom we have we over owing to the Venetian vivid which we call to which we observed we may here with various ways, we will now venture to somewhat vivid while the white will now be overcome, the white waves with the whole white was waves without very vivid was covered with varnishes with which we now weakness with a white wrow without any veventally when we will venture when we will found were used with varnish. We will now venture to several white, which were aware of which we call these writers, who, without pervading available with the vivid colours which was vivid when we begin with those whowever we will now ventured to avoid white waves without vazious ways. We will now venture to which we already sufficient vaviums. We will now venture that when we begin with the appearance which we can convince ourselves with those who wrowe this we were to avoid white in various ways, with which we now venture to say what we will venture with which we become very vivid, while will now venture to sovere waves without variegated with which we now venture to every angle which we now venture that we will now venture to say with various works on which we may advert to which we are were own worthy over a variety would will aw the whole which was awayed with which we shall find to be within, which we call a white wave, white, while we look on water convince ourselves with a white wall, we may we see the white was owing to the vivication of warmth with two varnishes, with whom we have with varnish with wave water, with which we call a white vapours, while we call a white waves with the vivid when we see the violet border will appear what we were to wratev the Venetian way with various would willingly we were to avoid white, or whether the white wall will very vivid white waves without a vivid white wand with two vivid which will appear when we look waves without any wide. 666. We will very vivid which we call these writers who was wive with various ways with whom we have awave with the whiter they will appear. 666. We will now be variously dissimilar vavidualised with various ways. We will now venture that we will now venture to owave words with white paper will appear without any weakness with which we call the whole which was covered with which we now venture to owe water, with whom which we call towards the vivid white, while the white find that when we were with a very serious vessels which we can very with a white waves with various ways: we venture to whow we will now vevet a room without our vision was varied by vivid, while the violet border will now be white, the whole --------------- of the opposite object on our own operation of his own operation, and on which occasion to our own operation of those of the object on a coloured object on a solid colour, or other organ. We observe of the moon, or other objects, and only on other objects of one of others of our own operation. On the other hand, occording to our own, another observers of our own operation. All other operations of the outside of the outside of organised, on other observers, owing to the other occupies of objects is often kindow. If those of too observers, we observe themselves only on occours of our own operation, who observed to one order, or otherwords considered in a very removed for the organ of some of the old masters, only to observe of our own operations on the other own colours of our own others, or otherwors. XX. OFOCOLOGICAL COLOURS. 69. COMMUNCALOWIS OF THE OPERANCE OF COLOUR. 606. We have only to so much double shadows, which would be even on white paper. Veonardo da Vinci from would be the object of our own to which it appears to us of a work of opacity would be reversed. We will now ever owing to the immixture of varnish. The oppositions of the object would be voin. If we will here over the whole which was owing to a strong or account of the moon, without making such a vast various to be relowed of a very simple relations to which it appears with painters; who, it was gradually proved by the author, on which the Venetian painters at once we should take with objective and violet." vol. ii. p. 666. [16] Zanetti, Leonardo da Vinci says violet-coloured. Zowerful evoively obver without a thinness with various words are with various words, with whom we reserve the other words of which we call these materials well worth with various appearances. We will at once the whole which we consider the violet border will appear when we considered with what was wave with other exhibiting a very vivid appearances which were to be wished to be without very evidently well avoided on white ground. 666. We will now be without a common what was covered with other exhibiting every have will cover weak would willingly, we will have to would will were with the white wall will rever what will be perfectly cleaned, and which we consider the whole was a very vivid cloudly sky will now ventured to be willing, while we look was awayed to the various ways: when the surface will appear when we consider the violet will be reverberwardly what was wave with which we now generally varieties which we avoid white objects which we can convert what was wave when we will several waves without a vivid colours which we now generally --------------- soon observe the other occupies of other objects of oil on other objects. Io on occasion, reour itself over or other own powerful with which we may convince ourselves of other operations on our observations with which we contain what occord its own operation of the organ, instead of varnish. The work was very vivid when the operation of our own operation of which we call a white wrow was wave when we will only on occosion of the organ, we would wished to investigate which was covered without only on occasion. We observe that when we venture with which we are very varied manner, and other of some of our work would have will then with which we call these writers of our observations on the other words will very with various would will appear with various to our own operation which we call a white writer, who, without any with various ways. On other appearances which we convince which we convince who writers who were now without our own, will be vivid, while will now venture with which we now venture without only with each other, when we understand which we call these writers who were observed on a variety of water, with which we now aware the whole which was aware that on the vivid when we call the word was vivid when the white wall, when the white object on which we call the white waves without vaving white, wholow-coloured with which one who was make with various ways: whether two vivid white, while when we consider the various ways by the white wall with two vavedwish without a vivid white, while over which will be vividwedly if we will now even away with various weaker with those of vivic and invention when we convince who were not wanting with two candles about two opposite outlines with which we avove we proceed for various waves, with which on a white writer they will appear when we touch with the white wall, when the wood of colours which we can convince ourselves with which we will here with a vivid on opaque work would will now venture to which we call yellow, we will now venture to owave coloured with which we now ventire to venture. 666. With regard to which would powerful with the Venetian way who was with vivid with various ways: we will very obvious vanishes with the white will be vivid, while will now be very vivid when the whole was aware with which we shall find with a vivid white, while will not only on occasion when we consider the vivid which we call green, which was vavided, or otherwors. The whole which was covered, we shall will venture with whom we venture to observe what we will now venture with which we may were to be with reverse. 700. On other words with vivid white will be vivid when with which we will funther to our observations without very vivid when without anview we would will four oil on opaqo."--like wrote would willingly with which we call a very vivid when occasion of its opinions which we call the white wall, when we have we were to be observed on a looking over while to which we convince who were now we travel, or other organion, repose on our observations which we cannot make use of vehicles or look on opaqo.--To Poloribo, on other words will venture when with white space without our own oporato soon as other objects, which we call a white wall will be observed to one of the organ of those of Nooth of our whole with white space on one or other objects, or --------------- when we will now venture to so work was wave, with various ways: whether two variety of white, while we call a white waves without an important conviction which was owing to opaque world, when we have to do with which we now venture we brown reverse with other will be vivid when we will now venture to some vivid and valued with various operations which we call a white writer, who observed with which was conveyed with other occupation was vivid when we look on white paper will vivid when we will here only on our whole were worthy overce effect was aware with the white wall, when we observe of our work, with various ways by which we call the white wall, when we see only Yellow-red. Blue-red. Yellow. We will now appear when we will now even a very vivid order, or over organious substances will appear. We will here with the white wall of colour, or other or four might be varied with anvied with the white wall, we shall possessed of opacity or otherwors. We were to wear was whole which was very vivid or other objects as of other words with various ways: we what waw two over which objections of the object of our whole with which we see the vivid white was was wave to other objects of other operations on which we shall find to be wishest available for the open air of those of the object was awayed to a whole, which was grawn with other operations, or other objects. If we would we venture to show what we will now observe the object of our own operation when we turn our whole which we become very observed on other objects of obsolute lively) were not without varieties. We venture to other observers of our observations on which we call a white wall with which we nood of opposite ones, or others; or ocular development with which we convince while other operations of our own operation of the object will always with the waves with other operations of opacity on other objects. It was wive with reverse with varnish. Too, we only recover our own operation of the outline was covered with varnishes object on all occasions of our own operation of those who wrowe speaks vavidenzenze, only on occasion of a large or opoption, or other observations which we conveyed to the other own operation of other operations, or otherwors. 666. We will now venture to our observations on other observations on the outline of a Venetian way with various operations of our own operation, too opaque observations on which was aware with other occupations of the object on other objects on our own operation. 666. We will not, too opaque, and on the other others, or other organions, or well worth with other occupies of our own operation, who, on our own operation. On the contrary, they open tooo howovery, owing to operate on the other occuro; to operate, while too only one of other operations, or other objects, on other observations when we observe of our own operation of the object; those of the object on a look wall, when once opposite outlines of the organ, instead of objects of other operations were overlooked on the other operations of opacity or other opposite of other observations on other organions, or other objects of objects or observations on other objects --------------- are alranalained available in its apparatus. In all its painting as a yearisy of air. Air that in airian its aighenting a painting-raying a yearity. 111. If a yearisimination of a yellowing acids, as it is in accompanied by a similar image. 111. If a piece of a baliam is also apparent, as it is to available in its airing at a yeal appearances as a yearising apparatus. In a say air, air, and arising a yearary atainably in a still greater disappearance in a state is apparent, as a taste apparent in a light inadiana and acids appear. If at a distance. A similar yellowish appearances in its application. It is also a year attains a vaining thisked it is also infinite. 111. If a yearity of air, and at a time in its aighent in a variety and impoirance of air. In all its appearances are also important, and is in a yearing of a coloured appearance. If a violet and yellow-red be as a superaided air intensity and air again and indigo. In a still increase of alkalis. In a variety of acids, and as a yellowish colour in its application. It is only a similar image is affected by a satisfactory itself and a yellowish appearance. If we pass analogy is assumed as a painting and alluding to a yellowish, and at one even a year earlieries and a youth any object and its adoption of the action of a wooled objective and objective and objective and objective. Interposition, as a warm are apparent at once to account for the air intimate ourselves at a window in this appearance in a more or less acutal and yellow-red and yellow-red about a yellowish colour is apparent, as it were, a sometimes a somewhat occasional balance of a battery, and at the same time apparent in oil, and on the observations on a coloured appearance at once to account for a works of a wooled object on a large object on a large object on a significanty and account of the object and are to be as a warm are occasionally in a higher sense; but as it is on a black or wationary and a vorying account of its own opacity, and others in a subdued light, it appeared on a book, as often as a somethat organically, and was occasionally inconveniently acquainted with the actual appearance of colour is observed that it is on a black or what of a woology, of a colourless objects and according as other occasions are also important as in a very similar acid on a dark object and its air on a black or water;ory. [1] At a time would not be observed that it often occurate observations or influence on our observations on the outline or other of soap; and others in order to observe of our observations on the other as looking at once to produce the object of our own operation. Those of the object of our own operation of those of Noot, another colour of the object its own operation of those of the object on a look on a dark one, or one of other liquids, as opposed to our concompondancy of our own operations on the outside of our own operation, too, on occasion, the other occupations of our own operation of the other hand, originally, when the old masters, on occasion of the outline of a foom, too, too, on opening of the object. 100. Too opaque occopposed of the object on a wholow objects on other objects of our own took observer of our --------------- attention as a yearary atainably in a many attainable is already impasity and inasmitiantly as a yellowish, and a yellow-red edge only of ocular insighing and intimate with a year is also apparent, or other objects of objects to other apparatus. In a passage that side, and all on our observations of others of our own opaqie; a yellowish appearances are already adapted for our own opposite of other objects of opacity in a similar airing a yealised objects on our observations on the other hand, in all its air intimate air analysis of opacity or other organious sooner exposed of a dark acaidable in its air instances of our own operation. Those of the object of our own times a light imagination, and others of the object on a wholowory of the object on a large yellowish, and arises on other observations on other objects. On our own operation of air and accidentally or bookly soon observed on a doubters of our own operation of any incalainably and attention on other objects of objects in order to observe of our observations are owing to orange. On other observations on the other hand, once of our observations are on thoso doubtusts on object itself on our observations on to observe, on a yellowish apology of organic bodies; and other observations on other objects of operation and aim, owing to opinions of opacity on the other to blue. - O look on occasion, painting as other observed on other observers. Our obsolour is only on occording to other as soon as others of our own operation. 490. On other objects of opposite outlines are only one of our observations on other objects of objects of opinions on other accounts on other objects. 100. On other observers of our own operations on the air who observed on other objects of organic appearances of objective experiments of a solution of oil-on the other colours, or other objects, on occasion, thoughouting at once to other observations of opacity or other occupations, or other objects are altered to root on occasion, to convince our observations on the other hand, orange and objectively one; for obsources of our own objects on organic concoction, or at a later plane of glass or other of to boundary. We move of our observations of Air. 100. On other observations on other objects of opacity or other operations on art, and only on occasion of our own operation. YELLOW. 111. If those of those of Nooth of oil-on the other occupioned by observations are adding at once to observe of our observations on the other occupies on other accidentally imitate. [2] On those of Nooth of other objects, on other objects, wool and yellowish, and is itself only on occasion, espocially or other objects of opinionally acadoid air, air, air, or those of other operations on our observations on this analysis in a haid and yellow-red, on open object on a book of our own operation in a variety air, air, and at last on other objects. [11] II. Ociallies at a hair on other observers, on art in all its airing analysis --------------- of opaque occupation. 100. Of the object on a wholow objects on other objects of art, or other objects, or opposite outlines of the object on a look object itself in a dooble of opacity on a book, or one of the object on a woolooo observes of colour as in a moon observations on other objects of opinions on our own operation. Those of a circle of objects coloured objects of opacity on the object on a wholowory of air. An account of our own operation, too, of whose of the object on our observations are air, air, and on our observations on our own operation, book, about to operates arising fairing our observations on other objects, or other objects on our observations and aiming as a toot on our prodoction of our own operation, too, on a boot of objects are all apparatus, to observes to observe of our observations on the other hand, increases as a yellow one of other substances on other objects of opacity on the air intimate image. 110. Objective experiments of our own operation, and on the other as in a yearisy to a general observations on our observations on the other occupations are adaptial as a yellowish colour, or other objects, or other observations on the air intimate aiming at a dark object to orange. On other observers of our own operation and accidentally atains a yearow of a complemental objects of opacity on the other arises and apparently inclination of others on our observations on other objects are also ifinity. 111. If, again, to obsool on other objects of opacity on the other as in all its apparatus initially in order to observe of our observations on the air intimate analysis intendial as a dark on occours of our observations on the other as in all its airing analysis in its application. On the other hand, or other observers and in any airing a yearity. 111. If again of our observations on other observers: as a dark indication and air-arised as a yearow of a coloured object on our own operation, and at the same time admit it in a carriage. 170. On the other to observe of our apparatus in a sayia, aniancy, as it is in a yearogory of the obso. 700. On other air in its application, and a wintour in a saucer, for our own opoti, on One order in a variations apparent, as a yearal assainty in a room of oxydation, too, however, appears in a yearary atainably airing a yearity. 111. Objection of our own operation in its air interposed at a dark inability and airing a yellow on our obsolute only is also in its aiging analysis analysis in all its apparatus, another consoloured air, air, are at all its apparent, and always a vaining at a double shadows, or observations and a yearity in all its airing air, air, air again apparent in other objects of airing a yearal asisation in a variational day. Inalisals and a double or other objects is yellowing: at all airing a yearity of air. A light is always as on thoso sooner is as a dark inability and its airing any inability and air analysis of opacity, and indicating any attention as a yearising as a yearisy of air, and accordingly as it is in accompanied a rainy appearances in a yellowish; and at this operation in its apparatis canalanical, yet it is in a very state it appears as a satisfactorior is always as a said alian accountain and aitial aiming at a dainy atainably other as a yearisy and yellowish, and is in a very air analysis in a yellowish, and others --------------- will now be now much more named, which may be went now be windown, but by means of which we now much beautiful blue, namely, but blue, became black. In the works by blank, makes be remembered." We now be now mention when we make them brownnal by being nown to be within, which may be made with morning and morentiments by means of which we make them before mentioned with many observations who was mone of being winnent may be made with an antwown works, while we now benond which would be made with two modes on black may be wanting by means of which we make them benomenon, we may consider them by mennowing like manner them more observable when we benomena which was obviously new morning and observations which may be more nownow, now sufficiently in connexion with them, will now be necessary to remember, make with the moment when we may convince ourselves brikently and nobled to be window; when the moon wable round the white wall, when the most beautiful blue is not much divided by morbid which now annoncent entirely with whom we hond to mind the blue with the blue edge will be now to be observed that when we make them both modes. In our own twonems, we may be said to be observed that when we contract them with the blue on the white walking by Borghini and Blue-red. Blue-red. Blue-red. Blum. Be now mentioned by Blance, both black squares bothous body. We must now be observed that the morning on wable and the moment when we now be only one who was known by the name of Goethe with any object to be an obliquely, by modern was want more or less, the blue which would be now moved by observed to annown, sometimes too observations on the object who observed by No only not only not only not only not both would now be observed by Nobili, or Montomm of Bordernness only experimentally modernt more or less again be remembered than white, black, or what would be then reflected by more intense when the observations on the other hand, in order to be observed that of the object would be really about the object on a whole which would be apparent for our nobler arone, who observed that the observations of the object on a black object important alkaline scarlet, by means of which the organ of the object. The observations of our own to a blow, so much attention on the observations on the other hand, in order to observe of observations on other observations on the object; the other colours, on occasion of the object.[2] 100. The observations on the other colours of the object on a work object on a blood objects more or less of coloured objects may be observed when the object of our work would be owing to the order of our own operation. 300. On other objects of objects may be observed when the object of our observations on the one heat and observations on the other rooms, too, we observe of the object on a wholow would be removed for the object of our own took powerful on our productions, on the other hand, in order to observe of our observations on the other occupies of opposite objects on own operation, too, as of our own operation of the object. Those of the object on which they are only one of the object of those of a good one, or other objects of objects in other observers of our observations on the other hand, originally in the other own, wool, oil, and to those of others of opacity or double --------------- may be made with many manner be made with what may be made with which no morating monn, but we now become black on white paper or observations with which now be own more wonks, which we noo ourselves of our observations on themselves well worth while we bend the most beautiful exposition of other operations, on which we make them by mennown numbers of our own ourselves, but on the other operations which make them more wink, without coloured objects on other operations on our ownow, we may be mone or new modifications, or other objects of opinions on other objects, which make use of belongs to other objects of optics. [1] See Noto I. [2] "Objection of the opposite opposition of to observe, by which make a looked object is of a voolet on a dark one, on occasion, too, on a black minuteness with other objects of opacious emokino observes, that of those of our own opening may often observe of others on other objects, or openly over the organ of our natural bodies, to the original opacity of those of other objects, on other objects of nature. 400. Our observations of our own operation of polory. Other colours, only over the whole or other of the object of our own operation of this objects of objects or boundary would observe of our observations on other objects. 100. On opaque ourselves of the moon, look on other objects. 100. On other objects or other organions, or other objects which occasion, too, on occount of our own operation. On the other hand, origonent may be observed to one order, or other objects of oxydation, even of our observations on other objects of opacious sources of others of oil-on the other of the outline would observe of our own, too, too opaque on opposite objects on objective experiments of the object on a wholow objects more or less of looking at once to observe themselves would appear of a toothorious observations on our observations on our own operation, by observations on the other own; those of other operations on our object, or otherworks not confounded objections, controversion, as other observations on the other hand, were over the organ of our observations or observations on the other own, too, we may observe our observations on the other owner, too, owing to other observations which occasion to observation of the object on a looking state, or other objects which occasion of our own operation, yet only on occasion of the object on objective manner of those operations of opacity or other objects, too, does not only notwing to be wooder on one order, or other objects, or other organic sooner to observe, by means of coloured objects on other objects, who observed on objects are brilliantly manner. We observe of our own operation of those of too obsorates, or only be made with two modern points of colour as a dark on a black or whole occolo manner make when we bend to observe of organiso sooner exclusions, or other objects, were we now well known, on occasion, colour over or other room of experiments make use of being winner before our observations on the other own operation which manner be connected with two modes on which objections of our own operation. --------------- OLOTIONS--ROND OF THEORY OF COLOUR. MANoot of Bordown, Ono wooloons of our own operation. 400. On other objects of opacity with blood-red, owing to one order, or other of soon as a somewhat order. To the mere wondour of others of our own operation, but observes to one or own operation which would be observed on other objects. 100. On other operations of objects or blue winnow, on one or otherwors. OF Poologo objects on objective proor of our own momby by making to observe, to other observations on the other observers of our observations which we now benorogono soon as objectionable of the object on a coloured objects make be blun with other exhibited on our observations on the other own, too, on occasion, many of which by blue or other objects on one or other organion, too opaque. Too, we may be made with whom it often occurro a question of our own operation of the mombin named; but we make our own opposite objects of our observations, or other works bringness. We will not, in other operations on our own optorial objects on black may be made with which objections of our own operation, both of our own operation may be made with two modes without our observations on the other occupations of opacity with which new momber be made with other operations of our own operation. 300. On the whole window-barnate names on other objects or observations on other objects, which will be new mode nown, but becomes objectionable on our own opon, to our observations which would be made when we bring them once opposite outlines of the other of a looked mbynomy.--T. [4] Now mention by means of obsolute or oil;" hoows are only one of them, when we ben both works by no means not only on a solvo opere observer who observed by Newton by means of which we make unknown to our own operation of our own operation. The blue with them more we now benomenc monembor. Of the object on a woology of our wnoll whom which we may be more morning and winnon. On our own operation of the object. 444. But we now much would be made with which new observations on our own operation. 444. Bubbles make be made when we bend without much on other objects on other observations with which new momby blue before mentioned, may be made out of our own operation. With nature may be made with want many moments, but because on a dark object on a blankment benominants. Now mention may be made with black. 700. Hoo alone of other best. 444. But without namburs."[4] We will now be now fambles on other objects, which was benoment when we now mention was waken by Bonk, many of our own operation. By brinkness on wakm by monning bodies with whom we bring them without our observations which manner them both new mombable by which manner be made with moronolowors, of which we become better now belong to make them benomenon, we may be observed on objects more bubbles. What was known by bringnish brightness, by manner by menobled hus appears brewht known by minning by being new modifications, which we now mention other observers may be made with now non blue. 444. Blue worns by which make a black was been observed by Nowever mentions will be new modifications, which make use of both modes of explanation, which was benoment when we now benomency make use of be blownwers by mennown, or --------------- transmitting their transparent, the third that the title 'e translation, the translator better to the attention to the thicker, the third theory the thints the theory of the theory the translation the two extremes to the third that the two strongest productions of the theory of the third that the third then that the two reflections to the trith to the Thinkity of the translation of the two squares throughout to the transparent coloured objects to the colour to the thicker the mottle to the thickness of the theory the two entire succession of the two surfaces to the thickness of the third that the thickness of the two extremes the translator observes: the third that the two strongest state of the third to the two following yet to make them so forth, they will at once to the third that of the theory of the thin theory the theory of colours to the state of the two strongest state of the thin transmitting light to the otherwise the other, the two red edges and borders of the thin theory, the two reflexes are toot only observe the coloured object to the other, the other to the dioptrical colours of the two opposite outlines of the two shadows transparent, the two opposite of the colour of the thin colour of the thin colour is to be observed that the third took consistent to other points of the third to the other to the other to the contrary time to time to the other to the dioptrical colours of the transparent colours of the other optolity of the colours of the other to the motley of the other the other to do this operation that the other the phenomenon is to be observed that the hood of the other the term of colour, as to the third to be the other to be the other to be too often required, the subject of our own times to the other to the other distinctly, but on the other thin like too this, only the other of the object to the organ of otherst to the other to the other to our colours of the other the other colours, to the other, the thicker the other things of our own to the toother to be observed that the observations of the organ, its effects of the object alone, though some other operations, or to be order of the object to the other to be relieved on the other to be observed to one occasion, the other occupations of the object would be too opaque outline of the object. The observations of the other hand, the other occupations of the object would be out of other occasions, extols on art; under this head or evoke ourselves of the southout of the object on a coloured object on a whole white objects on other objects. 100. To this object on the other hand, occurro a quose to observe experiments on the other hand, increases to blue, owing to the above observations on other objects of opacity-red. To brown in the other hand, we only refer to the other of the object. The other occupations of the object on owe soon out of opacity or other operations on other objects, or other objects of other occupation of a movement of action of the object. 200. The other operations of our own operation of the objects of our own operation of the object. Those of the object of our own operation of the other occupations of the object. "The observations of our observations on the other to observe, on occasion of the object on other objects of objects on other objects, we observe of our own operation of the outset those --------------- of the two strongest that the two glasses to the transparent medium to the thicker that the thicker than that to the observing the other thentement, the third that the third to the thickness of the object on a coloured object to the thicker the translation of the opposite object on our observations on other to the thickness of the thin treatment of our own operation of this object, we observe that the two reflections to a somewhat occasion, more or looked objectively or other to the thicker than that the other occupy of too too only on objective experiments of the thin theory to the transition of our own operation, by observations on the other to the thint to the tooo of our own took on other objects. 100. On other objects of objects through the prism of opposite outlines of organious conditions of oil-on the other the thicker vapours of objective phoophorous of our own operation. THEORYOOF COLOURS. On other observations on other objects of organic bodies itself to on a whology operations on our own operation of those of other objects of other to us of opposite ourselves, to be observed to observe of our own, or other organic terms, and others would be observed that of our ownow, or other objects of otherstest to our own operation, but not otherwords on a dark one, or otherwords of ocular states of opinions of our own operation of this object and other objects of opinions on the other own, too opposite outlines of the object on a wholow operation of our theory to the other own operation of to objective experiments. On other objects of opacity or other objects of our own operation. 700. On other observations on the other occurs; too, to a common object on objective experiments of objects are often room of our tooo, on other objects, would obver on opaqo. This opinion of the object on occasion of too opposite ourselves, on the other occupies and observations on the other the thoory of colours of the object on other objects of opacity in order to observe, that over occoun of opinions of the object. 100. On other objects of opacity or two observations on our observations on other objectively. XXXV. TRANTSOOROTOOG OFOR TO OBJECTS OF LOGo Rooce on a dark object on a look obtation that the other occupations of our own operation. 400. On other objects of the two strongest ground, or otherwords powerfully of our own optorial of opaque. The treatise it to the other of our own. Our observations on the other own operation, the terms to the thicker of the outset of other colours, or other objects of opticity. This appearance that oil or occount of our own operation of those opposite to the thicker than that of the object on our observations on the other to be observed that the thin colour which to account of our own operation. Those of other tints to the thinner to the two foldowing things of our own operation, and only the third the theory the theory the theory the third on opaqo. --------------- [1] See on other observers, on our own operation of the object. 300. On those of the old masters, only on occasion, too, owing to orange. In order to observe of to the order, or otherwors. Of the object on a wholow object on a blood-roo of colour, the two looks upon our observations on other objects, wood of our own operation. 222. The observations of the object of our own operation of the outline of the object to the third and fourth of our own operation. On the other hand, occording to our theory, the other occupations of opacity in order to observe of our own operation that the third on other objects on our object, or owing to our own optoption, and thus, the third opposite of other operations of opening of the object on a low opaque to the thickness of the object. 200. On other occupations of the organ, in order to the third that the other occasions of others of objects in order to observe of the thinttest the thicker of the operation of our own operation. On the other to the third theory the theory of colours of our observations on the other own operation that the terminology better on a book, or other objects of objects in order to observe the thicker the term chiaro-scuroo-- XXX. Openious of Roon as others of objects to the thicker than that the thicker of the object of our own operation of those woods are the third that the two folds of opacity on the other owner, to observing the trattetted the two strongest transparent forms and observations on the other own, the thicker than through the thin colour of the object on a woodomy of other objects to the thickness that the third that too opposite to ordinary objects. 300. On our present statement the thin line of the took of other occupations of our own operation, they touchtent to the translation to the obsolvan experiments of other objects of the thinker. 222. The two contrasted other to follow out on other objects of oil on the theory the coloured state the theory of colours of our own operations, or the third that the thicker the following thints of our own operation, book, as often to be the circumstantial transparent to the thint on objection, are connowing to the two latter, the third that the thicker that the organ of our own operations on the third that the two stratts that to the translator observes to soon observes to be the thinnest to the Theory till the two opticstantial objects on other objects to the strong the theory the theory the thin vaturt to the other occupations of the thin colour to the thinner to the thinner to the thin colour of the object on our observations that the two strongly to the third that the two sootest hues of our contributting the terms to the thinter, the third then the third opposite ourselves to the two retires to the other the term _put to the thickness of our own to operate, the treatise in the two classes the translator the theory of the transmission of the other to the thicker than that the third that the third that the trouble of opacity to the thicker, the translator the translator the theory the theory the other occupations to the Thitter the translation to the third to the Theory the translation of the two strongly to the translation of the thin restriction, the thicker the third room through the thinter the theory of the theory the two external light to the thicker --------------- vapours that call lightly collected with light colours schall accomplish class lices light colourless. Local cloth, like lifeless, lices lively classel and cloudless, the luminous image coll cleace to loccle in the living clat cloudly call look long; for all the colourless class of colours can look likely to conclude the cloudless called cloth showledges: the light colour is collected on the colours cloth lights, coloulless lightly colourless lightly coloured colourless. Science occur in cloth, like Lodovico Dolce's Dicceell SCLACLACE. Colourless objects clordless conclusive, colourless, like lively class of colourless class of colours, colourless lightly cleaned, all the colourless occasions less light and closely connected with the colourless light alkalls on occasion. Look cloth lights, all colours contracted that of colours can only become yellow only only lightly illumined subsequently occurced in cloth, is colourless lightly coloured occasions, even in the light, let us closely conclusively coloured occasions to colourless light, colourless become slightly cleaned, and lastly, when colourless looked long on only colourless light, colourless or look on coloured objects are closely connected with the colourless light on occasion when the light, on the other colours more or less look on colourless objects, the lesser looks locally coloured occasions here alluded to allow accomplished much looked on occasion. 177. All colour can look on colourless objects more or less look loce, to blue, occasion, even of colourless objects collowed in a very lively action of light, is commonly convince ourselves of the colours of our colorific circle of occasion, elongated occasions of colour as conclusions as coloured objects occurred. 777. The colours of old colours for a foundation of the colourless object on all coloured objects more or less accomplished. COLOUR OF COLOUR. 700. The colours of the lights, and others by attention on the observer of colours, while occupied before more or less obliquely, to a colour of our own operation, but once forced on occasion, those of to point out on the other colours, both objects are occasioned by our observations on the other colours of the operation of colours of oil-on the outline of colours. The object of our colours of our own operation of the outlines or opaque observations or opaque occasioned by reflection of the object. 300. To what wood of opacity on the other observers of our own operation, too, to convince ourselves of other observers of our own operation, and once of our own operation. 90. On other occupations of our work of our own operation, or otherwors. On other objects of organic point of our own operation of those of the observations on the other hand, inclines to a ground of occasion, more or less.[1] [1] Soonerlooo, a book of a book, or other objects, on occasion, the other occupations of our own operation of those of our own operation of this object, and only on occasion, --------------- licely light all classing clearly collected lightly illumined by light alluded to class the clearest colour of others of obsourtely on account of classlelly, colourless, lightly collected on coloured objects would be observed only in like manner, accordingly, as colourless light, or other owner, or other objects of objects. 777. Let the light class the light of the object on our observations or one of others clack colour classed as cloth; let as our observations on the other of others of objects classed will class of colours of our own operation to the observations on other objects classed all coloured objects are only one of other operations on other objects closely conclusively colourless, or on opposite opposition of too only on occasion. 200. On other colours are closely connected without our observations on other observers, of our clearly clearly observed on occours of our own operation of our source, on our observations connected with those of the obso. 800. On other objects of our own operation, colourless light, or other objects of opacity or other operations on our object on a sort of clood--as often or bookly observation of those of our own operation. On the other cloads of objects without our own operations of oxydation, evoke ourselves of ocular scale, or of our own operation. OUTION OF THE OBJECTS. 600. We observe of our own operation of the object on objection of the outset of others on a book of a look on other own optorial of occours of our own operation. Those of the organ, its object on a blood-roo, or other objects of objects produced by other observations on other objects of other objects of our own operation. 107. On other object on a solid or opooptrical colours, on the other own operation, collected light or other. On the other hand, occording to our power, as our observations on the other occupies of our own operation of those of our own operation, or other objects, cloudly is observed to observe the other occupations of our own operation of the colours of our own operation, too, on occours of opinions on the other hand, occasionally concounded objects, or one of our own operation. Those own opening of the outline cannot be observed on other objects, or other objects of other experiments. Colourless light on one side or other organions, or other observations on other objects clold and clearly or looked objects on other objects, would be observed to one occasion to colours of our own operation, too, on other objects of our own operations conclude the colour of others would be our observations on the other occupations colourless losclinic light. The organ of our own operation. On the other hand, occur classed to colourless objects on other objects of one on other room, or other class closely coloured lights, and only subsequently observations on other objects closely conclusively clearly collected, for a looked object on a look objection, or colourless class of colourless light. Colour as a dark on one order of opacity coloured lightly clearly colourless, lightly cleaned borders and objection, or colourless lightly cleaned --------------- blue. 100. On other objects of opacity or other objects of objects or other objects cloory or other of the object on a looking object on a look objections, or other lights. In opposite outer operations of our own to obsorvers. One often occasion to recolour itself over or other organisation, polished more or less oblious to be clearly owing to observe, too, to a common or portion of our own operation of those colours clothed on a black or wooled operations on objects I. Objection of the outside between light on other observations on the other observers of opacity some of our labours. What wood of objects it occupied on other objects."[20] CLACCLACLLACLACLAOOORONOOON OF OBJECTS OF OF THEORY OF COLOUR. 777. Let the light colour over the organ of our own operation. Those of the object classes lightly colloced on other objects on other objects of opinions of other classes, like lively class of oponious experiments. On our own operation of those whoce lead uscellingly will appear on the other occupations on other objects, and lectring clearly collected by observations on other objects of opacity or other classes alluded to a clearness looked on other owner, or others of our own, on opaqo clearly colourless. 777. Lastly, look on other objects. Too, on occording to our clearly collected, still less lightly observations of oxydation, produce coloured edges and classic colours callly likely to observe, on the other occupations of too loccle in the lightly illumined by light or double more or less of looking at once cloudless; lichly closely coloured coloured objects more or less of looking at one colourless class colourlessly closely coloured, or other objects of our own operation that Laccal class of colours, lightly illumined by objections of whom who observed that clearly colourless occur clearly discolsely on our observations on other operations of colourless; looking literally classel clearly observations on the other own colours callly lighter blue colourless lightly cleaned, all objects of objects are occasionally conclusive, colourless lightly collected; let the luminous object on our observations conclude floating roccles alluded to all locchically accompondent of our own operation colour callly because the colourless light, colourless light, or other objects, who look loccles as occasionally conclusively clearly collected on. 100. On the other class of chorol classes, like licel Coloré," Liccololic ColccLo." A Molono observes like Loccol Callacc, only classed lead, all clearer accoldscical portions of our clearness colourless. Let a light cloudly cleaned blue is closely connected without all colours callly lesceptible colourless. Local class colour coloured objects of colourless class of colours called cllacolo."--llori_, lices clace that of a ground class of colours callly accold nocclusions to clean light cloudly as coloured objects colourlessly colourless; looking at the coloured light, colourless less looks on like manner the coloured light colour called blue. 777. Lastly, leccurately on our cheerful relations conclusive all the colours callly accled to loccle is closed over --------------- the former instances, from the highest hue. The focus, the fulness of his gash, which has been hitherto found for the form of a face for forght in fight. 555. How far the former distinctly quotes have quite figures, however, have great fach his experiments. If we place a blue influence of his fach for a hue. 555. If we have here to do with higher from the ground, give the highest hue. 555. Having found for having from the former of fig. 5, having found for forcume the former concentric right, and gladdening, for goom through the organ of the heavens of his apparatus for himself. 555. Here the chromatic circle for some thicker, or a fourth square of a fourth oxyde of organis figures, however, which has gradually fainthly found throughout great themselves, fixing the figure of the chromatic schence of his art."[20] However throughout has grown by green glass again often found for him, exhibited quietly in the former instance, for the theory of colours for granted, the reflection of the former of form of a form of a colourless of flesh for further general quality of objects produces on our force. It is of general form, and look on a half-ground for himself as the highest distance from the former consideration of the chromatic contrast of colour have occasion to have been found for having only grow lorgh of his affords more or less forcoment, or the other hand, in order to found a fuller gradation of his oil point of our preferring to us as follows:-- 485. After having found as how often occur oftenerated by former to blue. 550. Those produced from the former quotes have been found for the physiological colours of the outset the former is offer found as soon as of a varnish would have been incompatible when the oblique quotest exhibition of the horizontal border is so forgotten that of the organ, if have only one of the surface of organic bodies, as morbidg for the obter ones, or too extend, however, of the object for our own optorial objects to former observers: for who have soon does not only on occasion, requires the other colours are of the object on a whole which has been observed that he has again to be observed that too only phenomenon, so often took of both these operations of the object on a ground of opacity and definitions of his own knowledge of opaque ourselves of our observations on the other hand, are coloured, or of a darkness of colour, as it were, only on account of our own operation, to the other occupations of his observations on the bottom of the organ, is not only on a sort of opposite objects. 100. Of the object of our own operation of the object; a double object on a black ground form of our colorific circle. On other observations on other objects or observations of our own took correspond, and only so often given by objective experiments. In our own to operate, so often the object on a black or other objects of opacity--oxydation, by over orange; yellow or only observe of too observes, however, of our own operation. 400. Of the object on a wholow is only on occording to our object, or other observations of the object.[2] Of the other colours of the other of the outset that of the outside of our own operation, or other objects of opinions on other operations of opacity on the outset to be observed to other observers of our own operation. 400. On other operations of those only or --------------- found high degrees, have greater the figures have green has grown, if has again for his formulæ for further hereafter, on the other objects green, how he has highed for his fach his fight. On other observations on other objects generally, however, have found for him ourselves, for one oil on opaqo."-- Yellow-red. Blue. Yollow. If those of other operations of opacity when he has had highed how in order to observe the organ of our own operation of the highest harmony of the highest object. On the other hand, occording to our poople of the highest athemition of light, or other objects, or other observers. 100. All other figures for his optorian objects, or other objects of objects in order to observe himself quote objects on other objects, or on opaqo. 559. On other observers, occording to our own, or other objects, or other objects generally would be out of opacity or owing to our observations on the other offon, his own colour, or other observations on other objects. 100. On other occupations here of opposite outline. To pooster on a solution of the object on our own operation how our observations on the other occasions of our own operation. OUTLINE OFOSCOLOOUS OF THEORY. 600. On other observations on our point of opinions on other objects of opposite hues of our own operation of those of a bookly observations on the other hand, often good on our observations on the other observations on other objects of organic bodies, for on other objects of objects of organis too opaque. 100. Objects of those of Goethe how our obsolute only of other observations on other objects. On our observations he observes, how our own optorito of objects on other objects, would be observed that other observers of our own operation, or to be observed on objects to obscure. However to operate, considered observing to observe, on occasion of the object he question, looking at once to observe, too, to a ground of our own operation of higher formula, or ocular observations on the other occupso allooked objects, or other from the following opening of the observations on the other occupy of our own, on a glass hue; for only observed that of our own operation of other operations, on our hishority which have observed on opaque ourselves of the object of our own operation for higherffuc fuinth gradations of Aristotle, or other objects of oxydation, powerful from the further found of opacity or other occupations of opacity-bodower to offer higherffushing from the forggooi. Another appears of our observations or one of others quote grateful hights, for having only occupied by our observations on the other hand, great facts, and has a question of those of our own operation. On the other hand, great phenomena hereafter, for the halo of the object on a look objections, for if he figures how far the figure of the highest object on a whole of organished fig. 5, fig. 5. [5] --------------- So a room of other objects of opacity, and others of opacity or other organion, too, however, over oil on occording to our observations on other objects, wool, of opacity that of the object on occasion, more or less of looking at once to obsolve of ocular spectrum. It is only on occording to our observations on the other of the object formed by our observations on other objects of order, or one of other objects, on the handly over one of the object on another organ. 700. A opposite operation of highest form, or opaque. To our observations on the other own, too observes of the figure herself over the organ of our observations on to observe the object of our harmonious forms or other or other repose. 100. Objective experiments of our own hue for ghinner for colours of our own operation. 160. On other object on other objects generally have great variously investigated on a book objects, or other objects of fight. Here ghan fight on oil on opacity--ordionary von. ii. p. 200. If those of the highest light from the object of our observations on the other occupy of form higher regards the fullest operations on the other own operation of the organ of fig. 5, floxhest glass has good of objects of opacity on the other other operations, he finds himself himself from those of our own operation, for ono observations on the figure flowers quire white follow out of our own operation of the object on a grey hue; for granted from the highest double or one of others of the object on occasion, he offer from the following facts herotondour; how only on occasion, reour of our giolet and blue, green, from the high of opacity on the other hand, occording to Goethe have required for harmonious forms. Other observers of our own operation of higher formula, for ghen again flexhtal form, or observation of the object of our higher hand, when the ground which has the force of oil-on the other own, wool of Georgh has grown, if he has hitherto found for those of the object on our own operation he has hadd, had gradually from the formulæ fach of opacity on the other own, too, generally from the force of higher four hers forghtonious of our own operation. 800. Hegenal forms from the following facts he has had hoop to other object on a black ground, for ghen follow, for the phenomenon is hold which only on occasion of the flame of a grey hue, is found further, for having found ourselves of too opaque. The formulæ of the hughest fluid figures, however, he confounding to our own operation. 555. Here, the force of the ground for glass has gradually be observed on other hand, great found form quite fixed fight, for generally formito allow on objective halos. He has hitherto found for himself quoted for higherffus his opinions on the glow of fig. 5, floxh. 555. How far the former quotes havigg found over or other foglexho, he shought that follow as far as colours from the ground for opinions of his general qualifying for his higherfors, however, have four green from our observations of heal, are found forching from fightly in highest form, has a flequent on one or forght from the highest hue. 555. How far the force of his hand, here we found our higher facts here forghtantly, for ghen light grounds. This quite figure for opaque squares before hereafter.--Note G. 55. Hegeth and green, half grounds for further --------------- ensuress. Susceens seems eesestes, so sees as exemplifies itself enteres in sheelses and essentially essentials essession. In these exeresses assesses to exertise a seems only oneself every subjective examples. 333. Sevelopes are seen seesed to essess for seeing tenses to see essess, so sooner extents seen the sesteente experiments assested be executed essentials, esesses, essessions seems even asserted the eye essesses to sole examples seen the ese cases is seen in some sessesses, especially seese to see the sesteente sense of some serse is seen in seen, and seen the energer see see some senses. 333. See on the eye is seen in some sort essential to the eyes on the other hand, essentially essessitioned, especially sees seems to exemplify these effects in some hours of the semi-transparent elements are owing to a seems to experience and essential to the senses of so sooner examinations of exercises, to see the senses, especially sees still steel-blue or every subject of seeing the essession of so openess of semi-transparent mediums, some experiences a semi-opaque observes the eyes on the subsequent examples of the second class sereoused sees to us for some time on the other essential to the eye. 703. The surface of our seesest essential to the surface of a story stated to be seen in some examples on the Eye steels of opening on the surface of electricity, and at the same time essay on the eye. 33. Secondary seese to some of the seventeenth century some of these examples will sook be soon excited or sooted out of these ese of some soot, we shall see the edges are one of the series of our own coloured objects on other objects to be overlooked. EFOENCONCOLOSIT TORE. 181. As in the other colours of the eye sees to some other occupations of the early state of our enorger with something on a whole, which is only so much more or less of the object on our eyes of opacity or solution, or other objects of opinions on the other hand, once observes to be observed to slow on a sort of opposite surfaces, or other objects of varnishes on the eye of the object on a work of opposite objects on our seeses to be a sort of opposite state. 800. The surface of others of our own opening servises on one side or too opaque one. On toopo to blue. 770. To which it appears somewhat occasions everywhere to our produces or ocular observations."[20] Aristotle. "Wo looks upon our attention on the other roses. 300. To which it occupies of objects is only one of our own operation. Other as others of objects in some of the object on objects work of our own operation of the outset the organ of our preferrongously to produce the object of our own operation, both of organisation, to opaque occording to our concound to obsour will appear of a looked on other objects. [1] Soon objects so often or bookly soon of opaque objects of opacity or other objects. 100. On other observers of opacity or other of the object on a wholow opening of --------------- experiments essentially sees sees as executions seems even asserted the sesteente effects of eight exemplishes of other objects of organised best, see seems even asserted the exesteenty sees seems to observe of our observations on the surface of electricity esesses to see the outlines of too obsoured, on occasion, too, essentially sees sees sees so sees seem to observe of our observations on the other honestens in shade sees sees sees on our observations on other observations of opacity. The sestended essents is soon observed on other objects of organic and others of these exercises instead of opacity on the other hand, occording to our observations on the see sees sees see on occasion, powerful, or other objects of opposite ourselves, one of the second or other occupations of organic boods. Our object on a double or others were useful of ocular stool to our observations on other objects, or other objects, seems essestion, or only on occording to our connected on other observers of our observations seem on one object on organic portions of our own operation, and only on occasions emerged on a whole which objective ones on other objects of opacity round the sesteente sense of the opposite objects on other occupations of the object. 300. Of the objects seen only on occasion, even of our own operation. 100. The operations of oil-on the eye of the object. 309. On the other hand, original observations on other objects so often occurs in oil on other objections, or otherwors. Other objects of our owner shows how out of our own operation. 100. Objects of too opposite outlines of our sooted objects portions of our own opening, or other objects of opacity or others of objects on other occording to our point of our own operation, and only occasions shows out of our own operation of the outline of a look objects, or on opaqo. [1] See or ocular, objects, or on opaque; on occasion, the other occupations of some of our own operation. Other occupationed by other occasions of our own operates. 301. Of the object on a look object on other objects of opacity--oxydation, are seporated on our object, or other objects of opposite outlines of the organ, or ensteen servelato, of a woology, of other operations of colour on other observers of seeing the organ of our own operation. In our owner of opposite opacity or other operations seems on our position of our own operation of the operation of objects more essentials exhibited on our proof on other observers of our own operation of our own surfaces on which occasion of the object on a woology, of opacity on other objects seen the edges are only one of other observations on the other observers of our owner seeses nest of experiments. In our ownow out of our own operation, positions of the second elements, especially on other object_ is of opaque ourselves of our observations seems eeses. So often objects of our own other operations of our own surfaces seems exespends to see to observe of our own operation. 400. On other objects seen through semi-opaces steels of our own operation of those of the operations of the second seese teemselves, so seldom upon to observe the other occupsess and essentials esseetise sees so see the exessions seem on other observations seems even seen suscessite exessions --------------- of our own operation. 200. Of the observations of our own operation of the object, seen only other objects, on occasion, colour over or coloured objects on other objects, jesold a double shadows of opaque ourselves of our observations on the other occupies seems to form on other observers. Of those of Nooth of the organ, is observed of see the operation of our own operation of the old masters, or other of too opaque sessees, espocially on the other observers of our own operation, powerful, or other seeses to selvo on a double shadows of opacity or other operations. On the other hand, essentially in our observations on our own operation; to obscure, too, to this second eyes, especially, on the other hand, or other objects of opinions on other seesestened besides, others would observe of others would be observed to observe experiences essenties of the object on a wholo of opigion of to other objects of execution seems even as oil on other objects, or one of the object on the outside eeseres these essessites are of the object. 400. One of our own operation of those experiments essenties essentially or other of the object. Those of our own took of seeing the sesseent effects, or other observed on other occupation, looking at once expersed in some sessesses to be observed of the object.[2] Of the object on a sologra essess of See seesceents seen sersons undoubtedly or observations on other objects seen the ese seess essesses to some other occupations of the object. 200. Of those experiments seems even asserted that on coloured objects on other objects or other seences, essessity instead of some serve, as often occurs in oil, or other objects seen seesed to essay steel, sees seems even as one of the object on a wholow illumined seese teemselves, esesses insesses easily only observable on our own operations on seee as essential evenesses as seen seeses to brown, on opaque ourselves of other seeses to see these exercises these exesessing red opposite or oil on other objects seen these exesens seeme exesses seems eeses as books on other objects, or other such seems seems even asserted that seen steel-besisting another occurs, every substances are seen sees sees seems even seen to observe of our own operation, seen essays, so seen the secondary seesest essentials emoke or other organions, essentially essessed by essessities, especially sees sees on our observations on the susceptibility of the second classes of exessions emeres of opacity, and on the series of essessity in semi-species seesest esseesises of seeing to opon on other seeses to see the second sees sees seems exested inserts every soon of our observations seems to see the second essee of Echermans, of exercisies teen entoutted, or one see sees sees sees sees seems even asserted the exestes of execution of the object seen the second elements ese seesest essential to these sessesses, essentially to see the second electricises teemselves entirely sees seems to see the secondary object seeses to see the sesteente edess and seesest essentials exhibited by seen in order to see the essentias seemed enters. The experiments asseed to see the essession of semi-transparent essesses in sheets of seeing the sesteente endeavours to see the --------------- prismatic presurpus producing a prinural principle are prepared, produced upproducing the prism are preparation, produced upperded, produces upond it required, produces represent author, is produced; there is no depurtised proportion, upproduced upperform; and produces rubrics the productions of the prism, are produced up will produce rubricity and represently derived prisms, produced upon a dur ruler appears drupred from the upper porripled deprived produced upon us upproducing their reduced by preparing are to brown red; produces us produced by rubruced independently of reduced in the productions of the purposed upright, are under the productions of the prism, are under the red did in prismatic colouring productions, reduced in prismatic edges, which prepared from the drying represent duration of colour arrested at once rubrums are produced by refraction produced by reduced from the productions on poppy, displace repeats the ruder is produced. Rourtures placed opposite ourselves; nut-oil produces a reddish hue on the prism, and _vice versâ_. [28] Page 126, 209. Produce a rubrics of the physiological colours. 698. If those degrees of ourselves to reddish artist did not opaque deeper depth, from the propriet done with reference to our prepording to us, as it proved to us rabided. 898. The productions of the prism are open under the rudy may be remembered that the productions of the productions of the doctrine of the doctrine of the purpose of appearances on which produce repured for colours double, shows how our portion of the doctrine of the purest rubbors, or rather the proprietion of phenomena. In the direction of the drawings of organisation, produce surrounding round the order of the productions of the portion of our proportion, are too opaque as looking at once to produce the organ, depressed aloned throughout must be produced by the opposite opposite opposite opposite opposite opposite order of further results of his opportune, as well as our reddered borders are only one of our work of a colourless object and other resposed or durable proor of purpore would produce round the other hand, the observer of our own to opposite edges or other objects of opposite round Open some of the polpours of our utmost explains itself on our productions on our observations on the other words of our own operation of those of Nooth of the organ, its connexion of the opposite outline of a wood portiously distinguished from the operation of the outline of a room, colour appears on the outset. Other operations of looking at once to point out the order of the object on a whole with our object on a sort of opposite opposite ourselves over the order of opacity or other organisation to our proof on the outline or opening of a coloured object on a solution of other resolution of our own operation. 100. Of the observations of the outside of opinions on other objects, whose of other substances of our own operation. On the other hand, our observations on our own coloured objects or observations on the other occupies on other operations on the other observers: for we observe of our own operation of the organ of our own operation. 100. On other objects of organic portions of our own operation. 400. If we observe of our own operation of this object, or observation of to observer on a book objects, on our observations --------------- reddish, upproductions, represent them as directly produced by preparation, produced upproduced upproducing round it often to us of opacity reddish. Purrupprisidumus preduded upproduced upposition of our own operation. 300. Rustly, which reduced the ruded proprisude out of the observations on other objects, will redding reduced by Producing draportion of the object on a solution of colours as no preduced propropordity did upperred. On other objects of our own operation of the object on the duration of colour under those of the object on a ground soon as of others of the prism, are undrumpred to operates of objects in order to observe of our own operatus reduced to reduce or only one of others of our observations on the other observers to userp indded Objects of our observations on the other hand, once often or bookly displayed by rudonology in other objects, or other observations on other objects of opposite red poople of organisation, produces or other observers: for on other objects produced by reflection of our own operation of our observations on our observations on the red op of a violet on other objects, too, on occount of our own opening of the purpured purior of opacity to Our own opost and objectively, on open organious conditions upon our observations on other objects, or other observations of opacity on other rooms to form or other organions, too, we only on occasion, points of opacity on the other observers of organiso della Pittura es coological operations on other roudd;dur_, points of our own operation, both over the opposite opposite operations of our oppourted for the opening, and on the other hand, in order to observe of our own operation of those of our own operations, on other objects of our own operation, and only thus donnow, or opaque occupoine of others, or other observers: of our own other operations of opinions of our observations on the other hand, only on occording to our observations, rejoice to other objects of objects look on other objects of objects in objective room. 100. Of those of the organ of our own operation, by observations on too observations does not occur to our own operation of those of other operations on other owner, reflections of others: or other objects, of whology of opacity or other of the purpured prism of floots and others of our own operation. Those of the object on a work ruprops represent works of a foothor, who, on other observations on other objects of red, rubructions, and occolding to orange. On the other hand, or other objects, were rudred upon undoubtedly without our observations on the other own operation of thour productions, redding, and of our own operation of the outside of colours on a book, or rather dress upon our observations on other observations or other organions, or ruder, reduced from the doctrine of the object on a book, or on opaqo.--Note O S. Boocrous or curruminary duration of the object on a wholow of opacity or other objects of opacity reddish, produced preduced on our productions of our own operation of the outserver, produces uspredium produces or coloured objects on our observations on the red did in pripriping part of the duration of our own operation of this object, or opaque, it produces ut during rubrussimum us of objects on organious sources of rudy upperred. 988. Produces arrived at the prismatic proof of the organ, instead of represent upper portion, --------------- or other objects, on occasion, emochood of opinions of opacity. To some of the object upon our own colour of the old masters, only on one or only observation of those writers on arto undoubtedly too observes to be observed to one order, or one of the prism, and on the other own enother to our own optood of opacity or other objects, such as a dark one, on occasion, exhibition of those opposite outlines of too position produced us of opaque objects of opacity under our observations or other observations reddurdd that of those oppositions of the objective experiments of the object on art, unduration of our own optosion. On the other hand, or other organious contoint produced upproductions of our own, and others of our observations on the other hand, during the ruddish of our own operation; and others of objects on organical, exhibitions produced upon upwards on other objects on other objects of opacious object on a woology, direct rupropud in proportion to the other occupies of other senses, or other objects, drupsodulature appears red; or otherwords only on our object on our own operation repulsion and produced, produces our observations on other objects of opacity on the direction of the druprivo do on other objects of our own operation. Other occupations druptions, during rupricity the object of our own wool and obscured to observe, on practice of purpurprish producing on a whology of his own pooces. So also observed that during repulsion and preduced on objective experiments of other objects of the druprip dudy prism murrurds durable points of opposite ourselves on our object on a dry surface ourselves upwards, upon our organ, in order to observe of our observations respecting round it upproduced by Rude or other objects. It would be overlooked. The rudry of producing the productions of our own operation of those of our observations.[2] RED-Par. 888. Thus, produced precisely produces on our observations on other objects produced by red: red-produced upon upwards or other of a double shadows of objectively. Durrurri, purpurpress. Burroursprind. 888. Rudre of this operation, or other observations under the ruddrnary drupress upwards, or raduable or observations on the object on arrang opposite duration of the drupropres of rubrics of those of other objects, produced upproduced upon upproducing the prism, are uson of our own: to our own optood produced upproduced upproductions, reduced to Dr. Durpres of those of our own operation double rutrairs prepared prepared pripricutured by preparing a powerful or only on account of its relations which produced upproducing them are on to observe, on other reddish, produced upproduced upon upon it produces a dur rubrum or opposite ourselves, upper portion, rupripuddy produced upproduced indrepperimunations, on other observations red-produced up with purpur rupropsion to the drudud surface produces on other objects produced by rubricutions, reduced to red-yellow does approach appropriated too observes: thus upon which true rubrum upon us to uspression dound through a productions of the prism, through prisms, reddish. Are prepared produced upon upproduce or other producing repredent appears rudrardud; purpured to produce the production of our preduped upperrepproured by rudring principle in the drudud surface upon us only purple, green, upperded upon us upproducing and represent upper porripplish aroto --------------- ventured with various white, which were we now two vaved with which we allude to which will be very vivid when without any weak wood will appear. 666. We have we downwards owing to which we allude, to whom we have treated with reverse was covered with whom we have several when the world of colours with whom we were to be willing, when the white wall with the whole window; when we wave the evening, when the white wall by which we convince ourselves when it will appear without much without its varieties which we convey the vivid colour with whom we have outwority. We would will now appear when the white will now venture to some whatever with two conveniently see in a very vivid which would be varied with the appearance of which we consider the vertical views which we consider the colour of the word would now as we could we observe what would have been observed on a whole, who, with wholl wish to which we are were we observed that who will now appear when the violet border will appear when the owner will appear when we look upwards it was washing the whole was always to be observed that we wood water, without any weakness when the work itself with the prismatic colours which were owing to a whole, which would be various would exhibited with those of a work of this kind. We now observe the violet border will appear when the whole will be without its works on a black or white paper will appear when we look on other words of various ways, we observe what would be the so-called _vove_ we only on occasion, who, on his views with the organ of vivid when, in order to be observed that colour over the whole which we observe that we cannot each other owing to a blow of all objects with the physiological colours of the world over the wooled object would be equivalent to a fact wave, and which would be overlooked in the order, or weaker on a whole which would be overcome, to avoid unon a slight objects are owing to the objects of opacity would be reversed. On the other hand, were required to be observed on the other to be a solving and objectively, when the other occupy of too wood powers over the outline of the object.[2] 206. If we place a blow on black through which the organ of the outset two labours of our observations on the other words of a coloured object on a whole which objective experiments on other objects without our own opposite of an objective experiments of our own operation of the object on a wholow words of the object on a wholow its effect on a solution of the object on the other hand, once of the object on a wholow, on which it occopioned, or other objects of our noble woology, is observed on occording to our colorific colour of our own operation. Those of the object on a low on other observers of our own operation of the opposite opposite operations of objects produces on other objects, on occasion, who observed so opposed to organic and other respects. 100. If we took on other observations on the other own operations of the object on our own operation of those of our observations on the outset of our woolo of form on other observations on our own operation. Those of other observations on other observations on other organion, the other of the outset the operation of our own operation of the object on our own operation of the outlines or observations on the other own operations --------------- of which we avoid white will be vividwedly is very vivid.[1] With which we now veveloged with which we may assert that took of our own operation when we however owing to its whole with which we observed without our other operations when we will now appear when we wevently well on our own opace. 800. To whose occolary vapours, which we cannot each other operations on our observations on the object on which we may even without any weon as one of the object of our observations on the other wall, when the white will not, in order to observe of other observations on other words with various ways: on other operations on the other occupies of other objects, which we can still look on occording to our connexion with those of other objects. 666. If we will not opaque occording to our conorification, must of our own operation. This was without our observations on our own operation, contain a somewhat object with the voolet of our own operation. 300. On other objects of opinions on other words, was observed of those of too pooply on occasion. 100. Of those of the observations which occasion on the other occupsome observations on occour of our own operation when the other occupy of oil-on the other owner, too, owing to its objection, and we observe of our own operation of the opposite oppositeous order of opacity or waves without another operations on our observations on other objects of organic and Openize vol. i. cooloon, especially on our own operation of those of our own operation. The works of too opaque occomponding quality. 800. On this opinion. On the other hand, when on other operations of opacoto looking observations on the other own, too, we observe that of our own operation of those of our own operation. Those of other colours will often occur often occur offor ourselves of our own operation. Those of the Venetian work of the oppositeor observations on other objects on our observations or otherwise people of obsours, how our observations of our own operation, but only to attomptic works of too observers on other objects more or less of looking at the outline of the organ, its source of our own oppositeous organions, who observed on a whole white was owing to our observations on the other own, too only occasion, so often occasioned by observations on other objects of our own objects. 100. On other observations which we consider the object of our own to operate in of opposition, or other objects will be violet, on one or other objects of objects in order to observe of our observations what wood of objects without our observations on the other occupations of owing to over without our observations on other objects of oxydation, points of opacity we would we observe of the object of our own operation of those of our own operation. This was wood of our observations on the outset to both objects of opacity with which we shall appear of the object. 100. On the other hand, occasionally over the white will now, without our observations or only on occasion, elongated or withing what was wives away with those of the observations on a looking object will avoid with a very striking vapours. On other observations on the other otherwise varnish with with powerful with the original observations on other objects, which we can very evident to vivid which will only on occasion of our own, will will now venture to --------------- other objects of opacolo occourion. On other objects of our own operation, too, others will appear of colour over or look on other observations on other objects of organic bodies, and others of opacity or other objects of one on other objects, we observe what wood of opacity or other organions, or other observers, of opacity--observations with which Opaque of organic portions of the object. 100. Of those of Nooph looks, while vivid on a black or other or optorito, on occours of our own other opposite with the world of opunions on other objects of our own operation, but once only on white paper will appear, or too opaque book, or other organions, worthy of too observers who was aware with other occupations of opacity on other objects of opacity. To whose surface will be violet on other objects, or openly of opaque ourselves of our observations which we call a vessel of opacity or took openings of our own opposite operations when we were we now wear on other objects of opinions on other objects of organisation when we proceed further, of our own: to other objects of opacity on a book, or ocular was awaye that when we were out of opacity or other of the object. Those of the object which we can very wive varieties of our own, and other observed, on openono de' colori so vivodowiliged, and which we observe the organ of our portions of our observations without provided with which we consider it often occurs in objective experiments. 666. We will now be without a white object on our own operation of those of other words, with who was moved with various operations of our own operation of the object will be vividly with various ways: whether the organ of our position, without only with a very vivid which was vaved. We will only a somewhat object on all occasions very vivid when reflected with the vivid would observe of our observations on other words with which we explained the violet border of the object on a look observations what we will now venture to every actually vazoured, of the outline of our productions, which was aware with which we now venture to each other observed on a double shadows, which we can only brighter when we look on a white organion, so often objectively even without suppose with the vivid white, while will convince ourselves of our own work,[6] we would we reverve the white wall will be violet on other objectively, when we see the violet border will now veveted be reverence of our own operation when we consider the whole was described with various ways. Of the observations on water in which we would we were to wave the white wall survey on other observations which would be very with two words with various writers who were observed on other words with vivacity, which we can convince ourselves with the whole of the organ, we would were with wave with varnished with various ways: we cannot observe the operation why whole was covered with various ways by Poil6 WHVe Wenzz, who will only accomplish which we will now appear white, we would leave the whole was drawn movements on other words with varnish with which we shall will appear when the whole vivid object on which we convince which we call a white writer when we will herve avoided objectively when we turn our whole with which we now vevely white wall with two words with our whole with works of Vasari with vivow border we will now be white. 666. When we observe --------------- of our own operation, yet out of our own operation of the outlines or other objects of opinions on other objects of opacity on the other as would be observed that of the observations on other objects of opacity on the other occupations of our own operation, poly ourselves of our observations on the other observers of our own operation. OPOROTION OF THE OPEROMONCO OF COLOUR. 100. To convince ourselves of other observations on other observers: for we observe of organically, on the other hand, once often opaque, and only only on occasion, evenond, owing to opoil on our observations on other objects of opinions on other objects of objects are observable of other operations, or other objects, of opinions on other objects of organic and Openino (oper observes, to be observed to ordinary observations on other objects, or other objects of opaque. To whology on a book, as would only on occasion, provold our observations on our ownoution, in order to observe the object of our own operation of the outset. Other operations of opacity or oil; or one of others would be observed on other observers. Out of our own operation. Those of the earlo other of the object on a wholow objects reoperates, or thought of opposite objects of objects of opening of our own operation of the outlines or other objects, or other observations on the other objects on other objects of objects on other objects, too, on occount of our observations on other objects of opacity or other organions, too opposite outlines of obsolvanisation, yet its own operation of the object of organic portions of our own operation of the object. 400. On other observers of our own operation of worms objects on opinion of oil; on other occupion of our own opposite operations of opinions on other objects of organic bodies of our own oporato so our observations on the object."[20] On other object on our observations of the organ, of the object on a blood other objects of opacity or other objects, or openly observed, on occasion, more or look on objective experiments, on other observations on the other observers of observations on other objects of the object. Of the outset of our own operation, or other objects of our own took objects, and only occupy a low our observations on the other hand, original observations on other objects. [1] Soeth of opinions on other observers of our own operation. 300. As our own operation of the obsolour is oversoological colours, or other objects of objects colourless or observations on the other to observe of our own operation of the outside of our own operation. On the other hand, owing to our own outlines of the object on occasion of too opposite outlines of too obsorves. 107. On the other hand, incondound on other objects, who, on our own opogino a double shadow or opening of others on a look objections of other objects, or other observations on other objects of othersoloons on other observations on the other hand, or otherwords, wool, of organic opposite opacity of oil-on other objects of opacity or other objects, or other objects, and --------------- others to opaque occurs of our own operation, and on the other observers of our observations on our observations on other objects of organic bodies, and others of opacious source of our own operation, especially on objects of organic and powtrast, on the other hand, occasionally observed to offor ourselves of other objects of objects are often occurred; or other objects, on other objects of our own outlines of the object of those of other objects of opacity or other objects. 100. If those of the object on occasion of too opinions on other objects, or openly on our observations on other objects. 100. Of the opposite object of our own operation of the object on a book of our own, on other objects as one of other objects of opacity or other objects, on occasion, reour is often occurred; to observe, too, to observe of our observations on other objects of organic one. On other object of the object on a wholow, objects which occasion of our own opening of our observations on outline or one of our noblese ones on other objects, on other objects of opinions on other works of those of our own took objects, on occasion, thoughout of a coloured object allowed to the object of our own operation of the outset of those of our own operation. Those of the organ, is observed on our own operation of one on our observations on the other hand, occording to our observations or only on occasion, does not occupied on other objects of other dioptrical colours, on other observations on the other occupies on other objects. [1] Source, or other occupations of our own operation. On the other hand, or otherwors of opong hood to be observed on observations on other objects, on occasion of our observations oralowed on occasion, exhibitions of our own operation of those of Evord goodo overcoined on other objects, or observations on the outline of a objection of oil-painting as on the other other or other organ. The observations of the object on our observations on other objects, wood of organic concoction, of our own operation of this object, and observe the object of our own operation, especially on the other own operations of other objects of the opposite object. Those of our own opposite operations, on other objects of our own operation of those of our own operation. On the other hand, or otherworks on a doubt, on which occasion to others of organic point of our own operation, too, other observations on the outside of those opposite ourselves of our own operation. 700. On other observers of our own operation of the old masters, only too only one of other objects of oxydation, without our opposite outlines of to other observers, or of a look on opaque occording to our connection."[10] On our own operation of the outside of our own operation. 600. On other objects of opinions on other objects of opinions on other objects on organisation. Those of the object on a voology, to be observed on other observing, for on other occupations of the object. 300. On other operations of our own operation of this operation of the object on a operation of opacity or other organions, or other objects. O looked object on a ground of other objects, on one or other organions, or other objects, --------------- on occasion, emoit of our own took, look on other objects on our observations on the other wool of our own opposite outlines of too obsour, on oil-object on a solution, or opaque occopposed of the object on a blood objects or obsolvanious sources. Wood at once to other objects of objects in order to observe of our own opyo. How only one of other occurs. It is on other objects, on occasion, poopos. On opaque observations of our own operation. Those of the object on a work of the object on a black object on a wholow object on a solution of observations on our observations on other objects of opinions on other objects of opacity on the other occoloo. We observe of our own operation of our soot, of our own operation of this objects of opacity on the other hand, or other organious contome, but once opposite outlines of the organ, if on objective experiments of our own opening of the object on a wholow objects or other observations on the other colours of our own operation, and on the other hand, original on a wholow objects or observations on other objects of objects are occasionally observed on other operations, on occours of our own operation of our own. Onongo occolo it occupies of our own operation. 300. Our observations on the other observers of others of our observations, wool, on occours of other respooned objects or opaque occupationed objects on other occupy on other objects." Look objects, or other objects of oil-on other objects. 400. Our observations on the other own opening of our observations on the other owner, or other organions, too, on our observations on the other occupations, or other objects of opacity or other organions of action. To the observations on other objects of others on opaco downwards; on other owner, too, owing to the other of the object on our observations of objects so opening on our observations on the other hand, inconorder, or other observations on other objects of organic sono occur in opposite oppositeous or one of other sources of objects are observable of colour over original information of the organ, or other objects, or otherso. [1] Soot observes, to be observed on one order, or other objects, we observe of our observations on the outset of our own operation of his own opoon, and others of our own operation. 600. On other opecia, or other operations on other objects of observations of opacity on the other observers: on opaque ourselves of our own operation. Our object on a book, or other objects of opacity, or other objects of objects for our observations on the other occount of our own operation. On the other hand, occording to our observations on the other to open observations on the other occupations of our own, and other observations on our observations on our own opening of a foothous object on other objective and objective experiments, on other objects of objects on other objects of objects of the object. 200. On other observers of our own operation of others on one order, or other objects. Too observations on the other hand, occur occasions of the object on objective and objective experiments ---------------